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  • Time: 30 min Task 1.

  • TRANSFER ALL YOUR ANSWERS TO YOUR ANSWER SHEET Понимание письменной речи (чтение)

  • Time: 15 min Task 1

  • 1 Ron Black wrote his book to

  • 4 The authors final comment shows that

  • Do the comprehension test. Write down whether the following statements are true

  • _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______

  • Task 3. Use one of the prepositions (A, B, C or D) in the box to complete each sentence(9 - 12).

  • TRANSFER ALL YOUR ANSWERS TO YOUR ANSWER SHEET 201 8 год Всероссийская олимпиада школьников по английскому языку

  • Writing (max – 20 points) Time – 30 min

  • Do not rewrite the beginning and the end of the letter.

  • задания 7 класс. Задания 7. Задания муниципального этапа Всероссийской олимпиады школьников Камчатского края по английскому языку в 2018 2019 учебном году

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    муниципального этапа Всероссийской олимпиады

    школьников Камчатского края по английскому языку

    в 2018– 2019 учебном году.

    7 класс

    Время выполнения — 90 минут

    Максимальное количество баллов — 75 баллов
    Понимание устной речи (аудирование)

    7 form Listening (max – 15 points)

    Time: 30 min

    Task 1.Вы два раза услышите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных буквами A, B, C, D. Установите соответствие между диалогами и местами, где они происходят: к каждому диалогу подберите соответствующее место действия, обозначенное цифрами. Используйте каждое место действия из списка 1-5 только один раз.

    1. In a supermarket

    2. In a gym

    3. At the doctor`s

    4. At home

    5. In a restaurant







    Место действия

    Task 2.Вы два раза услышите пять высказываний, обозначенных буквами A, B, C, D, E.Установите соответствие между высказываниями и утверждениями из следующего списка: к каждому высказыванию подберите соответствующее утверждение, обозначенное цифрами. Используйте каждое утверждение из списка 1-6 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение.

    1. The speaker describes exotic pets.

    2. The speaker describes an animal he/she has seen.

    3. The speaker talks about the laws of biological evolution.

    4. The speaker talks about visiting a national park.

    5. The speaker describes an entertainment show.

    6. The speaker talks about endangered species.









    Task 3. Вы услышите разговор двух знакомых. В заданиях 3-8 в поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

    3. Emma has come to Italy

    1) to look for a job

    2) to dance

    3) to make friends

    Ответ: ________

    4. Emma has got a diploma in

    1) sport

    2) teaching

    3) journalism

    Ответ: ________

    5. Emma`s favourite dish in Italy is

    1) pizza

    2) porridge

    3) ice cream

    Ответ: ________

    6. Emma is staying

    1) in a hotel

    2) in a flat

    3) with a host family

    Ответ: ________

    7. Paul invites Emma to take part in

    1) a language lesson

    2) a party

    3) a trip

    Ответ: ________

    8. Emma is leaving for Britain by

    1) car

    2) ship

    3) train

    Ответ: ________

    Понимание письменной речи (чтение)

    7 form Reading (max – 20 points)

    Time: 15 min

    Task 1 Read the text and choose the correct variant of the answer. (4 points)

    Do you believe in fairies?

    Ron Black has just published a book on fairies and their secret lives. In his book he is trying to prove that fairies exist and live everywhere around us. There are different types of fairies. Some of them are good and they always help people. Other fairies are very hard to please. When they get angry, they can even steal a human child or make you very ill.

    Fairies live not just under flowers and leaves in gardens, but also in our homes. There was a custom in some countries to leave something to eat and drink in the corners where people thought the fairies were the most active. Today, as Ron Black writes, people forget to feed fairies properly. That's why there are so many wars and conflicts in the world.

    But does Ron Black really believe in fairies? Has he ever seen one? When we asked such a question, he only smiled. Then he took out a plan of his house and showed where they live in his place: brownies in the bathroom, goblins in the kitchen and pixies in the bedroom upstairs. So who knows? Let's try. The next time I've got a headache, I will remember to leave some milk in the corner of the bathroom.

    1 Ron Black wrote his book to

    A describe one typical fairy.

    В prove the existence of fairies.

    С characterize good fairies.

    D detail the bad luck brought by some fairies.

    2 The old custom shows that

    A fairies in the past were more active than today.

    В people in the past weren't very serious.

    С wars happen when fairies are hungry.

    D people once believed in fairies.

    3 In Ron's home

    A there are three types of fairies.

    В brownies are the most active.

    С one type of fairy lives downstairs.

    D the fairies want a lot of food.

    4 The author's final comment shows that

    A she has always believed in fairies.

    В she doesn't want to hurt Ron Black.

    С her headache is really strong.

    D she thinks Ron Black may be right.

    1. _______

    2. _______

    3. _______

    4. _______

    Task 2 Read the text and do the tasks below. (8 points)

    A Trip to Cambridge

    On arriving at Cambridge the first thing that strikes the eye is clean, paved streets, neat little brick-houses with gardens, some churches, and wonderful old Colleges. The streets are crowded with students, many of them on bikes, in smart tennis-suits, with the badge of their clubs, and a racket under their arm. Others carry cricket-bats or golf-clubs over shoulders as they wend their to the cricket ground or golf links.

    Cambridge, just two hours from London, is named after the small stream Cam that flows through the place. It is not at all deep, and you can easily see the roots of the many water-plants that grow in it. Rowing is quite impossible; but some ingenious person invented the 'punting'-boat. A 'punting' trip on the Cam is considered one of the finest pleasures a student's life can afford.

    It is a lovely sight to see the nice boats full of merry people, all in summer dress, drifting by. While you are floating along, past old willow-trees, green lawns, wonderful Colleges, and under fine bridges, you may listen to all the latest music-hall melodies. You can take out your luncheon baskets, and have a real English picnic.
    Do the comprehension test. Write down whether the following statements are true or false:

    1) The first thing that strikes the eye is a big school.

    2) The streets are crowded with cars and buses.

    3) The students are in smart tennis-suits with the badge of their clubs.

    4) The students wend their way to the cricket ground or golf links.

    5) Cambridge is three hours from London.

    1. The stream Bridge flows through the town Cambridge.

    2. You can see fish in the stream because it is not deep.

    3. Rowing is quite impossible there.

    1. _______

    2. _______

    3. _______

    4. _______

    5. _______

    6. _______

    7. _______

    8. _______

    Task 3Read the extract of the text and arrange them in logical order. (8 points)

    The Florida Galleons

    A News of the disaster spread. Many pirate ships sailed to the Florida coast and attacked the divers. Some of the treasure was found, but a lot of it was stolen by pirates. The rest of the treasure wasn't found and it stayed at the bottom of the sea.

    В Wagner and his friend, Doctor Kip Kelso, looked for the wrecks. They studied hundreds of old books. It took ten years. Finally the galleons and their treasure were discovered.

    С Then over two hundred years later a few coins were found on a beach in Florida. They were found by a treasure hunter called Buck Wagner.

    D Immediately, more ships were sent to find the treasure, but it was not easy. The sea around the Florida coast was very deep and dangerous. Many divers drowned and others were eaten by sharks.

    E In the summer of 1715 a fleet of Spanish galleons left Mexico. The ships were carrying gold and silver worth more than £ 15 million.

    F Time passed and the wrecks were buried by the sand. The Florida galleons and their treasure were forgotten.

    G Since then nearly £3 million of gold and silver has been found. Among treasure hunters the Florida Galleons' treasure is called "The Big One".

    H As the ships were sailing past the coast of Florida, they were hit by a hurricane. The heavy ships were smashed against the rocks by the huge waves. All the ships were sunk by the storm and over a thousand sailors drowned.

    1. _______

    2. _______

    3. _______

    4. _______

    5. _______

    6. _______

    7. _______

    8. _______


    7 form Use of English (max – 20 points)

    Time – 15 min

    Task 1. To the sentences 1 – 4 write the verb in brackets in the correct form. Add the preposition if necessary.

    1. After searching for two hours, I managed _____________ the right book. (find)

    2. Everybody keeps talking _____________ the party, but no-one is. (leave)

    3. Can you come to my office? We need _____________. (talk)

    4. A scientist has succeeded _____________ a cure for the disease. (find)

    Task 2. For the sentences 5 – 8 choose the correct form (A or B) of each adjective.

    1. Mr Brown is such a _________ teacher that I fall asleep in his classes.

    1. boring B. bored

    1. I can’t wait to get my new bike. I’m so _________.

    1. excited B. exciting

    1. Would you be __________in hearing more about this new product?

    1. interesting B. interested

    1. I have never seen such an ___________computer. It can do everything!

    1. amazing B. amazed

    Task 3. Use one of the prepositions (A, B, C or D) in the box to complete each sentence(9 - 12).

    1. Of

    1. To

    1. in

    1. from

    1. I am not frightened ____ ghosts. Are you?

    2. I still haven’t received my package _____ the Internet shopping company.

    3. The success of this event was all thanks _____ you.

    4. Stephen Hawking has a very good understanding _____ mathematics.

    Task 4. Decide whether the underlined adjectives (13 – 16) have been used in the correct form, positive or negative. Correct the adjectives which are wrong. Transfer your answers to your answer sheet.

    1. I’ve always been lucky in my investments. That is why I am so poor!

    2. The designers chose a very usual style because they hope to surprise everyone.

    3. A local firm tried to win the contract, but it was hopeless. They could not compete against a large international company.

    4. The flight from Dubai was very comfortable. There was bad weather which kept rocking the plane.

    Task 5. Choose the most appropriate word (A – E) from the box to complete each sentence (17 -20).

    1. a lot of

    1. few

    1. little

    1. many

    1. much

    1. There are ____people who understand this. I think you might be the only one!

    2. I don’t have ________ ideas about how to fix this. Do you?

    3. He was worried because he had ________ money to buy a present with.

    4. Did you have ________ trouble finding the correct building?


    2018 год

    Всероссийская олимпиада школьников по английскому языку

    Муниципальный этап

    7 form Writing (max – 20 points)

    Time – 30 min
    «Radio for schools» is making a programme about schools in the future. Write a letter of 100-110 words saying what you think schools will be like in the twenty second century. The beginning and the end of your letter are given. Write your letter on the answer sheet. Do not rewrite the beginning and the end of the letter.

    Dear Karen,

    I was listening to your programme this morning, and you said you wanted to receive people’s predictions about what schools will be like in the future. It sounded like an interesting subject, so I thought I’d write and tell you my ideas.


    By the way, I really love your programme. Keep up the good work.

    All the best,



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