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  • Could you speak…, I cannot catch you

  • Who does this book belong … Is it yours, Sarah

  • C. Is there few shops in this district

  • E. Will he watch TV last night

  • 1 курс тесты английский язык. Choose the verb in Present Simple you to watch this tv programme

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    The correct pronoun in the sentence. Is there…in the room?

    A. any

    B. some

    C. somebody

    D. something

    E. anybody
    $$$ 135

    The correct pronoun in the sentence. There is…on the table.

    A. something

    B. some

    C. any

    D. somebody

    E. anywhere
    $$$ 136

    The correct pronoun(s). You can find …information in this book.

    A. somewhere

    B. any

    C. somebody

    D. somewhere

    E. someone
    $$$ 137

    The correct word order. I wonder how much…on sale.

    A. did cost these shoes

    B. these shoes cost

    C. do these shoes cost

    D. cost shoes these

    E. cost these shoes
    $$$ 138

    The correct pronoun(s). Please give me…copy of the magazine.

    A. the other

    B. others

    C. other

    D. another

    E. anothers
    $$$ 139

    A nurse is a person _____ works at a hospital:

    A. who

    B. when

    C. what

    D. where

    E. then

    @@@ Sociocultural sphere of communication: Rest
    $$$ 140

    This river is … in the world

    A. more long

    B. longer

    C. the longest

    D. longest

    E. the longer
    $$$ 141

    Choose the correct variant of the adjective: Russia is ………than China

    A. the bigger

    B. big

    C. the biggest

    D. the most biggest

    E. bigger
    $$$ 142

    Many plants can grow in water, without any soil, ___ nutrients are added.

    A.as long as

    B. of necessity

    C. above all

    D. sure that

    E. moreover
    $$$ 143

    In the competition I was nervous and played … than usual.

    A. worse

    B. badly

    C. worst

    D. as badly

    E.as badly as
    $$$ 144

    Dad often says that Mom is his … half.

    A. the good

    B. good

    C. the better

    D. best

    E. the best
    $$$ 145

    Could you speak…, I cannot catch you?

    A. slowlier

    B. most slowly

    C. slowliest

    D. more slow

    E. more slowly
    $$$ 146

    Choose the correct variant of the adjective: A tiger is as ... as a lion.

    A. much stronger

    B. more strong

    C. strong

    D. the strongest

    E. stronger
    $$$ 147

    Choose the right adjectives to “head”:

    A. bald, round, shaved

    B. average, muscular, slim

    C. blond, shiny, wavy

    D. dark, narrow, wide

    E. healthy, pale, tanned
    $$$ 148

    Choose the right adjectives to “hair”:

    A. healthy, pale, tanned

    B. bald, round, shaved

    C. average, muscular, slim

    D. dark, narrow, wide

    E. blond, shiny, wavy
    $$$ 149

    Choose the right adjectives to “complexion”:

    A. average, muscular, slim

    B. bald, round, shaved

    C. blond, shiny, wavy

    D. dark, narrow, wide

    E. healthy, pale, tanned
    $$$ 150

    Choose the right adjectives to “eyes”:

    A. blond, shiny, wavy

    B. bald, round, shaved

    C. dark, narrow, wide

    D. average, muscular, slim

    E. healthy, pale, tanned
    $$$ 151

    Choose the right adjectives to “build”:

    A. blond, shiny, wavy

    B. bald, round, shaved

    C. average, muscular, slim

    D. dark, narrow, wide

    E. healthy, pale, tanned
    $$$ 152

    Can I speak to Peter, please? B Sorry, he’s _____ gone out:

    A. always

    B. ever

    C. yet

    D. just

    E. usually
    $$$ 153

    I haven’t finished my exams _____. I’ve got two more next week:

    A. yet

    B. already

    C. soon

    D. often

    E. normally
    $$$ 154

    We’ve been living in this house _____ four years now:

    A. since

    B. until

    C. at

    D. after

    E. for
    $$$ 155

    I haven’t seen her _____ last summer. How is she?:

    A. after

    B. since

    C. till

    D. until

    E. for
    $$$ 156

    Jake _____ arrives on time. He’s always late:

    A. usually

    B. sometimes

    C. often

    D. always

    E. never
    $$$ 157

    The correct degree of comparison “Oh, no, we can’t afford it. We want something ___”:

    A. cheapest

    B. cheaper

    C. the cheapest

    D. much cheap

    E. cheap
    $$$ 158

    The correct degree of comparison

    A.February is the shortest month of the year

    B.February is the short month of the year

    C.The food in my country is the cheaper than American food

    D. The food in my country is cheapest than American food

    E. February is the shorter month of the year
    $$$ 159

    Choose the correct comparative.Do you feel ________ today? -No,I feel____.

    A. best,bad

    B. good,worse

    C. better,worse

    D. good,better

    E. better,better
    $$$ 160

    Choose the correct comparative.The weather wasn’t very____yesterday but it’s____today.

    A. good,bad

    B. good, better

    C. best,bad

    D. bad,better

    E. better,better
    $$$ 161

    Choose the correct comparative.The hotel was__________than I expected.

    A. expensiver

    B. much expensive

    C. much more expensive

    D. more expensiver

    E. expensive
    $$$ 162

    Choose the correct option.My friend bought a __________________table.

    A. beautiful round wooden

    B. beautiful wooden round

    C. round wooden beautiful

    D. wooden round beautiful

    E. wooden beautiful round

    $$$ 163

    Choose the correct option.In the room there was a __________________table.

    A. wooden beautiful round

    B. beautiful wooden round

    C. round wooden beautiful

    D. wooden round beautiful

    E. beautiful round wooden
    $$$ 164

    Choose the correct option.I spent______money than you.

    A. little

    B. big

    C. small

    D. less

    E. few
    $$$ 165

    Choose the correct option.If I am not right,I am______.

    A. certain

    B. wrong

    C. correct

    D. upright

    E. true
    $$$ 166

    Choose the correct option.I drank some__________coffee.

    A. very Brazilian good

    B. Brazilian very good

    C.good very Brazilian

    D. very good Brazilian

    E. good Brazilian very
    $$$ 167

    Choose the correct option.He is a________________________________.

    A. difficult decisions manager capable of taking

    B. manager capable of taking difficult decisions

    C. capable of taking manager capable decisions

    D. manager capable to take difficult decisions

    E. capable manager of taking difficult decisions
    $$$ 168

    This task is________than I expected.

    A. much harder

    B. most easy

    C. must easier

    D. most hard

    E. hardest
    $$$ 169

    The right option.Lesson 10 is much more difficult than Lesson 9. ___ difficult the lesson _____you should work at it.

    A. the most, harder

    B. more, harder

    C. more, hardest

    D. most, harder

    E. the more, the harder
    $$$ 170

    The correct option.Our house is __________ than that house.

    A. bigger

    B. well

    C. better

    D. the best

    E. best
    $$$ 171

    Many chemicals react ___ in acid solutions.

    A. as quickly more

    B. more quick


    D. more quickly

    E. rather quite

    @@@ Sociocultural sphere of communication: Cultural and historical background

    $$$ 172

    I can rely ... you.

    A. of

    B. on



    E. in
    $$$ 173

    That man over there reminds me … my first boyfriend





    E. out
    $$$ 174

    Who does this book belong …? Is it yours, Sarah?

    A. of


    C. to


    E. at
    $$$ 175

    Turn … your mobile before the film starts.

    A. up


    C. in

    D. on

    E. off
    $$$ 176

    She is fond ... classical music.

    A. in

    B. of



    $$$ 177

    I haven’t seen my friend ... a long time.

    A. at


    C. for


    $$$ 178

    I was really tired _____ I decided not to go out:

    A. Because

    B. But

    C. So


    E. Until
    $$$ 179

    It was really cold in Madrid, _____ it’s normally hot there:


    B. Because



    E. Over
    $$$ 180

    We sat down on the beach. It started to rain five minutes _____!:

    A. recently

    B. always

    C. then

    D. later

    E. sometimes
    $$$ 181

    Have you _____ been to South America?:

    A. out

    B. ever

    C. before

    D. at

    E. after
    $$$ 182

    I’ve been playing football _____ I was six years old:

    A. for

    B. during

    C. since

    D. at

    E. about
    $$$ 183

    Is your brother going _____ go to university?:

    A. after

    B. for

    C. at

    D. to

    E. about
    $$$ 184

    The correct preposition

    A. We been to Almaty since 1999.

    B. We haven’t been from Almaty since 1999.

    C. He stopped at the door.

    D. He stopped besides the door.

    E. He stopped for the door.
    $$$ 185

    We’ve been living in this house _____ four years now:

    A. until

    B. for

    C. at


    $$$ 186

    The correct variant(s).He gets up at 7 o’clock in…morning.

    A. the

    B. a

    C. an

    D. of

    E. at
    $$$ 187

    The correct variant(s).My grandmother is…dentist.

    A. the

    B. a

    C. an

    D. for

    E. on
    $$$ 188

    The correct variant(s).This is … address book.

    A. a

    B. the

    C. an

    D. some

    E. at
    $$$ 189

    The correct variant(s).There is …book on the table.

    A. at

    B. the

    C. an

    D. of

    E. a
    $$$ 190

    The correct variant(s).What …big flat!.

    A. a

    B. the

    C. at

    D. some

    E. an
    $$$ 191

    The correct variant(s).There is…fridge in the kitchen.

    A. some

    B. on

    C. an

    D. a

    E. at
    $$$ 192

    The correct variant(s).We saw…good play at…theatre.

    A. in

    B. the

    C. an

    D. on

    E. a

    @@@ Sociocultural sphere of communication: Cultural and historical background
    $$$ 193

    The third Conditional Sentence(s) with the correct word order

    A. He has been stolen my key

    B. If the weather had been nice 2 days ago, I would have gone to the beach

    C. The shirts have just been ironed

    D. If I didn’t drink so much, I wouldn’t have got a fine

    E. She has been invited to the restaurant
    $$$ 194

    Choose the correct sentence.A lot,of,in,my,sugar,coffee,is,there.

    A. is there in my coffee a lot of sugar

    B. There are a lot of sugarin my coffee

    C. Are there a lot of coffee in my sugar

    D. There’s a lot of sugar in my coffee

    E. There aren’t a lot of sugar in my coffee
    $$$ 195

    Choose the correct sentence.I,milk,in,always,coffee,my,have.

    A.I Always have milk in my coffee

    B. Always milk I have in my coffee

    C. Milk I have always in my coffee

    D.In my coffee always I have milk

    E. I have coffee in my milk always
    $$$ 196

    Choose the correct sentence.The meeting,interesting,not,very,time-consuming,and,was.

    A. Time-consuming was not very interesting and the meeting

    B. And not very interesting was the meeting time-consuming.

    C. The meeting was time-consuming and not very interesting.

    D. The meeting not very interesting was time-consuming and.

    E. Time-consuming the meeting was not very interesting and.
    $$$ 197

    Choose the correct question.

    A. Who do live in that house

    B. Who lives in that house

    C. Who in that house live

    D. Who live in that house

    E. Who does live in that house
    $$$ 198

    Choose the correct sentence.Tomorrow,lecture,on,literature,interesting,an,will,there,be.

    A. There will be interesting lecture on literature tomorrow

    B. An interesting literature tomorrow there will be an lecture

    C. There lecture on literature tomorrow will be interesting.

    D. An literature tomorrow there will be an lecture interesting

    E. An interesting there will literature tomorrow be an lecture
    $$$ 199

    The correct sentence.

    A. There’s few shops in this district

    B. There is few shops in this district

    C. Is there few shops in this district?

    D. There are few shops in this district.

    E. There are few shop in this district
    $$$ 200

    The correct question.

    A. Did he watched TV last night?

    B. Watched he TV last night?

    C. Did he watch TV last night?

    D. Does he watch TV last night?

    E. Will he watch TV last night?
    $$$ 201

    The correct sentence.

    A. Him I asked to go away him

    B. I asked him to not go away

    C. I asked not to go away him

    D. I asked him not to go away

    E. I asked him go not away.
    $$$ 202

    The correct sentence

    A. I have done this test for at least half an hour now

    B. I do this test for at least half an hour now

    C. I am doing this test for at least half an hour now

    D. I did this test for at least half an hour now

    E. I have been doing this test for at least half an hour now
    $$$ 203

    The correct sentence.

    A. I’ll speak to him when he will arrive

    B. I’ll speak to him when he arrived

    C. I’ll speak to him when he is arriving

    D. I’ll speak to him when he has arriving

    E.I’ll speak to him when he would arrive
    $$$ 204

    The correct sentence.

    A. Surely Sue would have told you if she was unhappy with your work

    B. Surely Sue had told you if she was unhappy with your work

    C.Surely Sue will tell you if she was unhappy with your work

    D. Surely Sue would told you if she was unhappy with your work

    E. Surely Sue must have told you if she was unhappy with your work
    $$$ 205

    The correct sentence.

    A. Our neighbors aren’t very polite, and not are they particularly quiet!

    B. Our neighbors aren’t very polite, and neither they aren’t particularly quiet!

    C. Our neighbors aren’t very polite, and either they aren’t particularly quiet!

    D. Our neighbors aren’t very polite, and neither did they be particularly quiet!

    E. Our neighbors aren’t very polite, and nor did they particularly quiet!
    $$$ 206

    Choose the correct sentence.

    A. We had expected that they spoke fluent English, but in fact they didn’t

    B. We had expected that they were speaking fluent English, but in fact they didn’t

    C. We had expected that they had spoken fluent English, but in fact they didn’t

    D. We had expected that they would speak fluent English, but in fact they didn’t

    E. We had expected that they was spoken fluent English, but in fact they didn’t
    $$$ 207

    Choose the correct sentence.

    A. I’d rather I wasn’t working next weekend, but I do!

    B. I’d rather I don’t have to work next weekend, but I do!

    C. I’d rather I wouldn’t work next weekend, but I do!

    D. I’d rather I didn’t have to work next weekend, but I do!

    E. I’d rather I had been work next weekend but I do!
    $$$ 208

    Choose the correct sentence.

    A. The lecturer told us to be quiet

    B. The lecturer asked us to be quiet

    C. The lecturer said to us to be quiet

    D. The lecturer asked us be quiet

    E. The lecturer asked us, please to be quiet.
    $$$ 209

    Choose the correct sentence.

    A. Juan wondered if Susan agreed to marry him if he proposed

    B. Juan wondered if Susan would agree to marry him if he proposed

    C. Juan wondered if Susan agrees to marry him if he will propose

    D.Juan wondered if Susan would agree to marry him if he proposes

    E. Juan wondered if Susan agreed to marry him if he would proposes
    $$$ 210

    The correct word order in the sentence(s)

    A. I am playing football in the field.

    B. I am playing in the field football.

    C. Playing I am football in the field.

    D. In the field I am playing football.

    E. I am in the field playing football.
    $$$ 211

    The correct word order in the sentence(s)

    A She busy is, that’s why she can’t help me..

    B. She is busy, she can’t that’s why help me.

    C. She is busy, that’s why she can’t help me.

    D. She is busy, that’s why can’t she help me.

    E. She is busy, that’s why help me she can’t.
    @@@ Educational and professional sphere of communication: Education
    $$$ 212

    Put thecorrectwords. My mother _______ French but I ________ German.

    A. tells, speak

    B.speak, speaks

    C.tell, tells

    D.talk, talks

    E. speaks, speak
    $$$ 213

    The correct word.The teachers _________ that you must study more.

    A. speak

    B. say



    E. tells
    $$$ 214

    Our grandmother likes to _______ us stories from the past.

    A. tells




    E. tell
    $$$ 215

    The correct words.My mother _______ French but I ________ German.

    A. tell, tells

    B.speak, speaks

    C. speaks, speak

    D.talk, talks

    E. tells, speak
    $$$ 216

    Find the correct option.Who ___you___ for? I ____ for Ann, We must ________in ten minutes.

    A. was, waiting, am waiting, was leaving

    B. do, wait, wait, be leaving

    C. were, waiting, am waiting, leave

    D. are, waiting, am waiting, leave

    E. must, wait, can, leave
    $$$ 217

    The correct option.Andy seldom________ a football game when he_____________ in Liverpool.

    A. misses, is

    B. is missing, is

    C. was missing, were

    D. missed, were

    E. misses, will be
    $$$ 218

    The correct option.Jon’s hobby is collecting stamps, _________ chess, and_____ beautiful butterflies.

    A. play, to catch

    B.play, catching

    C. to play, catch

    D. playing, catching

    E. playing. Catch
    $$$ 219

    The correct option.

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