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  • : Катание на воздушном шаре. Обобщение изученного.

  • 1. Ұйымдастыру кезені Мобилизирующее начало

  • Үй жұмысы Проверка домашнего задания : Revision. Oral test of the words

  • 3.Жаңа материалды оқып білу Изучение нового материала

  • Reading comprehension (15-20 min): Pre – reading: Ex. 4 p. 45

  • (part3) . After – reading: Ex. 8 p. 47 Match the words and definitions. 4.Өздік жұмысы. Самостоятельная работа

  • план урока 7-8 1 курс на 45 часов. Катание на воздушном шаре. Обобщение изученного

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    7-8 оқу - әдістемелік жоспар

    Учебно-методический план № 7-8





    Сабақтың тақырыбы

    Тема урока: Катание на воздушном шаре. Обобщение изученного.

    Үш біртұтас сабақтың жоспары

    Триединые цели урока

    1. Білімділік

    Учебная: Повторить грамматический материал на тему прошедшее время глагола, ввести лексический материал по теме “Ballooningforfun”. Практиковать студентов в диалогической и монологической речи. Совершенствовать технику чтения.


    Воспитательная: Воспитывать интерес к изучению иностранного языка.


    Развивающая: Развивать чтение, говорение, аудирование.

    Сабақтың үлгісі

    Тип урока: комбинированный

    Оқытудың әдістері

    Методы обучения:словесный, наглядный

    Пәнаралық байланыс

    Межпредметная связь: география

    Оқу материалының мазмұны және көрнекі құралдары

    Содержание учебного материала и средства: Учебник. Дифференцированные задания (карточки). Картинки. Грамматические таблицы.
    Сабақтың барысы:

    Структура урока:
    1. Ұйымдастыру кезені

    Мобилизирующее начало: Орг. момент. Приветствие, проверка готовности к уроку, сообщение целей и задачи урока.

    1. Үй жұмысы

    Проверка домашнего задания:

    1. Revision. Oral test of the words and rules.

    2. Working with the vocabulary:

    Manufacturing balloons

    Обучающие полету на шаре

    Отсутствие денег чтобы купить шар (lack)


    Федеральная авиационная администрация

    Сертификат пилота




    На высоте, в воздухе (aloft)

    To qualify

    Consist of



    Fastest – growing


    • Ex. 4 p. 36 Fill in blanks. Example: All aeronauts must be licensed by the FAA.

    • Ex. 5 p. 36 Answer the questions.

    3.Жаңа материалды оқып білу

    Изучение нового материала: Сообщение темы и цели урока.

    As you’ve already understood the theme of our lesson is ballooning. Today we are going to read text and talk about it. And we will revise Past tenses of the verb and do a small control work. Then you will be introduced to the new Unit and theme Memory.

    Answer my questions:

    Good afternoon, class!

    Who is on duty today?

    What date is it today?

    What day of the week is it today?

    What is the weather like today?

    Who is absent?

    • Ex. 1 p. 35 Answer the questions.

    • Ex. 2 p. 35 Explain the following words and phrases.

    Speaking comprehension:

    Ex. 3 p. 45 Answer the following questions.

    1. Can you remember the phone numbers?

    2. How many phone numbers and dates of birthday can you remember?

    3. Where were the Olympic Games in 2004?

    4. Do you remember your first teacher’s name?

    5. What was your first birthday present?

    6. Where were you last Sunday? Do you remember?

    1. Reading comprehension (15-20 min):

    Pre – reading:

    Ex. 4 p. 45 Before reading the text study the words.


    Cerebral cortex

    Pack of cards


    Mental performance



    While – reading: find out the answers to the part 1:

    1. What is the commonly heard statement? (we use only one per cent of our brain)

    2. Do you agree with the statement?

    3. What can we do from the cerebral cortex? (see, hear. imagine)

    4. How can you improve your brain? (solving puzzles and crosswords)

    After – reading: Complete the sentences:

    1. The statement that we use only one present of our brain may be wrong.

    2. The cerebral cortex is the most human part of the brain.

    3. It’s from your cerebral cortex that you think, see, hear, imagine.

    4. If you solve puzzles, crosswords you can improve your brain.

    While – reading: read the second part and answer the questions part 2:

    1. What Dominic O’Leary can tell you? (the day of any date in any year)

    2. What can he remember? (teams and the scores of every football match in every World Cup)

    3. How does he become the world champion memory man? (he remembered the order of thirty five packs of playing cards)

    4. When everything changed? (he saw a programme on television about memory improvement)

    After – reading: Are the statements true or false. Correct the false ones.

    1. F

    2. F

    3. T

    4. F

    While – reading: read the third part, match the brain age with professions (part3).

    After – reading:

    • Ex. 8 p. 47 Match the words and definitions.

    4.Өздік жұмысы. Самостоятельная работа:

    p. 256 PROGRESS TEST (20-25 min.)


    • READING. Read and chose the write variant:

    1. B

    2. A

    3. A

    • GRAMMAR. Read the postcard and fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs given in brackets.

    1. Is shining

    2. Do you think

    3. Don’t like

    4. Doesn’t matter

    5. Am invited

    6. Get up

    7. Have forgotten

    8. Costs

    9. Will worry

    10. Will you send

    • LEXICAL. Choose the right answer:

    1. C

    2. C

    3. B

    4. B

    5. B

    6. B

    7. B

    5. Қорытындылау. Подведение итогов: Завершающая часть. Выставление оценок.
    6.Үй тапсырмасы. Домашнее задание: learn the words, Ex. 4 p. 49-50.
    7. Мұғалімнін колы. Подпись преподавателя_____________________

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