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  • 10 points 7. Choose the correct form of the Participle - -ed or – ing

  • Answer the following questions

  • 10 points 10. Translate into English, using Gerund and Participle

  • Branches of Law Variant 2 Do the following tasks. There are two points for each correct answer

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    НазваниеBranches of Law Variant 2 Do the following tasks. There are two points for each correct answer
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    Имя файла2 Year, 2 Variant, The law Department (1).docx

    Салиева Б.Г. группа 18131 02.06.2020
    Branches of Law

    Variant 2
    Do the following tasks. There are two points for each correct answer.
    1. Match the branches of law in English with their Russian equivalents:

    1. Property law a) общее право

    2. Contract law b) деликтное право

    3. Tort law c) личная собственность

    4. Merchant law d) договорное право

    5. Inheritance law e) торговое право

    6. Common law f) вещное право

    7. Civil law g) наследственное право

    8. Criminal law h) гражданское право

    9. Intellectual property i) уголовное право

    10. Personal property j) интеллектуальная собственность











    1. points

    2. Answer the questions:

    1. What are the divisions of civil law? Сivil law is divided into private and public law

    2. What does contract law regulate? Contract law regulates relations in the sphere of purchase and sale, pledge, storage, etc

    3. Whom does intellectual property law protect? Intellectual property law is designed to promote the worldwide protection and copyright materials.

    4. What rights and freedoms does the constitution guarantee? The main rights and freedoms of any man and citizen, such as the right to live, to vote, etc.

    5. Where can a person find protection if their human rights are violated? At the legal acts.

    1. points

    3. Translate the following sentences into English.

    1. Если будет нанесен ущерб собственности физических лиц, может быть использовано деликтное право.

    Tort law can be used, If a damage to the property of individuals is caused.

    1. Интеллектуальная собственность относится к категории нематериальной собственности.

    Intellectual property belongs to the category of intangible property.

    1. Нападение на человека означает нарушение прав личности.

    Attacking a person means a violation of individual rights.

    1. Для продажи земли может быть использовано договорное право.

    Contract law can be used, for the sale of land.

    1. Основным источником права в системе общего права является обычай, подтвержденный судебным прецедентом.

    The main source of law in the common law system is custom, confirmed by judicial precedent.

    1. points

    4. Use the correct preposition with Gerunds.

    1. They are tired of sitting at such a long case.

    2. I hope you will succeed in studying law next year.

    3. We blame him for neglecting his duties, what caused the accident.

    4. The result of the trial mostly depends on the solicitor’s speaking at the trial.

    5. These measures are taken in order to prevent the minors form reoffending.

    1. points

    5. Translate into Russian or English.

    16. After all, I’m personally responsible for bringing you back safe and sound.

    В конце концов, я несу личную ответственность за то, чтобы вернуть вас в целости и сохранности.

    1. Я не могу оправдать его работу на конкурирующую фирму.

    I can not justify his work at a competing firm.

    1. I usually prefer coming earlier, but that time I preferred to come strictly on time.

    Я обычно предпочитаю приходить раньше, но в то время я предпочитал приходить строго вовремя.

    1. Вы не против, если я начну сперва отвечать на вопросы?

    Do you mind if I start to answer questions first?

    1. The plaintiff’s attorney objected to the defendant’s witnesses’ giving new evidence in the trial.

    Адвокат истца возражал против того, чтобы свидетели ответчика давали новые доказательства в суде

    10 points

    1. Translate into Russian, paying attention to Participles forms and constructions

    1. Books read in childhood are like old friends.

    Книги, прочитанные в детстве как старые друзья

    1. Being built with great skill and care, the building has been considered one of the best sights of the city.

    Поскольку оно было построено с большим навыком и заботой - здание считалось одной из лучших достопримечательностей города

    1. The number of apartment houses being built for the population of Moscow is rapidly growing.

    Количество многоквартирных домов, строящихся для населения Москвы, стремительно растет.

    24. At the conference they discussed the methods used in legal training.

    На конференции они обсудили методы, используемые в юридическом обучении.

    25. There are only a few attempts now being made to improve the situation.

    Сейчас делаются всего несколько попыток, чтобы улучшить ситуацию

    10 points

    7. Choose the correct form of the Participle - -ed or – ing:

    26. He was very excited/exciting when he saw the game.

    27. This excited/excitingprocedure was shown on local TV.

    28. A little amusing/amused puppy was found at the door.

    29. We were amusing/amusedby the new series on TV.

    30. They found shocked/shocking description of the event in the Net.

    31. He was shocked/shocking to find the proof of his wife’s adultery.

    32. People were watching the firemen trying to save the burnt/burning house.

    33. I don’t know what was in the burning/burntletter as I didn’t read it.

    34. What made you look so depressing/depressed?

    35. The news about his health was rather depressed/depressing.

    1. points

    8. Change sentences, using Verbal forms

    36. The judge who hears cases of serious crimes is called a high court judge.

    The judge hearing cases of serious crimes is called a high court judge.

    37. The sentences that were passed by that judge were always fair.

    The sentences being passed by this judge.

    38. As he had witnessed the crime, he was expected to give evidence in court.

    Having witnessed the crime, he was expected to give evidence in court.

    39. People who violate laws on intellectual property are seldom punished

    People violating laws on intellectual property are seldom punished
    40. When she entered the room suddenly, she found them smoking.

    1. points

    9.Read the text and do the tasks below:

    International Court of Justice

    The International Court of Justice (ICJ), located in the Hague, Netherlands, is the primary judicial body of the United Nations. Established in 1945 by the United Nations Charter, the Court began work in 1946 as the successor to the Permanent Court of International Justice. The Statute of the International Court of Justice, similar to that of its predecessor, is the main constitutional document constituting and regulating the Court.

    It is based in the Peace Palace in the Hague, Netherlands, sharing the building with the Hague Academy of International Law, a private center for the study of international law. Several of the Court’s current judges are either alumni or former faculty members of the Academy. Its purpose is to adjudicate disputes among states. The court has cases related to war crimes, illegal state interference and ethnic cleansing, among others, and continues to hear cases.

    A related court, the International Criminal Court (ICC), began operating in 2002 through international discussions initiated by the General Assembly. It is the first permanent international court charged with trying those who commit the most serious crimes under international law, including war crime and genocide. The ICC is functionally independent of the United Nations in terms of personnel and financing, but some meetings of the ICC governing body, the Assembly of State Parties to the Rome State, are held at the UN. There is a “relationship agreement” between the ICC and the UN that governs how the two institutions regard each other legally.

    Answer the following questions:

    1. What is the ICJ?

    2. Which document regulates its formation and activities?

    43.What is its purpose and sphere of authorities?

    44.What court can be considered related to it and why?

    45.Is the ICC dependent on the UN and how are their relations regulated?

    10 points

    10. Translate into English, using Gerund and Participle:

    46. ООН проводит политику по повышению роли Международного Суда и обеспечению правосудия и верховенства права в международных отношениях.

    The UN pursues a policy of enhancing the role of the International court of Justice and ensuring justice and the rule of law in international relations.

    47. Созданная после корейской войны комиссия обвинила США в том, что они разместили ядерное оружие в Южной Корее.

    The Commission created after the Korean war accused the US of placing nuclear weapons in South Korea.

    48. В настоящее время все главные органы ООН занимаются вопросами, относящимися к правам человека.

    Currently, all main bodies of the UN dealing with issues related to human rights.

    49. Совет Безопасности ООН приветствует мирный путь решения всеми странами спорных вопросов на Ближнем Востоке.

    The UN Security Council welcomes a peaceful way for all countries to resolve disputed issues in the middle East.

    50. Международный суд как главный судебный орган ООН содействует разрешению международных споров, помогая ослабить напряженность между государствами и развивать их взаимоотношения на основе права.

    The international court of justice, as the main judicial body of the United Nations, contributes to the settlement of international disputes, helping to ease tensions between States and develop their relations on the basis of law.

    10 points

    Total: 100 points

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