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  • Jessica

  • Грамматика . Напишитеэтиглаголывпрошедшемвремени .

  • Напишите числа словами 1994, 2034,186, 1940, 35946, 124565 Контрольная работа 2 четверть

  • Чтение. Прочитайте отрывки текста. Расставьте их в правильной последовательности, чтобы получился логичный текст. А .

  • Грамматика. Напишите эти глаголы в прошедшем времени.

  • 4. Из слов данных в скобках, образуй новые слова с помощью суффиксов – er , - y , - ful и допиши предложения.

  • 8.Напишите числа словами

  • анализ четвертной. 2 четверть. Jessicahasahealthydiet. Arnoldisasuccessful sportsman. Ron

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    НазваниеJessicahasahealthydiet. Arnoldisasuccessful sportsman. Ron
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    ТипКонтрольная работа

    Контрольная работа 2 четверть

    Вариант 1

    1. Аудирование. Прослушайте три высказывания об образе жизни. Соотнесите их содержание с утверждениями четырех школьников. Определите, как зовут каждого из говорящих. Вы услышите запись два раза. (ДР №3)


    Arnoldisasuccessful sportsman.

    Ron wants to start doing sport.

    Ryan does different kinds of sport.

    Speaker 1______________

    Speaker 2 _____________

    Speaker 3______________

    1. Чтение. Прочитайте отрывки текста. Расставьте их в правильной последовательности, чтобы получился логичный текст.

    А. In winter Russian children go skiing with their parents. It is a popular winter sport because it’s usually very cold in Russia during the winter months and a lot of snow falls. Alsomany families have long holidays from school and work and they have free time to do sports.

    B. A hobby is an activity that we usually do in our free time. And we love doing it! There are a lot of indoor and outdoor hobbies. Many schoolchildren prefer indoor hobbies such as playing video games, watching TV or listening to music.

    C. They enjoy cycling, skateboarding, walking and playing different sports games. In summer riding a bike is the most popular sport, because many children have got bikes and there are a lot of places where you can ride them.

    D. But reading, playing a musical instrument and collecting things aren’t as popular now as in the 20th century. Now a lot of teenagers are interested in keeping fit. Boys want to be healthy and strong. Girls want to look beautiful. Here indoor hobbies don’t help. So teenagers choose outdoor hobbies.





    1. Грамматика. Напишитеэтиглаголывпрошедшемвремени.

    1. think

    2. put

    3. sleep

    4. spell

    5. teach

    6. keep

    7. find

    8. choose

    4. Из слов данных в скобках, образуй новые слова с помощью суффиксов –er, -y, - ful и допиши предложения.

    1. The weather was (fog) ___________ and (wind) ______________

    2. Jane is always very (help)__________. Yesterday she was (use) ____________too.

    3. You can have a very (success) _________ career.

    4. Alice eats only (health)__________food.

    5. Peter is a (wonder) ___________sportsman. He is a very good (swim)_________.

    5. Лексика. Напиши к данным словам слова с противоположными значениями

    1. late

    2. ill

    3. busy

    4. easy

    5. teach

    6. old

    6. Напишите время

    1. 8.30

    2. 4.15

    3. 7.10

    4. 6.12

    7.             Числительные

    1. His dad was born on _____________________(22)of May.

    2. Jane is __________________(3) child in the family.

    3. The Browns is going to leave London on ____________(1) of February.

    4. Yesterday was __________(25) of September and today is __________(24).

    1. Напишите числа словами

    1. 1994, 2034,186, 1940, 35946, 124565

    Контрольная работа 2 четверть

    Вариант 2

    1. Аудирование. Прослушайте три высказывания об образе жизни. Соотнесите их содержание с утверждениями четырех школьников. Определите, как зовут каждого из говорящих. Вы услышите запись два раза. (ДР №3)

    Jessica has a healthy diet.

    Arnold is a successful sportsman.

    Ron wants to start doing sport.

    Ryan does different kinds of sport.

    Speaker 1______________

    Speaker 2 _____________

    Speaker 3______________

    1. Чтение. Прочитайте отрывки текста. Расставьте их в правильной последовательности, чтобы получился логичный текст.

    А. In winter Russian children go skiing with their parents. It is a popular winter sport because it’s usually very cold in Russia during the winter months and a lot of snow falls. Also many families have long holidays from school and work and they have free time to do sports.

    B. A hobby is an activity that we usually do in our free time. And we love doing it! There are a lot of indoor and outdoor hobbies. Many schoolchildren prefer indoor hobbies such as playing video games, watching TV or listening to music.

    C. They enjoy cycling, skateboarding, walking and playing different sports games. In summer riding a bike is the most popular sport, because many children have got bikes and there are a lot of places where you can ride them.

    D. But reading, playing a musical instrument and collecting things aren’t as popular now as in the 20th century. Now a lot of teenagers are interested in keeping fit. Boys want to be healthy and strong. Girls want to look beautiful. Here indoor hobbies don’t help. So teenagers choose outdoor hobbies.





    1. Грамматика. Напишите эти глаголы в прошедшем времени.

    1. feel

    2. bring

    3. have

    4. choose

    5. sleep

    6. keep

    7. teach

    8. put

    4. Из слов данных в скобках, образуй новые слова с помощью суффиксов –er, -y, - ful и допиши предложения.

    1. Last Sunday was (cloud) _________ but (sun)___________

    2. Does your hand still feel (pain)____________

    3. Barbara’s last picture is very (colour) ________

    4. Ruth has got a younger sister who is really (joy) ________ and (health)_______

    5. Doris is a very good (run) _____ and a (success) _______photographer.

    5. Лексика. Напиши к данным словам слова с противоположными значениями

    1. leave (for)

    2. silly

    3. difficult

    4. free

    5. healthy

    6. tall

    6. Напишите время

    1. 8.30

    2. 4.15

    3. 7.10

    4. 6.12

    7.             Числительные

    1. His dad was born on _____________________(22)of May.

    2. Jane is __________________(3) child in the family.

    3. The Browns is going to leave London on ____________(1) of February.

    4. Yesterday was __________(25) of September and today is __________(24).

    8.Напишите числа словами

    1. 1994, 2034,186, 1940, 35946, 124565

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