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  • Introduction

  • Type of peripherals

  • Summary translation

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    з дисципліни Англійська мова професійного спрямування(ІІІ курс)

    на тему: Peripherals

    Виконав: Гікал А. О.

    група КА-71

    Викладач: Заворотня О.І.

    Київ 2019


    Peripheral device used to enter information and instructions into a computer for storage or processing and to deliver the processed data to a human operator. Or it is a device that used to put information into or det information out of the computer

    Type of peripherals
    Peripherals are commonly divided into three kinds: input devices, output devices, and storage devices. An input device converts incoming data and instructions into a pattern of electrical signals in binary code that are comprehensible to a digital computer. An output device reverses the process, translating the digitized signals into a form intelligible to the user.

    Usually, the word peripheral is used to refer to a device external to the computer case, like a scanner, but the devices located inside the computer case are also technically peripherals. Devices that exist outside the computer case are called external peripherals, or auxiliary components Devices that are inside the case such as internal hard drives or CD-ROM drives are also peripherals in technical terms and are called internal peripherals, but may not be recognized as peripherals by laypeople.

    In computing, an input device is a peripheral (piece of computer hardware equipment) used to provide data and control signals to an information processing system such as a computer or other information appliance. Examples of input devices include keyboards, mice, scanners, digital cameras and joysticks.

    Many input devices can be classified according to:

    • modality of input (e.g. mechanical motion, audio, visual, etc.)

    • the input is discrete (e.g. key presses) or continuous (e.g. a mouse’s position, though digitized into a discrete quantity, is fast enough to be considered continuous)

    Pointing devices, which are input devices used to specify a position in space, can further be classified according to:

    • Whether the input is direct or indirect. With direct input, the input space coincides with the display space, i.e. pointing is done in the space where visual feedback or the pointer appears. Touchscreens and light pens involve direct input. Examples involving indirect input include the mouse and trackball.

    • Whether the positional information is absolute (e.g. on a touch screen) or relative (e.g. with a mouse that can be lifted and repositioned)

    Direct input is almost necessarily absolute, but indirect input may be either absolute or relative. For example, digitizing graphics tablets that do not have an embedded screen involve indirect input and sense absolute positions and are often run in an absolute input mode, but they may also be set up to simulate a relative input mode like that of a touchpad, where the stylus or puck can be lifted and repositioned.

    Input and output devices make up the hardware interface between a computer and a scanner or 6DOF controller.

    Output equipment includes video display terminals, ink-jet and laser printers, loudspeakers, headphones. Some devices, such as video display terminals and USB hubs, may provide both input and output. Other examples are devices that enable the transmission and reception of data between computers—for example modems and network interfaces.

    In computing, memory refers to the devices used to store information for use in a computer. The term primary memory is used for storage systems which function at high-speed (i.e. RAM), as a distinction from secondary memory, which provides program and data storage that is slow to access but offer higher memory capacity. If needed, primary memory can be stored in secondary memory, through a memory management technique called “virtual memory.” An archaic synonym for memory is store.

    Most storage devices — as, for example, CD-ROM and DVD drives, flash memory drives, and external disk drives also double as input / output devices . Even devices such as smartphones, tablet computers, and wearable devices like fitness trackers and smartwatches can be considered as peripherals, albeit ones that can function independently.

    Various standards for connecting peripherals to computers exist. For example, enhanced integrated drive electronics (EIDE) and serial advanced technology attachment (SATA) are common interfaces, or buses, for magnetic disk drives. A bus (also known as a port) can be either serial or parallel, depending on whether the data path carries one bit at a time (serial) or many at once (parallel). Serial connections, which use relatively few wires, are generally simpler and slower than parallel connections. Universal serial bus (USB) is a common serial bus. A common example of a parallel bus is the SATA bus.


    A peripheral device is generally any auxiliary device that connects and works with the computer to increase functionality if computer. Peripheral devices can be input/output, external or internal. Some devices, such as video display terminals, may provide both input and output.

    Summary translation

    Периферийное устройство - это, как правило, любое вспомогательное устройство, которое подключается к компьютеру и работает с ним для повышения функциональности компьютера. Периферийные устройства могут быть входными / выходными, внешними или внутренними. Некоторые устройства, такие как терминалы видеодисплея, могут обеспечивать как вход, так и выход.


    1. Encyclopedia Britannica [Електронний ресурс] – Режим https://www.britannica.com/technology/input-output-device

    2. https://www.slideshare.net/anniefarooq2/peripheral-devices

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