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  • Senior lecturer of the Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov, Sulaimonov Anvar Alamovich, ATC Dispatcher of the Tashkent

  • Ключевые слова

  • Калит сўзлар

  • Key words

  • Table. Traffic densities in the airspace of the Republic of Uzbekistan

  • Picture.1. Loading level of domestic flights in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

  • Issues of air space intensity in the republic of uzbekistan eshmuradov Dilshod Elmuradovich, Associate Professor, Tashkent State Technical

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    НазваниеIssues of air space intensity in the republic of uzbekistan eshmuradov Dilshod Elmuradovich, Associate Professor, Tashkent State Technical
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    UDC: 629.735.33
    Eshmuradov Dilshod Elmuradovich,

    Associate Professor, Tashkent State Technical

    University named after Islam Karimov,

    e-mail: e_dilshod69@mail.ru
    Elmuradov Temurmalik Dilshod ugli,

    Senior lecturer of the Tashkent State Technical

    University named after Islam Karimov,
    Sulaimonov Anvar Alamovich,

    ATC Dispatcher of the Tashkent

    Center of ATC AS,

    e-mail: dokavia101@gmail.com

    Аннотация: Одним из важных факторов для развития мировой экономики являются международные авиаперевозки. Появляются всё новые направления и маршруты, что приводит к возрастанию интенсивности авиаперевозок. Соответственно из-за возрастания интенсивности авиаперевозок и растет загруженность воздушных трасс, что управление воздушным движением становится более сложным.

    В статье рассматриваются вопросы интенсивности воздушного пространства Республики Узбекистан. Проанализирована загруженность и предложены пути решения данной проблемы.

    Ключевые слова: загруженность, воздушное пространство, маршрут, запреты, оптимизация, пропускная способность, интенсивность.
    Аннотация:Авиақатновлар жаҳон иқтисоди ривожланишининг муҳим омилларидан бўлиб ҳисобланади. Янгидан янги йўналишлар ва маршрутларнинг очилиши авиақатновларнинг интенсивлиги ортишига сабаб бўлади. Бу эса ўз навбатида ҳаво трассаларининг тирбандлигини келтириб чиқаради ва ҳаводаги ҳаракатни бошқариш мураккаб жараёнга айланиб боради.

    Ушбу мақолада Ўзбекистон Республикаси ҳаво кенглигининг интенсивлиги масалалари кўриб чиқилган, шунингдек, ҳаво трассаларининг тирбандлиги таҳлил қилиниб, муаммони бартараф этиш йўллари тавсия этилган.

    Калит сўзлар: тирбандлик, ҳаво кенглиги, маршрут, тақиқлар, оптималлаштириш, ўтказиш қобилияти, интенсивлик.

    Annotation: International air transportation is one of the important factors for the development of the world economy. New directions and routes are appearing, which leads to an increase in the intensity of air transportation. Accordingly, due to the increase in the intensity of air transportation and the increasing congestion of air routes, which makes air traffic control more complex.

    The article deals with the issues of the intensity of the airspace of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The workload is analyzed and the ways of solving this problem are suggested.

    Key words: congestion, airspace, route, prohibitions, optimization, capacity, intensity.

    Introduction. In order to implement activities related to the use of airspace, there are established fields for air traffic services, airfield zones and air hubs, airline routes, itineraries and special flight zones for aircraft, areas of uncontrolled flights, prohibited zones and restricted zones, areas of test ranges, areas with an explosive danger and the other special elements which form airspace structure of the Republic of Uzbekistan. [1]

    Thus, in the airspace of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which is bordered with the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Tajikistan, the Republic of Turkmenistan and the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, there are three air traffic service areas (FIR), ten airfield areas (TMA) and 12 take-off and landing zones (CTR).[2]

    To date, modern comfortable airliners of Uzbekistan land and take off regularly in more than 50 cities of Europe and Asia, operate chartered flights from Alaska to New Zealand and make calls using the RNAV system. The pilots of the national air company “Uzbekistan havo yollari” mastered operation of airplanes such as A320, A320 Neo and Boeing – 757/767. Today they are learning how to control a new generation aircraft – Boeing 787 Dreamliner. These aircrafts are equipped with the necessary zone navigation devices.
    Table. Traffic densities in the airspace of the Republic of Uzbekistan



    Area of airfield

    (take off/landing)

    Total served


    ( % )









    + 7





    + 1





    + 1





    - 4





    - 2,8





    + 1,18





    + 11





    + 2

    The table shows that the traffic intensity in the airspace of the Republic of Uzbekistan has increased significantly from 2012 to 2014. Due to the global economic crisis the number of flights have been decreased in 2015.

    In 2020, with the onset of the pandemics and global restrictions air carriers around the world faced following challenges:

    - demanded preservation of social distance that requires more space;

    - restrictions of flights or closure of domestic airlines.

    All these circumstances led to the decrease of passenger flow and purchasing power of the population.

    However, annual growth is expected to be around 4-4.5% in 2021. Such growth requires modernization of infrastructure in air traffic control system and further development ATM procedure based on the implementation of PBN, required navigation characteristics.

    After analyzing the air flow over the territory of the republic of Uzbekistan, one can observe that more than 200 airplanes make trips on an overloaded airspace route, therefore it is very difficult for air traffic controllers, especially at night. For example, at 3 a.m. in the location of TMD (Tamdibulak) air traffic controllers are loaded with the control of 20 airbuses for a per unit of time (picture.1).

    Picture.1. Loading level of domestic flights in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

    Steady growth of aviation requires the increase of the air space capacity, therefore optimal use of current air space is becoming actual solution today. Operational efficiency which made it possible to develop navigation applications for using in various regions of the world and for all phases of flight has been increased at the result of area navigation methods (RNAV) enforcement.

    When an aircraft flies from one point to another point over the territory of Uzbekistan there is so called notion such as required nautical characteristics.
    If the “flight” plan and aircraft manual indicates the RNP 5, it means that the required navigation performance of this aircraft is 5 miles and it is allowed to stray from the axes of the itinerary for 5 miles.

    There are other deviations such as RNP1,RNP2,RNP3,RNP4,RNP5,RNP10 and RNP0,3. Here numbers indicate deviation from the axes of itinerary, for example, RNP0,3 – 3 miles, fudge factor is about 600 meters and it is used in the territory of airport. RNP10 is used over the Pacific Ocean. Therefore, it is advised to use RNP1,RNP2,RNP3,RNP4,RNP5 and RNP0,3 in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

    Modern scientific research of this problem is focused on modeling real-time systems and preliminary planning of the movement of existing aircrafts.

    However, in recent years, there was observed a tightening of airspace capacity requirements, at the result of which there was established some elements with a contingent nature (area navigation, conditional routes, etc.), that increase attractiveness and make the structure of aviation space more complicated.

    Since 2015, there has been held works on the gradual exclusion of AHB system in the territory of Uzbekistan. If we use zonal navigation method of global positioning, such as communication satellites GPS and GLONASS Network there will not be need for such navigation systems as VOR/DME and ADSB -Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast.

    Typically, air traffics are presented as a list of operating procedures of vertical boundaries and navigation aids and way points. Navigation way points are presented as unique five-letter identifier or geodetic reference. Besides unique identifier and geodetic reference, the properties of navigation also includes their physical characteristics that is processed by the aircraft navigation system. Broken points of such lines indicated by the navigation tools or dots. The flight plan does not always provide information about all turning points, in order to get concreate and reliable information it is required to fulfill the request to the navigation data base.

    The only important feature of navigation equipment is geodetic abstraction. As we know, airplanes fly only within air routes that are given with arbitrary broken lines. Thanks to such a request, it is possible to determine the geodetic coordinates of navigation equipment and points that are necessary for modelling air assets. However, the information about the routes of the airplanes are not sufficient enough for general planning. During the planning process, an important role is assigned to the consideration of all restrictions with the help of which it will be possible to impose bans on the use of specific volumes of airspaces.

    A preliminary flight planning has several problems related to the preparation of preliminary drafts of flight plans. Correct planning of air flights and consideration of the air navigation conditions have a great impact on the safety of air flights. While making a plan of a use of airspace, an aeronautical conditions that cover all regional parameters of airspace is considered to be an integrated data base.

    At the result of preliminary planning, it can be concluded that optimization of the distribution of airspace loads by sectors allows to achieve following results: visualization of air navigational condition of the region, establishment of critical directions of overload, collection of overload data base.

    Conclusion. Implementation of these projects in an immediate future will lead the Republic of Uzbekistan to a qualitatively new level, ensuring its status and image in the international arena. And of course, the top priority of the airways, as it was before, is to ensure the safety of flights and passengers remaining reliability, stability and comfort.

    As it was noted, the beginning of 2020 was an imposed test for the aviation due to the pandemics. Most destinations and borders of many countries were closed, the aviation industry was and is in the deepest crisis, coast savings will be in the first place in the upcoming years. Therefore, choice of optimal routes will be a priority to save aviation fuel. Basing on this, any air carrier choose a route where the most flexible entry and exit points have already been created, so this is not only modern but also urgent economic need.


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