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  • Дисциплина: Иностранный язык Практическое занятие №4 Выполнил

  • Преподаватель: Гоголева Елена Александровна Практическое занятие №4 Цель занятия

  • Once Buddhism was established in China it inspired a monumental art, with huge rock-cut and bronze images in rounded forms.

  • Hindu art creates brilliant sculptural schemes in rock-cut caves at Mamallapuram, and known for their ensemble of religious art (Buddhist, Hindu, and Japan) dating from the 6th.

  • Mogul art dates from the Muslim invasion of north-west India in the Middle Ages.

  • The Koran forbids human and animal representation in art, therefore Islamic artistry was channeled into calligraphy and ornament.

  • Ming Dynasty (1368 – 1644) painters continued the landscape tradition. Japanese pottery stresses simplicity.

  • Indian art includes painting, music, and sculpture.

  • Hindu art was influenced by Buddhist art.

  • The Koran forbids human and animal representation in art.

  • Kabuki was created by a woman, and from the first days, all the roles were occupied by women. 3.

  • английский. англ яз пр р 4. Занятие 4 Обучающийся Комарова Виктория Олеговна Преподаватель Гоголева Елена Александровна

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    Автономная некоммерческая профессиональная образовательная организация "Национальный социально-педагогический колледж"

    Программа среднего профессионального образования

    44.02.03 Педагогика дополнительного образования

    Дисциплина: Иностранный язык

    Практическое занятие №4


    Обучающийся Комарова Виктория Олеговна


    Гоголева Елена Александровна

    1. Практическое занятие №4

    Цель занятия: закрепление навыков чтения, перевода, составления высказываний на английском языке.

    Задание 1. Answer the questions:

    1. Что вы знаете о влиянии буддийского искусства?

    Once Buddhism was established in China it inspired a monumental art, with huge rock-cut and bronze images in rounded forms. Hindu art was influenced by Buddhist art.

    1. Какой ансамбль религиозного искусства объединяет три религии Индии?

    Hindu art creates brilliant sculptural schemes in rock-cut caves at Mamallapuram, and known for their ensemble of religious art (Buddhist, Hindu, and Japan) dating from the 6th.

    1. Какие захватчики разрушили буддийские и индуистские храмы?

    Mogul art dates from the Muslim invasion of north-west India in the Middle Ages. The invaders destroyed Buddhist and Hindu temple art and introduced their own styles, particular of the Islamic art.

    1. Что характерно для исламского искусства?

    The Koran forbids human and animal representation in art, therefore Islamic artistry was channeled into calligraphy and ornament.

    1. Что вы знаете о китайском и японском фарфоре и керамике?

    The Song Dynasty also produced the first true porcelain of classic simplicity. Ming Dynasty (1368 – 1644) painters continued the landscape tradition. Japanese pottery stresses simplicity.

    1. Кто создал Кабуки?

    Kabuki Theater was founded by a shrine maiden that brought her unique dance style to the ancient capital of Kyoto, and over the next 300 years this art of performing developed into a highly stylized form of theater.

    Задание 2. Agree or disagree:

    1. Индийское искусство включает в себя живопись, музыку и скульптуру.

    Indian art includes painting, music, and sculpture.

    1. Буддийская религия и искусство экспортировались в Иран и Ирак.

    Buddhist religion and art were exported to Iran and Iraq.

    1. Индуистское искусство находилось под влиянием буддийского.

    Hindu art was influenced by Buddhist art.

    1. Искусство моголов восходит к мусульманскому вторжению в северо-западную Индию в 20 веке.

    Mughal art dates back to the Muslim invasion of northwest India in the 20th century.

    1. Коран запрещает изображение человека и животных в искусстве.

    The Koran forbids human and animal representation in art.

    1. Терракотовые фигуры периода Цинь охраняют гробницу императора Шихуанди в старой столице Сианя.

    Terracotta figures from the Qin period guard the tomb of Emperor Shi Huang in the old capital of Xi'an.

    1. Кабуки был создан женщиной, и с первых дней все роли были заняты женщинами.

    Kabuki was created by a woman, and from the first days, all the roles were occupied by women.

    3. Сделайте контур текста.

    1) Indian Art.

    2) Buddhist Art.

    3) Hindu Art.

    4) Mughal Art.

    5) Shiraz School.

    6) The art of pottery.

    7) Chinese Art.

    8) Japanese Art.

    Задание 4. Retell the text in 10 sentences.

    Indian art includes the painting, sculpture, and architecture of India. Buddhist art includes sculpture and murals. Hindu art works are usually brass statues of Krishna, Vishnu, Shiva, and other symbols of devoting. The invaders destroyed Buddhist and Hindu temple art and introduced their own styles, particular of the Islamic art. The Shiraz School is distinguished by its brilliance of coloring, a love of gorgeous landscapes, by the frequent inclusion of freely drawn bird and flower motifs in the margins, and by faces and figures with rounded contours, fine lines, narrow eyes, and rather characteristic profile glances. The art of pottery was greatly advanced in the ninth century with the development of the technique of luster painting. From the Bronze Age to the Cultural Revolution, Chinese art shows a stylistic unity unparalleled in any other culture. Early Japanese art was influenced by China. Ink painting and calligraphy flourished, followed by book illustration and decorative screens. The 17th century saw the beginnings of kabuki, the popular drama of Japan.

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