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  • Test Paper 1 Variant 1 Ex 1.

  • Ex 5.

  • КР английский санкт петербург. Контрольная английский 1. Контрольная работа 1 Ф. И. О. слушателя Зимин Иван Геннадьевич Курс 1 Группа 104 рецензия на контрольную работу

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    НазваниеКонтрольная работа 1 Ф. И. О. слушателя Зимин Иван Геннадьевич Курс 1 Группа 104 рецензия на контрольную работу
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    Министерство внутренних дел Российской Федерации


    Ф а к у л ь т е т з а о ч н о г о о б у ч е н и я


    на контрольную работу

    Дисциплина: Иностранный язык

    Вид письменной работы Контрольная работа №1

    Ф.И.О. слушателя Зимин Иван Геннадьевич

    Курс_1____Группа 104


    на контрольную работу









    Оценка_______________________ Подпись рецензента____________

    Должность, Ф.И.О. рецензента: ___________________________________

    « ____ » ___________ 20 ___ г.
    Санкт-Петербургский университет МВД России

    Факультет заочного обучения


    Кафедра иностранных языков 


    Контрольная работа № _1___

    по дисциплине "Иностранный язык"

    Вариант № __1__

    Выполнил слушатель

    Зимин Иван Геннадьевич

    (фамилия имя отчество)

    курс 1 факультета заочного отделения

    учебная группа 104

    специальность 40.05.02 Правоохранительная деятельность

    (должность, звание, Ф.И.О.)


    " _____ " ____________ 20 ___ г.  


    Test Paper # 1

    Variant 1
    Ex 1.
















    Ex 2.

    various beatiful bridges - различные красивые мосты

    the fantastic Erarta museum - фантастический музей Эрарта

    million tourists from all over the world - миллион туристов со всего мира

    one of the most beautiful buildings - одно из самых красивых зданий.
    Ex 3.

    St Isaacs Cathedral and Alexander Column were created by Auguste de Montferrand.

    Cazan Cathedral was created by Andrey Voronikhin.

    Michailovsky Palace was created by Carlo Rossi.
    Ex 4.

    • The large defensive fortress on Zayachy Island was the heart of the city from which St. Petersburg began its history.

    • The Winter Palace was an imperial palace, at present it is a part of the Hermitage Museum Complex.

    • There are marble statues and rare flowers and plants, as well as fountains in the Summer Garden.

    • The Cabin of Peter the Great was a small wooden house which was the first St Petersburg “palace” of Tsar Peter the Great.

    • There was a small boat made by Peter himself in the Cabin of Peter the Great.

    Ex 5.
    1. The official symbols of St Petersburg are not the Bronze Horseman, the angel weather-vane on the spire of the Peter and Paul Cathedral and the golden ship on the top of the Admiralty.

    The historical symbols of St Petersburg are the Bronze Horseman, the angel weather-vane on the spire of the Peter and Paul Cathedral and the golden ship on the top of the Admiralty.
    2. The Bronze Horseman is not the museum to the founder of St. Petersburg.

    The Bronze Horseman is the monument to the founder of St. Petersburg.
    3. Summer garden is as old as the “City on the Neva” itself.

    4. The Cabin of Peter the Great was the first residential building in St. Petersburg.
    5. There are paintings of Bryullov, Fedotov, Repin, Surikov, Serov and other outstanding masters in the Hermitage.

    6. Main Rossi’s architectural ensembles are not the Winter and Peterhof Palaces.

    Main Rossi’s architectural ensembles are the Mikhailovsky Palace, Senate and Synod building, the Alexandrinsky theater.
    Ex 6.

    1. Is the Bronze Horseman the official symbol of the Saint Petersburg?

    What symbols of Saint Petersburg are historical?

    What are the names of symbols?
    2. Is the Bronze Horseman the museum?

    What is the Bronze Horseman ?

    Where is the Bronze Horseman ?
    3. Is Summer garden as old as the “City on the Neva” itself ?

    What is the name of garden?

    How old is Summer garden?
    4. Was The Cabin of Peter the Great the first residential building in St. Petersburg?

    What building was the first residential building in St. Petersburg?

    Where is The Cabin of Peter the Great?
    5. Are there paintings of Bryullov, Fedotov, Repin, Surikov, Serov and other outstanding masters in the Hermitage?

    Whose paintings are in the Hermitage?

    Where are paintings of Bryullov, Fedotov, Repin, Surikov, Serov and other outstanding masters?
    6. Are Main Rossi’s architectural ensembles the Winter and Peterhof Palaces?

    What architectural ensembles were made by Rossi?

    Who created the Mikhailovsky Palace, Senate and Synod building, the Alexandrinsky theater?
    Ex 7.
    1. The Alexander Column is the focal point of Palace Square in Saint Petersburg.

    2. The elegant Winter palace is a striking monument of the Baroque style.

    3. St. Isaac's Cathedral is outstanding monument of late classicism

    4. Another nickname of St. Petersburg is the City of White Nights.

    5. There is the statue of Mikhail Kutuzov in front of Kazan Cathedral.
    Ex 8.

    1. Many foreign consulates, international corporations, banks and businesses have offices in Saint Petersburg.

    2. St. Petersburg has strongly European-inspired architecture and culture

    3. Originally the railing of the Summer Garden have three gates located opposite the main alleys of the garden.

    4. All parks and gardens in St Petersburg have their charm and special history.

    5. The house of Peter the Great, which is just 5.5 meters wide and 12 meters long, had only three rooms – a living room, a bedroom, and a study

    Ex 9.
    Has St. Petersburg strongly European-inspired architecture and culture?

    What type of arcitecture can you find in St. Petersburg ?

    Which city has strongly European-inspired architecture and culture?

    Had The house of Peter the Great, which is just 5.5 meters wide and 12 meters long, only three rooms – a living room, a bedroom, and a study ?

    How many rooms had The house of Peter the Great ?
    Ex 10.

    • The Summer Garden is the oldest garden in St. Petersburg.

    • The Summer Garden Park is one of the most romantic and charming places in St Petersburg.

    • The most Famous monument to Tsar Peter the Great in St. Petersburg is “The Bronze Horseman”.

    • Walking around St. Petersburg is one of the best ways to understand the city it.

    • Physically exploring a space gives you a better sense of why the space is still so important today.

    Ex 11.

    • The Victory Square ensemble devoted to the siege of Leningrad comprises the monument to the heroic defenders of Leningrad and the Hall of Memories.

    • The word Kunstkamera comes from the German words Kunst meaning “art” and Kamera meaning “a chamber” or “a room”.

    • The name Nevsky Prospect originates from the Alexander Nevsky Monastery, which was founded by Peter the Great in 1710.

    • Beautiful marble statues and the elegant iron railing decorate the Summer Garden.

    • Three main roads - Nevsky Prospekt, Voznesensky Prospekt, and Gorokhovaya Street diverge from the Admiralty.

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