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  • 2. Проверка Домашнего задания.

  • It/ s a famous palace the Taj Mahal.

  • Он не только прекрасен своей архитектурой, он построен уникальным образом. Он такой единственный в мире

  • 5. Введение новой лексики.

  • 7. Развитие навыков аудирования с извлечением требуемой информации .

  • 9.Сообщение по теме (история создания дворца).

  • 10. Упражнение на формирование монологической речи.

  • урок 35 Тадж -Махал. Класс 5б урок 35 Дата 29. 11. 18 Тема Тадж махал Цели урока

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    Учитель Саутина Н.Я.

    Класс 5-Б

    Урок № 35

    Дата 29.11.18

    Тема : «Тадж- Махал»

    Цели урока:

    Обучающие: способствовать развитию навыков диалогической речи, ознакомительного, поискового и изучающего чтения, фонематического слуха и произносительных навыков, монологической речи (изложение содержания с опорой на заметки / тезисный план, краткое описание здания).

    Развивающая: формирование умения выделить существенные признаки и свойства, связи и отношения между явлениями действительности;

    Воспитательная: воспитывать культуру общения

    Тип урока: комбинированный урок

    Методы обучения: Фонетическая и лексическая разминка, фронтальный опрос, работа в парах ,самостоятельная работа

    Оборудование: картинки с изображением Тадж- Махала, карточки с заданием

    Ход урока

    Ход урока

    1. Организационный момент

    2. Проверка Домашнего задания.

    -Today we continue to study the module “Home,sweet,home”. We have already learned the words on topic my flat, my bedroom and for today you even prepared your projects about your bedrooms. But before let' s revise some words:


    there is/ there are bedroom in front of behind block of flats

    inside outside garden floor building beautiful wall

    So welcome! Here are your pictures. Thank you for you projects! Well done.

    4. Сообщение темы и цели занятия.

    And now look at the picture. (Слайд №1) What do you see?

    They are typical buildings for Russia. We live in such blocks of flats. But children would you like to live in an unusual building? For example in this one? Vanya, do you want to live here? (слайд №2) Do you know what building it is?

    It/ s a famous palace the Taj Mahal. Today we are going to visit the Taj Mahal.. Итак, ребята сегодня мы узнаем об одном из чудес света современного мира, о прекрасном дворце Тадж Махал.

    Он не только прекрасен своей архитектурой, он построен уникальным образом. Он такой единственный в мире. Почему его признали чудом света. На этот вопрос мы и попробуем дать ответ в конце урока. So, our lesson is “Art and design. Taj Mahal.” We have a plan. We should get information under the next headings:

    -name; -place; -colour /materials; -inside; -outside.

    During the lesson you will get “stars” for your work and correct answers. Is it clear? So, good luck!

    -Look at the blackboard (слайд 3) What do you think what we are going to discuss first?

    Look at the picture and at the plan.

    We will discuss the materials.

    Here are new words for you, repeat after me,please.

    5. Введение новой лексики. Слова по теме «Искусство и дизайн»:

    is made of/ are made of

    dome, minaret, pool, glass, marble, stone, brick, wood, wonder, pearl;

    -What words are connected with the word “materials”glass stone brick wood

    6. Упражнениевзавершении.

    1) This house is made of … marble.

    2) These buildings are made of … glass.

    3) This cottage is made of … bricks.

    4) These castles are made of … stone.

    5) This house is made of … wood.

    7. Развитие навыков аудирования с извлечением требуемой информации .

    • Уou are to listen and understand the information about what material the Taj Mahal made of. And then we will do the task that is given to you on your desks. Are you ready? Mark the sentences True or False. (Приложение 1)

    1. The Taj Mahal is in Russia. F The Taj Mahal is in India, in Agra.

    2. The palace is made of bricks.F It is made of marble.

    3. In the sun shine the marble shines with pink, yellow and grey colours.T

    4. There are 3 floors inside the Taj Mahal. F There are 2.

    5. The Taj Mahal is a fantastic building. T

    8. Развитие навыков поискового чтения:

    -Open your books at page 53, Ex. 1, read the text about Taj Mahal and be ready to answer my questions. Give me please your full answers. (Приложение 2).

    -Where is theTaj Mahal?(It is in Agra, India.) -What is it made of?

    -What colours does the marble shine? -What does the main dome look like?

    -How many minarets are there? -How many floors are there inside?

    -What is there outside? -Is the Taj Mahal small building?

    -Is the Taj Mahal fantastic building?

    9.Сообщение по теме (история создания дворца). Работасодареннымидетьми:

    -Now, let’s listen to the story about the history of Taj Mahal. After it you will do the test.(Приложение 3)

    The Taj Mahal was built under Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his favorite wife, Mumtaz Mahal. The building of the Taj Mahal began in 1631 and it was finished about 22 years later in 1653. About 22,000 workmen built the Taj Mahal. The most famous part of the monument is the tomb of Mumtaz Mahal with its white marble dome.

    The Taj Mahal is one of the wonders of the Modern world. It is a monument.

    -What new information did you learn? Choose the right variant. (Приложение 4)

    1.Who was the Taj Mahal built under?

    A. Mumtaz Mahal B. Shah Jahan C. about 22 000 workmen

    2.Who was Mumtaz Mahal?

    A. Emperor's mother B. Emperor's daughter C. Emperor's wife

    3. Today The Taj Mahal is ...

    A. a monument B. a super market C. a museum

    -Now, give you test to your partner and let's check it together.(0 ошибок — 2 звезды, 1 ошибка — 1 звезда, более 2-х — ни одной)

    10. Упражнение на формирование монологической речи. (слайд 18).

    -Make notes under these headings, then describe the Taj Mahal to your classmates.

    -name;-place; -colour /materials; -inside;-outside.

    11. Домашнеезадание.

    Учитель: Now it’s time to write down your homework. It will be Ex.. 4, p. 53 or you may retell the text about the Taj Mahal. In Ex.4 you are to describe a famous building in Russia. You can use the plan of our lesson.

    Важно обеспечить понимание цели, содержания и способов выполнения домашнего задания. Реализовать необходимые и достаточные условия для успешного выполнения домашнего задания всеми учащимися.

    12. Подведение итогов.

    Учитель: You worked hard today. How many stars have you got? I think you are stars your selves. You have the following marks… I want to say that you were great today. Thank you for that great lesson. If you have any questions you can ask at any time. Now I can say that the lesson is over. G

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