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  • Верно или не верно 1. None of James’ and Mrs. Warner’s children worked for the family business. - false.

  • Robert Senior’s sons; b. Robert Senior’s nephews;c. Robert Senior’s grandchildren.3. Warner Insurance is a:a. privately held company;

  • (met)

  • (lived)

  • - We arrived at the station. 2. Он сдал все экзамены. - He passed all the exams.

  • - He works here already ten years. 6. В этом году мы посетили Италию.- This year we visited Italy.

  • - Parents have already returned from work. 10. Мы уже обсудили этот вопрос.- We have already discussed this issue.

  • АНГЛИЙСКИЙ. 173668_Сафонова_А_Д_Б1-РКЛМз31_2020_7. Контрольная работа по дисциплине Межкультурная профессиональная коммуникация (иностранный язык для делового общения)

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    имени Гагарина Ю.А.»
    Кафедра «Иностранные языки и профессиональная коммуникация»
    Контрольная работа

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    Проверил: преподаватель кафедры «Иностранные языки и профессиональная коммуникация»

    Васильева Е. А.

    Саратов 2020

    Вариант 3



    The Warner family has been in the insurance business for more than one hundred years. The company, Warner Insurance, was founded by Robert Warner in 1908, in Boston, Massachusetts. Robert began working from his table in the kitchen and would invite his future and current clients to his home to fill out applications, gather data, contract and service his clients. In less than two years, Robert had established a clientele of over 100 satisfied customers and had moved to an office that he purchased with the gains from his insurance business.

    As the company continued to grow, Robert Warner hired his three sons as employees. The eldest son, James, was the Vice President of Operations. His responsibilities included the day to day business operations, accounting, legal and human resources. As the company expanded, James was in charge of opening and overseeing offices throughout the entire United States. James had four children: three sons and one daughter. Each of his children became Regional Managers and moved to different parts of the States. It was sad for James and Mrs. Warner to see their children move away from home, but they were very proud of their children and their dedication to the family business. James was eighty-five years old when he died. He worked for Warner Insurance his entire adult life.

    The middle son, Henry, was Vice President of Sales. Henry was in charge of a team of ten salesmen. Their sales territory grew to the entire northeast sector of the United States within ten years. Henry worked for Warner Insurance for over thirty years in which the sales territory went national and the sales force grew to over seven hundred and fifty salespeople. By this time, Warner Insurance became a household name and a multimillion-dollar company. The Warner family was committed to maintaining the company a privately owned business and to this day it continues to be so.

    Robert Junior was the youngest of the founder’s sons and studied Marketing and Business Administration in Vasser College in New York. After graduating, he

    returned to Boston and became the Marketing force behind Warner Insurance and was a major factor in the company’s branding and promotional efforts. Many people say that it was because of Robert Junior’s brilliant marketing skills that the company was able to grow so big and so quickly. Robert Senior was very fond of his three sons, but he had a special affection for his youngest son and namesake, Robert Junior.

    Today Warner Insurance stands as an example of a family enterprise that has withstood the test of time and fierce competition in a very competitive market. Many larger, investor-owned companies have tried to purchase Warner Insurance but the family has stood firm in its decision to continue the family legacy and establish an inheritance for its future generations.

    Семейный Бизнес

    Семья Уорнер занимается страховым бизнесом более ста лет. Уорнер Страхование была основана Робертом Уорнером в 1908 году в Бостоне, штат Массачусетс. Роберт начал работать со своего стола на кухне и приглашал своих будущих и нынешних клиентов к себе домой, чтобы заполнить заявки, собрать данные, заключить контракт и обслуживать своих клиентов. Менее чем за два года Роберт создал клиентскую базу из более чем 100 довольных клиентов и переехал в офис, который он приобрел за счет доходов от своего страхового бизнеса.

    Поскольку компания продолжала расти, Роберт Уорнер нанял трех своих сыновей в качестве сотрудников. Старший сын Джеймс был вице-президентом по операциям. В его обязанности входили ежедневные деловые операции, бухгалтерский учет. юридические и человеческие ресурсы. По мере расширения компании Джеймс отвечал за открытие и надзор за офисами на всей территории Соединенных Штатов. У Джеймса было четверо детей: три сына и одна дочь. Каждый из его детей стал Региональным менеджером и переехали в разные части штатов. Джеймсу и миссис Уорнер было грустно видеть, как их дети уходят из дома, но они очень гордились своими детьми и их преданностью семейному бизнесу. Джеймсу было восемьдесят пять лет, когда он умер. Он работал в "Уорнер страхование" всю свою взрослую жизнь. Средний сын, Генри, был вице-президентом по продажам.

    Генри руководил командой из десяти продавцов. Территория их продаж выросла до всего северо-восточного сектора Соединенных Штатов в течение десяти лет. Генри проработал в "Уорнер страхование" более тридцати лет, когда территория продаж стала общенациональной, а продажи выросли до семисот пятидесяти продавцов. К этому времени «Уорнер Страхование» приобрела название «домашнее хозяйство» и стала многомиллионной компанией. Семья Уорнер взяла на себя обязательство поддерживать частный бизнес в компании и по сей день таковым остается.

    Роберт Джуниор был младшим из сыновей основателя и изучал управление маркетингом и бизнесом в колледже Вассер в Нью-Йорке. После окончания он вернулся в Бостон и стал маркетинговым агентом "Уорнер страхование" и стал главным фактором в брендинге и продвижении компании. Многие говорят, что благодаря блестящим маркетинговым навыкам Роберта Джуниора компания смогла вырасти так быстро. Роберт Сеньор очень любил своих троих сыновей, но у него была особая привязанность к его младшему сыну и однофамильцу, Роберту Младшему. Сегодня "Уорнер страхование" является примером семейного предприятия, которое выдержало испытание временем и жесткой конкуренцией на очень конкурентном рынке. Многие более крупные компании, принадлежащие инвесторам, пытались приобрести «Уорнер страхование», но семья твердо решила продолжить семейное наследство и создать наследство для будущих поколений.
    Раздел 1. Чтение

    1. What are the names of Robert Senior’s three sons? – Как зовут трех сыновей Роберта старшего?

    Ответ: Henry, Robert, James.

    1. Where did Robert Warner attend to his clients when he first started his business? - Где Роберт Уорнер обслуживал своих клиентов, когда начинал свой бизнес?

    Ответ: Robert began working from his table in the kitchen.

    1. What did the Eldest son, James, do for the company? – Что старший сын джеймс сделал для компании?

    Ответ: James was responsible for opening and overseeing offices throughout the United States.

    1. How many salesmen did Henry have when he first worked for the company? - Сколько продавцов было у Генри когда он работал в компании?

    Ответ: Henry led a team of ten salespeople.

    1. How many salespeople worked under Henry after thirty years? - Сколько продавцов работали под Генри после тридцати лет?

    Ответ: Up to seven hundred and fifty sellers.

    1. To which of his three sons was Robert Senior most affectionate toward? – К какому из трех сыновей старший Роберт был наиболее привязан?

    Ответ: Robert the Younger.

    1. How old was James when he passed away? - Сколько лет было Джеймсу, когда он скончался?

    Ответ: James was eighty five years old when he died.

    1. What did Robert Junior study in College? - Что младший брат учил в колледже?

    Ответ: Studied marketing and business management.


    1. None of James’ and Mrs. Warner’s children worked for the family business.

    - false.

    2. Many people say that Robert Junior was not very dedicated to the family business and contributed the least of the three brothers.

    - false.
    Выберите правильный ответ

    1. Which of the following departments was James not responsible for?

    a. Accounting;

    b. Marketing;

    c. Legal;

    d. Human Resources.

    2. Who became Regional Managers for Warner Insurance?

    a. Robert Senior’s sons;

    b. Robert Senior’s nephews;

    c. Robert Senior’s grandchildren.
    3. Warner Insurance is a:

    a. privately held company;

    b. investor owned company;

    c. bankrupt company.
    4. Today, Warner Insurance is a _______________ company.

    a. local;

    b. national;


    Раздел 2. Грамматика

    1. Поставьте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы Present Perfect.

    1. He has worked in that shop for five years.

    - He has not worked in that shop for five years.

    - Has he worked in that shop for five years?

    2. The boys have just bought a new tent.

    - The boys haven’t just bought a new tent.

    - Have (the) boys just bought a new tent?

    3. You have made the lunch.

    - You haven’t made the lunch.

    - Have you made the lunch?

    4. They have taken their exams.

    - They have not taken their exams.

    - Have they taken their exams?

    5. Mum has done the shopping.

    - Mum hasn’t done the shopping.

    - Has mum done the shopping?

    6. The children have gone to bed.

    - The children haven’t gone to bed.

    - Have (the) children gone to bed?

    7. Helen has just left her office.

    - Helen has not just left her office.

    - Has Helen just left her office?

    8. They have seen the eclipse.

    - They haven’t seen the eclipse.

    - Have they seen the eclipse?

    9. I have already tidied my room.

    - I have not already tidied my room.

    - Have I already tidied my room?

    10. The programme has just finished.

    - The programme has not just finished.

    - Has (the) programme just finished?
    2. Вставьте глаголы в скобках в форме Present Perfect.

    1. I have just (met) our teacher;

    2. The children have already (decided) what to do with the books;

    3. Helen speaks French so well because she (lived) in France;

    4. They have (visited) the museum;

    5.I have (not seеn) yоu for ages;

    6 I have (known) Maria since childhood;

    7. The film Hasn't (started) yet;

    8. Не (lived) here since hе was born;

    9. She has (traveled) abroad this year;

    10. I have (made) a cup of tea.
    3. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect.

    1. Мы только что прибыли на вокзал.

    - We arrived at the station.

    2. Он сдал все экзамены.

    - He passed all the exams.

    3. Их семья живет в Лондоне два года.

    - Their family has been living in London for two years.

    4. Джейн отправила сегодня пять писем.

    - Jane sent five letters today.

    5. Он работает здесь уже десять лет.

    - He works here already ten years.

    6. В этом году мы посетили Италию.

    - This year we visited Italy.

    7. Он показал нам свои картины.

    - He showed us his picture.

    8. Студенты ответили на вопросы преподавателя.

    - Students answered the teacher's question.

    9. Родители уже вернулись с работы.

    - Parents have already returned from work.

    10. Мы уже обсудили этот вопрос.

    - We have already discussed this issue.

    4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Perfect.

    1. By the time we came to see him, he had returned home.

    2. The girl was glad that she had fended a seat near the window.

    3. During the holidays my friend visited the village wherе he had lived in his childhood.

    4. Suddenly he remembered that he hadn't ring her uр in the morning

    5. Вy the time the train reached the city, he had made friends with many passengers.

    6. Не had studied French before he entered the university.

    7. John said that he had got his education in Cape Town.

    8. I had made lunch before 1 did the ironing

    9. I had studied the grammar tables before i did my English homework

    10. The film had not finished by the time we left the cinema

    11. After we had slept for an hour, we felt much better.

    12. The sun started shining after the rain had stopped.

    13. We had eaten suррer by eight o'clock.

    14. Не was not hungry because had has lunch.

    15. She hadn't traveled to many сountries before she became a famous singer.

    Раздел 3. Устная речь

    Сообщение на тему «Getting a job»

    Choosing your future work begins long before you start looking for a job. Your career actually begins with choosing a field of study. The skills that are most needed are: language, organizational and computer ones, the latter being very useful nowadays.

    After you've chosen a specific position, you have to apply for it. The first thing you need is a resume or a CV (curriculum vital). It's a document which lists person's qualifications, background and accom­panies job applications and their requests for admittance or acceptance. There are five categories of data included in a resume: first - personal information, second - education and training, third - work history, fourth - memberships, interests and hobbies, and fifth - references. A cover letter should precede the resume when it is used for an applica­tion and is sent by mail. It addresses an employer and should persuade him or her to appoint you an interview. Once you've got it you'd better get prepared for it. It's a good idea to find out what you can about the firm, to make a list of questions you want to ask interviewer and to think of questions you might be asked.

    Dress to look clean and tidy. Come in time to the appointed place for an interview. Don't forget to take all the necessary documents for your better presentation. Don't be nervous and tense with the inter­viewer, be polite and listen attentively to all the questions you are asked. Try to give full and clear answers to the questions. Don't forget to mention your computer skills and language fluency if it's required by the company. Try to persuade the interviewer that you're the best can­didate for the chosen position and an asset for the company. At the end of the interview thank the interviewer for his or her attention. Don't demand the immediate answer about his or her decision.

    If the decision on your acceptance has been positive, you might think you've got a job. It may be true and maybe not. When you have successfully finished that, you can calm down a little and get ready for the serious work.

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