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  • STEP II 1 . Give English equivalents

  • 5.Fill in the blanks with structure «to be going to»

  • 1 к Мy house НОВ.. My House is my castle

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    My House is my castle
    Our house is quite new. We moved there not so long ago. It is a nice two-storeyed red brick building with a grey roof. It has all modern conveniences: central heating, gas, electricity, cold and hot water. The windows are large. A wide grey stone path leads to the porch. On the both sides of the path you can see colourful flowerbeds. The house is surrounded with a spacious garden where we plant fruit, vegetables and flowers. This year my parents are going to build swimming pool in the garden. In summer our relatives like to come here and enjoy vacation. In winter we decorate our Christmas tree outside, so everyone can see how wonderful it is to have own house.

    All the members of our family like the ground floor. The ground floor of the house is much busier than the first one. We are changing the design of the ground floor at the moment. Here you can find a hall, a large living-room with a fireplace, a cosy dining-room connected with a kitchen, a bathroom. The view from the windows in our living-room is amazing. Our guests admire the picturesque scenery of the wood and the river. There is an artificial fire-place in the wall and a fluffy carpet on the parquet floor in the middle of the room. We often lie on it watching films on TV.

    But the warmest place in our house is the kitchen where we cook and have meals at a big wooden table. The gas-stove, the fridge and the sideboard for dishes and glassware are built-in. We use all modern kitchen gadgets here: an electric kettle, a microwave oven, a dish-washer, a coffee machine, a food processor, a toaster. We often gather together in the dining-room or the living-room and talk, have dinner, and celebrate holidays.

    The unique feature of the ground floor is its winter garden where tropical kinds of plants and flowers grow all year round. We should be thankful to our mother for this garden which is the most beautiful corner in the whole house.
    The first floor is a calm place. There are three small bedrooms, a library, a bathroom and a balcony upstairs. The library is equipped with lots of bookshelves, two comfortable armchairs, a desk and an office chair. The library is a perfect place to do the homework, do some paperwork and read. In the bedrooms there are beds, wardrobes, mirrors. The atmosphere in the bedrooms is very comforting. When the weather is fine we bring chairs and a table to the balcony and enjoy warm evenings outside.  Besides of these rooms I have a room of my own. According to my taste I chose the wallpaper for the walls and the furniture: a sofa with lovely cushions, a wardrobe, a writing desk and a floor lamp. The window is framed with silk curtains. The floor in my room is covered with wall-to-wall carpeting. I love my bedroom, it’s very cozy and warm.
    When I think about our house I am sure it is the best place on the Earth. I like the English proverb: "My home is my castle" because my house is, indeed, my castle.

    English language

    Kazakh language

    Russian language


    екі қабатты


    a chimney [ˈʧɪmnɪ]



    modern conveniences

    заманауи жабдықтар

    современные удобства

    central heating

    орталық жылыту

    центральное отопление

    ground floor

    төменгі қабат

    нижний этаж

    porch [pɔːʧ]



    view [vjuː]



    to admire [ədˈmaɪə]



    picturesque scenery

    [pɪkʧəˈresk ˈsiːnərɪ]

    көркем пейзаж

    живописный пейзаж




    fluffy carpet

    [ˈflʌfɪ ˈkɑːpɪt]

    жұмсақ кілем

    мягкий ковер

    unique [juːˈniːk]



    wardrobe [ˈwɔːdrəʊb]



    cushion [kʊʃn]


    диванная подушка

    path [pɑːθ]



    spacious [ˈspeɪʃəs]






    cosy [ˈkəʊzɪ]



    to equip






    furniture [ˈfɜːnɪʧə]



    curtains [kɜːtns]



    1. Phonetic Drill:

    Modern conveniences, central heating, spacious garden, cosy dining-room, lovely cushions,

    picturesque scenery, the most beautiful corner, silk curtains, fluffy carpet, colourful flowerbeds, artificial fire-place, comfortable armchairs, electric kettle, floor lamp, food processor,unique, furniture, path,mirrors, calm.
    2. Give the Kazakh\Russian equivalents:

    perfect place, two-storeyed red brick building, the warmest place, a big wooden table, the library is equipped, very cozy and warm, modern kitchen gadgets, enjoy vacation, the unique feature, large living-room, chose the wallpaper, glassware, wide grey stone path, tropical kinds, the best place on the Earth, two comfortable armchairs, a grey roof, plant, Christmas tree
    3. Translate the following sentences using active vocabulary:

    1. The house is surrounded with a spacious garden where we plant fruit, vegetables and flowers.

    2. We should be thankful to our mother for this garden which is the most beautiful corner in the whole house

    3. The ground floor of the house is much busier than the first one.

    4. In winter we decorate our Christmas tree outside, so everyone can see how wonderful it is to have own house.

    5. Our guests admire the picturesque scenery of the wood and the river.

    6. There is an artificial fire-place in the wall and a fluffy carpet on the parquet floor in the middle of the room.

    4. Match the words:


    spacious garden

    A красивый уголок\ әдемі бұрыш


    colourful flowerbeds

    B живописный пейзаж\ көркем пейзаж


    beautiful corner

    C современные удобства\ заманауи жабдықтар


    comfortable armchairs

    D центральное отопление\ орталық жылыту


    silk curtains

    E мягкий ковер\ жұмсақ кілем


    central heating

    F просторный сад\ кең саябақ


    fluffy carpet

    G искуственный камин\ жасанды камин


    picturesque scenery

    H красочные клумбы \түрлі-түсті гүлзарлар


    modern conveniences

    I удобные кресла \ ыңғайлы креслалар


    artificial fire-place

    J шелковые шторы\ жібек перделер


    1. Give English equivalents:

    Түрлі-түсті гүлзарлар, жасанды камин, көркем пейзаж, жастық, кең, жабдықтау, жиһаз, ыңғайлы креслалар, таңдану, ерекше,қоршалған, отырғызу, бірге жиналу ,төменгі қабат, қонақ бөлмесі,керемет, веранда (кіреберіс), мұржа
    Красочные клумбы, искуственный камин, живописный пейзаж, диванная подушка,просторный, оборудовать, мебель, удобные кресла, восхищаться, уникальный ,окруженный, сажать, собираться вместе, нижний этаж,гостинная комната,изумительный, веранда,
    2. Compose sentences using active words:

    1.we ,decorate, our Christmas, ,outside, see, it is,to have ,house. in winter, so everyone, can, own, tree, how wonderful.

    2.of the ground floor, where tropical kinds , grow, and flowers, the unique feature, is its winter, garden, all year ,round, of plants.

    3. flowerbeds, on , sides of, colourful, you ,can ,see , the both, the path.

    4. is very, the atmosphere, the bedrooms, comforting, in.

    5. you ,can find, a large, living-room, a cosy, a bathroom, a hall, here, with a fireplace, dining-room, connected with a kitchen.

    6. in the garden, year, are going to ,build, swimming, pool , this, my parents.
    3. Fill in the blanks

    1.It is a nice ….. red brick building with a grey roof

    2.The .....from the windows in our living-room is amazing

    3. The ground floor of the house is much ..... than the first one

    4. The ..... place in our house is the kitchen where we cook and have meals at a big wooden table.

    5.In winter we ..... our Christmas tree outside, so everyone can see how wonderful it is to have own house.

    6. We should be ..... to our mother for this garden which is the most beautiful corner in the whole house.

    7. The ..... feature of the ground floor is its winter garden where tropical kinds of plants and flowers grow all year round.

    8. We often ..... together in the dining-room or the living-room and talk, have dinner, and celebrate holidays.

    9. The first floor is a ..... and ..... place.

    10. Our guests ..... the picturesque scenery of the wood and the river.
    4. Translate the sentences and analyze the use of structure « to be going to»

    1. This year my parents are going to build swimming pool in the garden.

    2. I am going to buy some books tomorrow.

    3. Sarah is going to sell her car.

    4. I am not going to have breakfast this morning. I am not hungry.

    5. What are you going to wear to the wedding next week

    6. Your hands are dirty.Yes,I know. I am going to wash them.

    7.Are you going to invite Martin to your party?
    5.Fill in the blanks with structure «to be going to» +verbs. Translate the sentences.

    do eat give lie down stay walk wash watch wear

    1. My hands are dirty. I……………….. them

    2. What ….. to the party tonight?

    3. It’s a nice day. I don’t want to go home by bus. I ………….

    4. John is going to London next week. He …….with some friends.

    5. I’m hungry. I . . . this sandwich.

    6. It’s Sharon’s birthday next week. We ……. her a present.

    7. Sue says she’s feeling very tired. She ……. down for an hour.

    8. There’s a good film on TV this evening. ……. you……….. it?

    9. What . . Rachel….. when she leaves school?
    6. Choose the correct form of the structure « to be going to»

    1.She ( is\are) going to have a bath.

    2.I ( am\ are) going to buy a car.

    3.We ( is\are) going to play football

    4.The shelf ( is\are) going to fall down

    5.The car (are \is) going to turn right.

    6.He (am \is) going to kick the ball.
    7. Compose your own three sentences using the structure « to be going to»
    8. Name the main theme of the conversation. Act out the dialogue.

    Valeria: Hi, Zhanna. Haven’t seen you for ages! How are you?

    Zhanna: Hi, Valeria. I’m fine, thank you. We’ve recently moved to a new place.

    Valeria: Where do you live now?

    Zhanna: We live in a two-storey detached house outside the city.

    Valeria: Oh, sounds lovely! I think a detached house is much better than a flat.

    Zhanna: Yes. We have more space now for different activities. For example, we can play ping-pong or basketball in the backyard.

    Valeria: That’s great! And, how many rooms are there in the house?

    Zhanna: There are three bedrooms upstairs and a living-room downstairs. The kitchen is also downstairs.

    Valeria: How about the bathroom?

    Zhanna: We have two of them: one — upstairs and one — downstairs.

    Valeria: So, you have your own room now, is that right?

    Zhanna: Yes, that’s right. Before we moved I had to share a room with my little brother, as our flat had only two bedrooms.

    Valeria: I remember. You invited me twice or even more.

    Zhanna: You are welcome to come to my new house as well. I’ll show you around and we can play different games.

    Valeria: Ok . Tell me a bit more about your new house.

    Zhanna: Well, my favourite place in the house is the living-room. It’s a multifunctional room for us. We watch TV, play computer games, rest at the sofa, read books, have family parties and everyday dinners there.

    Valeria: How about your bedroom? Is it spacious?

    Zhanna: It’s smaller that the living-room.There is a bed, a wardrobe, a desk with a chair, a TV and a bookshelf. There is a thick carpet on the floor, so we can sit on it and play chess.

    Valeria: Oh, that’s great! I wish we could move to a detached house too.

    Zhanna: Your flat is also rather spacious.

    Valeria: Yes, there are four bedrooms in it, but we don’t have the special playground for games.

    Zhanna: I see. It’s really good to have the place where you can play. We have a large garden now. I like the view of it.

    Valeria: What plants are there?

    Zhanna: My mother grows different vegetables. There are also many fruit trees. I hope next summer we’ll have own harvest.

    Valeria: There are definitely lots of benefits of living in the house
    9. Compose your own report about your flat\house.

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