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  • Задание 2. Answer the following questions

  • Задание 3. Answer the following questions

  • Задание Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст

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    Задание 1. Прочитайте и ПИСЬМЕННО переведите текст.

    Интерес к образованию и иностранным языкам восходит к школьным годам, когда Татьяна преуспела в организации различных вечеринок, концертов и дискуссий для начальных классов. Во время учебы в Педагогическом колледже начальных классов она участвовала в педагогических конференциях в Санкт-Петербурге и получила немало наград. Когда Татьяна начала учиться в Санкт-Петербургском педагогическом колледже начальных классов, у нее была возможность ознакомиться с полным спектром методических курсов, каждый из которых имел тенденцию укреплять и расширять стремления к обучению. Но довольно скоро Татьяна поняла, что образование - слишком широкая тема, и нужно было выбрать конкретную область для занятий. Татьяна всегда была сильна в английском и немецком языках. Так что она пришла к методам преподавания языков. Со второго года обучения она занимаюсь со своим учителем, госпожой Крыловой, интенсивными методами обучения языку. В своей курсовой Таня использует эти многочисленные методы для начального и среднего образования. Сейчас у нее интерес сместился в сторону многоязычного образования, которое послужило бы прекрасной базой для более широкого литературного образования всех уровней. Недавно такая идея обсуждалась, но до сих пор нет типовых программ для ее реализации. Это очень интересно и ответственно. создать такие программы для школьников. Таня уверена, что они могли бы развить свои лингвистические способности и расширить свои знания иностранной литературы. Учеба в колледже скоро закончится, и она хотела бы продолжить свое образование в Университете Торонто. После получения степени бакалавра Татьяна собираюсь продолжить учебу и писать соответствующие учебники для своих курсов. Татьяне известно о превосходной репутации вашего университета, и она надеется, что вы не откажете ей в привилегии продолжить обучение в вашем прекрасном учреждении.

    Задание 2. Answer the following questions:

    1. How was Tatyana’s school life connected with pedagogics? - Tatiana's interest in education and foreign languages dates back to her school years, when she excelled in organizing various parties, concerts and discussions for elementary grades.

    2. Did Tatyana take part in local pedagogical conferences? - During her years of study at the primary school Teacher Training College, she participated in pedagogical conferences in St. Petersburg.

    3. What did she receive awards for? - Tatiana has received several awards for her reports.

    4. What did Ms Larina study at the College? - When Tatiana started studying at the St. Petersburg Primary School Teacher Training College, she had the opportunity to get acquainted with the full range of methodological courses, which, as a rule, strengthened and strengthened her close interest in education.

    5. Was she particularly interested in English or in German? - Tatiana has always been strong in English and German.

    6. She came to methods of teaching science, didn’t she? - No, she didn`t came to methods of teaching science.

    7. What kind of methods has she been studying at the College? - She was engaged with her teacher, Mrs. Krylova, in intensive methods of teaching the language.

    8. What sort of work did Tatyana write? - Tatiana has written a term paper.

    9. Where has her interest shifted now? Why? - Now her interest has shifted to multilingual education, which would serve as an excellent basis for broader literary education at all levels. It is very interesting and responsible to create such programs for schoolchildren.

    10. Why is she eager to study at the University of Toronto? - Tatiana would like to continue her education at the University of Toronto. After receiving her bachelor's degree, she is going to continue her studies and write appropriate textbooks for her courses.

    Задание 3. Answer the following questions:

    1. What field interests you particularly? - I am interested particularly in the humanities field.

    2. What were your activities at school in this field? - My interest in education and foreign languages dates back to my school years where I excelled in organizing English lessons, including in state practice.

    3. Aren’t there any other events in your life connected with it? What are they? - I also do tutoring during my school years. I was asked to study English with girls from elementary school. I get paid for it.

    4. Why did you choose primary school for your work? - I choose primary school because my mother is a primary school teacher. Since childhood, I dreamed of being a primary school teacher.

    5. Do you intend to continue your education after college? - I intend to continue my education after college. I am already taking professional retraining courses. I will have a new specialty - an English teacher in high school.

    6. Where would you like to study? Why? - My studies at the College will soon be completed and I would like to continue my education at the University "External" because it is interesting to me and a job has already been found for me in this specialty.

    7. What attracts you more: the theory or the practice? - I am most attracted to practice.

    8. What is the modem state of your science in our country? - There are not enough English teachers in my country right now.

    9. Have you read any foreign authors concerning the problems of education? - I read A. Maslow - a foreign author, concerning the problems of education.

    10. Have you got any results of your proper research? - I have a term paper, but unfortunately, it is not related to English.

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