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Название1 История создания интернета. Предложения со сложным дополнением типа i want you to come here Задание Прочитать и перевести текст
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§2. The structure of the information system

§2.1. Types of support subsystems

The structure of an information system consists of a set of its individual parts, called subsystems.

So, a subsystem is a part of the system that is allocated by some attribute.

The overall structure of an information system can be considered as a set of subsystems, regardless of the scope of application. In this case, they talk about the structural feature of classification, and the subsystems are called providing. Thus, the structure of any information system can be represented by a set of supporting subsystems (see the figure).

Among the supporting subsystems, information, technical, mathematical, software, organizational and legal support are usually distinguished.
Задание 2.Give a short summary of the text.
Практическое задание по теме 18 «Классификация информационных систем»

Задание 1. Прочитать и перевести текст.

Classification of information systems

Information systems can differ significantly in the types of objects, the nature and volume of tasks to be solved, and a number of other features.

There is still no generally accepted classification of IP, so they can be classified by different attributes, which has led to the existence of several different IP classifications.

According to the generally accepted classification information systems are divided into:

by scale of application - desktop and office based on the structuring of tasks-structured (formalized), not structured (not formalized), partially structured. Partially structured is divided into: reporting and development of alternative solutions (model, expert).

Expert in turn are divided into: centralized, decentralized and collective use; with integration by management levels, by planning levels, etc. by function – production, marketing (market analysis, advertising, procurement, etc.), financial (accounting, statistical, etc.), personnel; by staff qualification and management levels-strategic (top managers), functional (middle managers) and operational (specialists); by the nature of information processing: data processing systems, management systems, decision support systems; by the speed of data processing and operational; by the degree of manual automation, automatic, automated; the nature of the use of information on information search, information and referral, information and decisive, managing, advising, etc.; the degree of centralization of information processing in centralized, decentralized, information system for collective use; the nature of the use of computing resources on local and distributed; in the field - on state, territorial (regional), industry, associations, enterprises or institutions, processes; class implemented technological operations on the OS with text editors, system of tabular editors, databases, SUBS, system, graphics, multimedia, hypertext; place in the management of enterprises on AWS expert, the IP Manager, the IP of an external controller, an integrated system that combines some or all of these functions; on the concept of the build – file, automated data banks, knowledge banks, XA; operation modes - batch, interactive and mixed.
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Критерии оценки:

Оценка "5" ставится обучающемуся, если он понял основное содержание оригинального текста, может выделить основную мысль, определить основные факты, умеет догадываться о значении незнакомых слов из контекста, либо по словообразовательным элементам, либо по сходству с родным языком.

Оценка "4" ставится обучающемуся, если он понял основное содержание оригинального текста, может выделить основную мысль, определить отдельные факты. Однако у него недостаточно развита языковая догадка, и он затрудняется в понимании некоторых незнакомых слов, он вынужден чаще обращаться к словарю, а темп чтения более замедлен.

Оценка "3" ставится обучающемуся, который не совсем точно понял основное содержание прочитанного, умеет выделить в тексте только небольшое количество фактов, совсем не развита языковая догадка.

Оценка "2" выставляется в том случае, если обучающийся не понял текст или понял содержание текста неправильно, не ориентируется в тексте при поиске определенных фактов.
Практическое задание по теме 19 «Составные элементы и функции информационных систем»

Задание 1. Прочитать и перевести текст.

An information system is an environment that consists of computers, computer networks, software products, databases, people, and various technological and software tools. And information technology is a set of operations and actions on data. All information transformation processes in the information system are carried out using information technologies. As a result, information technology is a more comprehensive concept than an information system. Implementation of information system functions is impossible without knowledge of information technology oriented to it. Information technology can also exist outside the scope of the information system.

An information system (is) is a set of information, technical, software, mathematical, organizational, legal, ergonomic, linguistic, technological and other tools, as well as personnel designed to collect, process, store and issue information and make management decisions. The functioning of IP in time consists in the collection, storage, processing and dissemination of information about the activities of an economic object in the real world.

The set of these functions defines the processes in the information system:

- entering information from external and internal sources;

- processing of incoming information;

- storing information for future use;

- output information in a user-friendly format;

- feedback, that is, the use of processed information to compare with the original, in order to correct incoming information.

If earlier information systems were perceived as a means of automating auxiliary activities of the enterprise, now information systems have become a means of obtaining a competitive advantage.

The structure of each information system consists of functional and supporting subsystems.

Functional is subsystems informally serve certain types of enterprise activities that are characteristic of the enterprise's structural divisions and management functions. A functional subsystem is a set of economic tasks with a high degree of information exchanges (links) between them. In this case, the task will be understood as a certain process of processing information with a clearly defined set of input and output information (for example, payroll, accounting for orders, booking, etc.). The composition of functional subsystems is largely determined by the features of the economic system, its industry affiliation, form of ownership, size, and nature of the enterprise's activities.

A functional subsystem is a subsystem that implements one or more interrelated functions. The purpose of the subsystem, its main tasks, goals and functions are determined by the types of activities of production and economic objects: production, personnel, financial, marketing. These activities define a typical set of functional is subsystems.

A supporting subsystem is an environment that uses tools to transform information, regardless of the scope of application. Integration of functional subsystems into a single system is achieved by creating and functioning supporting subsystems, such as software, technical, organizational, legal, information, ergonomic, linguistic and mathematical subsystems.

Практическое задание по теме 20 «Проектирование и дизайн информационных систем»

Задание 1. Прочитать и перевести текст.
The design of information systems always begins with the definition of the project goal. The main goal of any successful project is to ensure that at the time of system launch and during the entire time of its operation, you can provide:

  • the required functionality of the system and the degree of adaptation to changing conditions of its operation;

  • the required capacity of the system;

  • required system response time to the request;

  • failure-free operation of the system in the required mode, in other words-readiness and availability of the system for processing user requests;

  • easy operation and support of the system;

  • the necessary security.

Performance is the main factor that determines the effectiveness of the system. A good design solution is the basis for a high-performance system.

Information system design covers three main areas:

1. design of data objects to be implemented in the database;

2. designing programs, screen forms, and reports that will provide data requests;

3. accounting for a specific environment or technology, such as network topology, hardware configuration, architecture used (file server or client server), parallel processing, distributed data processing, and so on.

In real-world conditions, design is the search for a method that meets the requirements of the system's functionality using existing technologies, taking into account the specified limitations.

Any project has a number of absolute requirements, such as maximum project development time, maximum investment in the project, and so on. One of the difficulties of designing is that it is not a structured task such as analyzing project requirements or implementing a particular design solution.

It is considered that a complex system cannot be described in principle. This applies in particular to enterprise management systems. One of the main arguments is a change in the operating conditions of the system, for example, a Directive change in certain information flows by the new management. Another argument is the volume of the technical task, which for a large project can be hundreds of pages, while the technical project may contain errors. The question arises: is it better not to conduct surveys at all and not to make any technical project, but to write the system "from scratch" in the hope that there will be some wonderful coincidence of the customer's desire with what the programmers wrote, and that all this will work steadily?

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Практическое задание по теме 21 « Организация проекта информационных сетей»

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The design of information systems always begins with the definition of the project goal. The main goal of any successful project is to ensure that at the time of system launch and during the entire time of its operation, you can provide:

  • the required functionality of the system and the degree of adaptation to changing conditions of its operation;

  • the required capacity of the system;

  • required system response time to the request;

  • failure-free operation of the system in the required mode, in other words-readiness and availability of the system for processing user requests;

  • easy operation and support of the system;

  • the necessary security.

Performance is the main factor that determines the effectiveness of the system. A good design solution is the basis for a high-performance system.

Information system design covers three main areas:

1. design of data objects to be implemented in the database;

2. designing programs, screen forms, and reports that will provide data requests;

3. accounting for a specific environment or technology, such as network topology, hardware configuration, architecture used (file server or client server), parallel processing, distributed data processing, and so on.

In real-world conditions, design is the search for a method that meets the requirements of the system's functionality using existing technologies, taking into account the specified limitations.

Any project has a number of absolute requirements, such as maximum project development time, maximum investment in the project, and so on. One of the difficulties of designing is that it is not a structured task such as analyzing project requirements or implementing a particular design solution.

It is considered that a complex system cannot be described in principle. This applies in particular to enterprise management systems. One of the main arguments is a change in the operating conditions of the system, for example, a Directive change in certain information flows by the new management. Another argument is the volume of the technical task, which for a large project can be hundreds of pages, while the technical project may contain errors. The question arises: is it better not to conduct surveys at all and not to make any technical project, but to write the system "from scratch" in the hope that there will be some wonderful coincidence of the customer's desire with what the programmers wrote, and that all this will work steadily?

Критерии оценки

Чтение с полным пониманием содержания:

Оценка «5»

Ставится если обучающийся понял основное содержание текста, может выделить основную мысль, определить основные факты, умеет догадываться о значении незнакомых слов из контекста. Скорость чтения может быть несколько замедленной по сравнению с той, с которой учащийся читает на родном языке.

Оценка «4»

ставится обучающемуся, если он понял основное содержание текста, может выделить основную мысль, определить отдельные факты, однако у него недостаточно развита языковая догадка, он чаще обращается к словарю, а темп чтения более замедлен.

Оценка «3»

ставится обучающемуся , который не совсем точно понял основное содержание прочитанного, умеет выделить в тексте только отдельные факты, совсем не развита языковая догадка.

Оценка «2»

выставляется обучающемуся в том случае если он не понял текст или понял содержание текста неправильно, совершенно не ориентируется в тексте при поиске определенных фактов.

Практическое задание по теме 22 «Разработка кода информационных систем»

Задание 1. Прочитать и перевести текст.


For complete formalization of information, a simple classification is not enough, so the following procedure is performed — encoding. Encoding is the process of assigning symbols to objects and classification groups according to the corresponding encoding system. Encoding implements the translation of information expressed by one system of signs into another system, that is, the translation of a natural language record into a record using codes. An encoding system is a set of rules for designating objects and groupings using codes. A code is a symbol for objects or groupings in the form of a sign or group of signs in accordance with an accepted system. The code is based on a specific alphabet (some set of characters). The number of characters in this set is called the base of the code. There are the following types of alphabets: numeric, alphabetic, and mixed.

The code is characterized by the following parameters:


encoding method;

the code structure, which is understood as the distribution of characters by features and objects of classification ;

the degree of information content calculated as a quotient of dividing the total number of features by the length of the code;

the redundancy coefficient, which is defined as the ratio of the maximum number of objects to the actual number of objects.

There are certain requirements for encoding methods:

the code must identify the object within the specified set of classification objects .

it is advisable to use decimal numbers and letters as the alphabet code;

it is necessary to ensure the minimum possible code length and sufficient reserve of unoccupied positions for encoding new objects without violating the structure of the classifier.

Coding methods can be independent-registration coding methods, or based on the preliminary classification of objects – classification coding methods.

There are two types of registration encoding methods: sequential and serial-sequential. In the first case, the codes are numbers of a natural series. Each of the objects in the classified set is encoded by assigning it the current sequence number. This encoding method provides a fairly long life of the classifier with little code redundancy. This method has the greatest simplicity, uses the shortest codes, and provides better unambiguity for each classification object. In addition, it provides the simplest assignment of codes to new objects that appear in the process of maintaining the classifier. A significant disadvantage of the ordinal encoding method is the lack of any specific information about the object's properties in the code, as well as the complexity of machine processing of information when getting results for a group of classification objects with the same characteristics.

In the serial-ordinal coding method, codes are numbers of a natural series with the assignment of separate series of these numbers (intervals of a natural series) to classification objects with the same characteristics. Each series, in addition to the codes of existing classification objects, provides a certain number of codes for the reserve.

Classification codes are used to reflect the classification relationships of objects and groupings and are mainly used for complex logical processing of economic information. A group of classification coding systems can be divided into two subgroups, depending on which classification system is used for ordering objects: sequential encoding and parallel encoding systems.

Sequential coding systems are characterized by the fact that they are based on a preliminary classification according to a hierarchical system. The classification object code is generated using codes of consecutive subordinate groupings obtained using the hierarchical encoding method. In this case, the code of the lower grouping is formed by adding the appropriate number of digits to the code of the higher grouping.

Parallel coding systems are characterized by the fact that they are based on the use of a facet classification system and the codes of facet groupings are formed independently of each other.

In a parallel encoding system, there are two ways to write object codes:

Each facet and feature within the facet has its own codes, which are included in the object code. This method of recording is convenient to use when objects are characterized by an uneven set of features. When generating the code for an object, only the necessary attributes are taken.

To define groups of objects, a fixed set of features is allocated and a stable order of their sequence is established, that is, a faceted formula is set. In this case, you do not need to specify each time the value of which of the features is given in certain bits of the object code.

The parallel encoding method has a number of advantages. The advantages of this method include the flexibility of the code structure, due to the independence of features from which the code of the classification object is constructed. The method allows you to use codes for solving specific technical, economic and social problems only for those features of objects that are necessary, which makes it possible to work in each individual case with codes of small length. In this method, coding can be carried out the grouping of objects by any combination of attributes. The parallel encoding method is well adapted for machine processing of information. Using a specific code combination, it is easy to find out what characteristics the object in question has. In this case, a small number of attributes can be formed into a large number of code combinations. If necessary, the feature set can be easily supplemented by adding a new feature code. This property of the parallel coding method is especially important when solving technical and economic problems, the composition of which often changes.

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Практическое задание по теме 24 «Стандарты тестирования ИС»

Задание 1. Прочитать и перевести текст.

SOFTWARE testing-ISO Standards

Many organizations around the world are developing and implementing various standards to improve the quality of their programs. Some of the widely used standards related to quality assurance and testing are briefly described below.

ISO / IEC 9126

This standard addresses the following aspects for determining the quality of a software application:

- Quality model

- External indicators

- Internal indicators

- Quality indicators in use

This standard provides a set of quality attributes for any software, such as: functionality, reliability, usability, Efficiency, maintainability, portability.

The above quality attributes are further subdivided into sub-factors that you can learn when you study the standard in detail.

ISO / IEC 9241-11

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