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  • Exercise 2. Find the in the text the English equivalents for these words and word combinations. Translate them in a written form

  • Exercise 3. Complete these sentences

  • Exercise 4. Answer and the following questions. Sum up what you know about the political system of the Russian Federation. Write a summary.

  • English Tenses (Active Voice)

  • Ex. 2 Use either the Present Continuous or the Present Simple

  • Ex. 3 These are Jane’s notes for Monday.

  • Ex. 4 Insert the proper forms to express the future actions

  • Иностраный язык — копия. Grammar section read and translate the text in a written form. State system of the Russian Federation

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    Read and translate the text in a written form.

    State system of the Russian Federation

    The Russian Federation is set up by the Constitution of 1993. Under the Constitution Russia is a presidential republic. The federal government consists of three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. Each of them is checked and balanced by the President.

    The legislative power is vested in the Federal Assembly. It consists of two chambers. The Upper Chamber is the Council of Federation; the Lower Chamber is the State Duma.

    Each chamber is headed by the Speaker. The members of the Federal Assembly are elected by popular vote for a four year period.

    Legislature maybe initiated in either of the two Chambers. But to become a law a bill must be approved by both Chambers and signed by the President. The President may veto the bill.

    The President is commander in chief of the armed forces; he makes treaties, enforces laws, and appoints ministers to be approved by the Federal Assembly.

    The executive power belongs to the Government which is headed by the Prime Minister. The first action of the Prime Minister on appointment is to form the Cabinet.

    The judicial branch is represented by the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court, the Supreme Court of Arbitration, and the regional courts.

    The flag of Russia is a tricolor of three equal horizontal fields, white on the top, blue in the middle and red on the bottom. The national anthem of Russia is composed by Alexander Alexandrov. The hymn was adopted in late 2000 by President Vladimir Putin. A new State Emblem of the Russian Federation consists of a black two headed eagle crowned with two imperial crowns, over which the same third crown, enlarged. It is the most ancient symbol of Russia.

    All these symbols are official. They have been approved by the Federal Assembly.

    Государственная система Российской Федерации

    Российская Федерация учреждена Конституцией 1993 года. В соответствии с Конституцией Россия является президентской республикой. Федеральное правительство состоит из трех ветвей: законодательной, исполнительной и судебной. Каждая из них уравновешивается Президентом.

    Законодательная власть возложена на Федеральное Собрание. Оно состоит из двух палат. Верхняя палата – Совет Федерации; нижняя палата – Государственная Дума.

    Каждая палата возглавляется спикером. Члены Федерального Собрания избираются всеобщим голосованием на четырехлетний период.

    Законопроект может быть инициирован любой из двух палат. Но чтобы стать законом, законопроект должен быть одобрен обеими палатами и подписан Президентом. Президент может наложить вето на законопроект.

    Президент является Верховным Главнокомандующим вооруженных сил; он заключает договоры, проводит в жизнь законы, назначает министров с одобрения Федерального Собрания.

    Исполнительная власть принадлежит Правительству, возглавляемому Премьер-министром. Первое, что делает Премьер-министр по назначении – формирует Кабинет.

    Судебная власть представлена Конституционным судом, Верховным судом, Высшим Арбитражным судом и региональными судами.

    Флаг России – триколор из трех горизонтальных полос, белой вверху, синей в середине и красной внизу. Музыку к национальному гимну России написал Александр Александров. Гимн был принят в конце 2000 президентом Владимиром Путиным. Новый государственный герб Российской Федерации состоит из черного двухголового орла, увенчанного двумя императорскими коронами, над которыми находится третья, более крупная, корона. Это самый древний символ России.

    Все эти символы являются официальными. Они были одобрены Федеральным Собранием.

    Exercise 2.

    Find the in the text the English equivalents for these words and word combinations. Translate them in a written form:

    учредить согласно Конституции – to set up by the Constitution; президентская республика – presidential republic; законодательная, исполнительная, судебная власть – legislative, executive and judicial power; система сдержек и противовесов – checks and balances; возложить на – vest on; Федеральное собрание – Federal Assembly; Совет Федерации – the Council of Federation; Дума – Duma; избирать всеобщим голосованием – to elect by popular vote; одобрить / подписать закон – approve/sign a bill; наложить вето на законопроект – to veto a bill; Верховный Главнокомандующий – commander in chief; назначать министров – to appoint ministers; возглавлять правительство – to head the Government; Верховный суд – the Supreme Court; государственный / гимн / флаг / герб – state hymn/flag/emblem.

    Exercise 3.

    Complete these sentences:

    1. Under the Constitution Russia is a presidential republic.

    2. The federal government consists of three branches: legislative, executive and judicial.

    3. The legislative power is vested in the Federal Assembly.

    4. The Federal Assembly consists of two chambers.

    5. To become a law a bill must be approved by both Chambers and signed by the President.

    6. The executive power belongs to the Government.

    7. The judicial branch is represented by the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court, the Supreme Court of Arbitration, and the regional courts.

    8. State symbols of the Russian Federation are hymn, flag and emblem.

    Exercise 4.

    Answer and the following questions. Sum up what you know about the political system of the Russian Federation. Write a summary.

    1. What kind of political system does Russia have?

    Russia has a democratic political system.

    2. Is Russia is a presidential or parliamentary republic?

    Russia is a presidential republic.

    3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the both forms of government?

    In presidential republic it’s possible to make a quick necessary decision but there’s a danger of power misuse. In parliamentary republic power is divided between several or many equal persons but there’s no possibility to make a quick decisions.

    4. What is the highest legislative body of Russia? How is it elected?

    The highest legislative body of Russia is the Federal Assembly. Its lower chamber is elected by popular vote for four years.

    5. Who can initiate legislature?

    Legislature maybe initiated by Chambers of the Federal Assembly, by the President, by the Federal Government.

    6. What stages must a Bill pass to become a law?

    A bill is introduced to the State Duma. The State Duma adopts it and passes to the Council of Federation. The Council of Federation adopts the bill and refers it to the President. The President signs the bill and promulgates it.

    7. What are the President's responsibilities?

    The President is commander in chief of the armed forces; he makes treaties, enforces laws, and appoints ministers to be approved by the Federal Assembly.

    8. Who is the head of the executive power? Is the Government elected or appointed?

    The head of the executive power is the Prime Minister. The Government is appointed.

    9. Which courts is the judicial branch represented by?

    The judicial branch is represented by the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court, the Supreme Court of Arbitration, and the regional courts.

    10. What are the official symbols of the Russian Federation?

    The official symbols of the Russian Federation are hymn, flag and emblem.

    English Tenses (Active Voice)

    Ex. 1

    Combine two simple sentences into a complex one with the subordinate clause of time or condition:

    Model: First he’ll gain some experience as a house counsel. Then he’ll start his own practice (when).

    – He’ll start his own practice when he gains some experience.

    1. You must prove the guilt of the suspect. You will win the case. (if)

    If you prove the guilt of the suspect you will win the case.

    2. First you must spend two years as an articled clerk. Then you’ll become a solicitor. (after)

    After you spend two years as an articled clerk you’ll become a solicitor.

    3. The attorney will prepare the necessary documents. He’ll send the copy to the client. (as soon as)

    As soon as the attorney prepares the necessary documents he’ll send the copy to the client.

    4. “Sir, you do not know it to be good or bad. Only the judge can determine it”. (till)

    You do not know it to be good or bad till the judge determines it.

    5. Please, don’t touch anything. The police will be here in no time. (before)

    Don’t touch anything before the police coming.

    6. The counsel will not preserve the client’s confidence. He discloses his secrets. (if)

    The counsel will not preserve the client’s confidence if he discloses his secrets.

    7. He will succeed, I think. He devotes much time to the development of his own practice. (in case)

    He will succeed in case he devotes much time to the development of his own practice.

    8. He studies well. His legal education will probably last about five years. (providing).

    Providing he studies well his legal education will last about five years

    Ex. 2

    Use either the Present Continuous or the Present Simple:

    1. – I am very busy now. I am preparing the documents on a very difficult case.

    Are you doing it alone?

    – No, two managing clerks are helping me.

    2. A solicitor deals with matters outside the court.

    3. The Law Society regulates the conduct of solicitors in England.

    4. What kind of law do youpractise?

    5. – What is the attorney doing at present? – He is studying the particulars of the case.

    6. I don’t believe your evidence! You are lying!

    7. Legal service costs increase permanently due to inflation.

    8. Attorney rarely discusses with their clients the possibility of losing the case.

    9. Do you know what conveyancing means? – Conveyancing means making all the legal arrangements for the buying and selling of land, houses and other buildings.

    10. Probate is a type of work a lawyer does that deals with making a will for a client who, when he/she is dying, wishes to leave his/her property to certain persons or charities and making sure that his/her wishes are carried out.

    11. The lawyer serves effectively as an advocate only if he knows all that his client knows, concerning the facts of the case.

    12. Do you know if the number of lawyers is increasing or decreasing in the country nowadays?

    Ex. 3

    These are Jane’s notes for Monday.

    Say, what her plans are, using the Present Continuous.

    11 a.m. She is swimming in the pool.

    1 p.m. She is having lunch.

    3 p.m. She is watching through the preliminary investigation.

    5 p.m. She is having tea with the friends.

    6 p.m. She is taking part in the seminar on administrative law.

    8 p.m. She is working at the English language laboratory.

    10 p.m. She is reading some detective novel.
    Ex. 4

    Insert the proper forms to express the future actions:

    1. The Government has been in the past and will be in the future a major consumer of legal talent.

    2. This argument will not convince the judge.

    3. I don’t trust this juror. I’ll challengehim.

    4. He’s a practitioner with long experience. I am sure he will win the case.

    5. Jack is in trouble and needs a legal backing. – I know. I’m discussing his matter tomorrow.

    6. I’ve decided to retire from the Federal Agency. – Have you? What are you going to do?

    7. Did you send him a summons? – Oh, I’m sorry. I completely forgot. I’ll do it now.

    8. Can I get your opinion on the case today? – No, you will get it tomorrow.

    9. What are you doing at 11 tomorrow? – We’ll be having a seminar on civil law at this time.

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