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Part 11 of this standard addresses the extent to which a product can be used by specified users to achieve certain goals with efficiency, effectiveness, and satisfaction in a particular use context.

This standard offers a structure that describes the usability components and the relationship between them. In this standard the usability is considered from the point of view of performance and user satisfaction. According to ISO 9241-11, usability depends on the context of use, and the level of usability will change as the context changes.

ISO / IEC 25000: 2005

ISO / IEC 25000: 2005 is widely known as the standard that provides recommendations for requirements and quality assessment of software (SQuaRE). This standard helps in organizing and improving the process related to software quality requirements and their evaluations. In fact, ISO-25000 replaces two old ISO standards, i.e. ISO-9126 and ISO-14598.

SQuaRE is divided into parts, such as -

ISO 2500n-quality management Department

ISO 2501n-quality Department

ISO 2502n-quality assessment Department

ISO 2503n-quality requirements Department

ISO 2504n-quality assessment Department

Main content of SQuaRE -
Terms and definitions

Reference model

General guidance

Individual guides

A standard related to requirements engineering (i.e. specification, planning, measurement, and evaluation)

ISO / IEC 12119

This standard applies to software packages delivered to the customer. It does not focus or process the customers ' production process. The main content is related to the following points:

A set of requirements for software packages.

Instructions for testing the supplied software package in accordance with the specified requirements.


Some of the other standards related to QA and testing processes are mentioned below:

IEEE 829

Standard for the format of documents used at different stages of software testing.

IEEE 1061

Methodology for determining quality requirements, defining, implementing, analyzing, and verifying the process, as well as producing software quality indicators.

IEEE 1059

Guide to software verification and validation plans.

IEEE 1008

Standard for unit testing.

IEEE 1012

Standard for verification and validation of software.

IEEE 1028

Standard for software verification.

IEEE 1044

Standard for classification of software anomalies.

IEEE 1044-1

Guide to classification of software anomalies.

IEEE 830

Guidelines for developing system requirements.
IEEE 730

Standard for software quality assurance plans.

IEEE 1061

Standard for software quality indicators and methodology.

IEEE 12207

A standard for software lifecycle processes and lifecycle data.

BS 7925-1

Dictionary of terms used in software testing.

BS 7925-2

Standard for testing software components.

Составить таблицу стандартов и кратко охарактеризовать их.
Практическое задание по теме 25 Эксплуатация информационной системы»

Пройдите тест

1.Support FOR suggesting changes caused by the need to rectify (repair) the actual errors in a software product called ...





2. Maintenance associated with the need to adapt the software product to a changed environment (conditions) is called ...





3. Support aimed at changes due to the need to rectify (repair) the potential (hidden) bugs in a software product called ...




preventive maintenance

5. The process of modifying a software product after commissioning to eliminate failures, improve performance indicators and/or other characteristics (attributes) of the product, or adapt the product for use in a modified environment - ...
6. Activities aimed at developing and establishing requirements, norms, rules, characteristics, both mandatory and recommended, ensuring the consumer's right to purchase goods of appropriate quality, as well as the right to safety and comfort of work - …
7. The normative document on standardization, developed usually on the basis of agreement, characterized by the absence of objections on substantive issues the majority of stakeholders accepted (approved) by a recognized body (enterprise) - ...

8. A systematic process of obtaining and evaluating objective data about the current state of IP, actions and events occurring in it, establishing level of their conformity with specific criteria (internal company standards, the requirements of national and international standards) and provide the results to the customer in form of recommendations - …

9 Goals of the configuration management process:

manage the configuration on a planned basis;

ensure that all changes are manageable;

development and establishment of mandatory requirements;

development of the software product structure

10. Set the match:


application SOFTWARE


11. SOFTWARE that provides program execution management, as well as performing various auxiliary functions.
SOFTWARE that allows you to create new programs for your computer;
SOFTWARE that allows users to perform the necessary tasks: editing texts, processing information arrays, and so on.

12. The program is designed to service peripheral devices - …

A program that performs General auxiliary functions, such as creating backups of used information, issuing reference information about the computer, checking the health of computer devices, etc. - ...

13.Computer programs that convert programs in the form of source text in Assembly language into machine commands in the form of object code - ...





14. Programs or technical means that broadcast the program - ...





16. A development environment module or a separate application designed to search for errors in the program - ...





17. Set the match:


Boot viruses


Trojan programs
18. A category of malware that uses network resources for distribution.

Programs that infect other programs-add their own code to them to get control when running infected files.

Viruses that affect the boot sectors of disks and the operating system.

Programs that perform unauthorized user actions on affected computers, i.e., depending on any conditions, destroy information on disks, cause the system to "freeze", steal confidential information, etc.
19. An antivirus program that searches for a specific virus sequence of bytes (virus signature) in RAM and files and, when detected, issues the corresponding message - ...




20. An antivirus program that not only finds infected files, but also "treats" them, i.e. removes the virus program body from the file, returning the files to their original state - ...




21. Antivirus program that remembers the original state of programs, directories, and system areas of the disk when the computer is not infected with a virus, and then periodically or at the user's request, compares the current state with the original - ...





22. A multi-user computer dedicated to processing requests from all network workstations that provides these stations with access to shared system resources (computing power, databases, program libraries, printers, faxes, etc.) and distributes these resources - …
A set of domains that use a single associated namespace - ...
A structure in Active Directory that combines trees that support a single schema - ...
Distribute the levels in the Bugzilla bug tracking system in order of decreasing severity:

23. Testing that checks the behavior of the system to meet customer requirements - ...
24. Testing that verifies that the system meets the requirements for it, described at the level of the behavioral characteristics specification - ...
25. Testing performed to verify the system installation procedure in the target environment - ...
26. A type of functional testing in which a program is considered as a finite automaton, with input and output data, a set of internal States and transitions between them - ...
"white box"
"grey box"
"black box"
"blue box»
27 The property of the system to perform the specified functions, keeping in time the values of the established performance indicators within the specified limits, corresponding to the established framework and conditions of use, maintenance and repair - ...
28. The property of the system to continuously maintain performance for some time or some time - ...
29. The property of the system to maintain operability until the limit state when the installed system of maintenance and repair - ...
30. The property of the system, which consists in the ability to prevent and detect the causes of failures (failures, damages, failures) and eliminate their consequences by carrying out repairs and maintenance - ...




31. Method for increasing system reliability by introducing redundancy (additional funds and capabilities beyond the minimum required for the system to perform specified functions) - ...
32. A system whose operability in the event of failure is subject to restoration in the situation under consideration - ...
beyond repair;
33. A system whose serviceability and operability cannot be restored in the event of failure or damage - ...
beyond repair;
34. The probability that there is no object failure within the running time tasks is ...
probability of failure
failure rate
probability of failure-free operation
failure rate
35. The conditional probability density of an object failure, defined under the condition that the failure did not occur before the time under consideration - ...
probability of failure
failure rate
probability of failure-free operation
failure rate
36. 1000 similar electronic lamps were put to the test, and 80 lamps failed in 3000 hours. Find the probability of failure-free operation for 3000 hours.
37. The system consists of three sequentially connected elements, the probability of failure of which are equal to 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8. Find the probability of failure of the system.
38. The system consists of three parallel connected elements, the probability of failure of which are equal to 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8. Find the probability of failure of the system.
39. The system consists of three sequentially connected elements, the probability of failure of which are equal to 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8. Find the probability of failure of the system.
40. The system consists of three parallel connected elements, the probability of failure of which are equal to 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8. Find the probability of failure of the system.
Критерии оценки:

1правильно выполненное задание – 1 балл, 40 баллов - 100% Оценка вычисляется исходя из процента правильных ответов.

Процент результативности

(правильных ответов)

Оценка уровня подготовки

90-100 %

5 «отлично»

80-89 %

4 «хорошо»


3 «удовлетворительно»

менее 70 %

2 «неудовлетворительно»

Практическое задание по теме 27 «Необходимость сопровождения информационной системы»

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A technical specification is a document that defines the goals, requirements, and basic input data needed to develop an automated management system.

When developing the technical specification, you must solve the following tasks:

* establish the overall goal of creating an is, determine the composition of subsystems and functional tasks;

* develop and justify requirements for subsystems;

* develop and justify the requirements for the information base, mathematical and software, a set of technical means (including communication and data transmission);

* establish General requirements for the designed system;

* define a list of tasks for creating the system and performers;

* define the stages of creating the system and the deadlines for their implementation;

* make a preliminary calculation of the cost of creating the system and determine the level of economic efficiency of its implementation.

The preliminary design provides for the development of preliminary design solutions for the system and its parts. At the stage of preliminary design, the following are determined:

* IP functions;

• the functions of the subsystems, their purpose and expected effect of the introduction of;

* composition of task complexes and individual tasks;

• the concept of the information base and its enlarged structure;

• database management system functions;

* composition of the computer system and other technical means;

* functions and parameters of the main software tools.

Based on the terms of reference (and the draft design), the technical design of the IP is developed. The technical project of the system is a technical documentation containing system-wide design solutions, algorithms for solving problems, as well as an assessment of the economic efficiency of the automated control system and a list of measures to prepare the object for implementation.

At this stage, a set of research and experimental works is carried out to select the main design solutions and calculate the economic efficiency of the system.

At the end of the technical design stage, documentation is developed for the supply of mass-produced products for completing is, as well as technical requirements are defined and technical specifications are drawn up for the development of products that are not mass-produced.

At the "working documentation" stage, the software product is created and all accompanying documentation is developed.
The documentation must contain all necessary and sufficient information to ensure the implementation of work on putting the IP into operation and its operation, as well as to maintain the level of performance (quality) of the system. The developed documentation must be properly drawn up, approved and approved.

For is, which are types of automated systems, the following main types of tests are established: preliminary, pilot operation and acceptance. If necessary, other types of testing of the system and its parts may be performed additionally.

Depending on the relationship between the parts is and the automation object, tests can be Autonomous or complex. Autonomous tests cover parts of the system. They are carried out as soon as parts of the system are ready for commissioning. Complex tests are performed for groups of interconnected parts or for the system as a whole.
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