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  • 1 и 11

  • Comment on the data in the diagram and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

  • – outline a problem that can arise with volunteering and suggest a way of solving it;

  • Аспект 1: Вступление соответствует предложенной теме проектной работы +

  • Аспект 3: 1-2 существенных сравнения даны и прокомментированы +

  • Аспект 4: Возможная проблема, связанная с волонтерством, обозначена, и её решение предложено +

  • Аспект 4: Мнение автора о важности волонтерства в жизни подростков в заключении выражено и обосновано +

  • диаграма егэ. ЕГЭ_2023. 1 и 11 оценивается 3 баллами, правильное выполнение каждого из заданий 2 и 10

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    Название1 и 11 оценивается 3 баллами, правильное выполнение каждого из заданий 2 и 10
    Анкордиаграма егэ
    Размер6.91 Mb.
    Формат файлаpptx
    Имя файлаЕГЭ_2023.pptx
    2) Уменьшено максимальное количество баллов за выполнение заданий 1, 2, 10 и 11. Максимальный балл за верное выполнение заданий 1 и 11 стал равен 3 баллам, за верное выполнение заданий 2 и 10 – 4 баллам.

    3) Максимальный первичный балл за выполнение экзаменационной

    работы уменьшен со 100 до 86 баллов.

    4) Уточнены формулировки задания 38 письменной части и задания 4 устной части, а также критерии оценивания задания 37 письменной части и задания 3 устной части.

    Выставление баллов за тестовые задания

    1. Правильное выполнение каждого из заданий 3–9, 12–36 оценивается 1 баллом. Задание считается выполненным верно, если ответ записан в той форме, которая указана в инструкции по выполнению задания, и полностью совпадает с эталоном ответа.

    За неверный ответ, ответ, записанный с ошибкой, или отсутствие ответа выставляется 0 баллов.

    2. Правильное выполнение каждого из заданий 1 и 11 оценивается 3 баллами, правильное выполнение каждого из заданий 2 и 10 оценивается 4 баллами. Задание считается выполненным верно, если ответ записан в той форме, которая указана в инструкции по выполнению задания, каждый элемент ответа присутствует в ответе и стоит на своём месте.

    За каждое неверное указание элемента на соответствующей позиции ответа балл за ответ уменьшается на 1, но не может стать меньше 0.

    3. Если количество символов в ответе больше требуемого, выставляется 0 баллов вне зависимости от того, были ли указаны все необходимые символы.

    1 ошибка = 2 б.

    2 ошибки = 1 б.

    3 ошибки = 0 б.

    1 ошибка = 3 б.

    2 ошибки = 2 б.

    3 ошибки = 1 б.

    4 ошибки = 0 б.

    Максимальный балл = 7 б.

    Максимальный балл = 7 б.

    За каждый правильный ответ = 1 б.

    1 ошибка = 3 б.

    2 ошибки = 2 б.

    3 ошибки = 1 б.

    4 ошибки = 0 б.

    1 ошибка = 2 б.

    2 ошибки = 1 б.

    3 ошибки = 0 б.

    Comment on the data in the diagram and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

    Use the following plan:

    – make an opening statement on the subject of the project;

    – select and report 2-3 facts;

    – make 1-2 comparisons where relevant and give your comments;

    – outline a problem that can arise with volunteering and suggest a way of solving it;

    – conclude by giving and explaining your opinion on the importance of volunteering for teenagers.


    Number of respondents (%)

    Working in animal shelters


    Working in shelters for homeless people


    Helping the elderly


    Planting new trees


    Picking up rubbish


    Аспект 1: Вступление соответствует предложенной теме проектной работы


    Today, there are many opportunities for teenagers to volunteer. The aim of my project is to examine what volunteer activities are popular among teenagers in Zetland. As part of my project, I found a table with some results of relevant opinion polls and analyzed them. In this essay I will describe my findings and express my opinion on the subject of the project.

    + правильно передана ком. ситуация

    + проект упомянут

    + тема проекта передана точно

    (перефразировать необязательно)

    + страна и респонденты указаны верно

    + указано, откуда взяты данные

    Аспект 2: 2-3 факта из данных в таблице приведены


    Overall, according to the table, the teenagers who were polled do five types of volunteer work. The majority of the respondents (56%) commit themselves to working at animal shelters. Just under a fifth (17%) volunteer at shelters for homeless people and another 12% are involved in elderly care. The rest of the respondents plant trees and pick up litter, at 8% and 7% respectively.

    + ссылка на таблицу (данные/результаты опросов) – понятно, откуда взяты данные

    + приведены три факта

    + проценты переданы верно

    + числовые данные написаны цифрами

    + средства лог. связи есть, использованы верно

    Аспект 3: 1-2 существенных сравнения даны и прокомментированы


    It is immediately evident that there is a very small difference between the figures for the last two volunteer activities: planting new trees is only 1% more popular than collecting rubbish. The percentages are predictably almost identical as both these activities have the same goal, which is to help the environment.

    + 1 сравнение дано (лексика: a very small difference, are almost identical; грамматика: more popular than)

    + приведен комментарий-пояснение -> сравнение существенное

    + средства лог. связи есть, использованы верно

    + сравнение прокомментировано

    Аспект 4: Возможная проблема, связанная с волонтерством, обозначена, и её решение предложено


    Despite the fact that volunteering is mainly associated with benefits, there are also some problems connected with it. The most serious of them is that volunteering is often mentally exhausting and can be really stressful, especially for beginners. The best solution to this problem is to work under the supervision of experienced volunteers and ask them for help whenever a difficulty arises.

    + проблема: не про участников опроса!

    + проблема: по теме, реалистичная

    + решение: по теме, конкретное, реалистичное

    + средства лог. связи есть, использованы верно

    Аспект 4: Мнение автора о важности волонтерства в жизни подростков в заключении выражено и обосновано


    To conclude, I think that although volunteering can be challenging, it is very important for teenagers to be get involved in volunteer work. I am absolutely sure that the benefits far outweigh any potential risks.

    + свое мнение выражено

    + свое мнение: строго по теме

    + средства лог. связи есть, использованы верно

    + свое мнение обосновано


    • Today, there are many opportunities for teenagers to volunteer. The aim of my project is to examine what volunteer activities are popular among teenagers in Zetland. As part of my project, I found a table with some results of relevant opinion polls and analyzed them. In this essay I will describe my findings and express my opinion on the subject of the project.
    • Overall, according to the table, the teenagers who were polled do five types of volunteer work. The majority of the respondents (56%) commit themselves to working at animal shelters. Just under a fifth (17%) volunteer at shelters for homeless people and another 12% are involved in elderly care. The rest of the respondents plant trees and pick up litter, at 8% and 7% respectively.
    • It is immediately evident that there is a very small difference between the figures for the last two volunteer activities: planting new trees is only 1% more popular than collecting rubbish. The percentages are predictably almost identical as both these activities have the same goal, which is to help the environment.
    • Despite the fact that volunteering is mainly associated with benefits, there are also some problems connected with it. The most serious of them is that volunteering is often mentally exhausting and can be really stressful, especially for beginners. The best solution to this problem is to work under the supervision of experienced volunteers and ask them for help whenever a difficulty arises.
    • To conclude, I think that although volunteering can be challenging, it is very important for teenagers to get involved in volunteer work. I am absolutely sure that the benefits far outweigh any potential risks. (275 words)


    Cписок элементов содержания, обязательных к освоению на уровнях А1–А2, владение которыми должен продемонстрировать участник экзамена при выполнении задания 3

    Adjectives: comparative and superlative degrees

    Articles (when they change the meaning of the sentence)

    Countable and uncountable nouns with much/many (How much/how many)

    Future actions (will, going to, Present Сontinuous)


    Modals – can/could

    Modals – have to

    Modals – should

    Passive voice (Present and Past Simple)

    Present and Past Continuous

    Present and Past Simple

    Possessive case of nouns

    Prepositions of time: on/in/at

    Present Perfect


    There + to be

    Verb + ing: like/hate/love doing

    Word order in statements and questions

    ЕГЭ-2022 / ЕГЭ-2023

    Task 4. Imagine that you are doing a project “… … …” together with your friend. You have found some illustrations and want to share the news. Leave a voice message to your friend. In 2.5 minutes be ready to:
    • give a brief description of the photos, justifying the choice of the photos for the project;
    • say in what way the pictures are different, justifying the choice of the photos for the project;
    • mention the advantages and disadvantages (1–2) of the two types … of … ;
    • express your opinion on the subject of the project – which of these … you … and why.

    Task 4. Imagine that you and your friend are doing a school project “… ”. You have found some illustrations and want to share the news. Leave a voice message to your friend. In 2.5 minutes be ready to:

    • explain the choice of the illustrations for the project by briefly describing them and noting the differences;

    • mention the advantages (1–2) of the two types of shopping;

    • mention the disadvantages (1–2) of the two types of shopping;

    • express your opinion on the subject of the project – which way of shopping you prefer and why.

    You will speak for not more than 3 minutes (12–15 sentences). You have to talk continuously.

    • express your opinion on the subject of the project – which of the two ways of travelling you prefer and why.

    3 minutes (12–15 sentences).

    You have to talk continuously.

    • Hi Kate! What’s up? I’ve just found some illustrations for our project “Ways of travelling”
    • and I’d like to tell you some things about them.

    • I think these photos are a good choice for our project because they show two of the most popular ways of travelling. In the 1st picture there is a couple, a young man and a woman. They are standing on the side of the road. They must be hitchhiking. The young man is sticking out his thumb, signaling to passing cars that he and his girlfriend need a ride. The 2nd picture shows a young woman at the airport. She is posing for a photo in the airport waiting area. It looks like she is waiting for her flight and is soon going to board a plane. I guess the main difference between the photos lies in the way the people look. The couple in the first photo look really tired. Their clothes are scruffy, it seems they have been travelling for some time. By contrast, the young woman in the 2nd picture looks fresh and pretty. She is wearing nice beautiful clothes. And she is travelling light. She’s got only a small pink suitcase whereas the young people in the 1st photo are carrying large and heavy backpacks.
    • I think each of the two ways of travelling has its advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage of hitchhiking is that it is cheap and full of adventure whereas the main benefits of air travel are safety, comfort and convenience. By contrast, hitchhiking is not comfortable at all, it takes a lot of time and can be very exhausting and dangerous. On a positive note, it is cheap and full of adventure. Air travel has its downsides too, for example, it is quite expensive and can be rather boring.
    • Despite these downsides, I prefer travelling by plane because it is fast, comfortable and safe. (Personally, I don’t like the idea of hitchhiking.)
    • Well, that’s all I wanted to tell you about these illustrations. Let me know what you think. Please, call me as soon as you can. Bye!

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