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  • Задание 4. 1) Adaptation of the child to school.2)1. How to identify the degree of adaptation of the child

  • 4. What is the name of the method by which the teacher determines the level of adaptation of the child to school 5. What is the most difficult task for a first grader

  • 8. In in what case does the child need the help of a psychologist 9. When should the first test on the childs adaptation to school be conducted

  • "Correct posture since childhood"

  • Английский. Английский 2. Задание Этот детский сад известен как Солнце

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    Задание 1.

    Этот детский сад известен как “Солнце”. Почти 160 детей в возрасте от 2 до 7 лет составляют восемь классов детей. Каждый класс сгруппирован по возрасту.

    В детском саду есть помещения, созданные специально для детей: художественная комната, тренажерный зал, музыкальная комната, игровая комната и “музей” для картин профессионалов и детей. В дополнение к обычным классам, для каждой группы есть спальни, гардеробные и ванные комнаты.

    Детский сад открывается в 7:00 утра; однако большинство маленьких детей родители приводят в школу в любое время с 8:00 утра до 9:00 утра. Когда бы ребенок ни пришел, его всегда встречают с улыбкой. С 8:00 утра до 9:00 утра дети делают утреннюю зарядку, затем умываются и чистят зубы. Затем они едят свой завтрак.

    Около 9:00 утра начинаются игровые мероприятия. Эти занятия различны – у маленьких детей есть один урок в день, в то время как у детей постарше есть два-три урока. Уроки направлены на развитие математических и коммуникативных навыков, а также на знакомство детей с природой и окружающим миром. Кроме того, дети могут заниматься экологией, музыкой, театром, рисованием, лепкой, аппликацией, дизайном, спортом и уроками английского языка. Зимой дети в возрасте от 5 лет катаются на коньках и лыжах. Летом они ездят на велосипедах.

    Как только уроки, которые меняются в течение недели, заканчиваются, дети отправляются на прогулку. Они наблюдают за природой, играют и ходят на экскурсии в театры, музеи и экспозиции. У маленьких детей обеденный перерыв в полдень; через час дети постарше обедают. Дети дремлют после обеда, который обычно длится 2 - 1 / 2 - 3 часа для маленьких детей и 1 - 1 / 2 часа для детей постарше.

    После дневного сна дети выполняют дыхательные и оздоровительные упражнения, а также гимнастику. После этих оздоровительных упражнений дети принимают полуденный прием пищи. Они пьют молоко или сок и едят компот. Затем дети играют. Они могут выбрать из множества организованных мероприятий, таких как уроки рисования, клуб ремесел и так далее.

    Дети также ужинают в детском саду. В то время как родители могут забрать детей домой в любое время, большинство детей отправляются домой с 17:00 вечера до 18:00 вечера. Детский сад открыт до 18:30 вечера.

    В детском саду работают следующие специалисты: воспитатели детского сада, по два на каждую группу; помощники воспитателей детского сада, которые отвечают за приготовление всех блюд, поддержание чистоты и помощь учителям в классе; психолог; учитель, который организует все спортивные мероприятия; учителя, которые развивают эстетическое и музыкальное навыки; и учитель английского языка. Раз в неделю психолог дает советы родителям по вопросам воспитания детей.

    Каждый российский детский сад имеет свои уникальные особенности и отличия, и каждый день отличается от предыдущего. Но одно остается неизменным: все люди, которые работают в детском саду, делают все возможное, чтобы помочь развить здоровых, творческих, умных и счастливых детей и убедить родителей в том, что их дети находятся в надежных руках.

    Задание 2.
    This kindergarten is known as the “Sun". Almost 160 children aged 2 to 7 years.

    The kindergarten has: an art room, a music room, a playroom and a “museum". There are also bedrooms, walk-in closets and bathrooms for each group.

    The kindergarten opens at 7:00 am; however, parents bring children at any time from 8:00 to 9:00 am. From 8:00 to 9:00 in the morning, children do morning exercises, then wash and brush their teeth. Then they eat their breakfast.

    Game events start around 9:00 am. Young children have one lesson a day, older children have two or three lessons.

    In winter, children from the age of 5 go skating and skiing. In the summer they ride bicycles.

    As soon as the lessons are over, the children go for a walk. Young children have a lunch break at noon. Children doze off after lunch. After a nap, children perform breathing and wellness exercises, as well as gymnastics. Then the children play.

    Children also have dinner at the kindergarten. Most of the children are taken home by their parents from 17:00 pm to 18:00 pm. The kindergarten is open until 6.30 pm.

    The following specialists work in the kindergarten: kindergarten teachers,; kindergarten assistants,; a psychologist; a teacher who organizes sports events; teachers who develop aesthetic and musical skills; and an English teacher.
    Задание 3.
    In the morning I meet the kids and accompany them to the group. Most of the children are already in the group, it's time to do exercises to the song. After a simple but energetic charge, it was time for breakfast.

    How nice it is to watch children when they already take a spoon in their hand and eat on their own, because they are only 2-3 years old. After the children have eaten, they always say thank you and push the chairs behind them.

    An exciting journey into the world of knowledge begins. Our classes are always held in accordance with the daily planning of the teacher's work. And so, let's start the lesson. Modeling: - "Guys! The elephant wants to draw and he asks us to make pencils out of plasticine. You and I will take a piece of plasticine, mash it and put it on the palm, and cover it with the other palm, and then we will roll the plasticine between the palms. Children, look at what pencils we have turned out! The baby elephant will be happy now. During the modeling, I helped the children, gave advice and praised them for their work.

    The lesson went off with a bang, it's time to take a walk. A walk is the most exciting moment for kids. On a walk, we are always expected to have fun, exciting games and observations. After the walk, we go to lunch.

    The children sit down at the tables and start eating. Lunch is over, it's bedtime. We are reading a fairy tale. Less than five minutes later, everyone fell asleep. But now it's time to work on a plan for tomorrow and talk to colleagues.

    It's 15-00 o'clock, it's time to wake up. To the sounds of energetic music, we get dressed, do exercises and get ready for afternoon tea. The children have eaten, eaten, it's time to study.

    In the afternoon we have a music lesson, today we are learning the words of the song, because we are preparing for the holiday.

    The time is 17-00. Children are waiting for their parents. How nice it is to watch children when they see their parents, their eyes shine with happiness, and their heart seems to freeze for a few seconds.

    In my work, I love: communicating with children, playing games with them, teaching them to draw and sculpt.

    For me, the difficulty in my work lies in writing calendar plans.

    I will build a subject-developing environment in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard UP to, SanPiN, and in accordance with the age group of children.

    Joint work with colleagues will be carried out through my conducting master classes, consultations, seminars.
    Задание 4.
    1) Adaptation of the child to school.


    1. How to identify the degree of adaptation of the child?

    2. If the child paints an object in a dark color, what does this indicate?

    3. Which method indicates the psychological state of the child?

    4. What is the name of the method by which the teacher determines the level of adaptation of the child to school?

    5. What is the most difficult task for a first grader?

    6. What is the meaning of the game "Diligent student"?

    7. What signs indicate the correct adaptation to school?

    8. In in what case does the child need the help of a psychologist?

    9. When should the first test on the child's adaptation to school be conducted?

    10. What kind of event is held with children and their parents before the start of the school year?
    Задание 5.

    • Vitamins are necessary for a growing body, so the diet should be varied. The diet should include dairy products, cereals, vegetables and fruits, berries, nuts. Drink natural juices, compotes and jelly.

    • You can not run through the corridors, stairs, offices and any other school premises that are not designed for this;

    • Don't push, don't shout. Do not play outdoor games in rooms not designed for this purpose.

    • Conflicts arising between children should be resolved peacefully or through a teacher;

    • Be careful when moving on: stairs, slopes, icy surfaces, etc.;

    • In winter, do not go close to the walls of the school building to eliminate the risk of injury from falling snow or icicles;

    • Do not use objects in games that can lead to injury: stones, sticks, ice, etc.;

    • Do not bring dangerous objects or substances to school that can harm others: pyrotechnic or explosive devices, sharp, cutting objects, any type of small arms (including pneumatic).;

    • Do not climb trees, roofs, fences, and other high-rise structures;

    • If you go to bed and wake up at the same time, you will feel more cheerful and energetic.

    • Do not leave the school grounds without the teacher's permission;

    • Do not behave aggressively, do not provoke conflicts and do not take part in them. It is necessary to inform the teacher about the occurrence of conflicts;

    • Avoid all other hazards, always be careful and follow the rules of life safety.

    "Correct posture since childhood"
    Normal posture is the ability to maintain the correct body position.

    The main task of posture is to protect the spine from overload.
    Sit right:

    • you need to sit straight, keep your shoulders at the same level and parallel to the edge of the table.

    • The distance from the eyes to the book or notebook should correspond to the distance from the elbow to the fingertips.

    • Four fingers of the hand should pass freely between the edge of the desk and the torso.

    • It is necessary to fully occupy the bench of the chair, pressing the lower back to the back.

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