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  • Are there different kinds of cars for different kinds of freight What kind of cars are there

  • Are there two common types of open-top cars: the gondola car and the hopper car Are there two or three common types of open-top cars

  • Does the gondola car have a flat floor What is the chief difference between two types of open-top cars

  • Контр. контрольная-1. Designed a new device and made

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    I. Подчеркните сказуемое, определите его время и залог. Предложения


    1. Не designed a new device and made a report about it at the conference.

    Designed, made – Past Simple Active

    Он спроектировал новое устройство и сделал доклад о нем на конференции.

    2. A new powerful diesel locomotive of a new design has been produced at our plant.

    has been produced — Present Perfect Passive

    На нашем заводе был выпущен новый мощный дизельный локомотив новой конструкции.

    3. The conversation of d.c. takes place in railway substations.(d.c.- direct current)

    takes (place) — Present Simple Active

    Разговор о постоянном токе происходит на железнодорожных подстанциях.

    4. Great consideration is given to automatic control systems for the locomotives.

    is given — Present Simple Passive

    Большое внимание уделяется системам автоматического управления локомотивами.
    II. Переведите предложения, учитывая правило согласования времён.

    1. It was said that a huge work was carried out by our researchers.

    Сказали, что наши исследователи проводят огромную работу.

    2. They were sure that they would reconstruct this bridge in a year.

    Они были уверены, что реконструируют этот мост за год.

    3. Nobody knew that the survey had been finished.

    Никто не знал, что обследование было завершено.
    III. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на союзное и бессоюзное подчинение.

    1. They know they will make a report at the scientific conference.

    Они знают, что сделают доклад на научной конференции.

    2. If automatic control is used, many operations will be improved.

    Если будет использовано автоматическое управление, то многие операции будут улучшены.

    3. We are sure their information is absolutely correct.

    Мы уверены, что их информация абсолютно верна.
    VI. Подготовьте письменную аннотацию на текст


    There are different kinds of cars for different kinds of freight. The simplest type of a car is the flat car. It is a platform car with neither sides nor ends above the floor. It is used to carry logs, lumber, rails and heavy pieces of machinery. There are two common types of open-top cars: the gondola car and the hopper car. The chief difference between these two is that the gondola car has a flat floor, while the hopper car has a floor which slopes downward from each end and in some cars from the sides. The bottom of the car has two or more hoppers, doors being opened downward. When these doors are open the entire contents of the hopper car will drop out. In the field of the construction of different kinds of railway cars one of the task is production of high capacity freight cars.

    Для разных видов грузов существуют разные вагоны. Самый простой тип вагона — это платформа. Это вагон-платформа, у которого нет ни бортов, ни ограничений над полом. Он используется для перевозки бревен, пиломатериалов, рельсов и тяжелой техники. Существует два обычных типа открытых вагонов: полувагон и вагон-хоппер. Основное различие между ними состоит в том, что у полувагона плоский пол, а у хоппера пол наклонен с каждого конца, а в некоторых вагонах - с боков. Дно вагона имеет два или более бункера, двери открываются вниз. Когда эти двери открыты, все содержимое хоппера выпадает. В сфере строительства различных типов железнодорожных вагонов одной из задач является производство грузовых вагонов большой вместимости.

    1. There are different kinds of cars for different kinds of freight.

    Are there different kinds of cars for different kinds of freight?

    What kind of cars are there?

    There are different kinds of cars for different kinds of freight, aren't there?

    2. There are two common types of open-top cars: the gondola car and the hopper car.

    Are there two common types of open-top cars: the gondola car and the hopper car?

    Are there two or three common types of open-top cars?

    What are the common types of open-top cars?

    3. The chief difference between these two is that the gondola car has a flat floor, while the hopper car has a floor which slopes downward from each end and in some cars from the sides.

    Does the gondola car have a flat floor?

    What is the chief difference between two types of open-top cars?

    The chief difference between these two is that the gondola car has a flat floor, while the hopper car has a floor which slopes downward from each end and in some cars from the sides, isn't it?

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