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  • The city was founded on May 27, 1703 by emperor Peter the Great. The city is named after Saint Peter, but over time it became more and more associated with the name of Peter the Great.

  • St. Petersburg is located in the northwest of the Russian Federation, on the coast of the Gulf of Finland and at the mouth of the Neva River.

  • The city has an area of 1,439 km² and is the second largest city in the country. The city consists of 18 districts .

  • The population is 5,601,911. St. Petersburg is the most northern city in the world with a population of over one million

  • . During the Great Patriotic War, the city was under blockade for 872 days. On 1 May 1945, Leningrad was declared a hero city .

  • The main attractions of Saint Petersburg are the Winter Palace, Peter and Paul Fortress, Summer Garden, Saint Isaac’s Cathedral, Kazan Cathedral and others.

  • Санкт-петербург. My hometown is St. Petersburg. Unofficial names the city on the Neva, the northern capital, northern Venice

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    НазваниеMy hometown is St. Petersburg. Unofficial names the city on the Neva, the northern capital, northern Venice
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    1. титульный слайд

    2. My hometown is St. Petersburg. Unofficial names: the city on the Neva, the northern capital, northern Venice.

    St. Petersburg is an important economic, scientific and cultural center of Russia, one of the most important centers of tourism in the country.

    Мой родной город – Санкт-Петербург. Неофициальные названия: город на неве, северная столица, северная Венеция.

    Санкт-Петербург — важный экономический, научный и культурный центр России, один из самых важных в стране центров туризма.

    3. The city was founded on May 27, 1703 by emperor Peter the Great. The city is named after Saint Peter, but over time it became more and more associated with the name of Peter the Great.

    Город был основан 27 мая 1703 года царём Петром I. Назван в честь святого Петра — небесного покровителя царя-основателя, но со временем стал всё больше ассоциироваться с именем самого Петра I.

    4. St. Petersburg is located in the northwest of the Russian Federation, on the coast of the Gulf of Finland and at the mouth of the Neva River.

    Санкт-Петербург расположен на северо-западе Российской Федерации, на побережье Финского залива и в устье реки Нева.

    5. The city has an area of 1,439 km² and is the second largest city in the country. The city consists of 18 districts.

    Площадь города 1439 км², он является вторым по площади городом страны. Городсостоитиз 18 районов.

    6. The population is 5,601,911. St. Petersburg is the most northern city in the world with a population of over one million.

    Население составляет 5 601 911 человек. Санкт-Петербург — самый северный в мире город с населением более миллиона человек.

    7. During the Great Patriotic War, the city was under blockade for 872 days. On 1 May 1945, Leningrad was declared a hero city.

    Во время Великой Отечественной войны город 872 дня находился в блокаде. 1 мая 1945 годаЛенинградбылобъявленгородом-героем.

    8. The main attractions of Saint Petersburg are the Winter Palace, Peter and Paul Fortress, Summer Garden, Saint Isaac’s Cathedral, Kazan Cathedral and others.

    Основными достопримечательностями Санкт-Петербурга являются Зимний дворец, Петропавловская крепость, Летний сад, Исаакиевский собор, Казанский собор и другие.

    9. Спасибо за внимание!

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