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9 класскарточки грамм по модулм. Дидактический материал к учебнику "Spotlight", 9 класс (комплекс лексикограмматических упражнений)

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II. Underline the correct item.

  1. We found the puppy abandoned/neglected on the side of a motorway.

  2. Our teacher has asked us to donate /report any books or toys we don’t need to the local children’s hospital.

  3. Do you think you could spare a couple/plenty of hours each week to take Mrs Doe’s dog for a walk?

  4. If a person cannot look after a pet extremely/propely, they should not be allowed to own one.

  5. The local council is asking for volunteers to plant/feed trees in the city square.

  6. You can support/encourage charities like the Red Cross by volunteering or donating money.

III. Fill in: staff, foster, remove, answer, rescue, worthwhite, victims.

  1. It took the fire fighter a lot of time to … the koala from the burning tree.

  2. Helping people or animals in need is certainly … cause.

  3. After the animals recover, they are placed in … homes where they’re loved and looked after.

  4. This charity aims at helping … the recent earthquake disaster.

  5. It is against the law to … endangered species from their natural habitats.

  6. The … members at the animal clinic are very helpful and willing to teach you how tolook after your pet.

  7. The local community centre is asking for a volunteer to … phone calls and help in the organization of various events.

Card 29

  1. Match the words/phrases in column A to their descriptions in column B.



  1. Zebra crossing

  1. Path used only by people riding bikes

  1. roundabout

  1. circular construction whee roads meet

  1. pavement

  1. sets of lights that controls the movement of cars, buses, etc. on the road

  1. cycle lane

  1. place on the road marked with black and white stripes, where cars stop to allow people to cross the road.

  1. traffic lights

  1. path by either side of a road for people to walk on.

  1. Choose the correct response.

  1. A: How do you get to the supermarket from here?

B: a Go past the chemist’s and take the first turn on the left.

b I hope you enjoy your stay here.

  1. A: How often does the bus to the library run?

B: a Take the No. 10 bus.

b About every fifteen minutes.

  1. A: Where is the nearest bank?

B: a I’m not sure. I’m not from here.

b You’ll have to take the train.

  1. A: What’s the best way to get to the train station?

B: a Take No. 8 bus from the corner.

b Yes, turn left at the corner.

  1. A: Where is the town hall?

B: a There’s one just around the corner.

b It’s to the left, right across the bookshop.

  1. A: Is the City Theatre far from here?

B: a Sure, what are you looking for?

b Just a ten-minute walk away.

Card 30

  1. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive.

• We don’t add any harmful ingredients to our products.

• ____________________________________________

• The Government is now building a lot of new schools in the provinces.

• ____________________________________________

• The police have just arrested him on suspicion of cruelty to animals.

• ____________________________________________

• They are going to open a new supermarket next week.

• ____________________________________________

• They publish a lot of books on IT.

• _____________________________________

  1. Complete the sentences using the passive voice.

• This report ________________ (produce) at the request of the board.

• Twenty hotel managers _______________ (interview) for the purpose of the report yesterday.

• The job _____________ (finish) by tonight.

• The meeting ___________ (change) to Thursday.

• The beans ____________ (separate) from the shells.

• He ___________ (give) some money by Jane yesterday.

  1. Match the beginnings of the sentences with the endings.

1. A decision to strike was taken

a. with a penknife.

2. This church was designed

b. by beautiful grounds.

3. I was shocked

c. by a hunter with a rifle.

4. He was shot

d. by some of the workers.

5. He had been seen

e. by Christopher Wren.

6. His trousers were completely covered

f. with a stick.

7. The house was surrounded

g. by her rude behaviour.

8. Her bedroom wall was covered

h. by a priest in a tiny little church.

9. They were married

i. with posters of her favourite singers.

10. He used to be beaten

j. in oil.

  1. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive making the underlined words the subject.

• They’ve sent me a lot of junk mail.

• The credit bank lent me three thousand dollars in 1998.

• One of his aunts taught him maths.

• They will pay the workers $50 every day.

• They offered her a good job.

  1. Complete the sentences using the causative form.

• Why don’t you go and _______________ (eyes; test)?

• I’ve just ________________ (my hair; cut).

• We need _____________________ (central heating; install).

• I’m glad you like our living room! We’ve _______________________ (just; redecorate).

• You should go and ______________ (that tooth; fill).

Card 31

  1. a) Use the words below to complete the exchanges.

single / parcel / form / overdue / account / return / scales / class

  1. A: I’d like to open a(n) … , please.

B: Certainly. Could you please fill out this … ?

  1. A: I’d like to send this … to Rome, please.

B: OK. Please can you put it on the … ?

  1. A: One first … ticket to Liverpool, please.

B: … or return?

  1. A: I’d like to … these books.

B: Unfortunately, they are four days … . That’s £ 2 please.

b) Decide in which of the places (A_D) each exchange is taking place.

A Post Office

B Library

C Bank

D Airport
1 ….. 2 ….. 3 ….. 4 …..

  1. Use the following idioms in their correct forms to complete the sentences.

do it oneself/make oneself clear/help oneself/by oneself/make oneself heard

  1. There’s plenty of food in the fridge ….. to whatever you want.

  2. Class, please quiten down! I shouldn’t have to shout to ……

  3. I think Ben will need help fixing the car, I am not sure he can ….

  4. Let me try to explain this again. I didn’t ……. .

  5. Sam’s not going on holiday with anyone. He’s going ….. .

  1. Choose the correct answer.

  1. Katie told her friends to make … at home.

  1. ourselves

  2. themselves

  3. herself

  1. He doesn’t look … today. Is he alright?

  1. yourself

  2. his self

  3. himself

  1. The house … was nice, but the area was horrible.

  1. the self

  2. himself

  3. itself

  1. Alex, did you choose myn present … ?

  1. yourself

  2. itself

  3. myself

  1. She did it all by … .

  1. yourself

  2. itself

  3. herself

  1. Girls, if you want some more food, help … .

  2. a) themselves

  1. yourselves

  2. ourselves

Card 32

  1. Match the phrasal verbs to their definitions and then use them in their correct form to complete the sentences.

  1. check out

  1. make sure sb is doing what they are supposed to.

  1. check in

  1. mark an item on a list

  1. check out of

  1. make sure sb/stn is OK

  1. check up on

  1. say you arrived at a hotel

  1. check off

  1. try/visit to the first time

  1. check on

  1. pay the bill and leave a hotel

  1. After you … , someone will help you carry your luggage to your room.

  2. Alice always … her children to make sure they are sleeping safely before she goes to bed herself.

  3. Laura … the items on her shopping list as she went around the supermarket.

  4. Would you like to … the new amusement arcade this weekend?

  5. Peter was asked to return his room key when he … the hotel.

  6. Every now and then my parents go to my school to … how I’m doing.

  1. Underline the correct word.

Bill: Excuse me, could you give me directions to the tram / 1) stop / station, please?

Ann: Certainly. Go down this 2) pedestrian / walking street and turn left at a 3) sign / signal that says “Charing Cross”.

Bill: OK is it far from here?

Ann: Around 50 metres. The station is just past the 4) community / society centre. You will probably see a 5) queue / line of people outside the ticket office.

Bill: Thanks for your help.

  1. What’s the English for:

отвечать на телефонные звонки, разразиться слезами, помогать очищать лес, приемник для животных, кадровый состав, переходить улицу по “зебре”, общественные службы, открыть счет в банке, снять деньги, сообщить о пожаре, отправить посылку, зарегистрироваться в отеле, выехать из отеля, встретиться с мэром, запретить движение транспорта в центре города.

  1. Fill in the correct reflexive / emphatic pronoun.

  1. I hope you like the cake; I made it … .

  2. The sculptor was very pleased with …. After the success of his exhibition.

  3. Mum burnt … on the oven while preparing dinner.

  4. My parents really enjoyed … at the theatrical performance.

  5. How do you know John won the contest? Did he tell you so … ?

  6. Don’t worry, if we need anything we’ll help … .

  7. The clay … doesn’t cost much, but the potter’s wheel is expensive.

Module 7a

Card 33

Ex. 1 Complete the sentences with the following words:

enclosed , irrational, teasing, triggered, screaming, lift.

1. I wish you’d stop ______ Jack about his fear of needles.

2. I have a fear of ______ Spaces so I avoid flying as much as possible.

3. I realise my fear of birds is completely _____ , but I can’t seen a to get over it.

4. Even just thinking about going in a(n) ______ makes Katie sweat.

5. Many people with a fear of dogs remember a childhood incident which they believe _____ this fear.

6. Emma started _____ loudly when the lights went out and the room was left in completed darkness.
Ex. 2 Underline the correct item.

  1. It took Scott a long time to melt/fight his fear of the dark.

  2. George’s worst fear went/came true when he was bitten by a dog.

  3. Don’t you think it’s about time for you to face/activate your fear of heights?

  4. As soon as Nathan entered the dentist’s office, his heart started pumping/ beating faster.

  5. Joy and and anger are two tiny/basic human emotions.

Ex. 3 Fill in: human, fight, public, shake, beats, scream, nervous, come. Then make sentences with the phrases.

  1. _____ loudly

  2. _____ like a leaf

  3. _____ emotion

  4. _____ system

  5. _____ our fears

  6. heart _____ faster

  7. _____ places

Module 7a

Card 34

Ex.1 Match the idioms in column A to the correct emotion in column B. Then use them in the correct from to complete the sentences.

A 1. Butterflies in one’s stomach B. a. jealousy

2. a long face b. pleasure/happiness

3. over the moon c. anger

4. go bring red d. nervousness

5. green with envy e. embarrassment

6. through the roof f. sadness

Ex.2 Fill in: scared to death, long face, bright red, over the moon, green with envy, through the roof, butterflies in her stomach.

  1. Samantha had ____ before the first performance of the play.

  2. Olga was ____ when she saw the ghost.

  3. Julia went ____ when her teacher told her off for talking.

  4. Liam was ____ when he saw Jack’s new car – he wanted one too!

  5. Susan has got a very ____ today. I think she’s still upset about failing the exam.

  6. Antony was ____ when he found out that he had won the competition.

  7. David went ____ when he found out that his brother had taken his MP3 player without asking.

Module 7b

Card 35

Ex.1 Fill in: coastguard, mountain rescue, false call, line, unconscious.

  1. А: What did you do when Tom fell while rock climbing?

В: We immediately called the ________. We didn’t want to move him and cause more damage.

  1. A: Oh, sorry, I dialed the wrong number.

B: Please, be careful next time. You can get into a lot of trouble for making a(n) ______.

  1. А: How did you get back to the shore safely after your boat sank?

B: The _______ came and got us.

  1. А: What happened to Ted ?

B: He was knocked _______ after he hit his head and was taken to the hospital.

  1. А: Hello. I need an ambulance to come to my house, please.

В: Please, hold the _______. I’ll put you through to Emergency Services. Ex. 2 Match the correct response to the statement.

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