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  • английский язык. Анг.язык. Контрольная работа "Иностранный язык"

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    ТипКонтрольная работа

    Контрольная работа “Иностранный язык” (англ. язык)
    Задание №1

    Заполните пропуски в тексте следующими глаголами. Глаголы необходимо использовать в правильной форме в простом настоящем времени. Present Simple (positive)

    Be / work / make / train / attend / prepare /want / believe / deal /include/ handle/ represent

    ABCLawyers is one of the leading law firms in the UK. This British firm __________ famous for its professionalism. It regularly __________ its lawyers to ensure they provide exceptional service to clients.

    Barbara Cameron and Michael Fallon are the founders of ABCLawyers, and the senior partners.They __________ with the firm’s most important clients, and __________ meetings.

    There are four main departments in the firm; they are the Corporate Department, the Finance Department, the Dispute Resolution Department, and the Employment and Labor Law Department.

    The Corporate Department is the biggest one. Employees of thisdepartment __________ legal documents required for corporate activities and transactions.

    Finance lawyers from the Finance Department are in charge of protecting clients against risks involved in financing deals.

    Five highly trained Dispute Resolution lawyers __________ for theDispute Resolution Department. Their responsibilities __________ advising clients on the law relating to disputes and on dispute resolution strategy.Theyare responsible for preparing legal documents and guiding clients through trials and hearings. Together they __________ a wonderful team.

    The fourth department is Employment and Labour Law. Employment and LabourLaw lawyers usually deal with wrongful termination and gender or disabilitydiscrimination. They also __________ wage and overtime disputes, employment contracts, and workers’ compensation issues and _________their clients in court.

    There are also lawyers who deal with family law and taxes.

    Michael thinks it is time to try new markets. He __________ to hire more lawyers and start a Property Department. Barbara __________ it is a good idea and is ready to look for graduates. Doyouwantajobinthisfirm?


    ABCLawyers is one of the leading law firms in the UK. This British firm IS famous for its professionalism. It regularly TRAINS its lawyers to ensure they provide exceptional service to clients.

    Barbara Cameron and Michael Fallon are the founders of ABCLawyers, and the senior partners. They DEAL with the firm’s most important clients, and ATTEND meetings.

    There are four main departments in the firm; they are the Corporate Department, the Finance Department, the Dispute Resolution Department, and the Employment and Labor Law Department.

    The Corporate Department is the biggest one. Employees of this department PREPARE legal documents required for corporate activities and transactions.

    Finance lawyers from the Finance Department are in charge of protecting clients against risks involved in financing deals.

    Five highly trained Dispute Resolution lawyers WORK for the Dispute Resolution Department. Their responsibilities INCLIDE advising clients on the law relating to disputes and on dispute resolution strategy. They are responsible for preparing legal documents and guiding clients through trials and hearings. Together they MAKE a wonderful team.

    The fourth department is Employment and Labour Law. Employment and Labour Law lawyers usually deal with wrongful termination and gender or disability discrimination. They also HANDLE wage and overtime disputes, employment contracts, and workers’ compensation issues and REPRESENT their clients in court.

    There are also lawyers who deal with family law and taxes.
    Michael thinks it is time to try new markets. He WANTS to hire more lawyers and start a Property Department. Barbara BELIEVE it is a good idea and is ready to look for graduates. Do you want a job in this firm?
    Задание № 2

    Соответствуют ли следующие утверждения тексту в задании № 1? Исправьте неверные утверждения.
    1. The law firm provides services for individuals only.
    2. There are five main departments in the law firm.
    3. Most employees of the firm work for the Dispute Resolution Department.
    4. This law firm can work with individuals who lost their jobs.
    5. The law firm doesn’t have plans to expand.

    1. The law firm provides services for individuals and corporations.
    2. There are four main departments in the law firm.
    3. Most employees of the firm work for the Corporate Department.
    4. This law firm can work with individuals who lost their jobs.(true)
    5. The law firm has plans to expand.
    Задание № 3

    Заполните пропуски следующими предлогами.

    As for for of with against on

    1. Helen works ___ a lawyer.

    2. Tom is responsible ___ representing clients in court.

    3. They always advise us ___ tax matters.

    4. Mary wants to work ___ a big international company.

    5. A secretary deals ___ all phone calls.

    6. Mr Smith is in charge ___ the Finance Department.

    7. His job is to protect his clients ___ financial risks.


    1. Helen works as a lawyer.
    2. Tom is responsible for representing clients in court.
    3. They always advise us on tax matters.
    4. Mary wants to work for a big international company.
    5. A secretary deals with all phone calls.
    6. Mr Smith is in charge of the Finance Department.
    7. His job is to protect his clients against financial risks.
    Задание № 4

    Измените следующие предложения так, чтобы они соответствовали Вашей работе, будьте готовы устно рассказать о своей работе на зачете/ экзамене.
    I work in security. The organization is located in the city of Irbit. Security provides security services. The organization is a branch of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia. I like my job because it pays well.
    Я работаю в охране. Организация находится в городе Ирбите. Охрана предоставляет охранные услуги. Организация является филиалом МВД России. Мне нравится моя работа, потому что она хорошо оплачивается.

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