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  • 1) What do you call a flight that takes you straight to the place of your destination

  • 4) In what place of the airport do you collect your luggage after you land

  • 2. Agree with the following

  • 3. Disagree with the following

  • ср 10 кл 4 чт. In Harmony with the World

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    In Harmony with the World

    Variant I

    1.Translate these word combinations into English and make 5 sentences with them:

    1. Магазин беспошлинных продаж;2) пройти паспортный контроль;3) пройти таможенный контроль; 4) взвесить багаж; 5) Cкорый поезд; 6) купе;7) вагон;8) вагон-ресторан; 9) пригородный поезд, электричка;10) буфет (в поезде).

    2. Agree with the following:

    1) They like travelling.2) She is never travelsick. 3) Last year he visited Russia.4) I won’t stay at a hotel in Rome.5) We have no pets. 6) I will go to Greece in spring.

    3.Disagree with the following:

    1) They were awake at 7 a. m. yesterday.2) He couldn’t divide 99 by four.3) We should pour some water into the empty bottles.4) She read an amazing story the other day.5) We slipped into the house unnoticed.

    4. Answer the questions:

    1) What do you call a flight that takes you straight to the place of your destination?

    2) Where in the airport can you see when a plane arrives or departs? 3) Who helps you on board the plane as well as serves drinks and food?4) What do you do when you want to have a seat on a certain flight?
    In Harmony with the World

    Variant II

    1.Translate these word combinations into English and make 5 sentences with them:

    зал ожидания (в аэропорту) ;2) место выдачи багажа (в аэропорту) ;3) стойка регистрации;4) посадочный талон;5) проводник; кондуктор;6) спальный вагон;7) вагон для некурящих;8) прибытие; 9) обратный билет;10) поезд дальнего следования;

    2. Agree with the following:

    1. He doesn’t have pets.2. I’ve got a family of my own.3. She can’t drive a car.4. I must take my national exams in June. 5. They should think more about sports6. We will go to Greece in spring.

    3. Disagree with the following:

    1) They like travelling.2) She is never travelsick. 3) Last year he visited Russia.4) I won’t stay at a hotel in Rome.5) We have no pets

    4. Answer the questions:

    1) What do you do to get your boarding pass?2) Who helps you on board the plane as well as serves drinks and food?3) What do you do when you want to have a seat on a certain flight?

    4) In what place of the airport do you collect your luggage after you land?
    In Harmony with the World

    Variant III

    1.Translate these word combinations into English and make 5 sentences with them:

    1) ручной багаж;2) на борту самолёта;3) взлететь и приземлиться (о самолёте) ;4) номер места (в самолёте);5) таможенник. 6) табло с указанием времени прибытия и отправления поездов;7) отправление;8) билет в одном направлении;

    2. Agree with the following:

    1) We were awake at 6 a. m. yesterday.2) She couldn’t divide 80 by four.3) He should pour some water into the empty bottles.4) I read an amazing story the other day.5) They slipped into the house unnoticed.6. I’m doing my best to prepare for my national exams.

    3. Disagree with the following:

    1. He never travels as a stowaway.2. I always follow the advice I’m given.3. We have never been to Alaska.4. She was flying over the Atlantic last afternoon.5. They had seen some cartoons about Winnie-the-Pooh.

    4. Answer the questions:

    1) In what place in the airport do you sit and wait for your flight?2) Where in the airport can you buy goods cheaper than usual in town?3) Where do you go in the airport to get on board the plane?4) What do you call a flight that doesn’t start on time but starts later?

    10. Переведите эти словосочетания на английский языке и составьте 5-6 предложений с ними.

    1) Персонал отеля;

    2) включить в счёт;

    3) номер на двоих с двумя кроватями;

    4) проживание в отеле с оплаченным завтраком и ужином (обедом) ;5) туристический сезон;

    6) зарегистрироваться в отеле;

    7) место в отеле, где находится дежурный/администратор;

    8) носильщик;

    9) заказать комнату заранее;

    10) жильё.

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