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    Let me introduce myself (позвольте представиться). My name is
    Закончил с отличием Moscow Region State University по специальности "Математика и информатика" .Закончил с отличием магистратуру Moscow City University (МГПУ) по специальности "Преподавание математики в профильных классах".

    My scientific supervisor is the doctor of Pedagogical sciences, professor... And she will be my supervisor further.

    I defended my final qualification work, “ Технология обучения решению математических задач в процессе игровой деятельности обучающихся в основной школе ” and my Master’s thesis on subject “Формирование у учащихся старшей профильной школы умений моделирования при обучении приложениям производной функции” (Я защитил выпускную квалификационную работу по теме”” и магистерскую диссертацию по теме “”.

    I think, in the process of learning to master I will get much experience of research work and get to know my subject much better (Думаю, в процессе обучения мастерству я получу большой опыт исследовательской работы и узнать мой предмет намного лучше).

    In the process of my studying at the university I took part in some scientific practical conferences , such as: our Faculty’s “Information technologies in Education” (section “Content and methods teaching of Information science”) and common university’s “Person and technology” on subject of my final qualification work and of Master’s dissertation.. Materials of conferences made public in collection of theses. В процессе обучения в университете принимал участие в нескольких научно-практических конференциях. Материалы конференций опубликованы в сборнике тесисов.

    Now I work as a math teacher at school.

    Want to enter the post — graduate course because I’m very interested in science and want to contribute to its develop. (Хочу поступить в аспирантуру, потому что я очень интересуюсь наукой и хочу внести свой вклад в ее развитие)

    Thank you for your attention. (Спасибо Вам за ваше внимание).

    Пожалуйста повторите вопрос / please repeat your question

    Вопросы которые могут задать

    1. Who is your scientific supervisor and what is his/her contribution to science? Кто является вашим научным руководителем и каков его вклад в науку?

    My scientific supervisor is the doctor of Pedagogical sciences, professor Глизбург Вита Иммануиловна. She is the author of many books on preparing for the exam in mathematics

    1. What does your scientific work deal with? / What problem do you investigate? С чем связана ваша научная работа? / Какую проблему вы

    исследуете? My scientific work is related to the development of modeling skills in high school students. The problem of the study is to create a block of tasks to increase the level of modeling.

    1. What can you say about your scientific work? Что вы можете сказать о своей научной работе? My scientific work is related to the development of modeling skills in high school students. The problem of the study is to create a block of tasks to increase the level of modeling.

    1. Do you need any special equipment for fulfilling your investigation? Нужно ли вам какое-либо специальное оборудование для проведения вашего расследования? No. My scientific work is related to the development of modeling skills in high school students. The problem of the study is to create a block of tasks to increase the level of modeling.

    1. What illustrations are you going to prepare to demonstrate the results of your investigation? Какие иллюстрации вы собираетесь подготовить, чтобы продемонстрировать результаты вашего исследования? I'm going to prepare a presentation that will reflect the schedules of students' progress

    1. What conclusions will you make if the results of your research are positive/negative? Какие выводы вы сделаете, если результаты вашего исследования будут положительными /отрицательными? If the results of my research are positive, I will conclude that I am moving in the right direction and will continue my research further / If the results of my research are negative, I will conclude that it is necessary to change the focus of my research.

    1. How do you plan you research? Как вы планируете свои исследования? Plans to continue the topic of the master's program "Development of modeling skills in high school students." Develop a block of tasks that will help develop modeling skills.

    1. What have you already managed to do? Что вам уже удалось сделать? During my studies, I published three articles in the journal of the Moscow State Pedagogical University. Together with his supervisor, he developed a system of tasks for the development of modeling skills in high school students.

    1. What points of your plan have you failed to fulfill? Какие пункты вашего плана вы не выполнили? Together with our supervisor, we planned to write five articles on the topic of master's research, but we wrote only three.

    1. How will you continue your investigation? Как вы собираетесь продолжать свое расследование? Plans to continue the topic of the master's program "Development of modeling skills in high school students." Develop a block of tasks that will help develop modeling skills.

    1. How many English publications important for your research have you found? Сколько англоязычных публикаций, важных для вашего исследования, вы нашли? For my research, I found 5 publications in English. Title of the article "development of modeling skills"

    1. How many key terms have you selected from the English publications? Сколько ключевых терминов вы выбрали из англоязычных публикаций? For my research, I found 5 key terms in English. Title of the article "development of modeling skills".

    1. What points of view expressed in the publications do you criticize? Какие точки зрения, высказанные в публикациях, вы критикуете? In one of the scientific journals, a hypothesis was put forward about the negative impact of democracy in mathematics lessons. I don't agree with that. Democracy in math lessons sets up students to think freely and positively.

    1. Who are the best informed scientists in the field of your research? Кто является наиболее информированными учеными в области ваших исследований? The most informed scientists in the field of my research are Friedman Lev Moiseevich, Stoff, Kraevsky and others. These scientists were engaged in the development of modeling skills in middle and high school students.

    1. How long can it take you to complete your research? Сколько времени вам может потребоваться для завершения вашего исследования? I need three years to complete the study. During this time, it will be possible to theoretically substantiate the significance of the study and conduct an experiment at school.

    1. By what time/by when will you have completed your research? К какому времени / когда вы завершите свое исследование? I need three years to complete the study. During this time, it will be possible to theoretically substantiate the significance of the study and conduct an experiment at school.

    1. What contribution may your research make into science? Какой вклад ваши исследования могут внести в науку? High school students will be much better versed in modeling various processes, which will help them in adulthood.

    1. Have you taken part in scientific conferences? Принимали ли вы участие в научных конференциях? In the process of my studying at the university I took part in some scientific practical conferences , such as: our Faculty’s “Information technologies in Education” (section “Content and methods teaching of Information science”) and common university’s “Person and technology” on subject of my final qualification work and of Master’s dissertation.. Materials of conferences made public in collection of theses

    1. Have you made ever any reports? What were they devoted to? Were your reports a success? Вы когда-нибудь делали какие-нибудь отчеты? Чему они были посвящены? Были ли ваши доклады успешными?

    In the process of my studying at the university I took part in some scientific practical conferences , such as: our Faculty’s “Information technologies in Education” (section “Content and methods teaching of Information science”) and common university’s “Person and technology” on subject of my final qualification work and of Master’s dissertation.. Materials of conferences made public in collection of theses.

    1. Are you going to take part in scientific conferences in the future? Собираетесь ли вы в будущем принимать участие в научных конференциях? Yes, I plan to take part in scientific conferences in the future.

    1. Have you got any publications? У вас есть какие-нибудь публикации? In the process of my studying at the university I took part in some scientific practical conferences , such as: our Faculty’s “Information technologies in Education” (section “Content and methods teaching of Information science”) and common university’s “Person and technology” on subject of my final qualification work and of Master’s dissertation.. Materials of conferences made public in collection of theses.

    1. What is the purpose of your publications? Какова цель ваших публикаций? The purpose of my scientific publications is to improve myself as a scientist.

    1. By when had you completed your précis? К какому времени вы закончили свой краткий обзор?

    1. What do you think the social role of your investigation is? Как вы думаете, в чем заключается социальная роль вашего расследования? The social role of my research is to improve the methods of teaching modeling skills to high school students

    1. Why are you interested in such a problem? Почему вас интересует такая проблема? This problem is very significant. High school students will be much better versed in modeling various processes, which will help them in adulthood.

    1. What kind of sources do you prefer to use for the theoretical substantiation/grounds of your research? Какие источники вы предпочитаете использовать для теоретического обоснования / обоснования вашего исследования? In my research, I prefer to rely on the publications of reputable authors who have contributed to the development of this topic.

    1. Could you speak about the historical background of your problem? Не могли бы вы рассказать об исторической подоплеке вашей проблемы? many authors are engaged in the development of modeling skills among students. Since modeling is very important in life. It helps to learn to think critically, to see the big picture of the world.

    1. Can you say now what structure of your dissertation will be? How many chapters will it consist of? Можете ли вы сейчас сказать, какой будет структура вашей диссертации? Из скольких глав она будет состоять? The work will consist of three chapters. Theoretical part, practical and general conclusions on the work done.

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