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5 класс тексты с заданиями. Form 5 Have you ever been on a voyage

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Have you ever been on a voyage?

Повторение будущего действия (Future Simple, оборот to be going to)

Цель:Создание условий для продуктивной деятельности, в которой ученик сможет решить следующие задачи:

  • выяснить, как он сможет правильно говорить о действиях в будущем;

  • ощутить потребность в изучении будущего времени как способ передачи будущих действий на англ. яз.;

  • развивать умения участвовать в диалоге, высказывать своё мнение;

  • учиться работать в группе и индивидуально, приводить примеры и обыгрывать ситуации;

  • работать с различными источниками информации.

Формируемые УУД:

Личностные: учебно-познавательная мотивация, мотивационная основа учебной деятельности, учебно-познавательный интерес, адекватное понимание причин успеха / неуспеха в учебной деятельности.

Регулятивные: волевая саморегуляция, контроль, коррекция, осуществление самоконтроля по результату и по способу действия.

Познавательные: анализ, сравнение, обобщение, аналогия, структурирование знаний, построение логической цепи рассуждений, постановка и формулирование проблемы, самостоятельное создание алгоритмов деятельности, самостоятельный учет установленных ориентиров действия в новом учебном материале, использование общих приемов решения задач, рефлексия способов и условий действия, контроль и оценка процесса и результатов деятельности.

Коммуникативные: планирование учебного сотрудничества, достаточно полное и точное выражение своих мыслей в соответствии с задачами и условиями коммуникации, формулирование и аргументация своего мнения и позиции в коммуникации, учет разных мнений, координирование в сотрудничестве разных позиций.

Ход урока

Этапы урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся

Цель элемента урока

Ожидаемый результат

  1. Орг.момент

Приветствие учащихся.

Good afternoon, Good afternoon, Good afternoon to you!

Good afternoon, Good afternoon I’m glad to see you!

Sit down. Please!

Today of 10th of April

What time of year is it ?

How is the weather today?

Приветствие учителя

Проявить интерес к предстоящей деятельности

Создание оптимистичного, доброжелательного настроя у учащихся для эффективной работы на уроке

2.Фонетическая зарядка

-Fist let’s train our tongues.


Whether the weather be fine,

Or whether the weather be not,

Whether the weather be cold,

Or whether the weather be hot,

We'll weather the weather

Whatever the weather,

Whether we like it or not.

Учащиеся повторяют за учителем.

Снять фонетические трудности

Формирование фонематического слуха

3.Речевая разминка

Let’s check up your homework ex 1 p 95 on your activity books.

Today we will continue the conversation about future action, namely to be going to and the future simple tense, so we need to remember this rules and correctly put the verb to be.

Open your books at page 125, look at the new words repeat after me:

  • A voyage - морское путешествие

  • On board - на борту

  • Expensive - дорогой

проверка д.з

Открывают тетради, записывают дату
Записывают и запоминают новые слова.

Подготовка к речевой деятельности проверка домашнего задания

Актуализация лексических и грамматических конструкций необходимых для изучения нового материала.

4.Повторение понятия простого будущего времени (Future Simple)

Open your books at page 125 ex 1

We are going to read the dialogue. Then you have to anser the following questions:

  • Where they are going to?

  • What Jane and Clare say about the voyage

  • How Clare shows surprise.

Чтение текста стр 125
Могут прозвучать разные мнения, но важно, чтобы учащиеся сказали, что речь пойдет о будущих действиях


Определение учащимися темы урока

Отвечают на вопросы учителя, планируют свою деятельность

Осмысление учащимися темы урока


Снять усталость у обучающихся.

Look left, right (глазами влево, вправо)
Look up, look down  (глазами вверх, вниз)
Look around.  (глазами по-кругу)
Look at your nose  (смотрим на нос)
Look at that rose  (одну руку вытягиваем как будто держим цветок, и смотрим)
Close your eyes  (закрываем глаза)
Open, wink and smile. (открываем, моргаем и улыбаемся)


6. Актуализация навыков диалогической речи

Стр 125 упр Make up sentences from these word combinations.

Let’s check up your sentences.

Учащиеся составляют высказывания, работают в паре

Применение изученной грамматической структуры в монологической речи

Закрепление умения применять структуру будущего простого времени в монологической речи

7.Домашнее задание

Объяснение домашнего задания.

The Douglases always plan what to do on holidays. When will they leave for their holidays? Fill in the gaps. Choose the correct verb forms in brackets.

W/B Упр.2 с.96 (письменно)

Упр 1 стр 97 короткий тест

Учитель следит за тем, чтобы дети записали домашнее задание в дневник

  1. Подведение итогов

Our lesson is coming to an end.

What new have you learned today?

What changes will happen to the verb in the future simple tense?

Why do we need this?

Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы.

Подвести к целям урока

My Family

Прочитайте текст и выполните задание к тексту.
My name is Polly. I am ten. I am a schoolgirl. I go to school. I like learning English and playing puzzles. I would like to tell you about my family. It is neither big nor small. There are four of us.

I have got a mother. Her name is Jane. She is a teacher. She is very responsible and creative. She likes her work. Her hobbies are singing and shopping. My mother is fond of reading detective stories.

I have got a father. His name is Jack. He is a doctor. He is clever and hardworking. My father likes playing golf. He goes in for sport to be healthy and strong. He is fond of fishing too.

My brother Nick is small. He is only four. He likes playing toys. Usually we get on well with him, but sometimes he is very naughty.

On Saturdays and Sundays we like to be together. Last Sunday we went to the country. We had a good rest.

Выполните задание к тексту. Рядом с предложением напишите True, если предложение соответствует тексту. Если предложение тексту не соответствует, напишите False

  1. Polly’s mother is a doctor.

  2. Polly has got a younger brother.

  3. Her brother Nick is a pupil.

  4. Polly is ten.

  5. There are five people in Polly’s family.

  6. Polly`s father is clever and hardworking..

  7. Last Sunday Polly’s family went to the Zoo.

  8. Last Sunday Polly’s family had a good rest.

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

  1. What does the girl like? _______________________________________________________________

  2. What is Polly’s father fond of? _______________________________________________________________

  3. What did they do last Sunday? _______________________________________________________________

My Mothers Birthday

  1. Прочитайте текст и выполните задание к тексту.

My name is Kate. My family is a typical Russian family. There are four of us. I have got a mother. Her name is Ann. She is a teacher. She is very kind. Her hobbies are singing and shopping. My mother is fond of reading detective stories.

My father`s name is Peter. He is a driver. He is clever and sporty. My father is fond of fishing. My brother Nick is small. He is only four. He likes playing with his toys.

We are a close and friendly family. We like to spend time and holidays together.

Tomorrow it will be my mother’s birthday. My brother and I will go shopping together with our father. We are going to buy our mum a birthday present. It will be a nice scarf. She would like to have a white one. And we shall buy flowers for her, too.

Tomorrow my brother and I will clean the flat. We won’t be lazy. Father will help us. Then we’ll make our kitchen clean and bright. Tomorrow we will lay the table. We would like our mother to be happy.

2. Выполните задание к тексту. Рядом с предложением напишите True, если предложение соответствует тексту. Если предложение тексту не соответствует, напишите False

  1. There are five people in Kate’s family.

  2. Kate’s father is helpful.

  3. Tomorrow it will be Kate’s birthday.

  4. Kate will get a present tomorrow.

  5. Kate’s mother will get a red scarf for her birthday.

  6. Tomorrow Kate and her brother will clean the flat.

  7. Kate and her brother won’t be lazy tomorrow.

  8. Tomorrow the family will lay the table.

3.Ответьте на вопросы

  1. Whose birthday will the family celebrate tomorrow?


  1. What present will mother get for her birthday?


  1. Do you think Kate’s family is friendly? Why?


The man and the monkeys.
Task I: read & comprehend the following story.
One day a man who made caps went to the market to sell them. It was a long way to go. The man passed by a long river. When he was in the forest, he decided to rest a little, as the day was very hot and he was very tired.

The man saw a large tree. He decided to rest under it.

As the sun was very hot, the man put on one of the caps on his head and put all the other caps on the ground under the tree. The man had lunch, then lay down and soon was asleep. When he woke up, he could not find the caps.

“Where are my caps?” he cried. He could not find them anywhere.

Suddenly he looked up. And what did he see? He saw many monkeys in the tree, and each monkey had the man’s cap on its head!

“Give me back my caps!” cried the man. But the monkeys could not understand the man. They laughed, jumped and played with the caps.

The man asked and asked the monkeys to give him back his caps, but the monkeys didn’t understand him. They only laughed.

The man got very much angry with the monkeys. He took off his cap, threw it on the ground and cried: “If you want my caps, you may take this one, too!”

And do you know what the monkeys did? They took off the caps and threw them on the ground!

That’s how the man got back all his caps.

Certainly, he was very glad. He quickly took all his caps and went away.

Task II: decide whether the following sentences are true or false, correct the false ones.

  1. One day a man went to the baker`s to sell caps.

  2. The man passed by a lake.

  3. The day was very hot and the man was tired.

  4. The man saw a large mountain.

  5. When the man woke up he didn`t find the caps.

6. Each monkey had the cap on its head.

7. The monkeys understood him well.

8. The man went away without his caps.

Task III: answer the following questions.

  1. Where did the man put his caps?

  2. What did monkeys do with the caps?

  3. How did the man get his caps back?

The Bear in School
Прочитайте текст ответьте на вопросы
One day a boy found a brown bear-cub in the forest. He was very little and looked like a puppy. The boy carried him home.

Every day the boy went to school. The bear-cub went with him and waited for the boy in the field.

At first the other boys were afraid of the bear-cub, but soon they became great friends. Many of them brought food to school and gave the bear-cub some bread and butter.

The bear-cub lived with the boy for a long time. But one day he went to the forest and did not come back. Everybody was very sorry for the bear-cub.

Many years passed. New schoolboys came to the old school. One very cold winter day the door opened, and a large brown bear walked into the classroom. The boys were afraid. Some ran to the door, others jumped out of the window.

But the bear did not touch the pupils. He walked up to the fire and warmed himself. He felt quite at home. He was very glad to get into such a warm room. He sat by the fire, and then walked up to the table and ate some bread. Then the bear walked out of the house.

Some young men of the village came with their guns to kill the bear. They soon found him but did not kill him. They saw some marks on his skin and understood that the bear was the old friend of their schooldays. They let him go back into the forest.

Task II: decide whether the following sentences are true or false, correct the false ones.

  1. One day a boy found a tiger in the forest.

  2. The boy carried him to the Zoo.

  3. The bear-cub went with the boy to school and waited for him.

  4. At first the other boys were not afraid of the bear-cub.

  5. One day he went to the forest and did not come back.

  6. One warm spring day a large brown bear walked into the classroom.

  7. The bear did not touch the pupils.

  8. The young man found the bear and kill him.

A Day in the Life of Simon Carrot

Task I: read & comprehend the following story.

First of all, I must tell you about myself. I am thirteen and I am in the third class at a Grammar school in Manchester

What a terrible day! I woke up late and didn’t have time to eat my breakfast. I couldn’t find my books or my school cap. At last I found my books in the bathroom; and at last, I found my cap — my dog was playing with it! I was nearly late for school.

The first lesson on Monday morning is maths. What a ter­rible way to start the week! Mr Green, the maths teacher, took our homework. He saw that my exercise - book was dirty. He was very angry and gave me a bad mark for it.

Then he gave us some tasks to do. I sat next to Jane, who was fat and not very pleasant — but very good at maths. I asked her to tell me the answers, but she didn`t want.

The next lesson was French. I like French. It’s nice to be able to talk to somebody in another language.

At last, it was eleven o’clock: time for break. Nell gave me a piece of cake to eat with my milk. She also gave me her Latin homework to copy. I think she likes me and she’s a nice girl.

After break, we had two lessons of Latin! They are bad: I hate Latin!

Mr Williams punished me for talking to Nell.

Task II: decide whether the following sentences are true or false, correct the false ones.

1. Simon is fourteen.

2. He goes to a Grammar school in London.

3. He woke up late and didn’t eat his breakfast.

4. The first lesson on Monday morning is maths.

5. Jane is very good at French.

6. Simon ate a piece of cake with milk.

7. Nell gave him her English homework to copy.

8. Simon hates Latin.
Task III: answer the following questions.

  1. What class is Simon in?

  2. Why was Mr Green angry?

  3. Why does Simon like French?

A Day in the Life of Simon Carrot
Task I: read & comprehend the following story.
At 12: 30 pm was time for lunch. I was very hun­gry! I sat down at the table feeling very happy because the Latin lessons were over. And then I saw what was for lunch: meat pie, boiled potatoes and cabbage. I hate vegetables! But I ate a little, because I was so hungry.

Then I went into the playground with my friends Pete Sharp and John Ford and we played football.

After lunch we had a history lesson. I don’t usually like history, but I liked this lesson very much. We learned about the Battle of Hastings in 1066. We were on holiday in Hastings last summer. I said I would bring some photographs of our holiday to school the next week.

At three o’clock it was time for my favourite lesson of the week: games. We played a very exciting game of football but it ended in a draw.

After school at four o’clock, Pete and I bought some sweets and I went to his house to listen to music.

Mum was angry because I didn’t arrive home till half past seven. She doesn`t like when I come home late. My supper was cold.

I did my French homework but I didn’t do my history homework. There was an interesting programme on television.

Task II: decide whether the following sentences are true or false, correct the false ones.

  1. He had pancakes with caviar and cream for lunch.

  2. He hates vegetables.

  3. Simon liked a history lesson very much.

  4. He played football with Pete Sharp and John Ford.

5. At two o’clock was his favourite lesson.

6. They played a very exciting game of cricket.

7. Simon went to Pete`s house to play computer games.

8. He did his math homework.

Task III: answer the following questions.

  1. What is Simon`s favourite lesson?

  2. Why was Simon`s mum angry?

  3. Did he do his history homework? Why?

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