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  • английский. Структура английского предложения

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    РАЗДЕЛ 1.

    Тема 1. Структура английского предложения.
    Цель: Повторение и закрепление грамматического материала по теме


    Перечень изучаемых элементов содержания

    1. Простые предложения (повествовательное, вопросительное, отрицательное предложения).

    1. Сложные предложения (повествовательное, вопросительное, отрицательное предложения).

    1. Главные члены предложения и их выражение.

    Вопросы для самоподготовки:

    1. Структура английского предложения.

    1. Порядок слов.

    1. Простое и сложное предложение.

    Тема 2. Семья.

    Цель: Активизациялексико-грамматическогоматериалавдиалогическойимонологическойречи.Обучениепоисковомуипросмотровому чтению.

    Перечень изучаемых элементов содержания

    Лексика по теме.

    Вопросы для самоподготовки:

    1. Составление диалогов по следующим проблемам:

    2. Teenage marriage.

    3. Leadership in the family.

    4. Marriage contacts and romantic love.

    5. Divorce and one-parent wedding.


    Форма практического задания: текстовые упражнения, лексико-грамматический перевод, темы для беседы, эссе, доклада

    Примерный перечень текстов для чтения и перевода к разделу 1


    Family Life

    Marriage is a thing which only a rare person in his or her life avoids. True bachelors and spinsters make up only a small percent of the population; most single people are alone but not lonely‖. Millions of others get married because of the fun of family life. And it is fun, if only one takes it with a sense of humour. There’s a lot of fun in falling in love with someone and chasing the prospective fiancée, which means dating and going out with the candidate. All the relatives (parents, grandparents and great-grandparents, brothers and sisters, cousins, aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews, stepmothers and stepfathers and all in-laws) meanwhile have the fun of criticizing your choice and giving advice. The trick here is not to listen to them but propose to your bride-to-be and somehow get her to accept your proposal. Then you may arrange the engagement and fix the day of the wedding.

    What fun it is to get all those things, whose names start with the word ―wedding‖ dress, rings, cars, flowers, cakes, etc.! it’s great fun to pay for them.

    It’s fun for the bride and the groom to escape from the guests and go on a honeymoon trip, especially if it is a wedding present from the parents. The guests remain with the fun of gossiping whether you married for love or for money. It’s fun to return back home with the idea that the person you are married to is somewhat different from the one you knew. But there is no time to think about it because you are newly-weds and you expect a baby.

    There is no better fun for a husband than taking his wife to a maternity home alone and bringing her back with the twins or triplets.

    And this is where the greatest fun stars: washing the new-born’s nappies and passing away sleepless nights, earning money to keep the family, taking children to kindergarten and

    later to school. By all means it’s fun to attend parents’ meetings and to learn that your children take after you and don’t do well at school.

    The bigger your children grow, the more they resemble you outwardly and the less they display likeness with you inwardly. And you start grumbling at them and discussing with your old friends the problem of the ―generation gap‖. What fun!

    And when at last you and your grey-haired spouse start thinking that your family life has calmed down, you haven’t divorced but preserved your union, the climax of your fun bursts out!

    One of your dearest off-springs brings a long-legged blonde to your house and says that he wants to marry. And you think: Why do people ever get married?‖


    My family

    Let me introduce myself. My name is Alexander, Alec for short. My full name is Alrxander Sergeyevich Orlov. Orlov is my surname, Alexander is my first name and Sergeyevich is my patronymic. I am not yet nineteen.

    At the moment I am a first-year student at the University.

    My parents have two more children besides me. Thus I have got an older brother and a younger sister. My sister Helen is just out of school. She is seventeen. She is a pretty girl with brown hair and soft dark-brown eyes. Her dream is to become a pianist.

    My brother, whose name is Michael, is eight years my senior. He is twenty-seven already. He is a builder. He is married and has a family of his own. They are four in the family. He has a wife and two children – a son and a daughter. They are twins. They are lovely little children with golden hair and dark-blue eyes. They are always full of joy and gaiety. His wife’s name is Nina. She is a surgeon by profession. They are not in St. Petersburg. They are in the Far East.

    My parents are not old at all. Father is fifty, and Mother is three years his junior. My grandparents are already pensioners but they are still full of life and energy. They have a house in the country. Aunt Mary is with them.

    She is a pleasant-looking woman of about forty. Uncle Nick, her husband, is a librarian. He is a clever man but a little unpractical. Aunt Mary, on the other hand, is very practical and full of common sense.

    They have a son. He is my cousin. Peter is nineteen, tall, a fine manly fellow. He is at the University and is studying to be a chemist. He is a clever, hard-working student, a first-class footballer, and a good runner. He is strong, quiet and thoughtful like his father.

    Текстовые упражнения к разделу 1:

    (??) Translate into English семейная жизнь влюбиться

    принять предложение назначить день свадьбы выходить, развлекаться цветы

    медовый месяц проблема отцов и детей рождение ребенка

    отводить детей в детский садик родильный дом

    хорошо учиться в школе
    (??)Match the words from the text and their synonyms. Подберите к данным словам синонимы.

    () surname - allow

    () patronymic - second name second name () pretty -gaiety

    () joy - beautiful, good-looking () profession - smart
    () the country suburb () pleasant- pretty

    () grandparents grandmother and grandfather second name () clever second name

    () strong suburb

    () fellow guy occupation () lovely nice

    () let family name, last name
    Перечень тем для беседы к разделу 1:

    1. Teenage marriage.

    2. Leadership in the family.

    1. Marriage contacts and romantic love.

    1. Divorce and one-parent wedding.

    Перечень тем для эссе к разделу 1:
    Время 40 мин, объем 500 - 700 печ. зн.

    1. Families with many children versus families with one child.

    1. The effect of divorce on children.

    1. How to bridge the ―generation gap‖.

    1. The ideal family of the future.

    Примерный перечень тем докладов к разделу 1:

    1. My family tree

    2. ―A marriage of convenience‖

    3. Positive and negative sides of family life

    4. Ideal wife/husband

    Примерный перечень тем диалогов к разделу 1:

    1. you are speaking with a distant relative trying to find out what relation you are to one another;

    2. you show your family album to your friend and answer all his or her questions.

    РУБЕЖНЫЙ КОНТРОЛЬ К РАЗДЕЛУ 1: форма рубежного контроля

    компьютерное тестирование

    Примерные вопросы

    (??) Choose the correct order of the sentence. (a)My parents besides me more children two have. (b)My parents have two more children besides me. (c)My two children have more besides me parents. (??) Choose the correct order of the sentence.

    (a)Millions get married of life of family the others because of fun. (b)Millions others of family life of fun get married of the because.

    (c) Millions of others get married because of the fun of family life.

    (??)Choose the right synonyms of the word let. Подберите правильный синоним к слову let.

    1. allow

    2. put

    3. tell

    (??) Choose the right synonym of the word pretty. Подберите правильный синоним к слову


    1. good

    2. clever

    3. beautiful

    (??) Choose the right synonym of the word profession. Подберите правильный синоним к слову profession.

    1. occupation

    2. promotion

    3. dream

    (??) Choose the right synonym of the word surname.Подберите правильный синоним к слову


    1. family name

    2. first name

    3. last name

    (??)Choose the right synonym of the word clever.Подберите правильный синоним к слову


    1. bad

    2. smart

    3. fast

    (??) Choose the right synonym of the word country. Подберите правильный синоним к слову


    1. suburb

    2. city

    3. street

    (??) Choose the right synonym of the word grandparents. Подберите правильный синоним к слову grandparents.

    1. mother and father

    2. brother and sister

    3. grandmother and grandfather

    (??)Choose the right Russian equivalent to the phrase accept proposal. Подберите правильный перевод к словосочетанию acceptproposal

    1. принять предложение

    2. ожидать рождение ребенка

    3. разводиться

    (??) Choose the right equivalent to the phrase generation gap. Подберите правильный перевод к словосочетанию generation gap.

    1. проблема братьев и сестер

    2. проблема мужа и жены

    3. проблема отцов и детей

    (??) Choose the right equivalent to the phrase honeymoon trip. Подберите правильный перевод словосочетания honeymoon trip.

    1. медовый месяц

    2. счастливы

    3. веселая свадьба

    (??) Choose the right equivalent to the phrase fall in love. Подберите правильный перевод словосочетания fall in love.

    1. влюбиться

    2. расстаться

    3. жениться

    (??) Choose the right equivalent of the word bride. Подберите правильный эквивалент к слову bride.

    1. невеста

    2. подружка невесты

    3. подруга

    (??) Choose the right equivalent of the word groom. Подберите правильный эквивалент к слову groom.

    1. двоюродный брат

    2. друг

    3. жених

    (??) Choose the right equivalent of the word offspring. Подберите правильный эквивалент к слову offspring.

    1. отпрыск

    2. родитель

    3. сосед

    (??) Choose the right equivalent of the word spinster. Подберите правильный эквивалент к слову spinster.

    1. незамужняя женщина

    2. двоюродная сестра

    3. невеста

    (??) Choose the right equivalent of the word stepfather. Подберите правильный эквивалент в слову stepfather.

    1. муж

    2. родственник

    3. отчим

    (??) Choose the right equivalent of the word triplet. Подберите правильный эквивалент к слову triplet.

    1. близнец из тройни

    2. близнец из двойни

    3. приемный ребенок

    (??) Choose the right equivalent of the word newly-wed. Подберите правильный эквивалент к слову newly-wed.

    1. молодожен

    2. близнец

    3. жених

    (??) Choose the right equivalent of the word nappy. Подберите правильный эквивалент к слову nappy.

    1. пеленка

    2. детская кроватка

    3. ребенок

    (??) Choose the right equivalent of the word in-laws. Подберите правильный эквивалент к слову in-laws.

    1. родственники со стороны мужа и жены

    2. родители

    3. друзья жениха

    (??) Choose the right equivalent of the word divorce. Подберите правильный эквивалент к слову divorce.

    1. медовый месяц

    2. свидание

    3. развод

    (??) Choose the right equivalent of the word engagement. Подберите правильный эквивалент к слову engagement.

    1. развод

    2. предложение

    3. помолвка

    (??) Choose the right equivalent of the word bachelor. Подберите правильный эквивалент к слову bachelor.

    1. холостяк

    2. дедушка

    3. прадедушка

    (??)Choose the right equivalent of the word new-born. Подберите правильный эквивалент к слову new-born.

    1. новорожденный

    2. близнец

    3. жених

    (??) Choose the right equivalent of the word spouse. Подберите правильный эквивалент к слову spouse.

    1. отчим

    2. родственник

    3. супруг

    (??) Choose the right equivalent of the right word twin. Подберите правильный эквивалент к слову twin.

    1. брат

    2. жених

    3. близнец

    (??) Choose the right equivalent of the word wedding. Подберите правильный эквивалент к слову wedding.

    1. свадьба

    2. помолвка

    3. предложение

    (??) Choose the right equivalent of the word senior. Подберите правильный эквивалент к слову senior.

    1. младший

    2. пенсионер

    3. старший

    (??) Choose the right equivalent of the word junior. Подберите правильный эквивалент к слову junior.

    1. младший

    2. старший

    3. холостяк

    (??) Choose the right equivalent of the word introduce. Подберите правильный эквивалент к слову introduce.

    1. представиться

    2. рассказать

    3. разрешить

    (??) Choose the right definitions to the term chemist. Подберите правильное определение к термину chemist.

    1. a scientist who specializes in chemistry

    2. a scientist who specializes in medical operation

    3. a scientist who works in hospital

    (??) Choose the right definition to the term surgeon. Подберите правильное определение к термину surgeon.

    1. a person who runs a hospital

    2. a doctor who works in dental clinic

    3. a doctor whose job is to perform medical operation

    (??) Choose the right definition to the term pianist. Подберите правильное определение к термину pianist.

    1. a person who plays the piano

    2. a person who performs on stage

    3. a musician who plays in orchestra

    (??) Choose the right definition to the term librarian. Подберите правильное определение к термину librarian.

    1. a person who is in charge of or helps to run a library

    2. a person who works at university

    3. a person who is receiving a pension

    (??) Choose the right definition to the term twin. Подберите правильное определение к термину twin.

    1. either or two children born of the same mother at the same time

    2. a sister and a brother

    3. a child who has a stepmother

    (??) Choose the right definition to the term student. Подберите правильный эквивалент к термину student.

    1. a person who is studying, esp. at a college or university

    2. a person who graduated from university

    3. a person works in a library

    (??) Choose the right definition to the term pensioner. Подберите правильный эквивалент к термину pensioner.

    1. a person who is waiting for a pension

    2. a person who is receiving a pension

    3. a person who works at university

    (??) Choose the right half of the sentence : My parents have two more children… . Подберите правильное окончание предложения: Myparentshavetwomorechildren.

    1. twins

    2. besides me

    3. in the country

    (??) Choose the right half of the sentence: Herdream is…

    Подберите правильное окончание предложения: Herdreamis...

    1. to become a pianist

    2. to be a little unpractical

    3. besides me

    (?? ) Choose the right half of the sentence: Heisa clevermanbut….

    Подберите правильное окончание предложения: Heisaclevermanbut….

    1. of about forty

    2. to become a pianist

    3. a little unpractical

    (??) Choose the right half of the sentence: HeisattheUniversity… .

    Подберите правильное окончание предложения: HeisattheUniversity….

    1. and is studying to be a chemist

    2. besides me

    3. of his own

    (??) Choose the right half of the sentence: She is a pleasant-looking woman…. Подберите правильное окончание предложения: She is a pleasant-looking woman… .

    1. of about forty

    2. in the country

    3. besides me

    (??) Choose the right half of the sentence: He is strong, quiet…. Подберите правильное окончание предложения: He is strong, quiet… .

    1. and thoughtful like his father

    2. of his own

    3. besides me

    (??) Choose the right half of the sentence: They have a house…. Подберите правильное окончание предложения: They have a house… .

    1. a little unpractical

    2. of about forty

    3. in the country

    (??) Choose the right half of the sentence: They are lovely little children… . Подберите правильное окончание предложения: They are lovely little children….

    1. with golden hair and dark-blue eyes

    2. and thoughtful like his father

    3. of his own

    (??) Choose the right half of the sentence: He is married and has a family…. Подберите правильное окончание предложения: He is married and has a family….

    1. besides me

    2. of his own

    3. in the country

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