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  • 1 –d.

  • Robert Peel introduced the Metropolitan Police Act of 1829 and set up an organized police force for London.

  • It was to be controlled from Scotland Yard and answer- able to the Home Secretary.

  • The popular name or nickname of constables was «Peelers» and «Bobbies».

  • The constables wore dark a blue long coat and a tall hat in which they could stand to look through the walls, a couple handcuffs and a wooden rattle to sound the alarm.

  • The only weapon was a truncheon.

  • Англ. Sir Robert Peel сэр Роберт Пиль

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    1. Прочитайте и переведите следующие имена собственные:

    Sir Robert Peel, Lancashire, the Royal Irish Constabulary, «Peels», «Bobbies», Royal Navy.

    Sir Robert Peel- сэр Роберт Пиль

    Lancashire - Ланкашир

    the Royal Irish Constabulary – Ирландская королевская полиция

    «Peels»- пилеры

    «Bobbies»- бобби

    Royal Navy – Королевский военно-морской флот
    2. Переведите словосочетания из текста «Sir Robert Peel»

    To introduce the act, to set up an organized police force, to wear a dark blue long coat and a tall hat, a pair of can cuffs, a wooden rattle, whistle, to strike fear into the people, to smash protests, to prevent crime and disorder, to perform one's duties, voluntary observance of the law, absolute impartial service to the law, to maintain a relationship with the public, to usurp the power of the judiciary.
    To introduce the act- представить акт

    to set up an organized police force - создать организованную полицию

    to wear a dark blue long coat and a tall hat- носить темно-синее длинное пальто и высокую шляпу

    a pair of can cuffs- пара наручников

    a wooden rattle- деревянная погремушка

    whistle- свисток

    to strike fear into the people- вселять страх в людей

    to smash protests – подавить протест

    to prevent crime and disorder- для предотвращения преступлений и беспорядков

    to perform one's duties - для выполнения своих обязанностей

    voluntary observance of the law- добровольное соблюдение закона

    absolute impartial service to the law- абсолютное беспристрастное служение закону

    to maintain a relationship with the public- поддерживать отношения с общественностью

    to usurp the power of the judiciary- узурпировать власть судебной власти
    3. Сопоставьте слова из колонки А со словами из колонки В, чтобы получились предложения:



    1. Robert Peel

    a) to prevent crime and disorder

    2. They became known as «Bobbies»

    b) the absence of crime and disorder

    3. The basic mission of the police was

    c) to secure observance of the law or to restore order

    4. Police use physical force

    d) set up an organized police force for London

    5. The test of police efficiency is

    e) after their founder

    1 –d. Robert Peel set up an organized police force for London.

    2- e. They became known as «Bobbies» after their founder.

    3- a. The basic mission of the police was to prevent crime and disorder.

    4-c. Police use physical force to secure observance of the law or to restore order.

    5- b. The test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder.
    4. Ответьте на вопросы, используя полные предложения:

    1. Who set up an organized police force in London? 2. What did this force consist of? 3. Who supervised the work of Scotland Yard? 4. What other divisions had Sir Robert Peel established earlier? 5. What was the popular name or the nickname of constables? 6. Why were they known under such names? 7. What was the colour of the constable's uniform? Why was this colour chosen? 8. What was the weapon of constables?
    1. Who set up an organized police force in London?

    Robert Peel introduced the Metropolitan Police Act of 1829 and set up an organized police force for London.

    2. What did this force consist of?

    This force consisted of 17 divisions, each with 4 inspectors and 144 constables.

    3. Who supervised the work of Scotland Yard?

    It was to be controlled from Scotland Yard and answer- able to the Home Secretary.

    4. What other divisions had Sir Robert Peel established earlier?

    Robert Peel had already established the Royal Irish Constabulary in 1812.

    5. What was the popular name or the nickname of constables?

    The popular name or nickname of constables was «Peelers» and «Bobbies».

    6. Why were they known under such names?

    They became known as 'Peelers' and 'Bobbies' after their founder.

    7. What was the colour of the constable's uniform? Why was this colour chosen?

    The constables wore dark a blue long coat and a tall hat in which they could stand to look through the walls, a couple handcuffs and a wooden rattle to sound the alarm. Blue was chosen because it was the colour of the popular Royal Navy rather than red which was the army's colour and struck fear into the people because of the way soldiers had been used to smash protests.

    8. What was the weapon of constables?

    The only weapon was a truncheon.

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