Английский язык тест мти. английский тренинги ЭКЗАМЕН 19-20. Модуль 19. Foreign exchange markets and currencies. Types of subordinate clause
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МОДУЛЬ 20. GOVERNMENT AND BUDGET. WORD BUILDING - Попытка 1Question 1 Баллов: 1 Find the suffix not suitable for building of nouns Выберите один ответ.
Question 2 Баллов: 1 Insert the necessary word in the sentence They argue that too much regulation is ….. for business, and leads to inefficiency. Выберите один ответ.
Question 3 Баллов: 1 Find the statement not suitable for finishing the sentence The main sources of current revenues of the UK are ….. . Выберите один ответ.
Question 4 Баллов: 1 Insert the necessary words in the sentence ….., determine the role of the government has perhaps been the central political and economic issue in industrialized democracies. Выберите один ответ.
Question 5 Баллов: 1 Insert the necessary words in the sentence A budget surplus ….. the level of aggregate demand. Выберите один ответ.
Question 6 Баллов: 1 Explain the term Deficit Выберите один ответ.
Question 7 Баллов: 1 Find the statement not suitable for finishing the sentence The main current outgoings of government expenditure are ….. . Выберите один ответ.
Question 8 Баллов: 1 Finish the sentence Government budget is a financial statement of the government`s planned revenues and expenditures for the ….. . Выберите один ответ.
Question 9 Баллов: 1 Insert the necessary words in the sentence J-P Raffarin, the new ….. French Premier, has promised sharp cuts in the next year`s budget. Выберите один ответ.
Question 10 Баллов: 1 Find the prefix not suitable for building of adjectives Выберите один ответ.
Question 11 Баллов: 1 Insert the necessary words in the sentence People with ….. still generally believe that the government has an essential role to play in providing the economic structure, that is public transport, telecommunications etc. Выберите один ответ.
Question 12 Баллов: 1 Finish the sentence The budget has ….. . Выберите один ответ.
Question 13 Баллов: 1 Insert the necessary words in the sentence Although the number of nationalized industries, which are often also called government-owned industries, is ….. in the most parts of the world. Выберите один ответ.
Question 14 Баллов: 1 Insert the necessary words in the sentence The Bush administration`s view that the US deficit is a two or three-year problem has been greeted with skepticism ….. . Выберите один ответ.