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Laing, K. ‘Supporting Prisoners and Their Families’, in Young Voice Documents http://www.young- voice.org/template.asp?Show=PrisonNotes (прочитано 03/03/2009).
Там же.
Hairston (1995) Fathers in Prisons: Responsible Fatherhood and Responsible Public Policies (Michigan Family Impact
Seminars) pp. 21–26, p. 21.
Zealand (1998) ‘Protecting the Ties that Bind from Behind Bars: A Call for Equal Opportunities for Incarcerated
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Статьи 2 и 3, Конвенция о правах ребенка, 1989 год.
Статья 9, Конвенция о правах ребенка, 1989 год.
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fathers returning home to children and families: introduction to the special issue and a primer on doing research with
men in prison (Men’s Studies Press) p. 3.
Phillips and Bloom (1998) in Coleman & Hagan (2001) p. 354.
Schirmer, Nellis & Mauer (2009) Incarcerated Parents and their Children Trends 1991-2007 (The Sentencing Project) p. 3.
Там же, p. 4.
Mazza (2002) in Codd (2008) In the Shadow of Prison, Families, Imprisonment and Criminal Justice (Willan Publishing) p. 62.
Seymour (2001) in Ardetti, Smock & Parkman, (2005) ‘It’s been hard to be a father’: a qualitative exploration
of incarcerated fatherhood (Men’s Studies Press) p. 2.
Reed & Reed (1998) in Ardetti, Smock & Parkman (2005) p. 2.
Hairston (1995, 1998) & Mumola (2000) in Woldoff (2008) ‘Arrested Contact, The Criminal Justice System, Race, and
Father Engagement’ in The Prison Journal, Vol. 88, No. 2 pp. 179-206, p. 180.
Bureau of Justice Statistics (2000) in Coleman & Hagan (2001) p. 354.
Hairston (1998) in Coleman, & Hagan (2001) p. 354.
Murray (2005) The effects of imprisonment on families and children of prisoners, in (eds) Liebling & Maruna (2006)
The Effects of Imprisonment (Willan Publishing) p. 444.
Ministry of Justice (2007) Children of Offenders Review; A joint Department for Children, Schools and
Families/Ministry of Justice review to consider how to support children of prisoners to achieve better outcomes
(Ministry of Justice) p. 11.
Office of National Statistics (2005) in Day, Bahr, Acock & Arditti (2005) p. 2.
Clarke, O’Brien, Godwin, Hemmings, Day, Connolly & Van Leeson (2005) Fathering behind bars in English prisons:
imprisoned fathers’ identity and contact with their children (Men’s Studies Press) p. 2.
Simes & Chads (2002) in Laing (accessed 03/03/2009).
Dennison (2003) in Clarke, O’Brien, Godwin, Hemmings, Day, Connolly & Van Leeson (2005)p. 2.
Hansard (2003) in Clarke, O’Brien, Godwin, Hemmings, Day, Connolly & Van Leeson (2005)p. 2.
Dod & Hunter (1992) in Murray & Farrington (2008) p. 137.
Murray & Farrington (2008) p. 138.

50 — Детям нужны и папы тоже: о детях, отцы которых находятся в тюрьме
Brooks-Gordon (2004) ‘Prisoners’ Families and the Regulation of Contact’ in the Journal of Social Welfare and
Family Law, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 263–280, p. 264.
Министерство юстиции (2007) стр. 7.
Anon (undated) Response on Behalf of Defence for Children International: Australia, (FWCC, Women in Prison and their Children, Defence for Children International – Australia) http://www.dci-au.org/html/women_in_prison_project.html (прочитано 14/11/2008.)
Там же.
Eurochips – European Network for Children of Imprisoned Parents http://www.eurochips.org (accessed 26/02/2009).
Alejos (2005) Babies and Small Children Residing in Prisons (QUNO Geneva) p. 36.
Vaca, M. (2005) Bolivia’s Prison Children (BBC News) http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/4415294.stm
(прочитано 29/04/2009.)
Molina, T. in Vaca, M. (2005) (прочитано 29/04/2009).
Friedman-Rudovsky, J. (2009) In Bolivia, Keeping Kids and Moms Together – in Prison (Time World) www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1890642,00.html (прочитано 29/04/2009).
Lopez in Friedman-Rudovsky (2009) (прочитано 29/04/2009).
Estensorro in Friedman-Rudovsky (2009) (прочитано 29/04/2009).
Vaca, M. (2005) (прочитано 29/04/2009).
Там же.
Tayler, L. (2004) Prison is a family affair for inmates at Bolivia’s San Pedro Penitentiary (SFGate) http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2004/09/03/MNG (accessed 29/04/2009).
Inter-American Commission on HR The situation of persons deprived of liberty in some jails in the Republic of Bolivia, press release, http://www.cidh.oas.org/Comunicados/English/2006/46.06eng.htm in Tomkin (2007) Orphans of
Justice: In Search of the Best Interest of the Child when a Parent is Imprisoned (Unpublished Masters Thesis,
European Masters in Human Rights and Democratisation) p. 62.
Там же, p. 63.
Там же, p. 70.
Там же, p. 71.
Там же, p. 72.
Wolleswinkel (2002) ‘Imprisoned Parents’ in Willems (ed.)
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