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  • Choose the verb in Present Simple: Where … you … usually your holidays

  • Choose the right form of Personal Pronouns: Where are … from

  • Answer the following question: Where is Hollywood

  • Выберите правильную форму глагола “to be”: ... you a teacher

  • Выберите правильный ответ: Are you going to invite her to the party

  • Выберите правильный вариант ответа:Where does the President of the USA live and work

  • The correct articles.Is there _______ sofa in your ______ living room

  • The correct articles.Do you drive on___right or on___left in your country

  • The correct articles.Do you live in___town or in___country

  • The correct articles.What is___name of___ocean between North America and Asia

  • 1 курс тесты английский язык. Choose the verb in Present Simple you to watch this tv programme

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    @@@Social sphere of communication: Family in modern society

    $$$ 1

    Choose the verb in Present Simple: … you … to watch this TV programme?

    A. does … want

    B. do … want

    C. did … want

    D. are … want

    E. was … want
    $$$ 2

    Choose the verb in Present Simple: Where … you … usually your holidays?

    A. is … spending

    B. do … spend

    C. do … to spend

    D. did … spending

    E. to … spend
    $$$ 3

    Choose the right Antonym: Cheap

    A. easy

    B. annual

    C. clean

    D. educational

    E. expensive
    $$$ 4

    Choose the right Antonym: Slow

    A. main

    B. narrow

    C. rapid

    D. fast

    E. cloudy
    $$$ 5

    Choose the right form of the Present Tense: The postman … letters three time a day.

    A. will bring

    B. bring

    C. brings

    D. brought

    E. is brought
    $$$ 6

    Chose the right Preposition: She will come … 3 o’clock.

    A. for

    B. at

    C. in

    D. to

    E. out
    $$$ 7

    Choose the verb in Present Simple: I … music.

    A. like

    B. is like

    C. liked

    D. likes

    E. liking
    $$$ 8

    Choose the right variant of the superlative adjective: December 22 is … day of the year.

    A. shorter

    B. the shortest

    C. most short

    D. short

    E. more short
    $$$ 9

    Choose the right form of Personal Pronouns: Where are … from?

    A. I

    B. you

    C. their

    D. him

    E. he
    $$$ 10

    Chose the right Preposition: Our English class begins …8 o’clock.

    A. at

    B. in

    C. on

    D. for

    E. to
    $$$ 11

    Answer the following question: Where is Hollywood?

    A. in Paris

    B. in Canada

    C. in London

    D. in Italy

    E. in Los-Angeles, California
    $$$ 12

    Существительное во множественном числе.

    A. wolves

    B. wolf

    C. wolfes

    D. wolfs

    E. welf
    $$$ 13

    Выберите правильную форму глагола “to be”: ... you a teacher?

    A. Been.

    B. Are.

    C. Is.

    D. Am.

    E. Be.
    $$$ 14

    Выберите исчисляемое (countable) существительное:

    A. Time

    B. Sugar

    C. Butter

    D. Bottle

    E. Health
    $$$ 15

    Выберите правильную форму глагола “to be”: My brother and I … born in Almaty.

    A. is

    B. been

    C. was

    D. were

    E. am
    $$$ 16

    Выберите подходящий английский эквивалент. На стене напротив двери весит большая картина.

    A. A large picture on the wall opposite the door there is.

    B. There is on the wall a large picture opposite the door.

    C. There is a large picture on the wall opposite the door.

    D. Opposite the door on the wall is there a large picture.

    E. A large picture is there on the wall opposite the door.
    $$$ 17

    Дополните предложение: They ... sausages at this shop.

    A. price

    B. sell

    C. department

    D. bring

    E. cost
    $$$ 18

    Выберите правильный вариант Present Continuous: My children … learning Spanish at the moment.

    A. were

    B. was

    C. is

    D. are

    E. shall
    $$$ 19

    Образуйте прилагательное с противоположным значением от слова possible:

    A. Ilpossible.

    B. Repossible.

    C. Inpossible.

    D. Unpossible.

    E. Impossible.
    $$$ 20

    Переведите “Заботиться о… ”:

    A. To take in

    B. To take care of

    C. To take out.

    D. To defend

    E. To like
    $$$ 21

    Выберите слово, противоположное по значению: young.

    A. Clean

    B. Happy.

    C. Old..

    D. Kind.

    E. Nice.
    $$$ 22

    Найдите синоним слова “To start”

    A. To bring

    B. To begin

    C. To give

    D. To play

    E. To finish
    $$$ 23

    Выберите правильную форму глагола “to be”: It ... a nice fairy-tale.

    A Be.

    B. Been.

    C. Is.

    D. Are.

    E. Am.
    $$$ 24

    Найдите правильный вариант глагола: I… a bit lonely these days

    A. is

    B. am

    C. are

    D. do

    E. were
    $$$ 25

    Выберите существительное во множественном числе.

    A. Knifes.

    B. Knifs.

    C. Knivs.

    D. Knivies

    E. Knives.
    $$$ 26

    Найдите антоним к слову: “Difficult”

    A. Calm.

    B. Easy.

    C. Heavy.

    D. Clear.

    E. Hard.
    $$$ 27

    Дополните предложение: How are you? – I … all right.

    A. am

    B. are

    C. been

    D. was

    E. were
    $$$ 28

    Aнтонимoм слова “Day” является :

    A. Morning

    B. Evening

    C. Midday

    D. Night

    E. Afternoon
    $$$ 29

    Выберите правильный ответ: Are you going to invite her to the party?

    A. Yes, I am.

    B. Yes, it is.

    C. Yes, there is.

    D. Yes, I shall.

    E. No, I shan’t
    $$$ 30

    Выберите правильный вариант переводa слова: Неприятный

    A. Unpleasant.

    B. Pleasant.

    C. Displeasant.

    D. Mispleasant.

    E. Repleasant.
    $$$ 31

    Дайте определение слову neighbour:

    A. A person who is interested in sport.

    B. A person who lives near you.

    C. A person who studies at the institute.

    D. A person who is fond of reading.

    E. A person whom you like.
    $$$ 32

    Синонимом слова “Rest” является:

    A. Tired.

    B. Invent.

    C. Industrious.

    D. Relax.

    E. Work.
    $$$ 33

    Синонимом слова “Fast” является:

    A. Wise.

    B. Far.

    C. Fear.

    D. Quick.

    E. Slow.
    $$$ 34

    Найдите предложение в Present Continuous Tense.

    A. They are playing football in the yard now.

    B. Moscow is a port of five seas.

    C. Dad hasn’t forgotten his promise.

    D. The tickets are too expensive.

    E. You can see with your own eyes everything.
    $$$ 35

    Выберите правильную форму глагола “to be”: My flat ... very comfortable.

    A. Is.

    B. Be.

    C. Been.

    D. Am.

    E. Are.
    $$$ 36

    Выразите одним словом: A person who travels by plane or by ship is a ...

    A. customer.

    B. seller.

    C. passenger.

    D. businessman.

    E. stranger.
    $$$ 37

    Выберите верное окончание для словосочетания: A bottle of...

    A. sugar.

    B. cream.

    C. honey.

    D. butter.

    E. oil.
    $$$ 38

    Найдите множественное число слова “a boy”:

    A. Boieses

    B. Boyes

    C. Boys

    D. Boies

    E. Boyses
    $$$ 39

    Закончите предложение: Prince Charles is Queen Elizabeth’s II … .

    A. Husband.

    B. Son.

    C. Brother.

    D. Uncle.

    E. Father.
    $$$ 40

    Поставьте глагол в предложении в Present Simple Tense.A palace … a large and splendid building.

    A. was.

    B. am.

    C. are.

    D. is.

    E. were.
    $$$ 41

    К теме Travelling относится слово:

    A. Excursion.

    B. Snow.

    C. Tree.

    D. Pupil.

    E. Study.
    $$$ 42

    Переведите пословицу “There is no place like home ”

    A. Нет ничего лучше родного дома

    B. Одна голова хорошо, две лучше

    C. Без труда, не вытащишь рыбку из пруда

    D. Долг платежем красен

    E. Лучше поздно, чем никогда
    $$$ 43

    Множественное число существительного к слову: a watch.

    A. Watchies.

    B. Watchis.

    C. Watchs.

    D. Watchiez.

    E. Watches.
    $$$ 44

    Выберите слово, противоположное по значению: long.

    A. Sad.

    B. Low.

    C. High.

    D. Short.

    E. Proud.
    $$$ 45

    Синонимом слова “Famous” является:

    A. Industrious.

    B. Well-known.

    C. Unknown.

    D. Clever.

    E. Inventive.
    $$$ 46

    Выберите правильный вариант ответа:Where does the President of the USA live and work?

    A. in the White House

    B. in the Supreme Court

    C. in the Empire State Building

    D. in Congress

    E. in the Pentagon
    $$$ 47

    Подберите подходящее по смыслу слово: I… go to the cinema with my brother

    A. happy

    B. quickly

    C. often

    D. slowly

    E. early
    $$$ 48

    Выберите лишнее слово в данной группе слов:

    A. Ham.

    B. Juice.

    C. Bread.

    D. Chicken.

    E. Aunt.
    $$$ 49

    Выразите одним словом: A stopping place for trains is a ...

    A. station.

    B. city.

    C. stop.

    D. village.

    E. field.
    $$$ 50

    Вставьте необходимое слово в предложение: The streets in this town are really ... . Nobody ever cleans them.

    A. difficult

    B. dirty

    C. cheap

    D. clean

    E. different
    $$$ 51

    The correct option.He is _____ wonderful teacher. He teaches _____ History.

    A. a, ----

    B. a, the

    C. a, an

    D.the, ---

    E. ----, a
    $$$ 52

    The correct articles.Is there _______ sofa in your ______ living room?

    A. a, ---

    B. a, the

    C. a, an

    D.the, ---

    E. ---, a
    $$$ 53

    The right option..My friend’s _______ flat is _______ very comfortable.

    A. a, an.

    B. a, the

    C. ---, ---

    D. the, ---

    E.----, a
    $$$ 54

    The right option.______ weather was fine, _____ sun was shining in____ blue sky.

    A. —, a, the

    B. A, the,

    C. The, an,

    D. The, —, the

    E. The, the, the
    $$$ 55

    The right option.________ group of __________farmers were sitting in _______village house.

    A. A, the, ---

    B. A, ---, the

    C. The, an, ---

    D. The, a, the

    E. ---, a, the
    $$$ 56

    The right option.______ Kazakhstan is to _______ south of Russia.

    A. —, the

    B.A, the

    C. The, an

    D. The, —

    E. The, a
    $$$ 57

    The right option._______ mouse is ______ animal. It is ______small animal.

    A. A, an, a

    B.A, an, —

    C. The, an, —

    D. The, —, the

    E. The, an, the
    $$$ 58

    The right option. When I arrived in _____ South America________ Blacks helped me find ____job.

    A. —, the, a

    B. —, an, —

    C.the, an, —

    D.the, —, the

    E.a, an, a
    $$$ 59

    The right option.______first thing we must do is to have some food and then go out for _____ long walk.

    A. —, an

    B The, a

    C. The, an

    D.—, a

    E.A, the
    $$$ 60

    The right option. Put___ bag on___ table, then give me___ apple and__ bar of chocolate.

    A. the, the, an, a

    B. —, an, —, the

    C. the, an, —, a

    D. a, —, the, an

    E. a, an, a, —
    $$$ 61

    The right option. When we were in Washington D.C, we visited ___ White House, ___Lincoln

    Memorial and___ Smithsonian Museum.

    A. —, an, —

    B. the, the, the

    C. the, an, —

    D. the, the, an

    E. a, an, a

    $$$ 62

    Find the correct option.______dinner we had yesterday was _______ very tasty one.

    A. The, the

    B.A, a

    C. The, a

    D.A, an

    E. An, the
    $$$ 63

    The correct option.___United Kingdom includes ___ Great Britain and______ Northern Ireland.

    A. An, —, the

    B. A, —, the

    C. The, the, a

    D. —, an —

    E. The, —, —
    $$$ 64

    The correct option.___museum has 14 doors, which have been made in ___ ancient traditional ___style.

    A. A, —, the

    B. The, the, ---

    C. The, an, —

    D.—, an,—

    E.An, —, the
    $$$ 65

    The correct articles.I bought__jacket.___jacket was cheap.

    A. ---, the

    B. an, a

    C. a, ---

    D. a, the

    E. an,---
    $$$ 66

    The correct articles.__sky is blue and___sun is shining

    A. the,the

    B. an,a

    C. a,the

    D. the,a

    E. the,an
    $$$ 67

    The correct articles.Do you drive on___right or on___left in your country?

    A. the,the


    C. a,the


    E. the,an
    $$$ 68

    The correct articles.My brothers is___soldier. He’s in___army.

    A. an,a

    B. a, the

    C. the, a

    D. the,the

    E. the,an
    $$$ 69

    The correct articles. It’s___nicemorning. Let’s go for___walk.

    A. the,a

    B. an,a

    C. a,a


    $$$ 70

    The correct articles.Do you live in___town or in___country?

    A. an,a

    B. a,the

    C. the, a

    D. the,the

    E. the,an
    $$$ 71

    The correct articles.Do you know ___Wilsons? They’re___very nice couple

    A. the,the

    B. an,a

    C. a,the

    D. the,a

    $$$ 72

    The correct articles.The most powerful person in___United States is___president.

    A. the,an

    B. an,a

    C. a,the

    D. the,a

    E. the,the
    $$$ 73

    The correct articles.What is___name of___ocean between North America and Asia?

    A. the, an

    B.an, a

    C.a, the

    D. the, a

    E. the, the
    $$$ 74

    The correct articles.Which is___smallest continent in___world?

    A. a, the

    B.an, a

    C. the, the

    D.the, a

    E.the, an
    $$$ 75

    The correct articles.Life is all right if you have___job,but things are not so easy for___unemployed.

    A. a,the


    C. a, the


    $$$ 76

    Choose the correct articles.Julia has been___nurse all her life.She has spent her life caring for___sick.

    A. an,a

    B. a,the

    C. the,a

    D. the,the

    E. the,an
    $$$ 77

    A person who lives very near to you



    C. best friend


    $$$ 78

    A person you work with

    A. niece

    B. classmate

    C. best friend

    D. cousin

    E. colleague
    $$$ 79

    A male child

    A. sister

    B. niece

    C. son

    D. daughter

    E. cousin
    $$$ 80

    Your aunt’s (or your uncle’s) child

    A. son

    B. niece

    C. cousin

    D. adult

    E. brother-in-law
    $$$ 81

    Your brother’s or your sister’s daughter

    A. aunt

    B. niece

    C. son


    $$$ 82

    Your closest friend

    A. cousin

    B. brother-in-law


    D. best friend

    $$$ 83

    Your daughter’s husband

    A. nephew




    E. son-in-law
    $$$ 84

    Your mother’s or your father’s sister


    B. uncle



    $$$ 85

    It’s never too late to …

    A. study

    B. improve

    C. learn

    D. master

    E. work
    $$$ 86

    There is no place like …

    A. house

    B. home

    C. castle

    D. country

    E. building
    $$$ 87

    East or West…

    A. we are at home

    B. it isn’t my place

    C.house is large

    D.they are fine

    E. home is best
    $$$ 88

    I have a friend who is … electrician.

    A. an



    D. the

    E.no article
    $$$ 89

    I don’t like … people who talk about football all the time




    D.no article

    $$$ 90

    The correct article(s) .I went to…France last year, but I haven’t been to…Netherlands yet.

    A. - , the

    B.a, a

    C. -, an

    D. the, the

    E. the, an
    $$$ 91

    The correct article(s) …earth goes round…sun.

    A. a, a

    B. the, the

    C. the, -

    D.a, an

    E.the, an
    $$$ 92

    I have driving lessons twice _____ week:

    A. Zero article

    B. An

    C. The

    D. A

    E. At
    $$$ 93

    We have three _____ of white paper:

    A. Box

    B. Boxing

    C. Boxes

    D. Boxs

    E. Boxed
    $$$ 94

    The correct article for this sentence “She is quite ___young girl”:



    C. A or the

    D.No article

    E. An

    $$$ 95

    The word that best completes the sentence.Well done! You’ve done an excellent_____:

    A. Work



    D. Job


    $$$ 96

    The correct article(s).…Volga flows into…Caspian Sea.

    A. a, a

    B. the, the

    C. the, an

    D. an, an

    E. a, the
    $$$ 97

    The correct article(s)

    In…spring of…following year we went…abroad and were absent several months.

    A. the, the,-

    B. a, a, the

    C.the, -, an

    D. -, the, the

    E. the, the, the
    $$$ 98

    The correct article(s). After…lunch they sat down under the oak tree drinking…Turkish coffee.

    A. the, -

    B. a, a

    C. -,-

    D. -, the

    E. an, a
    $$$ 99

    The correct variant . It is rather…old house.

    A. an

    B. a

    C. the

    D. those

    E. these
    $$$ 100

    The correct article(s).I’ll see you in…quarter of…hour.

    A. -,-

    B. a, a

    C. the, the

    D. an,the

    E. a,an
    $$$ 101

    The synonym(s) to the word ill

    A. angry

    B. tired

    C. sick

    D. wide

    E. terrible
    $$$ 102

    The synonym(s) to the word noise

    A. joy

    B. sound

    C. movement

    D. sense

    $$$ 103

    The synonym(s) to the word silly

    A. good

    B. new

    C. foolish

    D. strange

    E. pretty
    $$$ 104

    The synonym(s) to the word habit

    A. fight

    B. mood

    C. bloom

    D. strange

    E. custom
    $$$ 105

    The synonym(s) to the word ruin

    A. destroy

    B. build

    C. manage

    D. develop

    E. finish
    $$$ 106

    The synonym to the word marvellous

    A. foolish

    B. new

    C. splendid

    D. strange

    E. pretty
    $$$ 107

    The synonym to the word possess

    A. own

    B. get

    C. happen

    D. see

    E. find
    $$$ 108

    The antonym to the word easy

    A. soft

    B. new

    C. good

    D. difficult

    E. pretty
    $$$ 109

    What ___ terrible weather!

    A. the

    B. -

    C. a

    D. an

    E. this
    $$$ 110

    . .. France is to … north of … Italy.

    A. the, the, the

    B. -, the, -

    C. -, -, -

    D. a, the, a

    E. -, a, -
    $$$ 111

    The correct variant.…Japanese are very industrious people.

    A. the

    B. this

    C. an

    D. that

    E. a

    @@@ Social sphere of communication: Modern housing

    $$$ 112

    One of the famous research institutes in physics was named after an American scientist ________ ago.

    A. sometimes

    B. some time

    C. several times

    D. any time

    E. no time
    $$$ 113

    Could you go to the store and buy _____milk? We don’t have ______ more.

    A. some, nothing

    B. something, some

    C. some, any

    D. anything, any

    E. any, some
    $$$ 114

    The correct pronoun.

    ________ always go abroad during their summer holidays.

    A. They

    B. He

    C. She

    D. Us

    E. Her
    $$$ 115

    The right option. Whose bag is this? It is_____

    A. mine

    B. me

    C. my

    D. of me

    E. the mine
    $$$ 116

    The correct pronoun(s) …child wants to visit Disneyland.

    A. either

    B. others

    C. none

    D. every

    E. neither
    $$$ 117

    The correct pronoun(s) The woman carried a bag in…hand.

    A. neither

    B. any

    C. either

    D. another

    E. others
    $$$ 118

    Tomas can be very annoying sometimes. ______ , he is very loyal to his friends.

    A. Though

    B. Although

    C. In spite of

    D. Despite

    E. However
    $$$ 119

    I'd prefer to do the assignment by _____. I don't like group work.

    A. me alone

    B.my own

    C. my

    D. myself

    E. only me
    $$$ 120

    He opened a restaurant _____ not having a license.

    A. in spite

    B. despite

    C. however

    D. although

    E. though
    $$$ 121

    They have a cat. _____ name is Felix:

    A. Its

    B. It’s

    C. Their

    D. Me

    E. Us
    $$$ 122

    Is that _____ book?:

    A. your

    B. them

    C. you

    D. me.

    E. us
    $$$ 123

    I don’t like _____. I think she’s a terrible actress:

    A. she

    B. him

    C. them

    D. their

    E. her
    $$$ 124

    The children are very quiet. I can’t hear _____:

    A. their

    B. them

    C. they

    D. we

    E. us
    $$$ 125

    Are these coats _____? B No, they’re not. Ours are black:

    A. its

    B. our

    C. us

    D. ours

    E. mine
    $$$ 126

    A _____ is that bag? B It’s mine:

    A. Who

    B. Whose

    C. Who’s

    D. What

    E. Why
    $$$ 127

    I love you, but you don’t love _____:

    A. their

    B. I

    C. mine

    D. me

    E. my
    $$$ 128

    We can’t find our hotel. Can you help _____?:

    A. them

    B. we

    C. us

    D. my

    E. mine
    $$$ 129

    Carl loves Molly, but she doesn’t love _____:

    A. him

    B. her.

    C. he.

    D. me.

    E. my.
    $$$ 130

    The correct pronoun(s)I’d like…more ice-cream.

    A. any

    B. some

    C. every

    D. many

    E. few
    $$$ 131

    The correct pronoun(s)John cut…when he was chopping potatoes.

    A. himself

    B. her

    C. him

    D. herself

    E. his
    $$$ 132

    The correct pronoun in the sentence. Help…to the cake.

    A. itself

    B. himself

    C. herself

    D. yourself

    E. ourselves
    $$$ 133

    The correct pronoun in the sentence. We do …homework in the school.

    A. she

    B. him

    C. our

    D. hers

    E. theirs
    $$$ 134

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