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  • Задание 2.

  • 2.3 Учебная литература, ресурсы информационно-коммуникационной сети «Интернет» и иные источники, рекомендуемые для выполнения задания

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    (наименование факультета)

    Кафедра иностранного языка

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    для самостоятельной работы студентов
    Деловой английский язык

    (индекс и наименование дисциплины, в соответствии с учебным планом)
    Дел. англ. язык

    (сокращенное наименование дисциплины)

    по направлению подготовки

    38.03.01 Экономика

    (код и наименование направления подготовки)
    Экономика и управление организацией

    направленность (профиль)


    форма обучения

    Год набора - 2017
    Красногорск, 2021 г.

    старший преподаватель

    (ученая степень и(или) ученое звание, должность) (наименование кафедры) Лихачева Е.Ю.

    (подпись) (Ф.И.О.)

    Заведующий кафедры:

    зав. кафедрой иностранного языка

    (ученая степень и(или) ученое звание, должность) (наименование кафедры) Гончар А. Е.

    (подпись) (Ф.И.О.)

    Задание 1.

      1. Цель и содержание задания

    Цель задания1: совершенствование лексического и грамматического навыков при выполнение различных видов упражнений.
    Содержаниезадания: Look through the subjects “Accounting and Financial Statements” and “Takeovers” and do the tasks:

    I.Accounting and Financial Statements

    1. Vocabulary. Match up the terms on the left with the definitions on the right.

    a) bookkeeping A calculating an individual’s or a company’s liability for tax

    b) accounting B writing down the details of transactions (debits and credits)

    c) managerial accounting C keeping financial records, recording income and expenditure, valuing assets and liabilities, and so on.

    d) cost accounting D preparing budgets and other financial reports necessary for management

    e) tax accounting E inspection and evaluation of accounts by a second set of accountants

    f) auditing F using all available accounting procedures and tricks to disguise the true financial position of the company

    g) ‘creative accounting’ G working out the unit cost of products, including materials, labour and all other expenses

    2.a Vocabulary. Match up the words with the definitions below.

    Assets; depreciation; liabilities; turnover; creditors (GB) or accounts payable (US); debtors (GB) or accounts receivable (US); overheads (GB) or overhead (US); revenue or earning or income; shareholders (GB) or stockholders (US); stock (GB) or inventory (US)

    1. a company’s owners

    2. all the money received by a company during a given period

    3. all the money that a company will have to pay to someone else in the future, including taxes, debts, and interest and mortgage payments

    4. the amount of business done by a company over a year

    5. anything owned by a business (case investments, buildings, machines, and so on) that can be used to produce goods or pay liabilities

    6. the reduction in value of a fixed asset during the years it is in use (charged against profits)

    7. sums of money owed by customers for goods or services purchased on credit

    8. sums of money owed to suppliers for purchases made on credit

    9. (the value of) raw materials, word in progress, and finished products stored ready for sale

    10. the various expenses of operating a business that cannot be charged to any one product, process or department

    2.b. Reading. Insert the words from 2a in the gaps in the text below.

    Accounting and Financial Statements

    In accounting, it is always assumed that a business is a ‘going concern’, i.e. that it will continue indefinitely into the future, which means that the current market value of its fixed assets is irrelevant, as they are not for sale. Consequently, the most common accounting system is historical cost accounting, which records (1)…………… at their original purchase price, minus accumulated depreciation charges. In times of inflation, this understates the value as it does not record the replacement cost of plant or (2)………… . The value of a business’s assets under historical cost accounting – purchase price minus (3)……….. – is known as its net book value. Countries with persistently high inflation often prefer to use current cost or replacement cost accounting, which values assets (and related expenses like depreciation) at the price that would have to be paid to replace them (or to buy a more modern equivalent) today.

    Company law specifies that (4)……………must be given certain financial information. Companies generally include three financial statements in their annual reports.

    The profit and loss account (GB) or income statement (US) shows (5)………………..and expenditure. It usually gives figures for total sales or (6)……………., and costs and (7)……………. . The first figure should obviously be higher than the second, i.e. there should be a profit. Part of the profit goes to the government in taxation, part is usually distributed to shareholders as a dividend, and part is retained by the company.

    The balance sheet shows a company’s financial situation on a particular date, generally the last day of the financial year. It lists the company’s assets, its (8)………., and shareholders’ funds. A business’s assets include (9)……….as it is assumed that these will be paid. Liabilities include (10)………, as these will have to be paid. Negative items on financial statements, such as creditors, taxation, and dividends paid, are usually enclosed in brackets.

    In accordance with the principle of double-entry bookkeeping (that all transactions are entered as a credit in one account and as a debit in another), the basic accounting equation is Assets=Liabilities + Owners’ (or shareholders’) Equity. This can be rewritten as Assets – Liabilities = Owners’ Equity or Net Assets. This includes share capital (money received from the issue of shares), share premium (GB) or paid-in-surplus (US) (any money realized by selling shares at above their nominal value), and the company’s reserves, including the year’s retained profits. Shareholders’ equity or net assets are generally less than a company’s market capitalization (the total value of its shares at any given moment, i.e. the number of shares times their market price), because net assets do not record items such as goodwill.

    The third financial statement has various names, including the source and application of funds statement, and the statement of changes in financial position. This shows the flow of cash in and out of the business between balance sheet dates. Sources of funds include trading profits, depreciation provisions, sales of assets, borrowing, and the issuing of shares. Applications of funds include purchases of fixed or financial assets, payment of dividends, repayment of loans, and – in a bad year – trading losses.

    2c Summarizing. Complete the following sentences.

    1. Companies record their fixed assets at historical cost because…

    2. Historical cost accounting usually underestimates…

    3. Countries with a regularly high rate of…

    4. Company profits are usually split…

    5. Double-entry bookkeeping requires that…

    6. A company’s net assets consist of…

    7. A company’s stock market capitalization…

    8. Flows of cash both in and out of the company…

    3.Types of assets. Match the accounting terms with the definitions below

    current or circulating or floating assets

    fixed or capital or permanent assets

    intangible assets

    liquid or available assets

    net assets

    net current assets or working capital

    wasting assets

    1. ……..are anything that can quickly be turned into cash.

    2. ….are the excess of current assets (such as cash, inventories, debtors) over current liabilities (creditors, overdrafts, etc)

    3. ……are those which are gradually exhausted (used up) in production and cannot be replaced.

    4. ……are those which will be consumed or turned into cash in the ordinary course of business.

    5. …are those whose value can only be qualified or turned into cash with difficulty, such as goodwill, patents, copyrights and trade marks.

    6. ……, or shareholders’ equity, on a business’s balance sheet, is assets minus liabilities (which is generally equal to fixed assets plus the difference between current assets and current liabilities).

    7. …, such as land, buildings and machines, cannot be sold or turned into cash, as they are required for making and selling the firm’s products.

    4.Make your own balance sheet using different examples.

    II. Takeovers

    1. Watch the following dialogue between experts in M&A and categorise the sentences as true or false:

    1.Matt Simmons considers that size has always to do with quality.

    1. According to Matt Simmons, the critical issue in M&A is represented by people.

    2. According to John Gibson, the critical issue in M&A is represented by people.

    3. According to John Gibson, a bad idea with good people is worse than a good idea with bad people.

    4. Neville Henry considers that most of the times, the M&A process excludes firing people.

    5. David Johnson emphasizes the good communication existing between the merging parties from the very beginning.

    6. Matt Simmons argues that the aim is t build one culture out of two or three cultures.

    7. According to John Olson, in the oil and gas industry, it is essential to make the information about reserves transparent.

    8. As regards reserves in any type of company, David Johnson and Tom Fry agree that the best practice for having exact information about one company is to use internal auditors.

    9. There is general disagreement that it is essential to rely on companies’ integrity.

    2.Match the words or phrases with their corresponding definitions:

    1. leveraged buyout

    a. joining together of the stock of two companies, so they become part of the same company and former management preserve their positions;

    2. bid

    b. buying a majority of the shares in a company, and so winning control over the company;

    3. amalgamation

    c. a high-yield, speculative bond, often issued to finance the takeover of a corporation

    4. merger

    d. takeover of a company or controlling interest in a company, using a significant amount of borrowed money. Often the target company's assets serve as collateral for the borrowed money.

    5. buyout

    e. the combination of two or more commercial companies

    6. junk bonds

    f. a special type of security such as life-assurance policy or shares used to secure a bank loan;

    7. collateral

    g. a situation where workers or management buy all the equity (or more than 50%), or buy other assets, and so gain control of a business;

    8. takeover

    h. an offer to buy part of or all the share capital of a company.

    3.Fill in the gaps with one of the words defined in the previous exercise:

    In a market economy, it is quite common that smaller companies, with reduced financial means, should be taken over by other bigger companies or that two or several companies should merge to form a new company.

    A ……1…….. means the purchasing of a company, either entirely, or at least of the controlling percentage of its shares. In the case of small companies with limited assets, in order to make a takeover ……2……, that company will have to borrow heavily to finance the takeover of a larger company. For these, they might use both their own assets and the assets of the target company or ……..3…… as security or ……..4……. for getting the loan. Such a takeover is called a ……5……..

    A takeover bid is an offer to buy made to the shareholders of the target company. The purpose of the ……6…… is to add that company to their portfolio and turn it into a subsidiary. The bid may be for payment in cash made to the shareholders (cash bid) or for payment by shares of the company making the bid. Sometimes the bid is considered acceptable by the board of the target company and in this case it is said to be a welcome/ friendly takeover bid. In other instances it is considered unfavourable by the board of the target company and then it is termed an unfriendly/ hostile. In the latter case, a takeover battle ensues in which the bidder might offer better terms or another bidder comes into the field.

    A ……7….. is the unifying of the two or several companies into a new one with the purpose of increasing efficiency, of doing away with competition. It is usually to the advantage of all parties involved, hence it is considered amicable. All members of the former boards are offered almost similar positions in the new board. Another term for this type of merger is ……8….. .

    1. Choose the correct answer:

    1. A …..company or investment is one that can be trusted and is not likely to fail.

    a. blue-chip; b. blue; c. trusting; d. blue-cheap.

    1. …… involves buying a company cheaply, selling its assets separately at a profit.

    a. asset-distribution; b. asset-taking; c. asset-stripping ; d. asset-selling.

    1. A……'s main purpose is to control another company through owning shares in it.

    1. branch; b. holding company; c. subsidiary; d. subsidy.

    1. A reason for acquisitions is synergy. Synergy includes:

    a. revenue enhancements; b. cost reductions; c. lower taxes; d. all of the above.

    1. Compensation paid to top management in the event of a takeover is called a:

    a. poison pill; b. golden parachute; c. salary; d. buyout.

    1. A ………is when one company offers to buy another.

    1. merger; b. takeover bid; c. leveraged buyout d. share.

    1.2 Методические рекомендации для выполнения задания
    Для выполнения упражнений необходимо выучить лексические единицы по данной тематике и учиться применять их в различных видах деятельности.

      1. Учебная литература, ресурсы информационно-коммуникационной сети «Интернет» и иные источники, рекомендуемые для выполнения задания

    1. Ian Mackenzie. English for Business studies. A course for Business studies and Economics students/Student’s book.- Cambridge University press, 2015. -191p.

    2. Paul Emmerson “Business Vocabulary Builder” the words and phrases you need to success/ intermediate : учебное пособие. – Macmillan education, 2016.-178p.

    3. The Economist [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://www.economist.com/

    Задание 2.

      1. . Цель и содержание задания

    Цель задания2: развитие навыков анализа и структурирования информации из иноязычных источников, развитие навыков монологической речи при составление презентации с использованием определенных лексических и грамматических конструкций.
    Содержаниезадания: Make a speech and presentation.

    You are attending a meeting of BNI and have to give 7-minutes speech to introduce the bank. ( Using information, words, phrases from Units “how to make a presentation” and “banking” )

    Follow the plan:

    1.The history of the bank

    2. The type of the bank

    3.Head office

    4. Subsidiaries

    5.Staff ( training)


    7. Strategy of development


    9.Profits (last year)

    10.Statistics and figures

    2.2 Методические рекомендации для выполнения задания
    Для составления презентации по данной тематике необходимо изучить и проанализировать аутентичные источники, извлекая необходимую информацию для своего рассказа, при этом использую необходимые грамматические и лексические конструкции.

    2.3 Учебная литература, ресурсы информационно-коммуникационной сети «Интернет» и иные источники, рекомендуемые для выполнения задания

    1. Ian Mackenzie. English for Business studies. A course for Business studies and Economics students/Student’s book.- Cambridge University press, 2015. -191p.

    2. Paul Emmerson “Business Vocabulary Builder” the words and phrases you need to success/ intermediate : учебное пособие. – Macmillan education, 2016.-178с.

    3. The Economist [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://www.economist.com/

    Вопросы к экзамену

    1. Sectors of the Economy

    2. Production

    3. Manufacturing and services. The Dell Theory of Conflict Prevention

    4. Logistics

    5. Manufacturing supply chain

    6. Quality

    7. Total Quality Management

    8. Banks and financial institutions

    9. Venture Capital

    10. Bonds

    11. Financial statements

    12. Stocks and shares

    13. Funds

    14. Accounting. Kinds of accounting, aims.

    15. Takeovers.

    16. Friendly and hostile takeovers. Give examples

    17. Mergers and buyout. Give examples

    18. Why many takeovers fail. Reasons and consequences

    19. Conglomerates. The hugest Russian conglomerate

    20. The role of Government intervention in the economy according to Milton Friedman

    21. The role of Government intervention in the economy according to Michael Kitson

    22. The business cycle

    23. Fiscal and monetary policy

    24. “Poison pill” technique in takeovers

    25. Breaking the law and abusing a dominant position. Give examples.

    В рыночной экономике довольно распространено, что небольшие компании с ограниченными финансовыми средствами должны быть поглощены другими более крупными компаниями или что две или несколько компаний должны объединиться, чтобы сформировать новую компанию.

    А ......1........ означает покупку компании либо полностью, либо, по крайней мере, контрольного процента ее акций. В случае небольших компаний с ограниченными активами, чтобы осуществить поглощение ......2......, этой компании придется занять значительные средства, чтобы профинансировать поглощение более крупной компании. Для этого они могут использовать как свои собственные активы, так и активы целевой компании или ........3...... в качестве обеспечения безопасности или ........4....... для получения кредита. Такое поглощение называется ......5........

    Предложение о поглощении - это предложение о покупке, сделанное акционерам целевой компании. Цель этого ......6...... заключается в том, чтобы добавить эту компанию в свой портфель и превратить ее в дочернюю компанию. Предложение может быть направлено на оплату наличными акционерам (предложение наличными) или на оплату акциями компании, сделавшей предложение. Иногда предложение считается приемлемым правлением целевой компании, и в этом случае оно считается желанным / дружественным предложением о поглощении. В других случаях правление целевой компании считает это неблагоприятным, а затем называет это недружественным/враждебным. В последнем случае начинается битва за поглощение, в которой участник торгов может предложить лучшие условия или на поле выходит другой участник торгов.

    А ......7..... это объединение двух или нескольких компаний в новую с целью повышения эффективности, устранения конкуренции. Обычно это идет на пользу всем вовлеченным сторонам, поэтому считается дружественным. Всем членам прежних советов директоров предлагаются почти одинаковые должности в новом совете директоров. Другим термином для этого типа слияния является ......8..... .

    1Цель задания соответствует результатам изучения дисциплины (знания, умения, навыки), представленным в рабочей программе

    2Цель задания соответствует результатам изучения дисциплины (знания, умения, навыки), представленным в рабочей программе

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