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  • 3. Choose the best alternative to fill the gaps in these sentences.

  • 4.

  • Card 8 (Module 2, Unit 2 b ) Match two parts of an expression and complete the sentences using these expressions

  • 2. Look at the pictures and write what idiom with “home” is hidden. Match the picture with idiom. Fill in the gaps using the idioms

  • Card 9 (Module 2, Unit 2c) Grammar Infinitive/ing forms Complete the table

  • 9 класскарточки грамм по модулм. Дидактический материал к учебнику "Spotlight", 9 класс (комплекс лексикограмматических упражнений)

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    Match two parts of a word expression:

    1. Household

    a) the floor

    1. dust

    b) station

    3. space

    c) gravity

    4. sweep

    d) tidy

    5. lack of

    e) chore

    6. keep the room

    f) the furniture

    3. Choose the best alternative to fill the gaps in these sentences.

    1. Some buildings have a basement room where things are stored and it is called ________ .

    a) attic b) cellar c) pantry

    2. An entrance to a building that has a separate roof is called ___________ .

    a) study b) cottage c) porch

    3. The part of a building that is entirely or partly below the ground is called _________.

    a) roof b) basement c) attic

    4. A small, single-storied house, especially in the country is called ____________ .

    a) detached b) cottage c) block of flats

    5. An area or town located at the edge of an urban city is called ____________.

    a) space station b) city centre c) suburb

    4. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

    - Я не люблю протирать мебель от пыли, но делаю это два раза в неделю.

    - Мама научила меня заправлять кровать, когда я был ребенком.

    - Мне кажется, что взрослым проще поддерживать комнату в чистоте, чем подросткам.

    - Гладить белье и мыть тарелки – это не для меня.

    - Моя бабушка не любит пылесосить пол, ей кажется, что пол лучше подметать.

    Card 8 (Module 2, Unit 2b)

    1. Match two parts of an expression and complete the sentences using these expressions:

    1. drive sb a) sb's nerves

    2. have b) the phone

    3. get on c) money

    4. make it d) without asking

    5. take things e) a point

    6. get off f) crazy

    7. pocket g) up to sb

    1. I run out of _________, so I'm not going to the cinema with you tonight.

    2. I can't stand when people take things __________ .

    3. Playing loud music drives ____________.

    4. My sister never ____________ the phone. I don't like it at all.

    5. I should admit that you have ____________ here. I have to change my mind.

    6. It seems to me that you should make ___________. You are such a great couple.

    7. You get _____________ when you leave the kitchen in such a mess!

    2. Look at the pictures and write what idiom with “home” is hidden. Match the picture with idiom. Fill in the gaps using the idioms





    1. the idiom is _____________

    2. the idiom is _____________

    3. the idiom is _____________

    4. the idiom is _____________

    1. I feel ____________ here. It's a wonderful place.

    2. Is it dangerous? – No, It's ____________.

    3. We are really close friends. We ______________.

    4. It is great that we've solved this problem! – Yes, we are ___________ now!

    Card 9 (Module 2, Unit 2c) Grammar

    Infinitive/ing forms

    1. Complete the table:

    Verb +infinitive

    Verb +-ing form

    Verb +infinitive/-ing form

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