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  • Words of Surprise

  • Really! Is that so

  • Choose the right verb forms to complete the sentences.

  • Австралия. австралия 2. Она располагается под нами

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    Австралия - удивительная и уникальная страна. В ней есть много странных и удивительных мест, необычных животных, это страна удивительной культуры. Каждый из нас хотел бы увидеть что-то  необычное и стремиться к чему-то новому, прекрасному.  Австралия и может стать этим прекрасным.

    Она располагается под нами,

    Там, очевидно, ходят вверх ногами,

    Там наизнанку вывернутый год,

    Там расцветают в октябре сады,

    Там протекают реки без воды,

    (они в пустыне протекают где-то),

    Там в зарослях следы бескрылых птиц,

    Там кошкам в пищу достаются змеи,

    Рождаются зверята из яиц,

    И там собаки лаять не умеют,

    Деревья сами лезут из коры,

    Там кролики страшней, чем наводненье!

    Список удивительных мест во всем мире очень велик, но мы попытались представить проект об этой удивительной стране и  дать ответ на волнующий нас  вопрос: «Почему Австралию называют страной,  где всё наоборот?»


    Цель проектной работы:

    -поиск и изучение информации об одной из англоязычных стран и целом материке: месторасположение, животный и растительный мир, население, города, достопримечательности, кухня и др.;

    -воспитание толерантного отношения к людям разных народов.

    Данная цель предопределила следующие задачи:

    -изучить теоретические аспекты по проблеме исследования.

    -определить социокультурные особенности страны

    Read the text and give it a name.
    • Australia is the smallest continent and the biggest island in the world. It is a large and rich country too. In fact, only five coun­tries in the world are bigger than Australia. The journey from the city of Perth in the west to Sydney which is the oldest and the biggest city in the east takes four hours by plane. Canberra is the capital of the country, it is situated in the east too.
    • Australia is a fairly low country. Two thirds of it, mostly in the centre and the west, is desert. There are hills and big dry lakes there. It is very difficult to grow anything on these territories. In the west and the centre the temperature is often +35 degrees in the summer months and a lot of the territory is empty.
    • Most of Australians live in the south and east of the country, where the summers (from November to April) are warm and the winters (from May to October) are not too cold. In winter many people go to the north of the country which is a popular place for winter holidays in the sun.
    • When British people came to Australia in 1788, they gave the name "aborigine" to the people they found there. The 300,000 Aborigines who lived in Australia at that time belonged to different tribes and each tribe had its land and language. They travelled a lot during the year to find food and water. They ate plants and fruit and caught animals and fish. They made houses from branches and leaves.
    • Their way of life didn't destroy the land where they lived. The Aborigi­nes believe that once upon a time animals, plants and people lived to­gether and made the world. That was "Dreamtime". There are many songs, stories and pictures about it.
    • At special times Aborigines came together in big groups. They painted their bodies, danced and sang and made music.
    • After 1788 their life suddenly began to change. Thousands of Aborigines died from fighting the British or from diseases that appeared on their lands. The British took a lot of Aboriginal land, too.

    Say which of these facts are true, false or not stated.

    1) Australia is the richest country in the world.

    2) Most people in Australia live in big cities such as Sydney and Can­berra.

    3) When it is winter in Europe, it is summer in Australia.

    4) The largest part of the territory in Australia is the land without trees.

    5) In winter it is sunnier and warmer in the south of Australia.

    6) The Aborigines lived in wooden houses before the British came to the new continent.

    7) A lot of Aborigines died after the British came to their land.

    Remember the text and say:

    1) how many countries are situated on the biggest island of the world;

    2) what part of Australia is desert;

    3) what is the name of the biggest city in Australia;

    4) which is the oldest city in the country;

    5) what city is the capital of the country;

    6) what part of the country is practically empty;

    7) where people who live in Australia like to spend winter holidays;

    8) in what part of the country most people live

    Words of Surprise

    Следующие слова и словосочетания могут помочь вам выразить своё удивление на английском языке. Постарайтесь использовать их в речи.

    Really?! Is that so?

    You don't say so! (He может быть!)

    Fancy that! (Подумать только!)

    Well, I never! (Надо же!) It's incredible! (Невероятно!)

    Oh dear! (Боже мой!) Wow!

    1) Nowadays about 400 million people speak English.

    2) There are about 5,000 languages and dialects in the world.

    3) The British king Henry VIII had six wives.

    4) Ireland is a country of young people: nearly half of its people are under 25.

    5) Queen Elizabeth II was born in April, but they celebrate her birthday in June.

    6) The giant bamboo is a very dangerous plant. Its juice can kill but the lemurs eat it every day and they don't die.

    Read the text and choose a title for it.

    -The Country of Parrots and Kangaroos

    -The Continent That Can Surprise

    -The Birds That Laugh

    If you want to see unusual animals, birds and plants, Australia is a good place to go.

    The kangaroo is one Australian animal that everybody knows. The big­gest of the fifty kinds is the red kangaroo. They can jump more than four metres and travel at seventy kilometres an hour. Kangaroos eat grass and leaves and live in small groups.

    Everybody loves the sleepy grey koalas. Like kangaroos, they have a pouch on their fronts for their babies . After six months in the pouch, baby koalas ride on their mother's back.

    Koalas eat one kilo of leaves each day but drink nearly nothing. The word "ko­ala" means "no water". Not everybody knows that the koala only looks like a bear but in fact is a different animal.

    Two Australian animals, the echidna and the duckbill are really very unusual. Their babies come from eggs but drink milk from their mothers. No other animals in the world do this.

    The echidna eats ants, which it catches with its long fast tongue. The duckbill swims well, but it can only stay under water for some minutes.

    There are more than eight hundred kinds of birds in Australia. The con­tinent is the home of budgies and some kinds of parrots. The emu, which is two metres tall, is the second largest bird in the world. It cannot fly, but it can run at fifty kilometres an hour. Then there is the kookaburra bird. Its cry sounds like somebody's laughter.

    Eucalyptus trees, or gum trees, grow in many places in Aus­tralia.

    These strong trees grow very fast and do not die when there are forest fires.

    Australia is full of surprises and a lot of people dream to visit this continent and see it with their own eyes.

    Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

    friendly, lovely, ugly, kindly, shapely, lonely, womanly

    1) I think the new market building is rather ... . I hate looking at it! 2) That evening I felt really ... and needed a friend to talk to. 3) Ath­letes' bodies usually look beautiful and ... . 4) Don't use bad language, Rose. It's not a ... thing to do. 5) It was a ... day in early spring with a lot of sunshine and a warm wind from the sea.

    6) Everybody likes to hear ... words, we like it when people speak nicely to us.

    Choose the right verb forms to complete the sentences.

    1) In fact George (has been/was) to America several times. But I am not sure when he (has been/was) there.

    2) The other day we (have bought/bought) very fashionable clothes.

    3) Christmas (has come/came). We are going to have a Christmas party tonight.

    4) How much money (have you spent/did you spend) on these dictionar­ies? — Sorry, I don't remember.

    5) When (have they left/did they leave) for Japan? — Last Friday, I think.

    6) She (has had/had) a very interesting meeting lately.

    7) What books (have you found/did you find) in this old bookcase? Show them to me.

    8) (Have you been to/were you in) Australia before? — No, I (haven't/wasn't). It's the first time I (have come/came) here.

    Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words below.

    Sudden, educate, tree, colour, pleasant, love, build, sand.

    1) ... he heard very loud music.

    2) Jane has never read anything about the system of ... in Australia.

    3) A yellow ... desert was in front of them.

    4) The Australian Aborigines paint their bodies and make them very ... on special days.

    5) In fact my visit to his family was rather ... .

    6) A small ... girl was standing near the cage and looking at the budgies.

    7) There are a lot of modern tall ...s in Canberra.

    8) The ... coasts of southeast Australia are always full of holidaymakers.

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