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  • 2. Choose the correct form of the predicate in Passive Voice.

  • 4. Transform the sentences from Active Voice into Passive one. Translate the transformed sentence.

  • 5. Translate

  • 6. Put the sentences in past and future tenses.

  • 7. Change the direct speech into reported speech.

  • конирольная английский. контрольная английский. Test open the brackets using the correct form of the verb in Active Voice

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    • TEST

      1. Open the brackets using the correct form of the verb in Active Voice
      1. Usually I use my own telephone, but now I am using my boss's telephone.
      2. Cuckoos don’t build nests. They use the nests of the other birds.
      3. Where is Tom now? I am looking for him everywhere.
      4. He was writing a letter when I saw him.
      5. Harry was doing his work while his brothers were playing games.
      6. He won’t go to the office tomorrow.
      7. If you smoke a lot, you will have headaches.
      8. Tomorrow I will apologize to him.
      9. At 3 tomorrow we will walk in the garden.
      10. What are you doing here? I am waiting for you.
      11. When she came, I was watching TV.
      12. What does he think about?
      13. She already have answered the letter.
      14. My friend went away five minutes ago.
      15. I have not seen him yet.
      16. Did you see him last night?

      2. Choose the correct form of the predicate in Passive Voice.

      1. b
      2. b
      3. a
      4. a
      5. c
      6. b

      3. Open the brackets using the correct form of the verb in Passive Voice.
      1. Don’t enter the room! A student is being examined there.
      2 Two men were seen running out of the bank yesterday morning.
      3. The flowers already have been watered.
      4 The Smiths’ house is being painted now.
      5 The note can’t be read because the handwriting was very messy.
      6. Our exams have not marked yet.
      7 His car is washed every Sunday.
      8. The window had been broken before the children arrived.
      9. Look at the house! What has happened to it? - It was destroyed in an earthquake.

      4. Transform the sentences from Active Voice into Passive one. Translate the transformed sentence.
      1. I am always invites to the parties.
      2. The letter was written yesterday
      3. Such mistakes have already been made by him.
      4. A house will be built here.
      5. The documents must be delivered by Martha to the department.
      6. Dictionaries may not be used at the examination.
      7. My friend can be relied on.
      8. The doctor has already been sent.
      9. The question was answered correctly.

      1. Я всегда приглашен на вечеринки.
      2. Письмо было написано вчера.
      3. Такие ошибки уже сделаны им.
      4. Дом будет построен здесь.
      5. Документы должны быть доставлены Мартой в отдел.
      6. Словари не могут быть использованы на экзамене.
      7. На моего друга можно положиться.
      8. Врач уже был отправлен.
      9. На вопрос ответили правильно.

      5. Translate into Russian.
      1. Наши инженеры усердно работают над решением этой проблемы.
      2. Большинство аварий вызвано опасным вождением.
      3. Почему он вчера смеялся?
      4. Все средства производства в этой отрасли были недавно усовершенствованы.
      5. Математика любима большинством, не нравится некоторым, обожаема и уважаема всеми.
      6. Мы их вовлечем в обсуждение проблемы.
      7. Испытание будет проведено к трем часам.
      8. Инструменты для резки металла должны быть сделаны из очень твердой стали и сплавов.
      9. В нашем институте проводится интересное исследование в области электроники.
      10. Мы искали более простой способ решения, но не смогли найти его.
      11. На
      эти данные нельзя полагаться.
      6. Put the sentences in past and future tenses.
      1. You had to prepare the technical documentation.
      You will have prepare the technical documentation.
      2. The scientists could test their new apparatus in the laboratory.
      The scientists will be able to test their new apparatus in the laboratory.
      3. This scientist might investigate new means of production.
      This scientist may investigate new means of production.
      7. Change the direct speech into reported speech.
      1. Helen said that her sister was ready to go.
      2. The girl said her mother usually goes shopping on Saturday.
      3. The teacher said that the birds built their nests among the trees.
      4. Jimmy said that he was not married.
      5. Petra said that she could not read these books. She doesn’t like them.
      5. He asked why she was working so late.
      6. He asked if she was British.
      7. He asked what was her name.
      8. He asked what had she bought.
      9. Karrie said me to called her the following day.
      10. She said me didn’t shouted at her.

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