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Англ. КР Английский язык (заочн). Контрольная работа для студентов заочной формы обучения выполнение контрольных заданий и оформление контрольных работ

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ТипКонтрольная работа


(составлено сотрудниками кафедры)


Выполнение контрольных заданий и оформление контрольных работ

Выполнять письменную контрольную работу следует в отдельной тетради. На обложке тетради напишите вариант, свою фамилию, номер группы, факультет, курс, номер вашего студенческого билета.

Выбор варианта осуществляется по последней цифре номера вашего студенческого билета.

Если номер вашего билета оканчивается на 0, 1, 2, 3, вы выполняете задания, предложенные в первом варианте.

Второй вариант выполняется студентами, номер студенческого билета которых оканчивается на 4, 5, 6.

И если последняя цифра номера билета 7, 8 или 9, ваш вариант – третий.

Контрольная работа должна выполняться чернилами, аккуратно, разборчивым почерком. При выполнении контрольной работы оставляйте в тетради широкие поля для замечаний, объяснений и методических указаний рецензента.
Задание 1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

  1. I hate ___. They are awful.

A mouse B mice C mouses

  1. Thanks for the party - we really enjoyed ___.

A us B myself C ourselves

  1. I won’t be home for ___ dinner. I’m meeting some friends after ___ work.

A -, - B the, the C a, the

  1. He hurt ___ while playing football.

A himself B him C his

  1. She plays __ piano beautifully.

A a B the C -

  1. I hope his new book isn’t as ___ as the last one.

A more boring B most boring C boring

  1. The cat wants ___ dinner.

A it B its C their

  1. Is there ___ to eat in the fridge?

A something B anything C anybody

  1. I’ve been waiting ___ than anyone else.

A longer B longest C as long

  1. Mark won the ___ swimming championship last year.

A men’s B man C mens’
Задание 2. Раскройтескобкиипереведитеполученныепредложения.

1. He is a lawyer, he __ (specialize) in company law.

2. Julie __ (lose) her passport! She can’t get on the plane without it.

3. Three years ago I __ (not/know) how to play squash.

4. You can’t talk to him now, he ___ (have) a break.

5. What time do you think they __ (arrive) tomorrow?

6. Parmigiano cheese __ (produce) in Italy.

7. Nowadays more and more courses __ (teach) online.

8. I didn’t offer them anything to eat because they __ (have) already dinner.

9. He __ (work) on this painting for a month. It’s almost ready.

10. A young singer __ just (choose) to represent England.
Задание 3. Раскройте скобки и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. I didn’t get the job. I wish I ___ (answer) the interviewer’s question more properly.

2. If only I ___ (have) a room of my own. But I don’t have one.

3. If the temperature ___ (fall) below 0 0C, water ___ (turn) into ice.

4. Be careful. If you ___ (not pay) the fine, you ___ (go) to prison.

5. If I ___(have) time, I ___(take up) a sport. But I am so busy.

6. If I ___ (be) you, I ___ (talk) to your parents about it.

7. I wish the wind ___ (stop) blowing.

8. If he ___ (not notice) the mould in one of his glass dishes, Alexander Fleming ___(never discover) penicillin.

9. If only he ___ (call) me last night, we ___(go out).

10. I wish I ___ (play) a musical instrument.
Задание 4. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. You must not leave your luggage unattended.

  2. Could you please bring us the bill?

  3. There is no choice in my country, you have to go into the army for a year.

  4. You shouldn’t drink coffee before you go to bed.

  5. He was not able to come to the party because he wasn’t well.

  6. You must fasten the seatbelt before the plane takes off.

  7. She didn’t have to tell the whole story. We had already heard it.

  8. Scientists can research life on other planets using powerful telescopes.

Задание 5. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

  1. When I went to university I missed my mother’s home _____.

A foods B kitchen C cooking

  1. You ought to eat hot ____ instead of snacking all the time.

A meals B drinks C foods

  1. He is a selfish and two-faced person. I think he is ____but not stupid.

A unpleasant B pleasant C generous

  1. _____ parks offer good free entertainment for both young and old.

A techno B business C amusement

  1. - I’m planning my first travel abroad. – We wish you a happy ____!

A voyage B journey C trip

  1. Don’t buy anything you don’t need just because it’s on ____.

A sell B sale C bargain

  1. Customers are offered a 20% discount if they pay ____.

A cash B money C cheque

  1. We are organizing a concert to ____ money for charity.

A lend B save C raise

  1. I’m doing a three-year undergraduate ____ in computing at Leeds University.

A school B education C course

  1. He was unemployed doing only odd ____.

A jobs B positions C occupations
Задание 6. Заполните пропуски фрагментами и переведите полученный текст.


Many countries celebrate birthdays 1_____. The origins of birthday cakes are unclear. Some think that the custom started with the ancient Greeks nearly three thousand years ago. They celebrated the birthday of the moon goddess Artemis on the sixth day of every month and 2_____ that represented the full moon. Candles were put on the cakes to signify moonlight.

Others think that birthday cakes 3_____ when people made sweet bread to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Later this ‘birthday cake’ was made for children’s birthday parties. A candle was put on the cake and people said that it symbolized ‘the light of life’. Some people baked lucky and unlucky objects into a cake: 4_____, for example, they believed that person would become wealthy.

Today there are often several candles on a birthday cake to show how old somebody is. Some people 5_____ when they blow out the candles. If they blow the candles out in one go, they believe their birthday wish will come true.
A if somebody found a gold coin

B with a cake or a pastry of some kind

C make a silent wish

D baked round honey cakes

E originated in Germany in the Middle Ages
Задание 7. Прочитайте и переведите текст и определите, правдивыми или ложными являются утверждения.

Throwaway Technology

Have you ever wondered why things break down after just a few years' use and when they do it is difficult to find someone to fix them? Even if you can fix gadgets, it costs almost as much as buying a new one, so why not throw out the old one? You may be surprised to learn that this problem that we experience so often with modern technology is often planned by the companies that make it. By creating technology that stops working or wears out after a short time, technology companies encourage customers to throw away their 'old' products and buy new ones. As early as 1954 an American designer called Brooks Stevens said that it was possible to make buyers want something 'a little newer, a little better, a little sooner than necessary'.

Products that do not have a very long life are nothing new. One example is the kind of light bulb which we still use in our homes and needs changing every few months. These light bulbs could last longer. Did you know that there is a light bulb in a fire station in Livermore, California that they say has been burning for over a hundred years! It is in The Guinness Book of World Records as the longest-lasting light bulb ever. Today, modern light bulbs are a little better than they used to be. They use less electricity, last a few years longer, but they cost more to buy. Although light bulbs have improved, some items, like printers still have quite a short life. Users complain that the ink runs out too quickly and the printer breaks down after a few years. Both of these effects are put into the design on purpose.

Sometimes companies improve gadgets a little; for example, they may give mobile phones extra memory. However, they say that the new phone is much better than the previous model. Often the improvement is just in the way the gadget looks; it's more modern and attractive. The makers of modern technology suggest that because the latest phone is a little bit lighter, or available in a new colour, it will make our lives better. In fact, there is often not much difference between the phone we have now and the 'new improved' one. It is just the customers' wish to be in fashion that makes them throw away their old phone and buy a shiny new one. In this way, companies sell more of their products.

When technology was more expensive to buy, it used to be possible to fix it. In the days when televisions and video recorders cost a lot of money, you could take them to a shop and ask an expert to repair them, which would make them last longer. Those days are gone. Today people prefer to buy a new television or DVD player when they break down since this technology has become difficult and expensive to fix. So today people buy new technology as often as they used to buy new clothes; they change their computers, their phones and printers more frequently than before. Of course, technology is developing more quickly every year, but our habit of throwing away, or even recycling, gadgets that have only worked for a short period is another huge problem for the planet.

  1. It is not hard to repair modern technology.

  2. The short life of modern technology is bad for the environment.

  3. Companies want customers to buy the newest models.

  4. Companies that make some products choose to give them short lives.

  5. There are no any examples of technologies that have improved, but are now more expensive.

  6. There are two kinds of technology that have become cheaper over the years.

Задание 1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

  1. She often rides her ___ bike.

A brothers B brother’s C brother

  1. The film was ___ interesting than I expected.

A more B much C a lot

  1. Last night we went out with some friends of ___.

A us B our C ours

  1. His cough is getting ___. He needs a doctor.

A badder B worse C badly

  1. The house hasn’t got ___ furniture.

A any B no C few

  1. This flat costs £100 ___ week.

A the B - C a

  1. What’s __ name of __ hotel where you’re staying?

A a, the B –,a C the, the

  1. This is the ___ country in the world.

A poorer B poorest C most poor

  1. Could you tell ___the truth?

A me B I C myself

  1. My ___ really hurt after such a long run!

A foots B foot C feet
Задание 2. Раскройте скобки и переведите полученные предложения.

1. Tom cut himself while he __ (make) breakfast.

2. A mechanic __ (repair) our car now, we have to call a taxi.

3. How many languages ___ (speak) in China?

4. How long __ you (know) Steve before you married him?

5. When my grandmother was young she __ (live) in Argentina.

6. Pete seldom __ (forget) about birthdays.

7. He __ (not/ see) his brother for nearly a year.

8. When we arrived, we __ (greet) warmly by the receptionist.

9. The store __ (open) at exactly 9 a.m. by the manager tomorrow.

10. He is confused. He __ (try) to solve this problem all morning.
Задание 3. Раскройте скобки и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. If he ___ (sell) some of his paintings, Van Gogh ___ (get) some recognition during his lifetime.

2. If only John ___ (stop) insulting people.

3. If I ___ (be) you, I ___ (take) part in this competition.

4. If I ___ (win) the lottery, I ___ (buy) an expensive car. But that’s almost impossible.

5. I wish I ___ (speak) a foreign language. But I can’t.

6. If he ___ (fail) the exam now, he ___ (not get) a place at university.

7. When it ___(rain), the roads ___ (get) slippery and dangerous.

8. I wish I ___( be) rich.

9. I wish I ___ (get) your message earlier.

10. If you ___ (save) some money, you ___ (be able) to go on holiday last year.
Задание 4. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. There is a new ski resort in the mountains, we can go there.

  2. Unfortunately, he wasn’t able to complete the task.

  3. When I was a teenager, I had to look after my younger brothers until my parents came home from work.

  4. You can’t park in the city centre, it’s forbidden.

  5. I could hear a strange sound, but I couldn’t say exactly what it was.

  6. We should teach children to be attentive while crossing the road.

  7. May I use your dictionary?

  8. You don’t need to help me, I can cope myself.

Задание 5. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

  1. Please remember to write your ___ address at the top of the letter.

A house B street C home

  1. The national ___ of Scotland is “haggis” – a kind of spicy meat sausage.

A meal B dish C food

  1. She can’t be called attractive but she is warm-hearted and ____.

A generous B beautiful C rude

  1. There is no doubt that television is one of the most popular forms of _____.

A entertainment B engagement C advertisement

  1. Let’s take a ___ to Mount Vesuvius this summer!

A travel B trip C journey

  1. Compare prices at different shops to be sure you are getting a ___.

A sale B purchase C bargain

  1. I never carry much ____ with me, just enough for lunch and my bus fare.

A cheque B cash C notes

  1. What is your ____? How much money do you earn?

A salary B fare C change

  1. Parents must make sure that their children get a proper ____.

A vocation B tuition C education

  1. I have been looking for a___ for 3 months but without much success so far.

A work B job C occupation
Задание 6. Заполните пропуски фрагментами и переведите полученный текст.


People send birthday greetings using cards and postcards in many cultures, it is not known when and where exactly 1_____, however it is believed that it was in England in the early nineteenth century. In those days, people sent birthday cards because they could not wish somebody a happy birthday in person.

In 1840, the first postage stamp was issued in Britain and sending birthday cards became 2_____ more popular. The development of color printing processes in the 1930s also helped to increase sales of cards.

Today cards are often given with a present, even when the person 3_____. In recent times, e-cards have also become popular: many people are starting to use these instead of traditional cards, as 4_____ and arrive more quickly. So will e-cards replace paper cards completely in ten or twenty years? Probably not. For 5_____ or for very formal occasions, e-cards are not appropriate and many other people simply do not have internet access.
A easier, cheaper and therefore

B young children and the elderly

C they are free, environmentally friendly

D the tradition of sending birthday cards began

E delivers their wishes in person

Задание 7. Прочитайте и переведите текст и определите, правдивыми или ложными являются утверждения.

Where does all the free time go?

Technology should mean that we have more free time, so why don't we?

Changes in technology mean that work and leisure are no longer always separate. Today, it's common for people to take their office with them every evening in the form of their laptop. They get on with work at weekends, and check their email on the train to and from the office. Mobile phones mean employees are always available.

As well as work taking up more of our free time in this way, technology itself sometimes means everyday activities can take longer. Machines can't always help us. Think about how long a simple telephone call to a company takes before a real person answers your question. Getting money out of the ATM is quick and easy, but you will have to stand in a long queue if you have a problem.

Before modern technology, people usually worked from nine to five. Families ate meals together. Nothing interrupted them. With no Internet or electronic games and only a few television channels, they had to make their own entertainment. Today, if our screens go black for a short time, as a result of a power cut, let's say, we find it's surprisingly fun to play old-fashioned games, like board games and card games. We may even have some interesting conversations with each other. Time passes more slowly, though, than when we are busy chatting on our computers or watching our favourite shows. Without our screens, it feels as if we have more free time.

Modern life allows multi-tasking like never before. Teenagers spend time on the computer doing their homework, while at the same time checking Facebook, playing music and texting their friends on their mobile. Older people may attempt something similar while cooking dinner. This seems to save time, but sometimes it means that dinner is burnt!

According to Parkinson's Law, the time it takes to complete something depends on the time available. For example, an old lady may spend all morning writing and posting a birthday card. By the time she has written it, found the address, taken it to the post office, queued for a stamp and returned home, hours have passed. A busy person, on the other hand, would take a lot less time! Parkinson gave this example to show that activities take longer if you have more time. The trick then, is to imagine you have less time than you really do and use technology only when it speeds things up. In this case, the old lady should learn to email!

  1. People have less free time because computers mean there is more work.

  2. Sometimes customers still have to wait a long time.

  3. Nowadays families often get together in the evening to have a meal and entertain.

  4. Multitasking is not for those who are not young enough.

  5. Modern technology doesn’t always mean more free time.

  6. When people try to save time being superefficient they often start making mistakes.

Задание 1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

  1. I’m going to talk to the ___ parents.

A children B children’s C childrens

  1. Can you speak ___ Russian?

A - B the C a

  1. It isn’t my car. It’s ___.

A hers B her C herself

  1. I saw ____ of amazing sights on holiday.

A much B a lot C no

  1. It was the ___ driving I have ever seen.

A goodest B better C best

  1. Carol is ___ economist who lives in ___ USA.

A an, the B –, a C the, the

  1. I shouted for help, but ___ came.

A anybody B nobody C somebody

  1. We could clearly see two ___ outside.

A womans B women C woman

  1. Why didn’t you ask ___ to come?

A they B their C them

  1. She’s much ___ than her brother.

A as tall B taller C more tall
Задание 2. Раскройте скобки и переведите полученные предложения.

1. I felt better after I __ (take) the painkiller.

2. In History this term, we __ (study) the Romans.

3. I __ (not/make) any plans yet.

4. Emily never watches horror films because she __ (hate) them.

5. While Robert __ (drive) home, he got a flat tyre.

6. - Where is your watch?

- It __ (repair) at the moment.

7. Don’t worry, the letters __ (post) by the secretary soon.

8. He __ (teach) how to swim by his father when he was five.

9. She hopes she __ (start) her own business next year.

10. Emily is angry. She __ (argue) with her boyfriend for an hour.
Задание 3. Раскройте скобки и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. I wish you ___(be) more polite with people. You are often so rude.

2. I wish you ___ (not fail) the exam. It was very important for your future job.

3. If we ___ (work) hard, we ___ (finish) the project tomorrow.

4. If you ___ (wash) woolen clothes in hot water, they ___ (shrink).

5. If I ___ (be) tall enough, I ___ (play) basketball.

6. If I ___ (be) you, I ___ (apply) for this job.

7. I wish he ___ (not give) me so much work.

8. If I ____(drive) faster, I ___ (arrive) in time. Unfortunately I was late.

9. I am so exhausted. I wish I ___ (do) some of the housework yesterday.

10. If you ___ (throw) salt on the snow, the snow ___ (melt).
Задание 4. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. I have to finish the report today, so I can’t go to the cinema with you.

  2. There was fire in the office, but everyone was able to get out.

  3. The Amazon rainforests must be protected by international laws.

  4. I don’t have to take my towel when I go to the gym because the club provides one.

  5. We don’t need to hurry, we still have plenty of time.

  6. You should take a map not to get lost!

  7. You ought to lend money only to those you trust.

  8. The light is off, I can’t read what is written here.

Задание 5. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. When she retires she wants to return to her home ___.

A town B city C house

2. We sampled all the local ____ when we were on holiday in Hungary.

A dishes B meals C kitchen

3. You don’t know him as I do. He is well-bred and ____ to deal with.

A rude B pleasant C greedy

4. Local actors provided many live ____ while we were eating.

A amusement B entertainments C performances

5. A ____ of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

A trip B journey C travel

6. I do my shopping at the Central ___ store.

A shopping B department C market

7. When her father dies, she is going to ____ a lot of money.

A inherit B save C earn

8. I’m paid badly. My ___ is $500 a month.

A change B salary C cheque

9.The Prime Minister said that the government will continue to ____ in education.

A invest B raise C pay

10.My sister occupies an important ___ in the Department of Health.

A position B job C occupation
Задание 6. Заполните пропуски фрагментами и переведите полученный текст.


If it is your birthday soon, then at least one person will probably congratulate you with a song. Many different birthday songs are sung around the world but Happy Birthday to You is one of the most popular and 1_____ in the English language. It has been translated into several other languages and it was also the first song 2_____ - by the Apollo 9 crew in March 1969.

Strangely, it is a copyrighted song. The music for the song was written by two schoolteachers in the US, sisters Patty and Mildred Hill in 1893. They had originally written a song called Good Morning to All 3_____ at the beginning of the day. However, the words “happy birthday to you” 4_____ and the song became known as ‘the birthday song’. The story would have ended there if Jessica Hill, Patty and Mildred’s sister, 5_____: in 1935, she won copyright of the song. Today the copyright is owned by an American media company and will expire in 2030.
A to welcome children to class

B had not gone to court

C the most recognized songs

D that was sung in space

E later replaced the original lyrics
Задание 7. Прочитайте и переведите текст и определите, правдивыми или ложными являются утверждения.

Ready - Aim - Zap

As mobile devices are becoming more popular, there are always new apps to download. An app, short for an application, is software which is designed for a particular purpose. For example, you can download apps that help you find a taxi or a restaurant, apps to improve your photos or to make music. There are thousands to choose from, and now there is a new kind which makes use of augmented reality. This is the name for technology which mixes the digital world with the real world. Apps using this kind of technology are just catching on, thanks to a new company based in Scotland called Zappar, which recently promised to change the world with its augmented reality products.

The Zappa Company has worked with big names in publishing and entertainment. The investors of Zappar have used it with printed books, magazines and greeting cards. Once you have downloaded the free Zappar app onto your tablet or mobile phone, you can bring whatever you are looking at to life with cartoon characters or exiting video content. There are also film posters that use this technology. For example, by viewing the lead penguin on the Happy Feel Two poster with your Zappar app, you can make him dance. You can also keep him on your screen so that when you point your phone at a real place, the penguin will look as if he is really there! As well as films, the technology can help advertise products too. If you point your mobile device at a magazine ad which uses this technology and shows, for example, a trainer, you will be able to lift the trainer off the page and see it from all sides, as you would if you wanted to examine it in real life.

Perhaps the company's biggest success is in clothing. The Zappar T-shirts are already extremely popular. If you have downloaded the app, when you point your mobile at a friend wearing a Zappar T-shirt, the magic begins! The design on the T-shirt comes to life, famous cartoon characters seem to jump out of the T-shirt and start to perform! Or the wearer may appear to be playing the drums on his T-shirt! The head of the clothes department in one large UK supermarket agreed to sell the Zappar range, because, he said, it was an amazing invention which he expected to fly off the shelves.

When my son told me he had turned his friend into a zombie, I thought he was joking, but he offered to show me. He told me to look at his friend through his mobile. His friend had his own body, but a zombie's head! So I asked him how it was done and he explained that the beanie his friend was wearing was a Zaphat. It looks like an ordinary beanie hat, the kind teenagers often wear in winter. Look at it through the Zappar app, though, and a digital mask appears over the person's face. You can turn your friend into a cartoon character, a scary monster, or even put a television over his head! Because the mask moves with the hat, it looks very realistic. My son said it was so cool that everyone wanted to try on his Zaphat. He claimed it was the best kind of dressing up and announced that he would share the photos and videos on social media.

  1. Some clothes can work with Zappar app.

  2. Zappar app costs a fortune.

  3. More people are using mobile devices than before.

  4. There is no way to make someone look like a cartoon with the Zappar app.

  5. All apps use augmented reality.

  6. The Zappar app can make articles and stories more interesting.

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