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  • Economy of the usa

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    Economy of the USA

    The USA today is a leading economic power with a high standard of living and high productivity in industry and agriculture. It is one of the most prosperous nations in the world. 60% of all families and individuals are in the middle-income or high-income rank.
    The USA remains the worldꞌs leading producer of goods and services, although its superiority is diminishing as other countries become more competitive in the worldꞌs market. Industrial and technological position of the US is very high. The USA is the leading producer of electrical energy, aluminum, copper, and paper, and one of the top producers of natural gas and automobiles. No other nation experts as much high technology as the USA.
    Technological advancement has accelerated changes in American agriculture. Farming is highly mechanized and commercialized, but at the same time it requires much investment. The US farmers produce enough food for domestic consumption and still supply 15% of the worldꞌs food need.
    In the past 30 years agricultural lands have been concentrated in fewer and fewer hands as a result of the fact that large-scale specialized farms replaces small family farms.
    However, high efficiency and productivity of American agriculture has its negative side. Another difficulty an American farmer faces is the decline of agricultural exports. The situation nowadays is that the share of the US crops on the worldꞌs market is shrinking while the shares of the European community expand.
    Besides agricultural products the most part of the US export occupy machinery, automotive products, aircraft and chemicals. The leading US imports are petroleum products, food and beverages machinery, iron and steel products. The USA is the worldꞌs largest importer and exporter. Despite its huge domestic production, the economy of America depends heavily on foreign imports.
    Until recently the US exported more goods than it imported. However the present situation is the declining competitiveness of American goods in the world market first of all due to poor quality, which was indicated by the trade deficit, which is called in economic theory a negative balance of foreign trade. Foreign manufactures are now selling about 50% inside the country more than Americans are exporting abroad.
    It should be specially emphasized that the condition of the US economy depends to a vast extent on the world-wide oil prices. If they are at a low-rate American economy prospers, otherwise it is in a decline. That is why America has an urge to control the oil field in Iraq which will give it an opportunity to control also over the world one.
    The dollar until the time of emission of the Euro have been the worldꞌs chief international currency used for most international trading. But the present times dollar shares with the Euro its status of the international currency which points to the declining of the US economic power. However, high volatility of the American dollar continues to create instability on the world-wide trade markets.
    As a leading producer and exporter of technology the USA contributes to the worldwide economic growth. American businesses and industries operate all over the world. American investment boosts other economies by providing them employment, technology and new products.

    Лексика для устного опроса:
    a leading economic power – ведущая экономическая держава
    a high standard of living – высокий уровень жизни
    income rank – уровень дохода
    the worldꞌs leading producer – ведущий мировой производитель
    domestic consumption – внутренне потребление
    agricultural lands – сельскохозяйственные земли
    efficiency and productivity – эффективность и производительность
    to be profitable – приносить прибыль
    overproduction – перепроизводство
    to bring income – приносить доход
    the decline of exports – сокращение экспорта
    to depend on – зависеть от чего-либо
    the trade deficit – торговый дефицит
    a negative balance of foreign trade – отрицательное сальдо внешней торговли
    exporting abroad – экспортирование за рубеж
    manufacture – производитель
    world-wide prices – мировые цены на что-либо
    field – месторождение (напр.нефти)
    emission – выпуск валюты
    international currency – международная валюта
    international trading – международная торговля
    volatility – нестабильность
    to contribute to economic growth – вносить вклад в экономический рост

    Ex.1 Найдите в тексте соответствия следующим предложениям:
    1) На сегодняшний день США это ведущая экономическая держава.
    2) США остаётся ведущим производителем товаров и услуг.
    3) Технический прогресс ускорил изменения в сельском хозяйстве Америки.
    4) США являются ведущим производителем электроэнергии, алюминия, меди и бумаги.
    5) Сельское хозяйство высоко механизировано и коммерциализировано, но в то же время требует больших инвестиций.
    6) Высокая эффективность и продуктивность американского сельского хозяйства имеет и свою отрицательную сторону.
    7) Еще одна трудность, с которой сталкивается американский фермер, - это сокращение экспорта сельскохозяйственной продукции.
    8) В настоящее время доллар делит с Евро свой статус международной валюты.
    9) Высокая неустойчивость американского доллара продолжает создавать нестабильность на мировых торговых рынках.
    10) Американские предприятия и отрасли работают по всему миру.

    Ex.2 Соотнесите начало и конец словосочетания:

    1. poor

    1. consumption

    1. domestic

    1. trade markets

    1. international

    1. power

    1. high

    1. quality

    1. world-wide

    1. producer

    1. to provide

    1. employment

    1. economic

    1. investment

    1. to create

    1. currency

    1. to require

    1. instability

    1. leading

    1. productivity

    Ex.3 Определите верные (true) и неверные (false) высказывания.
    1) As a leading producer and exporter the USA contributes to the worldwide economic instability.
    2) The USA remains the worldꞌs leading producer of goods and services.
    3) Large-scale specialized farms replaces small family farms.
    4) Besides agricultural products the most part of the US export occupy sea food.
    5) The condition of the US economy depends to a vast extent on the world-wide aluminium prices.
    6) The dollar until the time of emission of the Euro have been the worldꞌs chief international currency.
    7) Technological advancement hasnꞌt accelerated changes in American agriculture.
    8) The situation nowadays is that the share of the US crops on the worldꞌs market is shrinking while the shares of the European community expand.
    9) The USA is the leading producer of electrical energy, aluminum, copper, and paper, and one of the top producers of natural gas and automobiles.
    10) America has an urge to control the oil field in Iraq.

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