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лето. Контрольная работа 2 курс (2). Контрольная работа 2 по английскому языку слушателя учебной группы 503 Павлюк Алины Александровны Рецензент Кузина Оксана Александровна

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НазваниеКонтрольная работа 2 по английскому языку слушателя учебной группы 503 Павлюк Алины Александровны Рецензент Кузина Оксана Александровна
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4. Special subunits were repairing the damaged

central heating system all the day.

Special subunits repairing the damaged central

heating system use modern equipment.

5. Highly skilled specialists are providing

chemical reconnaissance now.

Highly skilled specialists providing chemical

reconnaissance used modern reconnaissance


Упражнение 4. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на причастие 2.
1. Initially civil defence forces were mostly

aimed at relief operations in time of war.

2. The civil defence units equipped with

modern search and rescue means can conduct

various relief operations.

3. In 1991 civil defence units were subordinated

to EMERCOM of Russia.

4. Civil defence units conducted complicated

and dangerous rescue operations.

5. When required a team commander is allowed

to come to a decision alone.

Упражнение 5. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на функцию причастия 2.
1. Reconnaissance information required for

tactical purpose must be continuous and


Reconnaissance information is required for

tactical purpose before, during, and after


2. Civil defence units well-organized and

trained are capable to conduct any of the relief


Civil defence units are well-organized and

trained to respond to any of the emergency


3. Rescuers equipped with modern search and

rescue means are able to carry out the most

complicated relief operations.

Rescuers were equipped with modern search

and rescue means to provide relief operations in


4. The crisis management programme

developed is to be broadened.

The crisis management programme was

developed last year.

Упражнение 6. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на причастие 1 и причастие 2.
1. Well-trained rescue teams took part in the

elimination of catastrophe effects.

The disaster effects were eliminated by well-

trained rescue teams.

2. When receiving the urgent information on

emergency situations the operator on duty must

send it to the higher commander.

The report on the emergency situation received

by the operator on duty was sent to the higher


3. Engineers providing warning and

communication systems are highly qualified


Warning and communication systems provided

by engineers enabled rescuers to perform their

tasks successfully.

4. Measures taken to mitigate the consequences

of the man-made disaster saved a lot of human


Rescuers taking measures to protect population against the effects of emergency situations used

modern rescue equipment.

Упражнение 7. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на самостоятельный

причастный оборот.
1. Most countries being highly vulnerable to

natural disasters, disaster preparedness is a

significant part of the overall civil defence


2. There are various types of natural disasters,

every natural disaster having some unique


3. An earthquake being a national catastrophic

emergency, all military and non-military

organizations. and volunteers are allowed to

take part in the elimination of effects.

4. Weather permitting, the airplane with

emergency medical teams on board starts in the


5. Methods and criteria used for the estimation

of economic losses differing from country to

сountry, statistical data on direct economic

losses can not be very accurate and reliable.

6. There are many civil defence organizations in

the USA, their activity being controlled by


Упражнение 8. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на совершённые времена.
l. The civil defence forces have conducted a lot

of rescue operations in the country and abroad.

2. Russia has gained practical experience in the

elimination of consequences of emergency

situations caused by man-made and natural


3. Many countries have instituted civil

protection services responsible for relief


4. The commander has reported to the higher

officer on the communication system damage.

5. The earthquake has destroyed a lot of

buildings in the area.

6. The commander has sent his rescue team to

the disaster area.

Упражнение 9. Ответьте нa вопросы:
1. What is a civil defence system?

2. What are the most effective population

protection methods in time of crisis?

3. How many levels does the US civil defence

system consist of?

4. What is FEMA?

5. What are the main tasks of FEMA?

6. Is FEMA an independent agency?

7. Who is FEMA controlled by?

8. How many civil defence districts is the

territory of the USA divided into?

9. Who is responsible for the civil defence in


10. Now many civil defence regional centres

are there in Russia?

Упражнение 10. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

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