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Homework 23. 11. 2020

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Homework 23.11.2020

The Cornfords live in Ruggy at 28 Coronation Street. (Корнфорды живут в Рагги на коронашн-стрит, 28.) John Cornford is a rich businessman of about fifty. (Джон Корнфорд - богатый бизнесмен лет пятидесяти.) He’s tall and dark. (Он высокий и темноволосый.) He wears dark suits but at weekends he wears casual clothes. (Он носит темные костюмы, но по выходным носит повседневную одежду.) He usually gets up at six, does some exercises and goes to the office. (Обычно он встает в шесть, делает зарядку и идет в офис.) He never gets back before ten o’clock at night, so he doesn’t see much of his family. (Он никогда не возвращается раньше десяти вечера, поэтому почти не видится со своей семьей.) He is interested in collecting pictures of horses. (Он увлекается коллекционированием фотографий лошадей.) At the moment he is traveling on business in America because he’s opening an office over there next year. (Сейчас он путешествует по делам в Америку, потому что в следующем году открывает там офис.)

Sarah, Mr. Cornford’s wife, is forty-five. (Саре, жене Мистера Корнфорда, сорок пять лет.) She is an attractive woman with blond hair and soft blue eyes. (Она привлекательная женщина со светлыми волосами и мягкими голубыми глазами.) She is kind and gentle, very practical and full of common sense; Sarah is a house-wife. (Она добра и нежна, очень практична и полна здравого смысла; Сара-домоправительница.) She looks after the house and the family. (Она присматривает за домом и семьей.)

The Cornfords have two children – a son and a daughter. (У Корнфордов двое детей – сын и дочь.) Their son’s name is Steve. He is 22. (Их сына зовут Стив. Ему 22 года.) He is a clever young man. (Он умный молодой человек.) He works at a design office. (Он работает в конструкторском бюро.) He is a very outdoor person – he is a keen sailor and a member of the local yacht club. (Он очень открытый человек – увлеченный моряк и член местного яхт-клуба.) When he has a chance Steve and his friends get down to the coast for the weekend, camping there and sailing in the competitions. (Когда у него есть шанс, Стив и его друзья приезжают на побережье на выходные, разбивают там лагерь и участвуют в соревнованиях по парусному спорту.)

Steve has a number of close friends and a beautiful girl-friend, Pauline, by name. (У Стива есть несколько близких друзей и красивая девушка по имени Полин.) Pauline studies at a teacher’s training college. (Полин учится в педагогическом колледже.) Steve and Pauline often go out for the evening to the cinema or else they go skating at the Rugby skating rink. (Стив и Полин часто ходят вечером в кино или катаются на коньках на регбийном катке.) Pauline is a very good skater and she is trying to teach Steve how to skate well. (Полин-очень хорошая фигуристка, и она пытается научить Стива хорошо кататься на коньках.) Both Steve and Pauline are very friendly and sociable. (И Стив, и Полин очень дружелюбны и общительны.) Sometimes Steve takes Pauline to a pub where they meet some of their friends and sit chat for an hour or so and sometimes they go dancing at the Mecca Ballroom. (Иногда Стив берет Полин в паб, где они встречаются с некоторыми из своих друзей и сидят болтают в течение часа или около того, а иногда они идут танцевать в танцевальный зал Мекки.) Steve is very fond of Pauline. (Стив очень любит Полин.) They are going to get married in a year. (Они собираются пожениться через год.)

Steve’s sister, Alice, is a lovely, quiet, serious girl. (Сестра Стива, Элис, - милая, спокойная, серьезная девушка.) She goes to a grammar school. (Она ходит в среднюю школу.) She is a bright girl and does very well at school. (Она умная девочка и очень хорошо учится в школе.) Alice reads a lot, she is fond of music. (Элис много читает, увлекается музыкой.) She is good at grawing. (Она хорошо рисует.) She takes lessons in in drawing at the local art school. (Она берет уроки рисования в местной художественной школе.)

Sarah’s mother, Grandma, as the children call her, also lives with them. (Мать Сары, бабушка, как ее называют дети, тоже живет с ними.) She is in her late sixties. (Ейпочтисемьдесятлет???) Her kind face is wrinkled, her is gray, but she is stoll quite young in spirit. (Ее доброе лицо в морщинах, она седая, но она очень молода духом.) She likes reading and gardening and she often goes for long walks. (Она любит читать и работать в саду, часто совершает длительные прогулки.) She’s a very active person. (Она очень активный человек.) Either she’s, making something to entertain herself. (Также она делает что-то, чтобы развлечь себя.) She’s extremely generous, but not very tolerant with the people who don’t agree with her. (Она чрезвычайно щедра, но не очень терпима к людям, которые с ней не согласны.)

  1. Is the Cornford family large? (СемьяКорнфордовбольшая?)

The Cornford family is quite large

How many are they? (Сколькоихвсего?)

There are six of them including Pauline

Where do they live? (Гдеониживут?)

The Cornfords live in Ruggy at 28 Coronation Street

  1. What does Mr Cornford do? (А чем занимается мистер Корнфорд?

Mr. Conford is a businessman

What does he look like? (Каконвыглядит?)

He’s tall and dark. He wears dark suits but at weekends he wears casual clothes

What is he interested in? (Чтоегоинтересует?)

He is interested in collecting pictures of horses

What is he doing in America at the moment? (Что он сейчас делает в Америке?)

At the moment he is traveling on business in America because he’s opening an office over there next year

What is Mrs Conford like? (КаквыглядитМиссискомфорт?)

She is an attractive woman with blond hair and soft blue eyes.

What does she do? (Что же она делает?)

Sarah is a house-wife. She looks after the house and the family

How old is Steve? (СкольколетСтиву?)

Steve is 22 years old

Whatishisjob? (В чем заключается его работа?)

He works at a design office.

Is Steve married? (Стивженат?)

Steve is single. Steve and Pauline are going to get married in a year

Do Steve and Pauline often go out?(Стив и Полин часто выходят из дома?)

Yes. Steve and Pauline often go out for the evening to the cinema or else they go skating at the Rugby skating rink

What is Alice like? (КакаяЭлис?)

Alice, is a lovely, quiet, serious girl

What is she fond of? (Чтооналюбит?)

Alice likes to read, play music, and draw

How old is Sara is mother? (СкольколетСаре-матери?)

She is in her late sixties

What does she look like? (Каконавыглядит?)

Sara kind face is wrinkled, her is gray

What kind of woman is she? (Что же она за женщина?)

She is stoll quite young in spirit and very active person. She’s extremely generous, but not very tolerant with the people who don’t agree with her

Homework 30.11.2020

  1. My father usually wake up at 8 o’clock. 2) I always relax after evening 3) – Where is Victor? – He having lunch. 3) My brother knows English and can helping you. Call me know. I think, he is still asleep. 5) – What does Robert do? – He is playing tennis. – Does he play tennis good? – Not very. 6) – How often do you see your sister? – Two or three times a month. 7) Maria is in the library now. She writing an essay. She works in library every day. 8) – Where do you go in the evenings? – I often go to class at university. 9) – Why are you often late? – I don’t like to get up early. 10) – The children having lunch? – No, they play football. 11) – What are you doing now? – Listen to radio. I always listen to the latest news in the morning. 12) – We often go to the theatre. – We too. 13) – I wonder what he is doing now. – I think he is reading. 14) – Piter doesn’t play chess. – Nikolai too. 15) She is usually at work from 10 am, but she is at home today. 16) – How often do you meet Victor? – Every week on Thursday. 17) – Who does know French? – Petrov does. 18) – Who does play the piano? – Elena plays. She plays the piano well. 19) – She never writes to you, does she? – No, she writes. 20) – Do you often go to the cinema? – One or three times in a month.


1. Mark is fond of learning English.

Mark is interested in learning English.

2. I isn’t fond of physics.

I isn’t interested in physics.


1. Liza can’t skate.

Liza isn’t good at skating.

2. I can cook.

I am good at cooking.


1. There are a lot of plates in my kitchen.

My kitchen is full of plates.

2. There are a lot of clothes mother’s dresser.

Mother’s dresser is full of clothes.


1. I like to bake.

I like baking.

2. Max likes to play piano.

Max likes playing piano.


1. Will you please pass the salt for me?

Yes, I can pass you.

2. Will you please correct the error?

No, I’m sorry I haven’t time.

Mr Cornford is about fifty. He is tall and dark. He wears dark suits but at weekends he wears casual clothes. He usually gets up at six, does some exercises and goes to the office. His hobby is collecting pictures of horses. At the moment he is traveling on business in America because he’s opening an office over there next year.

Mrs Cornford is an attractive woman with blond hair and soft blue eyes. She is kind and gentle, very practical and full of common sense. Sarah is a house-wife. Mrs Cornford looks after the house and the family.

Steve is 22 years old. He works at a design office. .) He works at a design office. He is a very outdoor person. Steve is a keen sailor and a member of the local yacht club. When he has a chance, he spends time with friends. Steve with his friends gets down to the coast for the weekend, camping there and sailing in the competitions.

Alice is a lovely, quiet, serious girl. She is a bright girl and does very well at school. She is good at grawing. Alice goes to a grammar school.

Sarah’s mother is in her late sixties. Her kind face is wrinkled, her is gray, but she is stoll quite young in spirit. She’s a very active person. She’s extremely generous, but not very tolerant with the people who don’t agree with her. She likes reading and gardening and she often goes for long walks.

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