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  • Airline officer: How many bags are you checking

  • Airline officer: Do you have any hand luggage

  • How much money do the farm workers earn per week

  • What problems might the workers face because of Brexit introduction

  • When does Frank have to be at the airport

  • How many cows did they milk twice a day

  • Where did they get the duck, goose and groundhog from

  • What else did they do with the corn

  • What advanced techniques and methods did his father use in farming

  • What happened to their farm

  • Uk_work ответы на тест. "How many languages do you speak I speak three languages "

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    Airline officer: Good Afternoon, miss. Where are you flying?

    Passenger: Good morning, sir. To ....


    text: "London",

    type: "english",

    word: true,

    id: 116,


    Listening Comprehension.

    Listen to the conversation and fill-in the gap.

    Airline officer: Your passport, please.

    Passenger: Here you are.

    Airline officer: How many bags are you checking?



    text: "1",

    text: "one",

    type: "english",

    word: true,

    id: 117,


    Listening Comprehension.

    Listen to the conversation and fill-in the gap.

    Airline officer: Place it on the scale, please.

    Passenger: Is it ok?

    Airline officer: Yes, it’s ... kg.



    text: "20",

    text: "twenty",

    type: "english",

    word: true,

    id: 118,


    Listening Comprehension.

    Listen to the conversation and fill-in the gap.

    Airline officer: Do you have any hand luggage?

    Passenger: Yes, this small bag. Can I have a ... seat, please?



    text: "window",

    type: "english",

    word: true,

    id: 119,


    Listening Comprehension.

    Listen to the conversation and fill-in the gap.

    Airline officer: Sorry, miss. Only aisle seats are left. Here’s your boarding pass. The boarding gate is ...



    text: "E12",

    text: "E-12",

    text: "e12",

    text: "e-12",

    text: "E 12",

    text: "e 12",

    type: "english",

    word: true,

    id: 120,


    Listening Comprehension.

    Listen to the conversation and fill-in the gap.

    Airline officer: Your boarding time is ... . Have a safe flight, miss. Good-bye.

    Passenger: Thank you, good-bye.



    text: "15:20",

    text: "15-20",

    type: "english",

    word: true,

    id: 121,


    Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions: What is the reason of the call?


    text: "a complaint of bad treatment",

    text: "medical issue",

    text: "working conditions",

    text: "working period extension",

    correct: true,

    type: "english",

    id: 122,


    How long does a Worker want to prolong his contract for? What is the reason of the call?


    text: "Three months",

    correct: true,

    text: "Two months",

    text: "Two or three months",

    text: "One month",

    type: "english",

    id: 123,


    Watch the video and choose a correct answer to the questions. What place is shown in the video at the very beginning of the report?


    text: "The Lowlands, Scotland",

    text: "Wales",

    text: "Ireland",

    text: "The Highlands, Scotland",

    correct: true,

    type: "english",

    id: 124,



    How much money do the farm workers earn per week?


    text: "400 Euros",

    text: "200 Euros",

    text: "100 Euros",

    text: "300 Euros",

    correct: true,

    type: "english",

    id: 125,



    What problems might the workers face because of Brexit introduction?


    text: "End of work in Europe",

    text: "Less money",

    text: "More money",

    text: "End of freedom of movement to the UK",

    correct: true,

    type: "english",

    id: 126,


    Study the messages and answer the question:

    When does Frank have to be at the airport?


    text: "June 13 at 7:30",

    text: "June 17 at 20:00",

    text: "June 18 at 7:30",

    text: "June 13 at 10:30",

    correct: true,

    type: "english",

    id: 127,


    Study the messages and answer the question:

    Where will Frank receive a diploma for his success?',


    text: "at business dinner",

    text: "at Fancy Dress Party",

    text: "at Hatfield Business Centre",

    correct: true,

    text: "On 27 Millford Lane",

    type: "english",

    id: 128,


    Read the extract (short text) and answer the question.

    Vocabulary: forage - производить корма mustard greens - листовая горчица сollards - листовая капуста persimmon - хурма no-till farming - беспахотное земледелие
    I grew up on a farm where we had 33 cows, 18 we milked twice a day, 3 horses, some chickens, 60 acres of corn, hay and pasture. There were barns, tractors, long hours and Sundays in church. We grew corn, hay and pasture. We had a large garden and some fruit trees. We hunted, foraged, and grew what we ate. We ate duck, goose, pigeon, fish, crabs, shell fish, groundhog, mustard greens, collards, wild garlic, onion, persimmons, wild cherry, wild strawberries, blueberries, figs, mint, wild carrots, herbs and wild spices. We had plenty of beef, chicken, milk, cream and our own homemade butter, as well as at least two kinds of handmade soap. We peeled corn, some of which we traded to neighbors for pork, veal or turkey.

    How many cows did they milk twice a day?


    text: "33",

    text: "60",

    text: "18",

    correct: true,

    text: "3",

    type: "english",

    id: 129,


    Read the extract (short text) and answer the question.

    Vocabulary: forage - производить корма mustard greens - листовая горчица сollards - листовая капуста persimmon - хурма no-till farming - беспахотное земледелие
    I grew up on a farm where we had 33 cows, 18 we milked twice a day, 3 horses, some chickens, 60 acres of corn, hay and pasture. There were barns, tractors, long hours and Sundays in church. We grew corn, hay and pasture. We had a large garden and some fruit trees. We hunted, foraged, and grew what we ate. We ate duck, goose, pigeon, fish, crabs, shell fish, groundhog, mustard greens, collards, wild garlic, onion, persimmons, wild cherry, wild strawberries, blueberries, figs, mint, wild carrots, herbs and wild spices. We had plenty of beef, chicken, milk, cream and our own homemade butter, as well as at least two kinds of handmade soap. We peeled corn, some of which we traded to neighbors for pork, veal or turkey.

    Where did they get the duck, goose and groundhog from?


    text: "They bought them.",

    text: "They exchanged them.",

    text: "They hunted and grew them.",

    correct: true,

    text: "They foraged them.",

    type: "english",

    id: 130,


    Read the extract (short text) and answer the question.

    Vocabulary: forage - производить корма mustard greens - листовая горчица сollards - листовая капуста persimmon - хурма no-till farming - беспахотное земледелие
    I grew up on a farm where we had 33 cows, 18 we milked twice a day, 3 horses, some chickens, 60 acres of corn, hay and pasture. There were barns, tractors, long hours and Sundays in church. We grew corn, hay and pasture. We had a large garden and some fruit trees. We hunted, foraged, and grew what we ate. We ate duck, goose, pigeon, fish, crabs, shell fish, groundhog, mustard greens, collards, wild garlic, onion, persimmons, wild cherry, wild strawberries, blueberries, figs, mint, wild carrots, herbs and wild spices. We had plenty of beef, chicken, milk, cream and our own homemade butter, as well as at least two kinds of handmade soap. We peeled corn, some of which we traded to neighbors for pork, veal or turkey.

    What else did they do with the corn?


    text: "They sold it to get money.",

    text: "They exchanged it for meat.",

    correct: true,

    text: "They cooked it.",

    text: "They grew it.",

    type: "english",

    id: 131,


    Read the text and answer the question.
    Dad was 20 to 50 years ahead of his time in farming. Dad, ahead of his time, had irrigation, high density crops, no-till farming, airplanes to spray the crops, and used every modern or experimental tool and technique available or being tested. Some of the things he helped pioneer 30-40 years ago are becoming customary and ordinary now, some will be more common later. Sure I miss the rural farming that I grew up in. We decided, several years too late, to sell most of our farm land into development when the government decided to make pawns of farmers, farms and farm products…

    What advanced techniques and methods did his father use in farming?


    text: "irrigation and no-till farming",

    text: "experimental tools",

    text: "high density crops",

    text: "all of those mentioned above",

    correct: true,

    type: "english",

    id: 132,


    Read the text and answer the question.
    Dad was 20 to 50 years ahead of his time in farming. Dad, ahead of his time, had irrigation, high density crops, no-till farming, airplanes to spray the crops, and used every modern or experimental tool and technique available or being tested. Some of the things he helped pioneer 30-40 years ago are becoming customary and ordinary now, some will be more common later. Sure I miss the rural farming that I grew up in. We decided, several years too late, to sell most of our farm land into development when the government decided to make pawns of farmers, farms and farm products…

    What happened to their farm?


    text: "it prospered",

    text: "it became bigger",

    text: "they bought another farm",

    text: "they sold it",

    correct: true,

    type: "english",

    id: 133,

    question: "
    Choose one correct sentence.


    text: "Up-to-date techniques are used in modern agriculture.",

    correct: true,

    text: "Up-to-date techniques use in modern agriculture.",

    text: "Modern agriculture used up-to-date techniques. ",

    text: "Up-to-date techniques are use in modern agriculture. ",

    type: "english",

    id: 135,

    question: "
    Choose one correct sentence.


    text: "You should begin your work at 7 am. It is a rule. ",

    text: "You must have a driving license to drive a tractor. It’s a law.",

    correct: true,

    text: "You shouldn’t smoke here. It is forbidden.",

    text: "You may wake up at 6.30 am. The work begins at 7:30.",

    type: "english",

    id: 135,

    question: "
    Choose one correct sentence.


    text: "She said him to paint the boxes blue.",

    text: "The farmer told that I must help Pete to dig the flower-beds.",

    text: "Helen said that her assistant bring her a new plan.",

    text: "The manager asked us if we could finish the work by 6 pm.",

    correct: true,

    type: "english",


    });Ваш опыт работы на практике во время учёбы: В каком году образовалась схема сезонных сельскохозяйственных работ (Seasonal Agricultural Workers Scheme):

    If she … problems, she … the Concordia company.

    has/ will contact


    She gave … on the idea of extending her visa.


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