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9 класскарточки грамм по модулм. Дидактический материал к учебнику "Spotlight", 9 класс (комплекс лексикограмматических упражнений)

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НазваниеДидактический материал к учебнику "Spotlight", 9 класс (комплекс лексикограмматических упражнений)
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Card 18

1. Match the words with their definitions.

1. The tool you use to type words onto the computer.


2. The program that checks your spelling.


3. Talking to other users by typing or using headphones.


4. The most popular internet search engine.


5. What you use to click things on the screen.


6. What is another word for computer screen.


7. Any physical part of a computer.


8. The object on your screen that lets you point at things.


9. Internet mail.


10. A machine that lets you put paper documents onto your computer.


11. A program that destroys your computer system.


12. Any program on the computer.


13. The object that your mouse sits on.


2. a. Pair dictation. Work in pairs: student A says the definition, Student B writes the word. Then change over.

b. Make up sentences with three of the words. Let your partner translate them into English.

Card 19

I. Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in Future Perfect.

1. We (to do) the washing by 8 o’clock.

2. Sam (to leave) by next week.

3. She (to discuss) this with her father tonight.

4. The police (to arrest) the driver by this time tomorrow.

5. Sandra (to complete) the essay by next Monday.

II. Complete the sentences using Future Perfect Simple or Future Perfect Continuous.

1. By 2018 we ______ (live) in Moscow for 12 years.

2. He __________ (write) a book by the end of the week.

3. He __________ (write) this book for two hours by 3 o’clock tomorrow.

4. ______________ (finish, you) this project by the next week?

5. ______________ (be, she) in Canada for 5 months this week.

  1. Choose the correct item.

  1. Save your files … something goes wrong with your computer.

A so as B in order C in case

  1. I need a scanner … I can transfer these photos to my PC.

A so that B in order C in order to

  1. Wendy went online … to find some information about her school project.

A in order that B so as C so that

  1. Mary wants a laptop … to use her brother’s computer anymore.

A so that not B in case not C so as not

Card 20

  1. Match column A to column B to complete the idioms. Use them to make your own sentences.



  1. not be

  1. the same wavelength

  1. be light years

  1. wires crossed

  1. be on

  1. rocket science

  1. get one’s

  1. ahead of

  1. Underline the correct item.

  1. In 2007 the total number of Internet visitors/users in China reached 210 million.

  2. Creating an email account/subscription is quick and simple.

  3. It's easy to spend many hours browsing/looking up the web.

  4. Many parents think children should not have access/way to certain websites.

  5. With a broadband connection/communication you get fast access.

  6. Soon we’ll be ble to connect every appliance to a global/whole network.

  1. Divide into two groups and discuss computers in our lives. Group A speaks about advantages and group B speaks about disadvantages. Say what you think about computers and their impact on our lives, how they have changed our way of life, communication and many other aspects.

Card 21

  1. Circle the correct item.

  1. I’m very tired, I … bed early tonight.

  1. will go to

  2. go to

  3. am going to go to

  1. Don’t worry. I … late tomorrow morning!

  1. am not going to be

  2. am not

  3. will not be

  1. Now that he has the money he … his own flat.

  1. is buying

  2. is going to buy

  3. buys

  1. My aerobics class … at 8 pm.

  1. is starting

  2. starts

  3. going to start

  1. The phone is ringing. I … it!

  1. am getting

  2. get

  3. will get

  1. Underline the appropriate time phrase and put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

  1. Don’t forget to turn off the lights after / before you … (leave) the house.

  2. I … (vacuum) the carpets while / since you … (do) the ironing.

  3. By the time / As long as Sam … (realize) his mistake, it … (be) too late.

  4. He … (not / know) when / until she … (come) back.

  5. I … (call) you as soon as / until I … (arrive) home.

  6. I … (pay) you back the moment / while I … (get) paid.

  1. Read the letter and put the verbs in brackets into the correct future tense.

Dear Lillian,

Hello! How is your life in Hawaii?

I’m writing to you because I’m building a dog robot. I 1) …. (take) it to my teacher to help me finish it at the end of this week. By the time you read this, it 2)(perform) tasks for 5 days, which is 35 days in dog years! So far, it can bring items, but when I finish it, it 3)(learn) many other commands, such as feeding other dogs and chasing cats. I think you 4)(love) it.

Write back soon with any suggestions.



Card 22

I. Choose the correct verb form to fill in the gap.

1. Where ………………………….. this time in three days?

a. will you have been

b. will you be being

c. will you be

2. What ……………………………. this time tomorrow?

a. will you have done

b. will you be doing

c. will you do

3. I don't think I ………………………...... my dinner in time for the party.

a. cook

b. have cooked

c. will have cooked

4. Don't call me in the evening because I ………………….... at a live show of Madonna.

a. will be

b. am being

c. will have been

5. Do you think he ......................................... English in two years’ time?

a. will study

b. will have studied

c. will be studying

  1. Complete the dialogue. Act it out.

Kate: Just think, this time next week I (lie) _______________ on a tropical beach. Leo: While you (relax) on the beach, I (stressed out) ________________ over my project. How are you going to enjoy yourself knowing that I (work) ___________ so hard? Kate: I (manage) ________________ somehow. Leo: You are terrible. Can’t you take me with you? Kate: No. But I (send) _______________ you a postcard of a beautiful white sand beach. Leo: Great! That (make) _______________ me feel much better!

Card 24

  1. Complete the sentences with the words from the list.

wrote/ drums/ composed/ play/ blow/ improvise/ conducted

1. Don’t you think the Maestro _______________ the orchestra well?

2. He beat the _____________ like a madman.

3. John Lennon _____________ the lyrics to many of the Beatles best songs.

4. The most famous opera _______________ by Mascagni was “Cavaleria Rusticana”. 5. Jazz musicians almost always ______________ their solos.

6. Most professional musicians ______________ their instruments up to five hours a day.

7. I can remember the time when former President of the United States Clinton appeared on MTV to ______________ his horn – the saxophone.

II. Match the verb in column A with the noun in column B.












piece of music











  1. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions about music

Card 25

  1. Complete the sentences using comparative or superlative degree of comparison of adjectives.

a. My father is heavy. My uncle is much ______________ than my father.

b. The test in Geography was easy, but the test in Biology was ______________.

c. Sochi is sunny. Do you know the _____________ place in Russia?

d. Sten is a successful sportsman. His sister is __________ than Sten.

e. My mother has a soft voice. But my teacher’s voice is __________ than my mother’s.
II. Use “as…as” or “not as…as” in the sentences below.

a. Today it’s ________________ yesterday. (not/ windy)

b. This copy is ________________ the other one. (bad)

c. Simon is ____________ Fred. (not/ tall)

d. Grapefruit juice is ________________ lemonade. (not/ sweet)

e. Silver is _________________ gold. (not/ heavy)

III. Complete the sentences with the words from the list.

very/ completely/ a bit/ really/ absolutely

a. I speak _____ good Italian but my French is terrible.

b. What an ________ gorgeous skirt! Where did you buy it?

c. You should have come to the party. It was ________ fantastic.

d. Sorry. I’m _______ late, aren’t I?

e. Have you seen that film? It’s _______ amazing!

Card 27

  1. Choose the correct answer.

  1. Pete is … helpful person of all.

  1. less

  2. little

  3. the least

  1. The more you exercise, the … you’ll become.

  1. fit

  2. fitter

  3. fittest

  1. Emma is not as … her sister.

  1. funny as

  2. funnier than

  3. funny

  1. This T-shirt is … cheaper than the blue one.

  1. much

  2. very

  3. lot

  1. As Ivan grew up, he got taller and … .

  1. the tallest

  2. taller

  3. tall

  1. Tom is … older than his brother.

  1. slightly

  2. little

  3. by far

  1. Cross out the unnecessary word.

  1. The armchair is not as more comfortable as the sofa.

  2. The more harder you work, the more successful you become.

  3. Mark is very much faster than his brother.

  4. My new laptop is by far better than my old one.

  5. Sue’s husband is much more older than her.

  6. As I went on reading the book, it got less and less exciting.

  1. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the adjective / adverb in brackets.

  1. A: This pink skirt really suits you

B: Yes and it was … (cheap) than I had expected.

  1. A: Could you speak a bit … (slowly), please?

B: Yes, of course. I’m really sorry.

  1. A: Do you like the cake? I made it myself.

B: Yes. That’s by far … (good) cake I’ve ever had.

  1. A: Is your new flat in the city centre?

B: Yes and it’s also … (close) to the tube station.

  1. A: I really appreciate your help.

B: Don’t mention it. If you need any … (far) help, just call me.

Module 6 - Town & Community … (pp. 89-104)

Card 28

  1. Match the words in the two columns. Then use them in their correct form to complete the sentences.



  1. get

  1. choice

  1. burst

  1. a full recovery

  1. make

  1. involved

  1. take

  1. out with

  1. natural

  1. care of

  1. hang

  1. into tears

  1. We should all … with projects that will help improve our community.

  2. Henry’s grown up on a farm, so he knows very well what it’s like to … animals.

  3. When the doctor told her that her puppy was going to be fine, she … .

  4. Instead of … your friends all the time, why don’t you do something more useful?

  5. I want to be a nurse, so volunteering at my local hospital was the … for me.

  6. When the kitten was found, it was very sick, but luckily it … .
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