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английский. Иностранный язык в профессиональной сфере. Тест с ответами (2020 год)

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Иностранный язык в профессиональной сфере. Тест с ответами (2020 год) 

1 Вопрос:

Saving time at business communication leads to … results in work

Варианты ответа:

  1. - well

  2. - goodyear

  3. - best

  4. (+) better

2 Вопрос:

… receive immediate payment from a finance house

Варианты ответа:

  1. (+) They

  2. - Receives

  3. - He

  4. - She

3 Вопрос:

Conducting negotiations with foreigners we should learn some important elements of … body language

Варианты ответа:

  1. - them

  2. - they

  3. (+) their

  4. - our

4 Вопрос:

It … not to waste working time

Варианты ответа:

  1. - helping

  2. (+) helps

  3. - helpful

  4. - help


5 Вопрос:

We have … to an agreement

Варианты ответа:

  1. (+) come

  2. - come on

  3. - coming

  4. - came

6 Вопрос:

Our senses are … a great role in non-verbal communication

Варианты ответа:

  1. (+) playing

  2. - play

  3. - player

  4. - played


Скудные ресурсы можно перевести как:

Варианты ответа:

  1. (+) Scarce resources

  2. - Scar resources

  3. - Scar face

  4. - Stupid resources

8 Вопрос:

The car … an instant sales success

Варианты ответа:

  1. - where

  2. (+) was

  3. - were

  4. - why

10 Вопрос:

Short term loan можно перевести как:

Варианты ответа:

  1. - кредитные шорты

  2. - термический кредит

  3. - долгосрочный кредит

  4. (+) краткосрочный кредит

11 Вопрос:

To elect можно перевести как

Варианты ответа:

  1. - забирать

  2. - выборы

  3. (+) избирать

  4. - избирательный



12 Вопрос:

 In 2007 the Labor Party was elected not to make any reforms.

Варианты ответа:

  1. - Did the Labor Party was elected not to make any reforms?

  2. - Were the Labor Party was elected not to make any reforms?

  3. (+) Was the Labor Party elected not to make any reforms?

  4. - Does the Labor Party was elected not to make any reforms?

13 Вопрос:

There are many Australian cities which are entirely purpose-built.

Варианты ответа:

  1. - There doesn’t many Australian cities which are entirely purpose-built.

  2. (+) There are not many Australian cities which are entirely purpose-built.

  3. - There no many Australian cities which are entirely purpose-built.

  4. - There don’t many Australian cities which are entirely purpose-built.

14 Вопрос:

Australians didn’t take part in the Second World War.

Варианты ответа:

  1. - Was Australians take part in the Second World War?

  2. - Were Australians didn’t take part in the Second World War?

  3. - Does Australians took part in the Second World War?

  4. (+) Did Australians take part in the Second World War?

15 Вопрос:

Is Canberra was selected for the location of the nation’s capital in 1908?

Варианты ответа:

  1. (+) Was Canberra selected for the location of the nation’s capital in 1908?

  2. - Do Canberra was selected for the location of the nation’s capital in 1908?

  3. - Does Canberra selected for the location of the nation’s capital in 1908?

16 Вопрос:

Melbourne is the capital city of Australia

Варианты ответа:

  1. (+) Is Melbourne the capital city of Australia?

  2. - Melbourne is the capital city of Australia?

  3. - Are Melbourne is the capital city of Australia?

17 Вопрос:

Kalgoorlie is Australia’s largest producer of silver.

Варианты ответа:

  1. - Are Kalgoorlie Australia’s largest producer of silver?

  2. - Does Kalgoorlie Australia’s largest producer of silver?

  3. (+) Is Kalgoorlie Australia’s largest producer of silver ?

  4. - Do Kalgoorlie Australia’s largest producer of silver ?

18 Вопрос:

The world’s largest oyster weigh is 30 kilograms.

Варианты ответа:

  1. - The world’s largest oyster weigh doesn’t 30 kilograms.

  2. - The world’s largest oyster weigh don’t 30 kilograms.

  3. - The world’s largest oyster weigh not 30 kilograms.

  4. (+) The world’s largest oyster weigh is not 30 kilograms.

19 Вопрос:

Australia was swept up in the revolutionary atmosphere of the 1960s.

Варианты ответа:

  1. (+) Was Australia swept up in the revolutionary atmosphere of the 1960s?

  2. - Do Australia was swept up in the revolutionary atmosphere of the 1960s?

  3. - Did Australia was swept up in the revolutionary atmosphere of the 1960s?

  4. - Were Australia was swept up in the revolutionary atmosphere of the 1960s?

20 Вопрос:

In 1950s suburban Australia was in great demand.

Варианты ответа:

  1. - When Was suburban Australia in great demand?

  2. - When does suburban Australia was in great demand?

  3. - When did suburban Australia was in great demand?

  4. (+) When suburban Australia was in great demand?

21 Вопрос:

Perth was settled by English gentlemen in 1729.

Варианты ответа:

  1. - When Perth was settled?

  2. (+) When was Perth settled?

  3. - When did Perth was settled?

  4. - When does Perth settled?

22 Вопрос:

Australia’s Aboriginal people had never travelled.

Варианты ответа:

  1. - Did Australia’s Aboriginal people have travelled?

  2. (+) Had Australia’s Aboriginal people travelled?

  3. - Were Australia’s Aboriginal people travelled?

  4. - Did Australia’s Aboriginal people had never travelled?

23 Вопрос:

There were some conflicts after the war?

Варианты ответа:

  1. - There were any conflicts after the war?

  2. - Are There were some conflicts after the war?

  3. - Do There were some conflicts after the war?

  4. (+) Were There any conflicts after the war?

24 Вопрос:

Women lived under constant threat of sexual exploitation.

Варианты ответа:

  1. - Do Women lived under constant threat of sexual exploitation?

  2. (+) Did Women live under constant threat of sexual exploitation?

  3. - Were Women lived under constant threat of sexual exploitation?

  4. - Does Women lived under constant threat of sexual exploitation?

25 Вопрос:

Aspirin was invented in Australia.

Варианты ответа:

  1. - Were Aspirin invented in Australia?

  2. (+) Do Aspirin was invented in Australia?

  3. - Was Aspirin invented in Australia?

  4. - Does Aspirin was invented in Australia?

1. When... inThailand?

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор

did you arrive

have you arrived

2. Yesterday my flight... at about three o'clock in the afternoon.

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор



3. Whatdaysuitsyou?

Типответа: Одиночныйвыбор

How about Wednesday?

I think we need to target young people

4. There's something I'd like to talk to you about.

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор

Yes, please.

OK. What is it?

5. What time ... it ...?

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор


had happened

has happened

6. And what... now?

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор


do you do

7. A. … Pascal’s is the best restaurant. The food is delicious.

B. Yes, I agree. Thefoodisgreat.

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор

I think

What about using

8. Can I speak to Jorge Ramos, please?

Типответа: Одиночныйвыбор

I’m afraid he isn’t in the office today.

OK,I’ll takealookat one.

9. Thecompany…onlyfourpeople andtheyallwork in oneoffice.

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор



10. The room looks very clean … you… it?

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор




11. She’s avery… person –shelikes to beon time.

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор




  1. mynewcamera.

  2. Ohdear. I’msorrytohear that.

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор

Ihavea problemwith

I’mafraid Ican’tmake
13. Whatdoyouthink?

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор

Ithinkweneedto targetyoung people.

Yes, Ido.

14. …Ricardodrivetowork?

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор



15. Hisgrandfatherfromhisjobayear

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор





  1. trainingto domyjob properly.

  2. I’m sorry. It’s just not possible.

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор



17. WhenI…it… yesterday.

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор

woke up, was raining

wake up, was raining

wokeup, rained

've woken up, was raining

18. What did you learn from your last job?

Типответа: Одиночныйвыбор
OK, I’ll take a look at one.
I learned how to be patient


Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор



20. She…her work already
Типответа: Одиночныйвыбор

Has finished
Hasn’t finished

21. Last night I … home at 11. I … supper and then … to bed.

Типответа: Одиночныйвыбор
came, have had, went
have come, had. went
came, had, went

22. Iyoulater,OK?

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор



23. I…foryoufor morethan onehour.

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор

havebeen waiting

was waitinghaswaited

24. KarinaisbutshelivesandworksinLondon.

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор


25. Howabouta cupoftea?

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор



26. He … it for an hour before I came.havebeen doing

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор

hadbeen done


27. Oscar … from home.

Типответа: Одиночныйвыбор

sometimes works

works sometimes


28. They…for20 minutes when hismother camein.

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор




29. …youmanycitieswhenyou wereinFrance.

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор


did visit


30. Why don’t you buy a self-study course?

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор


OK,I’lltakea lookatone.


  1. creditcarddetails,please?

  2. It’saMasterCard.The numberis…

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор


Whatabout using
32. Mysuggestion is togofor acocktail.

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор


33.… he … about the opera before?

Типответа: Одиночныйвыбор
had spoken
was speaking
has spoken
34. Do you like football?

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор

Yes, please.
Yes, I do.
35. This office building … a meeting room.
Типответа: Одиночныйвыбор

doesn’t have
not have
36. Mr Albert … to meetings

Типответа: Одиночныйвыбор
not go
isn’t go
doesn’t go

37. Now I … for a taxi.
Типответа: Одиночныйвыбор

am waiting
38. Next week, she’s moving to a new flat because her old one is … from the office.
Типответа: Одиночныйвыбор

39. Tomorrow at five he … football.
Типответа: Одиночныйвыбор

‘ll be playing
‘ll play
40. A. … the target market?
B. It’s aimed at stylish young men who want to look good.

Типответа: Одиночныйвыбор
My subject today is
41. I … my breakfast

Типответа: Одиночныйвыбор

have already had

42. is there a car park?

Типответа: Одиночныйвыбор

Ok. What is it?
Yes, there is
43. Will you ___ the bank when you go out?

Тип ответа: Одиночный выбор

be passing


have passed

to pass

44 We have … to an agreement

а) came б) come on в) coming г) come

45 Our senses are … a great role in non-verbal communication

а) player б) playing в) play г) played
46 Скудные ресурсы можно перевести как:

а) Scar resources б) Scarce resources в) Stupid resources г) Scar face

47 The car … an instant sales success

а) why б) where в) was г) were
48 Вопрос 5: Short term loan можно перевести как:

а) кредитные шорты б) долгосрочный кредит в) краткосрочный кредит г) термический кредит
49 To elect можно перевести как

а) забирать б) избирать в) избирательный г) выборы

50 Saving time at business communication leads to … results in work

а) best б) better в) well г) goodyear

51 … receive immediate payment from a finance house

а) They б) She в) Receives г) He

52 Conducting negotiations with foreigners we should learn some important elements of … body language

а) their б) them в) our г) they

53 It … not to waste working time

а) helpful б) help в) helps г) helping

54 Вопрос 1. Use the required tense instead of the infinitives in brackets : My mother (to have) a bad headache.

  • am

  • has

  • has got

  • have got

Вопрос 2. Use the required tense instead of the infinitives in brackets : my friend (to study) two foreign languages?

  • Do study...

  • Does my friend studies ..

  • Do my friend studys ...

  • Does my friend study..

Вопрос 3. Use the required tense instead of the infinitives in brackets : The teacher (to point) at the blackboard when he (to want) to explain something

  • The teacher points at the blackboard when he wants to explain something

  • The teacher point at the blackboard when he want to explain something

  • The teacher pointed at the blackboard when he wanted to explain something

Вопрос 4. Use the required tense instead of the infinitives in brackets : The teacher (to give out) us English magazines at every lesson.

  • gives out

  • give out

  • will give out

  • gave out

Вопрос 5. Use the required tense instead of the infinitives in brackets : Every morning, she (to hurry) to the University.

  • hurry

  • hurries

  • will hurry

  • hurried

  • hurrys

Вопрос 6. you any time to help me? - Sony, I

  • Have you got, am not;

  • Do you have, have got;

  • Do you have, don't;

Вопрос 7.Use the required tense instead of the infinitives in brackets : On Mondays, I always (to do) physical exercise.

  • do does

  • has do

  • do

  • does

Вопрос 8. I (not/understand) that man because I (not/know) English.

  • don't understand, don’t know;

  • not understand, don't know;

  • don't understand, not know;

Вопрос 9. Use the required tense instead of the infinitives in brackets : The sun (to rise) every day

  • The sun rise every day

  • The sun rised every day

  • The sun rises every day

Вопрос 10. Every day I help my Mom about the house, but last week I was very busy with my exam. So I (not help) her much.

  • not helped;

  • didn't helped;

  • didn't help;

Вопрос 11. Use the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous instead of the infinitive in brackets: You can’t have the book now because my brother (to read) it.

  • You can't have the book now because my brother reading it

  • You can't have the book now because my brother read it

  • You can't have the book now because my brother is reading it

Вопрос 12. Use Present Continuous of the infinitive in brackets : He (to plant) new trees in the orchard now.

  • are planting

  • is planting

  • am planting

  • are plant

Вопрос 13. Use the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous instead of the infinitive in brackets: Do not go out; it (to rain) heavily.

  • Do not go out; it raining heavily

  • Do not go out; it is raining heavily

  • Do not go out; it is rain heavily

Вопрос 14. Use the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous instead of the infinitive in brackets: They still (to discuss) where to go now.

  • They still discussing where to go now

  • They are still discuss where to go now

  • They are still discussing where to go now

Вопрос 15. Use Present Continuous of the infinitive in brackets : Go and see what the children (to do)

  • Go and see what the children are doing

  • Go and see what the children doing

  • Go and see what the children to do

Вопрос 16. Use Present Continuous of the infinitive in brackets : Look! He (to ride) a new bicycle.

  • are riding

  • am riding

  • is ride

  • is riding

Вопрос 17. Use the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous instead of the infinitive in brackets : Very often I (to go) to the University by Metro, but today I (to go) by bus.

  • go; am going

  • is going; go

  • go; is going

  • am going; go

  • goes; go

  • are going; go

Вопрос 18. Use the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous instead of die infinitive in brackets : I (not to think) he (to take) his Physics exam now.

  • are not thinking; takes

  • does not think; is taking

  • do not think; is taking

  • do not think; are taking

  • am not thinking; take

  • is not thinking; take

  • do not think; am taking

Вопрос 19. Why you (put on) the coat? It’s sunny today.

  • are you putting on;

  • do you put on;

  • are you puting on;

  • will you put on;

Вопрос 20. Use the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous instead of the infinitive in brackets : Mother (to cook) breakfast in the kitchen; she always (to cook) in the morning.

  • Mother is cook breakfast in the kitchen; she always cooks in the morning

  • Mother is cooking breakfast in the kitchen; she always cooks in the morning

  • Mother cook breakfast in the kitchen; she always cooks in the morning

Вопрос 21. Write questions in present perfect simple. I have been in my room.

  • Have I ever been in my room?;

  • Where have you be?;

  • Where have you been?;

Вопрос 22. She put on the red dress, which she _______for ages.

  • had not worn;

  • has not worn;

  • not had worn;

Вопрос 23. We the camp by 10 o'clock, I believe.

  • reached;

  • were reaching;

  • will have reached;

Вопрос 24. By the end of August we'll

  • have moved;

  • move;

  • will move;

Вопрос 25. Put the adverbs of Indefinite tune in their proper place: Have you made the beds, Ann (already)?

  • Have you made aheadv the beds, Ann?

  • Have already you made the beds, Ann?

  • Have you already made the beds, Ann?

Вопрос 26. We'll decorating the room before you get back.

  • finish;

  • have finished;

  • finished;

Вопрос 27. By that time I'll from the University and will a well-paid job, I hope.

  • graduate, have got;

  • graduate, get;

  • have graduated, get;

  • have graduated, have got;

Вопрос 28. Put the adverbs of Indefinite time in their proper place: We have been there before (never)

  • We never have been there before

  • We have never been there before

  • We never had been there before

Вопрос 29. Put the adverbs of Indefinite time in their proper place: She hasn’t finished doing the room (yet)

  • She hasn't finished doing the room yet

  • She yet hasn't finished doing the room

  • She hasn't finished yet doing the room

Вопрос 30. I the key that he had given to me.

  • had lost;

  • losted;

  • lost;

Вопрос 31. Use the Past Indefinite or the Past Perfect instead of the infinitive in brackets : Then I (to search) for a piece of paper and I (to write) a message for a maid

  • Then I searched for a piece of paper and I wrote a message for a maid

  • Then I searched for a piece of paper and I write a message for a maid

  • Then I search for a piece of paper and I write a message for a maid

Вопрос 32. The policeman told me my car near the office of the company.

  • not parking ;

  • did not park;

  • do not park ;

  • not to park ;

Вопрос 33. Use the Past Indefinite or the Past Perfect instead of the infinitive in brackets: Ansell (to give) an angry sigh and at that moment there (to be) a tap on the door

  • Ansell give an angry sigh and at that moment there be a tap on the door

  • Ansell gave an angry sigh and at that moment there was a tap on the door

  • Ansell gave an angry sigh and at that moment there be a tap on the door

Вопрос 34. Mary said that Paris beautiful in spring.

  • is;

  • was;

  • were;

  • has been;

Вопрос 35. Vie said that they knew only what was in the papers, that they for a call or a telegram since they heard of the accident.

  • had been waiting;

  • waited;

  • had waited;

  • were waiting;

Вопрос 36. Use the Past Indefinite or the Past Perfect instead of the infinitive in brackets. He (to make) tea and (to eat) biscuits which Mrs. Aberdeen (to bring) him.

  • He make tea and eat biscuits which Mrs. Aberdeen have brought him

  • He made tea and ate biscuits which Mrs. Aberdeen had brought him

  • He made tea and eat biscuits which Mrs. Aberdeen had brought him

Вопрос 37. Change sentence into indirect speech: Helen said: "Don't even ring me up. I’ll be working at my translation."

  • Helen say not to ring her up. She would be work at her translation.

  • Helen say not to ring her up. She have been working at her translation.

  • Helen said not to ring her up. She would be working at her translation.

Вопрос 38. Nobody knows exactly old she is.

  • how much;

  • when;

  • what;

  • how;

Вопрос 39. Change sentence into indirect speech: Robert asked his friend: "Where are you going for the weekend? "

  • Robert ask his friend where he were going for die weekend

  • Robert ask his friend where he has going for the weekend

  • Robert asked his friend where he was going for the weekend

Вопрос 40. They said that we when Mary .

  • would leave, had come;

  • will leave, came;

  • would leave, came;

  • would leave, comes;

Вопрос 41. Much by the end of the term.

  • had been learnt;

  • have been learnt;

  • has learnt;

  • was learning;

Вопрос 42. Put the sentence into the Passive Voice: They punished the boy for that

  • The boy was punishes for that

  • The boy were punish for that

  • The boy was punished for that

Вопрос 43. Put the sentence into the Passive Voice: They have just shown me a new magazine

  • I have just been shown a new magazine

  • I was just been shown a new magazine

  • I had just been shown a new magazine

Вопрос 44. The famous actress now for the "HELLO" magazine.

  • is interview;

  • interview;

  • was interviewed;

  • is being interviewed;

Вопрос 45. Put the sentence into the Passive Voice: Somebody locked the front door

  • The front door was lock

  • The front door were locked

  • The front door was locked

Вопрос 46. On festive occasions sweets at the end of a meal.

  • served ;

  • were served ;

  • is served ;

  • are served ;

  • is being served ;

Вопрос 47. Put the sentence into the Passive Voice: They built this house in 1950

  • This house was built in 1950

  • This house was builted in 1950

  • This house were built in 1950

Вопрос 48. The book to me before it appeared on sale.

  • was given;

  • had been given;

  • is given;

  • has been given;

Вопрос 49. Put the sentence into the Passive Voice: When I switched on the radio they were broadcasting a very interesting programme

  • When I switched on the radio a very interesting programme was being broadcast

  • When I switched on the radio a very interesting programme has being broadcast

  • When I switch on the radio a very interesting programme was being broadcast

Вопрос 50. English is the main foreign language which within most school systems.

  • teach;

  • is taught;

  • teaches;

  • is teaching;

Вопрос 51. Укажите множественное число имени существительного: wolf

  • wolfes

  • wolves

  • wolfs

Вопрос 52. Укажите множественное число имени существительного: dress

  • dreses

  • dresses

  • drasse

Вопрос 53. Укажите множественное число имени существительного: company

  • companise

  • companys

  • companies

Вопрос 54. Укажите превосходную степень имени прилагательного: flat

  • flatter

  • the flattest

  • flatest

Вопрос 55. Выберите правильную форму прилагательного: Today it is ... day of my life!

  • the busyest

  • the busiest

  • more busy

  • busy

  • busier

  • the most busiest

Вопрос 56. Выберите правильную форму прилагательного: Honey is ... than sugar.

  • sweeter

  • the sweetest

  • the sweeter

Вопрос 57. Use the required tense instead of the infinitives in brackets : Mother always (to cook) in the morning

  • Mother always cooked in the morning

  • Mother always cook in the morning

  • Mother always cooks in the morning

Вопрос 58. The Frasers live in a four-room apartment, but last year they (live) in a small house in the country.

  • lived;

  • were living;

  • did live;

Вопрос 59. Use the required tense instead of the infinitives in brackets : After classes. I usually (not to go) home.

  • does not go

  • do not go

  • do have gone

Вопрос 60. Use Present Continuous of the infinitive in brackets The clock (to strike) two o'clock.

  • am striking

  • are striking

  • do strikes

  • is striking

Вопрос 61. Use Present Continuous of the infinitive in brackets : You (to go) anywhere tonight?

  • Is you go anywhere tonight?

  • You go anywhere tonight?

  • Are you going anywhere tonight?

Вопрос 62. Use Present Continuous of the infinitive in brackets : What... you (to laugh) at?

  • am you laughing

  • is you laughing

  • are you laugh

  • are you laughing

Вопрос 63. We the camp by 10 o'clock. I believe.

  • will have reached;

  • were reaching;

  • reached;

Вопрос 64. Put the adverbs of Indefinite tune in their proper place They haven't finished breakfast (yet)

  • They yet haven't finished breakfast

  • They haven't finished breakfast yet

  • They haven't yet finished breakfast

Вопрос 65. She put on the red dress, which she for ages.

  • had not worn;

  • not had worn;

  • has not worn;

Вопрос 66. The policeman told me my car near the office of the company.

  • not to park;

  • did not park;

  • not parking;

  • do not park;

Вопрос 67. Nobody knows exactly old she is.

  • when;

  • what;

  • how;

  • how much;

Вопрос 68. Mary said that Paris beautiful in spring.

  • has been;

  • was;

  • were;

  • is;

Вопрос 69. Put the sentence into the Passive Voice: The branches of the tree hid her face

  • Her face has hidden by the branches of the tree

  • Her face had hidden by the branches of the tree

  • Her face was hidden by the branches of the tree

Вопрос 70. The famous actress now for the "HELLO" magazine.

  • is being interviewed;

  • was interviewed;

  • interview;

  • is interview;

Вопрос 71. The wonderful film on a videotape, and it by the whole family.

  • was recorded, was watched;

  • was recorded, is watched;

  • is recorded, was watched;

  • recorded, is watched;


Переведите фразу " Я ответственный за тимбилдинг

1 I am responsible at team building

2 I am responsible for team building

3 I am responsible on team building

4 I responsible for team building


What is serit?

1 шериф

2 шрифт

3 слой

4 сетка


To make part of something darket

1 fill in

2 shade in

3 copy

4 create


Subject in email is ...

1 recipient

2 what the email is about

3 sender

4 structure of email


A line that is extending from one corner to the opposite corner is ...

1 rectangie

2 angle

3 diagonal

4 shape


A person, organization, or country that puts money into different projects in order to make a profit or receive interest

1 investor

2 customer

3 entrepreneur

4 seller


What is skyping?

1 traditional telephone call

2 real meeting

3 traditional telephoning, but with a webcam

4 conversation


Organizations with 'social' aims not intended to make a profit, but to make money for a social or political purpose

1 Partnership



4 Non-profit oirganizations


To create an image with a pen or pencil

1 to draw

2 to pin

3 to cross

4 to write


Which color include CMYK

cyan, magenta, yellow, black


Переведите фразу " Я работаю на проекте"

1 I work with a project

2 I work on a project

3 I work at the project

4 I do a project


A person or organization that sells something is a ...

1 seller

2 vendor

3 buyer

4 customer

одчеркните сложные
герундиальные обороты

1. On hearing that my friend did not mind our coming to him so late, we
put on our coats and started at once.

1. Услышав, что мой друг не
против нашего визита к нему, только чтобы не поздно, мы сразу одели наши пальто
и пошли.

2. They objected to being asked to wait.

2. Они возразили против того,
когда попросили подождать.

3. What was the reason for his having left our town so suddenly?

3. Какова была причина того, что
он покидал наш город так внезапно.

4. He was sorry for not having visited his friend.

4. Он сожалел о том, что не
посетил его друга.

5. Your having written a letter is really no excuse for your not having
come on the fixed day.

5. То, что вы писали письмо не
является никаким оправданием на ваш счет, т. к. не пришли в назначенный день.

6. He did not remember ever having been in this place before.

6. Он не помнил, что когда-то был
в этом месте раньше.

7. Only his extremely poor state of health saved him from being

7. Только его чрезвычайно плохое
состояние здоровья спасло его от того, чтобы быть казненным.

8. The Pickwickians are shown here as men who are utterly unpractical
and unable to perform

the simplest things without being assisted or guided.

8. В Пиквикенсе показано, как
мужчины совершенно непрактичны и не в состоянии выполнить простейшие вещи без
помощи или управления.

9. Owing to Lodygin’s having made his great discovery the electric lamp
illuminates our rooms.

9. Благодаря великому открытию
Лодыгина, электрические лампы освещают наши комнаты.

10. On investigating the situation Suvorov found that the difficulties
in the way of storming the fortress far exceeded his expectations.

10. О расследовании ситуации
Суворов обнаружил, что трудности на пути штурма крепости далеко превзошли все
его ожидания.

11. He said that he was forced to arrest them for not having obeyed his

11. Он сказал, что был вынужден
арестовать их за то, что не повиновались его приказам.

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