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  • Задание №9 First Wright Brothers’ Flight

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    английский язык

    Контрольная №1

    Вариант 5

    Задание №1

    1. If the vibrations are chaotic, prediction becomes impossible.

    b) vibrations

    a) becomes

    Если колебания хаотичны, то предсказание становится невозможной.

    1. Economic system reflects a nation’s environmental resources.

    a) reflects



    Экономическая система отражает национальные ресурсы окружающей среды.

    1. The Government analyzes the performance of the country’s economy.



    Правительство анализирует состояние экономики в стране.

    1. The company’s numerous errors contributed to the cable’s malfunction.




    Многочисленные ошибки компании способствуют дисфункции кабеля.

    Задание №2

    1. Most class A inclusions contain diamonds.

    Большинство включений класса А содержат алмазы.

    1. Low – energy electron impact can ionize atoms and molecules.

    Низкочастотное электронное воздействие может ионизировать атомы и молекулы.

    1. The Channel Tunnel high-speed railway link makes it possible to travel from London to Paris in under three hours.

    Высокоскоростная железнодорожная ветка Подводного туннеля делает возможным путешествие из Лондона в Париж за три часа.

    Задание №3

    1. The most interesting data come out of the school investigation of the project.

    the most interesting

    Самая интересная информация пришла из исследовательской школы проекта.

    1. It is the best specimen that we have ever seen.

    the best

    Это самый лучший образец, который мы когда-либо видели.

    1. Taiwan has the lowest foreign debt.

    the lowest

    В Тайване самый низкий внешний долг.

    1. Smaller aircraft will be less profitable for manufacturers.



    Малая авиация будет менее выгодной для производителей.

    1. The lighter is the bullet; the lower tends it to fire.


    Зажигалка это пуля, легкое нажатие которой вызывает огонь.

    1. Old “high wheeler” bicycles were almost as tall as riders.

    As tall as

    Старые велосипеды были такими же высокими, как и велосипедисты.
    Задание №4

    1. Our studio was quite good when no one was talking outside and no doors were banging.

    no one - никто

    Наша студия была вполне пригодной, когда никто не разговаривает снаружи и ни одна дверь не хлопает.

    1. Particles from space can disrupt some radio communication.

    some – некоторые виды

    Космические частички могут разрушить некоторые виды радиосвязи.

    1. You cannot say anything about the system.

    anything - ничего

    Вы ничего не можете сказать об этой системе.

    1. This indicates our competitiveness anywhere in the world.

    anywhere - везде

    Это показывает нашу конкурентоспособность повсюду в мире.

    1. This book is oriented at anyone interested in ships and shipbuilding.

    anyone - любой

    Эта книга ориентирована на того, кто интересуется кораблями и кораблестроением.
    Задание №5

    1. Were there any significant differences?

    were – Past от to be

    Были какие-нибудь значительные отличия?

    1. There has been a learning process accompanying this technology transfer.

    has been – Present Perfect от to be

    Этот технологический переход сопровождался изучением процесса.

    1. For some storms there may be no good precedence.

    may be – Infinitive

    Для некоторых ураганов может не быть благоприятного предшествования.

    1. There are air taxis that take residents and tourists to isolated areas and pick them up later.

    are – Present Simple от to be

    Имеется воздушное такси, которое доставляет жителей и туристов в уединенные районы и забирает их обратно позднее.

    1. Apart from development of lumber industries, there will be other possible sources of biomass.

    will be – Future Simple от to be

    Отдельно от развития лесоперерабатывающей промышленности будут другие возможные источники биомассы.
    Задание №6

    1. They are working with existing materials, looking for ways to preserve holograms longer.

    (are) working – Participle I,составная часть видо-временной формы Present Continuous

    existing – Participle I, определение

    looking – Participle I, обстоятельство

    Они работают с существующими материалами, разыскивая способы для сохранения голограммы.

    1. All planets detected so far are gas giants lacking a solid surface.

    detected – Participle II, определение

    (are) lacking – Participle I, составная часть видо-временной формы Present Continuous

    Все планеты, обнаруженные на значительном расстоянии, являются газовыми гигантами с недостатком твердой поверхности.

    1. When questioned, the secretary denied knowledge of it.

    questioned – Participle II, обстоятельство

    Задавая вопрос, секретарь не знал ответ на него.

    1. Developing nations will rely primarily on fossil fuels for industrialization.

    developing – Participle I, подлежащее

    Развитие наций будет полагаться на устаревшее топливо для промышленности.

    1. Improved combustion processes and emission controls are needed.

    improved – Participle II, подлежащее

    Улучшение процессов сгорания и контроля за выбросом необходим.

    1. Having finished the experiment, the students left the laboratory.

    having finished – Past Participle, обстоятельство

    Закончив опыт, студенты покинули лабораторию.
    Задание №7

    1. Now we are determining the chemical structure of some hydrogels.

    are determining – Present Continuous \ Active Voice (to determine)

    1. They will be reporting on these techniques elsewhere.

    will be reporting – Future Continuous \ Passive Voice (to report)

    1. In about 1979 Philip Holmes gave a lecture on his research into chaotic dynamics.

    gave – Past Simple \ Active Voice (to give)

    1. We had been working as this problem for four or five years before it suddenly became quite popular.

    had been working – Past Perfect Continuous \ Active Voice (to work)

    Became – Past Simple \ Active Voice (to become)

    1. Fluids flowing through tubes often cause vibrations.

    cause – Present Simple \ Active Voice (to cause)

    1. The researchers have given little thought to basic business problems.

    have given – Present Perfect \ Active Voice (to give)

    1. This Bill was introduced into Parliament in 1989.

    was introduced – Past Simple \ Passive Voice (to introduce)

    1. These problems have been treated more successfully in the US and Japan.

    have been treated – Present Perfect \ Passive Voice (to treat)

    1. The street plan will have been interpreted as consensus in favour of highways.

    will have been interpreted – Future Perfect \ Passive Voice (to interpret)

    1. The book is offered as a student text, and it will serve this purpose well.

    is offered – Present Simple \ Passive Voice (to offer)

    will serve – Future Simple \ Active Voice (to serve)

    1. The bullet is constantly being pressed down by gravity.

    is being pressed – Present Continuous \ Passive Voice (to press)

    1. By 1958, US had begun to consume more fuel of various kinds than it produced.

    had begun – Past Perfect \ Active Voice (to begin)

    produced – Past Simple \ Active Voice (to produce)
    Задание №8

    1. This book ought to be compulsory reading for students studying artificial intelligence.

    ought – должна

    Эта книга должна быть настольной книгой для студентов, изучающих искусственный интеллект.

    1. Water use must be carefully managed on a global basis.

    must – должна

    Использование воды должно быть тщательно управляемым процессом в глобальном масштабе.

    1. A dynamic system can become chaotic.

    can – может

    Динамическая система может стать хаотичной.

    1. Engineers and management personnel had to overcome many problems.

    had to – должны

    Инженеры и кадровое управление должны преодолеть многие проблемы.

    1. Visitors of a conference will be able to watch simulated cyber-attacks.

    will be able – смогут

    посетители конференции смогут наблюдать смоделированные кибер-атаки.

    1. The tube may vibrate but it won’t break.

    may – может

    Труба может вибрировать, но не разрушится.

    1. This centre is to provide service for military aircraft.

    is to – должен

    Этот центр должен обеспечить обслуживание для военной авиации.

    Задание №9

    First Wright Brothers’ Flight

    From 1900 to 1902 the Wright brothers tested a series of gliders (планеры) at Kill Devil Hills, a location chosen primarily for its steady winds.

    For many people, December 17th, may have seemed like another winter morning in North Carolina – but for Orville and Wilbur Wright, it was a perfect day to fly. On that clear day in 1903, the Wrights successfully tested their newest invention: a flyer (самолет) with a four – cylinder engine. During the first flight, the craft was only air-born for 12 seconds and travelled 120 feet, but three even more successful flights followed later that day, and what brothers have achieved would forever changed the world: the first controlled, powered flight in a heavier than air flying machine.

    The Wrights’ hometown of Dayton, Ohio, acknowledged their accomplishment (свершение) in June, 1909 with a two-day celebration that included parades, a banquet, medal-granting, ceremonies and fireworks. Although Orville and Wilbur were modest, it was clear that fame was bound (обязательно) to be a part of their life. Their friend and aviation expert Octave Chanute wrote to them:”I know that the reception of such honors becomes oppressive to the modest men, but in this case you have brought the trouble upon yourselves by completing the solution of a world-old problem”.

    A stamp, issued in May 22nd, 2003, Dayton, Ohio, commemorates the centennial of the Wrights’ incredible accomplishment. It depicts Orville at the controls of Wright flyer.

    1. Слова с окончанием -s/-‘s

    brothers – братья

    series – серия

    gliders – планеры

    its – его

    winds – ветры

    seconds – секунды

    the Wrights’ hometown – родной город братьев Райт

    parades – парады

    ceremonies – церемонии

    fireworks – фейерверки

    honors – честь

    becomes – становится

    yourselves – сами

    commemorates – служит напоминанием

    depicts – отражает

    controls – управляет

    1. цепочки слов (левое определение)

    winter morning – зимнее утро

    clear day – ясный день

    a four-cylinder engine – четырехцилиндровый двигатель

    powered flight – полет на моторном самолете

    flying machine – летающая машина

    The Wrights’ hometown – родной город братьев Райт

    a two-day celebration – двухдневное празднование

    medal-granting – награждение медалью

    world-old problem – проблема, старая как мир

    the Wright flyer – самолет братьев Райт

    1. прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной степени и сравнительные конструкции

    the newest – новейшее

    more successful – успешнее

    later – позднее

    heavier – легче

    1. структура there be

    2. модальные глаголы

    may have seemed – мог быть
    2. Выпишите и проанализируйте сказуемые

    tested – протестировали ( Past Simple, Active Voice)-to test

    was – был (Past Simple, Active Voice) –to be

    have achieved – достигли (Present Perfect, Active Voice) –to achieve

    depicts – отражает (Present Simple, Active Voice) – to depict

    wrote – писал (Past Simple, Active Voice) –to write

    acknowledged – ознаменовали ((Past Simple, Active Voice)-to acknowledge

    know – знаю (Present Simple, Active Voice)-to know

    becomes – становится (Present Simple, Active Voice)-to become

    have brought - принесли (Present Perfect, Active Voice)-to bring

    were – были (Past Simple, Active Voice)-to be
    3.Ответы на вопросы

    1. What was tested at Kill Devil Hills in December, 1903?

    The Wrights successfully tested their newest invention: a flyer with a four-cylinder engine.
    2. How was the great achievement of Wright brothers celebrated in their hometown of Dayton, Ohio?

    The Wrights’ hometown of Dayton, Ohio, acknowledged their accomplishment in June, 1909 with a two-day celebration that included parades, a banquet, medal-granting, ceremonies, and fireworks.
    3.Why did fame become an integral part of their life?

    They completed the solution of a world-old problem – they invented and tested the first controlled, powered flight in a heavier than air flying machine.
    4.In what way was the centennial of the Wrights’ accomplishment commemorated in 2003?

    A stamp, issued in May 22nd, 2003, in Dayton, Ohio, commemorated the centennial of Wrights’ incredible accomplishment.

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