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  • МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ УКАЗАНИЯ по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» (английский) для студентов 1 курса СПО

  • Составитель: Прокофьева Н.В., преподаватель ГБПОУ КАСТ, канд. филол. наукЛесная М.В., преподаватель ГБПОУ КАСТ, канд. филол. наукРецензенты


  • ТЕСТ № 1. Вариант 1. Задание .

  • ТЕСТ № 1. Вариант 2 Задание .

  • ТЕСТ № 2. ТЕМА: МОДАЛЬНЫЕ ГЛАГОЛЫ ТЕСТ № 2. Вариант 1 Задание.

  • ТЕСТ № 2. Вариант 2. Задание.


  • ТЕСТ № 3. Вариант 2. Задание.

  • ТЕСТ № 4. Вариант 1. Задание.

  • ТЕСТ № 4. Вариант 2. Задание.

  • Методические указания по дисциплине Иностранный язык (английский) для студентов

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    Министерство образования и науки Краснодарского края




    по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» (английский)

    для студентов 1 курса СПО


    (для студентов СПО и учащихся старших классов)

    Краснодар, 2015


    цикловой комиссией по иностранным языкам

    Протокол №___ от « __» _________2015г.

    Председатель цикловой комиссии:

    ____________________/ Устинова Л.Е./


    Прокофьева Н.В., преподаватель ГБПОУ КАСТ, канд. филол. наук

    Лесная М.В., преподаватель ГБПОУ КАСТ, канд. филол. наук


    Неговорова И.В.

    канд.филол.наук, преподаватель английского языка ГБПОУ КК КАСТ
    Ерошенко А.Р.

    канд.филол.наук, декан гуманитарно-педагогического факультета

    Института международного права, экономики, гуманитарных наук и управления имени К.В. Россинского 

    (ИМПЭГНиУ им. К.В. Россинского)

    Методические указания предназначены для студентов 1-2 курсов всех специальностей СПО по учебным дисциплинам ОДБ.03 и ОГСЭ.03 «Иностранный язык» в рамках основной профессиональной образовательной программы. Предлагаемые тестовые задания предназначены для проведения письменного текущего контроля по английскому языку. Цель учебного пособия – проверить знания основных разделов грамматики английского языка у студентов, изучающих английский язык в средних специальных и других образовательных учреждениях.

    Методические указания состоят из двух частей: в первом разделе приводятся тестовые задания, во втором - ключи к тестам и критерии оценки. Каждый раздел содержит несколько текстов, к каждому тексту даются словарь и упражнения. Раздел 1 включает шесть тестов в двух вариантах объемом 15 вопросов с четырьмя вариантами ответов. Задания построены на базовом лексико-грамматическом материале 1 курса обучения на основе дифференцированного отбора языкового материала. Система тестовых заданий дается по принципу нарастания степени сложности и предусматривает последовательное формирование и контроль базовых грамматических умений и навыков чтения и понимания учащихся. Преподаватель по своему усмотрению может выбрать задания различной степени сложности для проведения аудиторных контрольных работ, совместимых с любым учебником. Время выполнения каждого теста – 30 минут.

    Методические указания полностью соответствуют современным требованиям, предъявляемым к учебно-методическим пособиям для СПО, рабочей программе и календарно-тематическому плану по дисциплинам ОДБ.03 и ОГСЭ.03. «Иностранный язык», разработанным комплектам оценочных средств техникума.
    РАЗДЕЛ 1.


    ТЕСТ № 1.

    ТЕСТ № 1. Вариант 1.

    Задание. Выберитеправильныйвариант.

    1.……it warm in Krasnodar every autumn? - No, it …very cold and rainy this autumn.

    a. was, is b. was, was c. is, is d. is, was

    2. It was an interesting trip, …?

    a. isn’t it b. wasn’t it c. doesn’t it d. didn’t it

    3. She ….stay with her partner’s family next July, …not she?

    a. will, won’t b. won’t, won’t c will, will

    4. You are responsible for the party, …?

    a. isn’t it b. aren’t you c. doesn’t it d. didn’t it

    5. Who..… two cars in the family? – Five families in our class….

    a. have, has b. has, have c. have, have d. has, has

    6. I … some problems at school.

    a. has b. am having c. have

    7. How many brothers and sisters …?

    a. have you b. do you have c. are you having

    8. …….it snow much in England winter? - Yes, it….

    a. is, does b. does, do c. do, do d. does, does

    9. Look at these children! They….with you dog.

    a. are playing b. play c. is playing

    10. You know me, do not you? - …., I do.

    a.yes b.no

    11. You do your homework every day, don’t you? -…., I don’t.

    a. yes b. no

    12. They … to visit galleries and museums.

    a. likes b. are liking c. like

    13. You do not know it, do you? - …., I do not.

    a. yes b. no

    14. Alice _______________ like French films.

    a. isn’t b. don’t c. doesn’t

    15. ________________ you doing your homework?

    a. Do b. Are c. Is

    16. My friend and I _____________ TV on Saturday afternoons.

    a. watch b. watches c. are watching

    17. _________________ they having a lesson at the moment?

    a. are b. is c. do

    18. His parents often … newspapers in the evening.

    a. are reading b. reads c. read

    19. We usually ______________ out on Sundays.

    a. eating b. eat c. eats

    20. ____________________ tigers live in the jungle?

    a. are b. do c. is

    21. I … very hard at school every day.

    a. work b. am working c. works

    22. She ____________________ everybody in her school.

    a. know b. is knowing c. knows

    23. What are you doing? – I … a very good detective film.

    a. am watching b. watch c. is watching

    24. Are they having a piano lesson _____________?

    a. in the evenings b. now c. every Monday

    25. She ______________ visits her parents.

    a.seldom b.at the moment c.now
    ТЕСТ № 1. Вариант 2

    Задание. Выберитеправильныйвариант.
    1.……it cold in England every winter? - No, it …very cold and rainy this winter.

    a. was, is b. was, was c. is, is d. is, was

    2. It was an interesting film, …?

    a. isn’t it b. wasn’t it c. doesn’t it d. didn’t it

    3. They ….stay with their grandmother next August, …not they?

    a. will, won’t b. won’t, won’t c will, will

    4. He is responsible for a social programme, …?

    a. isn’t it b. isn’t he c. doesn’t it d. didn’t it

    5. Who..… a dog at home? – John and Mary …a white poodle.

    a. have, has b. has, have c. have, have d. has, has

    6. She … some problems with her parents.

    a. has b. am having c. have

    7. How many aunts and uncles …?

    a. have you b. do you have c. are you having

    8. …….it rain much in New York in spring? - Yes, it….

    a. is, does b. does, do c. do, do d. does, does

    9. ……students…..two classes of English every week?

    a. does, has b. do, have c. do, has d. are, having

    10. He knows this businessman, doesn’t he? - …., he does.

    a.yes b.no

    11. Students do their homework every day, don’t they? -…., they don’t.

    a. yes b. no

    12. They … to go to ice cream cafes and sandwich bars.

    a. likes b. are liking c. like

    13. You didn’t like the book, did you? - …., I did not.

    a. yes b. no

    14. Mark _______________ like English tea with milk.

    a. isn’t b. don’t c. doesn’t

    15. ________________ you cleaning the room?

    a. Do b. Are c. Is

    16. We I _____________ football matches on Sunday afternoons.

    a. watch b. watches c. are watching

    17. _________________ they having a music class at the moment?

    a. are b. is c. do

    18. Our Granny often … detective stories in the evenings.

    a. are reading b. reads c. read

    19. We usually ______________ out on Friday evenings.

    a. eating b. eat c. eats

    20. ____________________ crocodiles live in the Amazon?

    a. are b. do c. is

    21. My father … very hard at school every day.

    a. work b. am working c. works

    22. He ____________________ everybody in our village.

    a. know b. is knowing c. knows

    23. What are you doing? – I … a football match.

    a. am watching b. watch c. is watching

    24. The children … at monkeys now.

    a. look b. is looking c. are looking

    25. He is running to catch the train _______________.

    a. now b. at night c. every day

    ТЕСТ № 2.


    ТЕСТ № 2. Вариант 1

    Задание. Выберите правильный вариант.

    1. I don’t know what I’m doing tomorrow. I… go to the beach or stay home.

    a. must b. may c. ought to d. am to

    2. What a nasty girl! You… say things like that in front of your mother!

    a. don’t have to b. mustn’t c. may not d. needn’t

    3. You… be mad to go the disco by yourself.

    a. shall b. need c. are to d. must

    4. You had to stay at home yesterday, …?

    a. isn’t it b. had you c. hadn’t you d. didn’t you

    5. We have to prepare the document by tomorrow,… we?

    a. haven’t b. don’t c. have d. has

    6. The child … walk out the dog every morning, I have already taken the dog for a walk.

    a. must b. needn’t c. hadn’t to

    7. He …… run to catch the train, and he was in time!

    a. should b. may c. had to

    8. The walls ….be solid, made of brick, stone, concrete and other natural or artificial materials.

    a. may b. need c. must

    9. I’ll ….. go now. My friends are waiting.

    a. must b. have to c. be able to

    10. I must ….. a very long story.

    a. translate b. to translate c. translated

    11. You …see ruins of ancient buildings today in Greece.

    a. can b. be able to c. need

    12. ..… you please be quiet? I’m trying to read.

    a. can b. may c. should

    13. I …. help you with your French tomorrow.

    a. am able to b. will be able to c. can

    14. You ….. not see her at the party. She was at home working at her architectural project.

    a. must b. can c. could

    15. You have just had lunch. You ..… be hungry.

    a. can’t b. shouldn’t c. mustn’t

    16. ..… you like a cup of coffee?

    a. could b. would c. should

    17. Good! I …work tomorrow.

    a. must not b. do not have to c. have not got to

    18. The weather ….change tomorrow.

    a. may b. must c. should

    19. The water is cold, you …. swim.

    a. can b. can not c. must

    20. The floors, walls, roofs and other parts of the building …..be carefully designed and proportioned.

    a. must b. can c. could

    21. …. ask you to take off your hat?

    a. could b. may c. can

    22. You …. see our team play!

    a. should b. had to c. could
    ТЕСТ № 2. Вариант 2.

    Задание. Выберите правильный вариант.

    1. Sam doesn’t know what he is going to do tomorrow. He… go to the beach or stay home.

    a. must b. may c. ought to d. am to

    2. What a shame! You… say things like that in front of your mother!

    a. don’t have to b. mustn’t c. may not d. needn’t

    3. You… be mad to keep at home a cat and a mouse together.

    a. shall b. need c. are to d. must

    4. You had to do your homework for 3 hour yesterday, …?

    a. isn’t it b. had you c. hadn’t you d. didn’t you

    5. The managers have to prepare the contract by next week,… they?

    a. haven’t b. don’t c. have d. has

    6. Our students ….. to pass three exams this summer.

    a. must b. will have to c. need

    7. I must ….. shopping for food right now because I am hungry.

    a. go b. to go c. have gone

    8. The ceiling ….be flat and smooth, made of concrete and other natural or artificial materials.

    a. may b. need c. must

    9. I’ll ….. go home now. My parents are waiting.

    a. must b. have to c. be able to

    10. The students must ….. a very long story for their Literature class.

    a. read [ri:d] b. to read c. read [r e d] Past Simple

    11. You …see the ruins of Coliseum today in Rome.

    a. can b. be able to c. need

    12. ..… you please speak slower? I can’t follow you.

    a. could b. may c. should

    13. She …. go to the park tomorrow because she is busy today.

    a. am able to b. will not be able to c. can

    14. You ….. not see her at college yesterday. She was ill and stayed at home.

    a. must b. can c. could

    15. You have just had drunk a whole bottle of Cola. You ..… be thirsty.

    a. can’t b. shouldn’t c. mustn’t

    16. ..… you like a chicken sandwich?

    a. could b. would c. should

    17. We are absolutely happy as we …to go to college on Monday.

    a. must not b. do not have to c. have not got to

    18. My brother ….. be able to help me tomorrow.

    a. was b will c. is

    19. What shall we do on Sunday? We …. go to the cinema.

    a. should b. could c. have to

    20. Her mother was worried that she was not at home. She ..… be late for the last bus.

    a. could b. should c. may

    21. This weight is wrong. It ….. be 4 kilos, not 5.

    a. could b. may c. should

    22. His fridge is full of food. He ….. to go shopping tomorrow.

    a. didn’t have to b. will have c. will not have to

    ТЕСТ № 3.


    ТЕСТ № 3. Вариант 1.

    Задание. Выберите правильный вариант.

    1. Saran got a bad mark because she… her homework.

    a. hadn’t done b. didn’t do c. was doing

    2. I …to America.

    a. have often been b. often was c. have been often

    3. I have found a good job. It's in Brazil. I ..... to go to Brazil. I don't like living in cold climates.

    a. have always wanted b. always wanted c. is wanting

    4. He came in and saw Nelly who …. a strange picture.

    a. drew b. is drawing c. was drawing

    5. Before Adam got married, he ..... to the mountains every summer.

    a. went b. goes c. had gone

    6. Her face was wet with tears and her eyes were red. She ..... .

    a. cried b. was crying c. had cried

    7. A group of scientists are travelling around Africa. How many countries ..... already, I wonder?

    a. have they visited b. they have visited c. do they visit

    8. Peter and Mary ..... on the platform. They …… for their train.

    a. is standing, is waiting b. are standing, are waiting c. stand, wait

    9. When I first ..... to England in 1998, I spoke good English.

    a. came b. had come c. was coming

    10. I didn’t see Linda last month because she ..... around Europe at that time.

    a. travelled b. was travelling c. had travelled

    11. By the time I come home, the children won’t have gone to bed, they ..... for me.

    a. waited b. wait c. will be waiting

    12. Michael is doing homework since he …. home from school.

    a. has come b. was coming c. came

    13. Linda’s apartment looks nice and tidy because she ..... it this week.

    a. redecorates b. is redecorating c. has redecorated

    14. You may take this magazine. I ..... through it already.

    a. look b. have looked c. am looking

    15. I looked everywhere for my car keys and then I remembered that my son ..... the car to work.

    a. was taking b. had taken c. took

    16. While I ..... a robber climbed into the room through the window.

    a. had slept b. was sleeping c. slept

    17. After Jerry enters a Medical school, he ..... Chemistry for more than four years.

    a. will study b. study c. studies

    18. This book is so interesting. I ..... reading it by the end of the day.

    a. finished b. will finish c. will have finished

    19. This is the biggest cat I….

    a. have never seen b. have ever seen c. never saw

    20. I knew that he …waiting for somebody.

    a. is b. was c. would

    ТЕСТ № 3. Вариант 2.

    Задание. Выберите правильный вариант.

    1…. Gloria last week?

    a. have you seen b. did you see c. were you seeing

    2. She is an old friend – I …her…years.

    a. have known, for b. know, for c. have known, since d. know, since

    3. We met when we … in France.

    a. studied b. were studying c. had studied

    4. Look! The hen... an egg.

    a. has laid b. has lain c. lied

    5. As soon as she came in I knew … her before.

    a. have seen b. saw c. had seen

    6. Although they ……married for two years, they didn’t tell their parents about it.

    a. had been b. were d. have been

    7. Saran looked tired in the morning because she… badly.

    a. had slept b. slept c. was sleeping

    8. She has the ugliest dog I….

    a. have ever seen b. have seen c. have ever saw

    9. You may take this textbook. I ..... the exercise already.

    a. have done b. had done c. am doing

    10. I left school and then I remembered that I ..... my schoolbag in class.

    a. was leaving b. had left c. have left

    11. While I ..... , I met my friend.

    a. had walked b. was walking c. walked

    12. After John enters the University, he ..... History of Architecture for more than two years.

    a. will study b. study c studies

    13. This magazine is so interesting! I ..... reading it by 6 o’clock.

    a. finished b. will finish c. will have finished

    14. After they … the recipe, they cooked their meal.

    a. cooked b. had cooked c. have cooked

    15. What… at 7 o’clock tomorrow?

    a. will you do b. will you be doing c. have you done d. do you do

    16. By the time reached our destination, it… dark.

    a. had been becoming b. has already become c. had already become d. was become

    17. I couldn’t find that house as I… there only once.

    a. have been b. was c. had been d. was being

    18. Where’s Melanie? – She… out to see her boyfriend.

    1. a. have just gone b. has just gone c. just gone d. just went

    19. What’s that noise? – I… anything.

    a. am not listening b. am not hearing c. can’t hear d. can’t listen

    20. I’m afraid I didn’t hear the doorbell when you rang. I … in the garden at the time.

    a. worked b. have worked c. was working d. have been working
    ТЕСТ № 4.


    ТЕСТ № 4. Вариант 1.

    Задание. Выберите правильный вариант.

    1. She said that she______keen on drawing.

    a) was c) has been

    b) is d) were

    2. I______her that I______time to play the piano.

    a) told, have no c) told, did not have

    b) tells, did not have d) told to, had not have

    3. Jane answered that she______very early, so she______ the film.

    a) went to bed, hadn't seen

    b) had gone to bed, hadn't seen

    c) has gone to bed, hasn't seen

    d) had gone to bed, didn't see

    4. Mary told me that she______to leave for London the next week.

    a) is going c) were going

    b) has gone d) was going

    5.1 replied that I _____ her when I______back.

    a) will phone, got

    b) would phone, got

    c) will have phoned, will have come

    d) is to phone, get

    6. Mary said that Paris______beautiful in spring.

    a) is c) was

    b) has been d) were

    7. The teacher______a report on the Civil War.

    a) told Jane to make c) told Jane make

    b) tell to Jane to make d) told to Jane to make

    8. Jane______worry about her health.

    a) ask to me not to c) asked me not to

    b) asked to not d) asked not

    9. I said that I______if I______time.

    a) will go, have c) would go, have had

    b) would go, had d) will go, had

    10. Mary answered that she______wake up early in the morning when she was young.

    a) got used to c) gets used to

    b) is getting used to d) used

    11. Jane told me______calm.

    a) to stay c) to have stayed

    b) stay d) staying

    12. I am surprised to see you. Your mother said you______ ill.

    a) were c) has been

    b) are d) had been

    13. She said that Mary______into her flat because she ______her key.

    a) cannot get, lost c) couldn't get, had lost

    b) couldn't get, has lost d) can't get, was losing

    14. Jane told everybody that she______a meeting______.

    a) had, tomorrow

    b) was having, tomorrow

    c) will have, the next day

    d) was having, the next day

    15. Mary told me that writing a test______her nervous.

    a) is making c) will make

    b) made d) make
    ТЕСТ № 4. Вариант 2.

    Задание. Выберите правильный вариант.

    1. He said that he______in America for two years.

    a) lived c) has been living

    b) had lived d) lives

    2. They said that we______when Mary______.

    a) would leave, came c) will leave, came

    b) would leave, comes d) would leave, had come

    3. Jane told me that Africa______than America.

    a) was nicer c) is being nicer

    b) has been nicer d) is nicer

    4. I told everyone that I________to the party at ten, but ______as soon as possible.

    a) couldn't come, would arrive

    b) can't come, would arrive

    c) couldn't come, arrive

    d) can't come, will arrive

    5. "How are your parents?" she asked. I answered that they ______ very well.

    a) were c) have been

    b) are d) were being

    6. — The play is boring. — Is it? 1 thought you said it______exciting!

    a) is c) was

    b) were d) had been

    7. Mary told me that she______Helen in the park and that she______fine.

    a) saw, had seemed c) had seen, seemed

    b) had seen, had seemed d) has seen, was seeming

    8. He said that his car _____ a few days ago.

    a) was stolen c) had been stolen

    b) has been stolen d) is stolen

    9. Jane told me that I______at her house if I______ever in Paris.

    a) could stay, was c) can to stay, was

    b) can stay, am d) could have stayed, was

    10. Mary answered that she______the next month.

    a) is married c) was marrying

    b) was getting married d) is marrying

    11. Norma said that the old car had broken when they______ the bridge.

    a) has crossed c) crossed

    b) had been crossing d) were crossing

    12. She said she couldn't go in the water because she______ her swimming suit.

    a) had not brought c) hasn't brought

    b) didn't bring d) will not bring

    13. She said that my shoes were wet through and asked if I ______all the way from the station in that rain.

    a) has walked c) walking

    b) had walked d) was walking

    14. The old teacher advised me to speak slowly if I______ them to understand me.

    a) had wanted c) wanted

    b) want d) would want

    15. The receptionist explained that breakfast______served between 7.00 and 9.00.

    a) is b) is being

    с) was d) was being
    ТЕСТ № 5.

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