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Учебное пособие. А. Н. Туполева (каи) кафедра восточных и европейских языков (вея) engineering английский язык для студентов технических специальностей учебное пособие

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НазваниеА. Н. Туполева (каи) кафедра восточных и европейских языков (вея) engineering английский язык для студентов технических специальностей учебное пособие
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Read the following text and answer the questions below:

1) Is there any difference between an engineer and a scientist?

2) What is the way that connects engineering and science?
3) What is common about engineering and science?

4) When may an engineer become a scientist?
5)What is the main difference between engineering and science?
Scientists study the world as it is;

engineers create the world that has never been.”

Theodore von Kármán

There exists a specific connection between the sciences and engineering practice. In engineering, people apply science. Both areas - science and engineering - rely on accurate observation of materials and phenomena. Both use mathematics and classification criteria to analyze and communicate observations.

Scientists must interpret their observations and make recommendations for practical action. Scientists may also have to complete engineering tasks, such as designing experimental apparatus or building prototypes. On the other hand, in the process of developing technology engineers sometimes explore new phenomena and become scientists themselves.

In the book What Engineers Know and How They Know It, Walter Vincenti says that engineering research differs from scientific research. First, it often deals with areas in which the basic physics and/or chemistry are well understood, but the problems themselves are too complex to solve in an exact manner. Examples are the use of numerical approximations to the Navier-Stokes equations to describe aerodynamic flow over an aircraft, or the use of Miner's rule to calculate fatigue damage. Second, engineering research employs many semi-empirical methods that are too far from pure scientific research, one example being the method of parameter variation.

As stated in the revision to the classic engineering text, Foundations of Solid Mechanics: "Engineering is quite different from science. Scientists try to understand nature. Engineers try to make things that do not exist in nature. Engineers stress invention. To embody an invention the engineer must put his idea in concrete terms, and design something that people can use. That something can be a device, a gadget, a material, a method, a computing program, an innovative experiment, a new solution to a problem, or an improvement on what is existing. Since a design has to be concrete, it must have its geometry, dimensions, and characteristic numbers. Almost all engineers working on new designs find that they do not have all the needed information. Most often, they are limited by insufficient scientific knowledge. Thus they study mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and mechanics. Often they have to add to the sciences relevant to their profession. Thus, engineering sciences are born."

Part III

(… адрес интернет-странички с видеороликами…)



  1. Do you know the following words? Can you guess the meaning of any of them? Study the meaning of the words:

“hydraulic”, “principle”, “be involved into”, “supervision”, “schedule”, “to run a business” (=to manage, to control), “timetable”, “to complete”, “completion”.

  1. What are the main three areas that Engineering can be broadly divided into?

  2. Can these areas be divided again into sub-disciplines? Yes or No?

  3. What does Civil Engineering deal with?


Watch the parts of the video-track and answer the following questions:

00:00 – 01:03

  1. Who and what is the speaker?

  2. How many sub-disciplines does he mention?

  3. What are they?

01:04 – end

  1. What principles are used to create a design?

  2. What activities are engineers involved into during their everyday life?


  1. Summarize the information of the video-track by filling each gap with a suitable word:

The speaker is (1) __________ Haritos, who is an Associated (2) __________ of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. He speaks about (3) __________ __________.

Civil Engineering can be divided into (4) __________ sub-disciplines – (5) __________ engineering (deals with soil and rock), (6) __________ engineering (deals with structures – bridges, dams), (7) __________ engineering (deals with water), (8) __________ engineering (deals with roads, ports, harbors, airports).

To create a design two main kinds of principles are used – principles of (9) __________ and principles of (10) __________ .

Engineers are usually involved into different kinds of activities during their everyday life. They (11) __________ , make schedules and (12) __________, run the constructions, manage the completion of a construction and its budget.



  1. Do you know the following words? Can you guess the meaning of any of them? Study the meaning of the words:

“application”, “broad” (field), “to encompass” (=to include), “power” “optic communication”, “to simplify”(=to make something easier to use), “to contribute”, light bulb”, “smoke-alarm”, “drought”, “age” – “aging”, “gadget”.

  1. What does Electrical Engineering deal with?


Watch the parts of the video-track and answer the following questions:

00:00 – 00:36

3. Who and what is the speaker?

4. What does Electrical Engineering deal with?

5. How often do we meet electrical problems?

00:37 – 00:48

6. Is Electrical Engineering a broad field?

7. What sub-fields does Electrical Engineering encompass?

00:49 – 01:17

8. How does Electrical Engineering contribute to our society nowadays?

01:17 – 01:40

9. Do Electrical engineers work alone or solve problems together with engineers from other fields?

10. What are the problems of today that Electrical engineers have already started to solve?

01:41 – 02:00

11. What is the problem in Australia today?

12. How do Electrical engineers solve this problem?

02:31 – end

13. Do Electrical engineers design goods for old people?

14. What do they design?


15. Summarize the answers to the video and make your own text on the topic of Electrical Engineering.



  1. Do you know the following words? Can you guess the meaning of any of them? Study the meaning of the words: “aim”, “ability”, “to equip”, “a graduate”.

  2. What does Mechanical Engineering deal with?


Watch the parts of the video-track and answer the following questions:

00:00 – 00:39

3. Who and what is the speaker?

4. What does Mechanical Engineering deal with?

00:40 – 01:36

5. What are the sub-disciplines of Mechanical Engineering that are mentioned in the video-track?

6. Do Mechanical engineers work alone or together with engineers from other fields?

7. How often do Mechanical engineers solve problems?

01:37 – 02:32

8. What is the aim of teaching the discipline of Mechanical Engineering?

02:33 – 03:29

9. Where can the graduates with a degree in the Mechanical Engineering work?


10. Summarize the answers to the video and make your own text on the topic of Mechanical Engineering.

Part I

1. Look at the picture and answer the following questions:

1. Is it indoors or outdoors?

2. What kind of room is this?

3. What are the people on the picture?

4. Do you think they are just students or they work and study to improve education? Why?

5. What kind of a lesson is it? Why?

6. Do you think they are interested in this lecture? Why?

7. Do you think this lecture covers technical aspects?


2. Answer the following questions about yourselves. Compare your answers with a partner.

1. Which subjects do you study? Are there any subjects you would like to drop?

2. Is your course practical? Do you like this way of working?

3. How are you assessed? Do you think this is fair?

(“Engineering” Workshop by Lindsey White, OUP; Unit 3, pg.4, ex.1)
3. Read the following text and choose the correct answers to questions (1-3) below:


Where is the text from?

a) a textbook

b) a leaflet


Who is the information for?

a) new students

b) teachers and parents


What is the text about?

a) one course

b) lots of courses

Who is the First Diploma for?

It is a foundation course for students with a general interest in engineering. You will learn about the different types of engineering; you do not specialize in one area.
What qualifications do I need?

You must be at least sixteen years old with an interest in Engineering. You need at least three GCSEs including Mathematics, Science, and Design and Technology.
What will I learn on the course?

You will learn:

  • practical skills in manufacturing and maintenance

  • about engineering materials, Computer Assisted Design (CAD), engineering measurement

  • key skills in Information Technology (IT)

How will I study?

The course is full-time for one year. You will spend some time in the classroom but most of your time will be spent doing practical tasks in the workshop, in the laboratory, or on computer screen.
How will I be assessed?

Each project is marked (continuous assessment) and there are tests at the end of each term.
What can I do when I finish the course?

You can use your First Diploma to help you to find a job as an apprentice. Alternatively, you can continue your studies and specialize in the area that interests you most.

(the text is from: “Engineering” Workshop by Lindsey White, OUP; Unit 3, pg.4, ex.2)
4. Read the text again and find the equivalents to the following expressions:

- a basic course (a course for beginners, a course to start with)

- focus on

- certified theoretical and practical knowledge

- basic skills

- a place where practical tasks are done

- room to organize experiments

- is assessed

- half a year

- an assistant
5. Red the text again and decide if the sentences (1-6) below are true (T) or false (F):


The first Diploma is a beginner level course.




Students learn general things about engineering.




The course isn’t practical.




Students take one big exam at the end of the year.




At the end of course, you can apply for a job as a trainee



(“Engineering” Workshop by Lindsey White, OUP; Unit 3, pg.4, ex.3)
6. Complete the following definitions (1-6) below with the highlighted words in the text.


To “__________” means to know a lot about one part of a subject.


“__________ ” means all your work on the course is part of the final mark.


__________ are the most important things to learn.


A __________teaches you general things about a subject.


An __________ is someone who works with an experienced person to learn the job.


You get __________ when you pass exams.

(“Engineering” Workshop by Lindsey White, OUP; Unit 3, pg.4, ex.4)
7. Guess the word as it is shown in the example: illsk = skill











8. Give synonyms to the following words using the words from the module:

beginner course

to focus on something

certified theoretical and practical knowledge

basic skills

practical seminar


half of a year at University



9. Guess the words from their definitions.


A general course at a college that prepares students for more difficult courses.


To give particular attention (to focus on) to a subject.


A degree, a diploma, a certificate; theoretical and practical knowledge.


An ability that you need in order to get a job; when you can do something well.


A person who works for low pay in order to learn the skills he needs to a particular job.


A fixed period of time during which students attend classes and after which they take exams.


A person who trains (teaches) people for some particular job.


A type of job when you work for 8 hours a day and 5 days in a week.


A lesson of discussion and practical work, when people communicate and show their knowledge.


The process of getting marks for each project you do during the term.


Basic knowledge of any subject that you need for your future study.


A room or a building used for scientific experiments or testing.


The process when you keep something in good condition (see the text above).

10. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Translate the idea, not a word for word:


He finished his foundation course 2 years ago.


“What are you doing this year?” – “I’m at my foundation course.”


What do you need to take the foundation course?


Will I get a certificate after this foundation course?


What kind of Engineering do you want to specialize in?


She specializes in Civil Engineering.


This manufacture specializes in car-production.


You don’t need to specialize during the foundation course.


After the foundation course you should specialize on one type of Engineering.


What sort of qualification do you need for the job?


He has got all the qualifications for the job.


I can take any person without qualifications to this kind of job.


Do you have any qualifications we need for the course?


She has got good skills in solving problems.


The foundation course will teach you practical skills in manufacturing and maintenance.


It is very important to have key-skills in Information Technology.


Practical skills are needed to get a good job.


Have you got any practical skills during that course?


Practical skills are very important if you want to become a successful engineer.


What do you need for the maintenance of these materials?


What do you do to maintain your family wellness?


Is it your last term at the University?


Today is my first exam after the first term.


Were you good during the last term?


What skills are you going to get during your future term?


How were you assessed for your last term?


What is the process of assessment in your University?


Continuous assessment means that each project during the term is assessed by the teacher.


It’ll be not easy to get assessment for the course.


You must work hard in order to be successfully assessed.


“Do you work full-time?” – “No, I’m an apprentice, so I work part-time”.


Do you think that it’s better to work part-time or full-time?


“I’m a new apprentice, who is my trainer?”


So, Nick, you’ll be an instructor to this group of young trainees.


Are you ready to take part in a workshop?


What was the last workshop about?


Were you at the last workshop on Information Technology?

11. Answer the questions (1-6) about your course and write a small text about it.

1. Who is the course for?

2. What qualification do you need?

3. What do you learn during the course?

4. How do you study?

5. How are you assessed?

6. What can you do when you finish the course?
1. Read the following questions. Study the meaning of words that you don’t know. Think and try to answer them.

1. What course are you doing at the moment?

2. When did you start this course?

3. Did you choose this course yourself? Did anybody help you to choose this course?

4. Where did you take information about this course? (advertisement on TV, a leaflet, personal experience, friend’s advice)

5. Did you have an interview before this course?

6. Why do people take interviews?

7. What do people do during interviews?

8. What kind of questions do people ask?

9. Is it difficult for you to take an interview? Why?

10. Did you apply in writing for the course?

11. Did you fill in an application form?

12. Was it difficult? Why?

13. What is the usual information in an application form?
2. Read the following text and choose the correct answers to questions (1-3) below:


What is the leaflet about?

a) Engineering courses at Coalport Technical College

b) All courses at Coalport Technical College


What does the leaflet describe?

a) lots of courses

b) one course


How can you get more information?

a) by telephoning

b) by returning the form


How many levels are there?

a) two

b) four


At Coalport Technical College, Blachstock
All courses are taught at Coalport Technical College, Blackstock and can be studied full-time or part-time. The minimum qualification for a place on a Level 2 course is four GCSEs or a Level 1 Certificate.

1. LEVEL 1 - Certificate in Engineering

This course teaches basic, key skills. It is suitable for students who left school early or have no qualifications. Selection will be based on the applicant’s work experience and an interview.
2. LEVEL 2 - Certificate in Electrical and Electronic Engineering

This course prepares students for jobs in radio and electronic communications.
3. LEVEL 2 - Certificate in Fabrication

This course prepares students for jobs in welding, sheetmetal work, and general engineering.
4. LEVEL 2 – Certificate in Mechanical Engineering

This course prepares students for a wide range of jobs including machining, fitting, tool-making, CAD and CAM.

For more information please visit our website or return this form to the department secretary.

Name _________________________________________________

Address _______________________________________________

Telephone / e-mail _______________________________________

Date of birth ____________________________________________
Please send me details of:

LEVEL 1 - Certificate in Engineering

LEVEL 2 - Certificate in Electrical and Electronic Engineering

LEVEL 2 - Certificate in Fabrication

LEVEL 2 – Certificate in Mechanical Engineering
I’m interested in full-time study part-time study

(the text is from: “Engineering” Workshop by Lindsey White, OUP; Unit 4, pg.5, ex.2)
3. Read the text again and match the people (A – E) below with a suitable course (1- 4). One person isn’t suitable for any of the courses.

Person A finished Level 1 last year. He wants to work as a welder on oil rigs.

Person B got her exam results last week. She passed Maths, Design and Technology, English, and History. She wants to work in design.

Person C works in her father’s garage. She hasn’t passed any exams but she is good at mending cars and wants to return to studying.

Person D left school in 2000 with no exam passes. Since then he has worked in a jeans shop and a hamburger café.

Person E has five GCSEs and wants to work as a telephoning engineer.

(“Engineering” Workshop by Lindsey White, OUP; Unit 4, pg.5, ex.3)
4. Complete the definitions (1 – 6) below with the highlighted words in the text.


‘__________’ is joining metal by heating.


An ‘__________’ is a formal meeting.


‘__________’ means putting machinery in place.


‘__________’ are ways of sending information, news, etc. from one place to another.


An ‘__________’ is a person who wants a job or a place on a course.


To ‘__________’is to make something ready.

(“Engineering” Workshop by Lindsey White, OUP; Unit 4, pg.5, ex.4)
5. Find the mistakes in spelling of the following words and correct them. Only one word is correct.


an aplicant


to pass exem


a welde


suitable for








applikation form


to pripare



6. Guess the words from their definitions.


A person who wants to get a job or a place at a university.


Something that you have done in your life; the knowledge or skill that you have got while doing something.


A meeting when one person asks another person different personal questions.


To take an exam and to get good mark at it.


People who study something.


A person whose job is to join pieces of metal together by heating them.


An official document that says about your skills or knowledge.


A type of Engineering that deals with moving parts of things.


An official paper that a person fills in when he or she wants to get a job or a place at a university.


A certificate that a person gets after passing of all exams after the completion of a course of study.

7. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Translate the idea, not a word for word:


You must apply for visa immediately.


I’m filling in an application form at the moment. Could you wait for some time?


Where should I apply for a new passport?


We have 20 applicants for this job.


Please, ask another applicant to come in.


I need to fill in an application form in English.


How long will you fill in this application form?


We must test our new applicant for the job and evaluate his knowledge.


To take exam doesn’t mean to pass it.


During this course you will take exams after each term.


After you pass the exam you may become an apprentice.


Passing an exam means that you have got a certain qualification.


To be good at practice you should work more in a workshop.


Laboratory studies help to get practical skills.


After you pass all the exams you’ll get a certificate.


How long do you usually prepare for exams?


Experience comes after practice.


I think that the last applicant is the most suitable for the job.


We must find a suitable person among 5 applicants.


A company needs a welder with experience.

8. Fill in the gaps in the following text with suitable words from SECTION B of this module.

Usually at the end of the 5th year of education all students (1) __________final exams. If they are (2) __________at exams (= if they (3) __________ them with good marks) they get a (4) __________ (or a (5) __________ ). Students become young specialists. Now they are ready to (6) __________ a job in any company they want. Each person who wants to get a job is called an (7) _________ . Each of them should (8) __________ an (9) __________ where he/she must write general information about himself/herself and specific information about his/her qualifications. Usually selection is made after an (10) __________ with each candidate where he/she answers a number of questions about his/her theoretical and practical knowledge. Each person should (11) __________ for this talk carefully to show how intelligent he/she is. Also it is good if you have any (12) __________. If a boss thinks that a person is (13) __________ a job, he/she gets it and begins his/her career .
Check the knowledge of active vocabulary from this module with the help of


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