контрольная англ рта велиева. Контрольная работа по дисциплине Иностранный язык на тему Вариант 1 Велиева Эмилия Рзаевна
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Государственное казенное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Российская таможенная академия» Кафедра английского языка КОНТРОЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА по дисциплине «Иностранный язык » на тему «Вариант 1»
Лексико-грамматическая контрольная работа № 3 по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» для студентов заочного отделения факультета таможенного дела (2 курс I семестр) Темы: 1. Smuggling. 2. Customs payments. 3. Customs clearance of cargo. Грамматическая тема: Неличные формы глагола. Вариант 1 Task I.Give the Russian equivalents of the following words. 1. to prevent the traffic of smuggling – предотвращать провоз контрабанды 2. smuggled goods – контрабандные товары 3. enter the country – въезжать в страну 4. means of conveyance - транспортные средства 5. unlawful bringing in – незаконный ввоз 6. to find guilty of smuggling - признавать виновным в контрабанде 7. to punish by a fine – наказывать штрафом 8. to take to a court – привлекать к уголовной ответственности Task II. Give the synonyms of the following words. contraband - smuggling main - common to prevent – to avert means of transport - means of conveyance unlawful - illegal bringing in - import taking out - export prohibited - forbidden Task III. Give the antonyms of the following words. main - minor to present – to conceal to enter the country – to leave the country unlawful - lawful bringing in – bringing out to misrepresent – to present false - true illegal - legal Task V. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. Одной из важнейших обязанностей таможенника является предотвращение провоза контрабанды. One of the main duties of a customs officer is to prevent the traffic of smuggling. Таможенник, должно быть, посчитал данного человека виновным в контрабанде. The customs officer must have thought this man guilty of smuggling. Если пошлина исчисляется с веса, она исчисляется с веса нетто, т.е. без учета веса упаковки. When duty is charged by weight, it is calculated of the net weight of the article excluding the weight of any container. Первостепенными функциями таможенника всегда являлись сбор доходов и защита экономических интересов страны. Revenue collection and protection of economic interests of the country have always been the principle functions of the Customs. Лицо, признанное виновным в провозе контрабанды должно быть подвергнуто штрафу или привлечено к уголовной ответственности. A person who is found guilty of smuggling must be punished by a fine or taken to court. Хранение и продажа контрабандных товаров должны быть запрещены законом. Storage and sale of smuggled goods must be prohibited by law. НДС – налог на конечную реализацию товаров и услуг. VAT (Value Added Tax) is indirect tax on the final consumption of goods and services. При проведении таможенного досмотра используются различные виды оборудования: сканеры, металлоискатели, видеокамеры на гибких штативах, камеры с дистанционным управлением, наборы зеркал и т.д. During custom examination various types of equipment are used: scanners, metal detectors, flexible fiber-scopes, remote operated cameras, mirror kits etc. Task VI.Complete the sentences. Smuggled goods can enter the country together with passengers, cargo or with the means of conveyance. Smuggling is the unlawful bringing in or taking out of the country of prohibited, restrictedor dutiable articles. There are other customs violations connected with smuggling: money laundering, commercial fraud, corruption, copyright and trademark infringements, etc. The most common objects of smuggling are: currency, drugs, jewelry, precious metals and stones, antiques, armsandammunition,exotic animals,counterfeitgoods, intellectual property, and people. Tariff is a tax levied on goods that areimported or exported across theborder of a country or a group of countries that have formed a customs union. Protective tariffs are designed toprotect domestic production from foreign competitionbyraising the price of imported goods. Revenue tariffs are designed to obtain revenue and provide a major source of income for the federal government. They are called specific duties if they are imposed according to the physical quantity of the goods (per ton, per meter, per item, etc.) Task VII. Give a summary of the article (no more than 10-12 sentences) according to the following plan.
Blood Diamonds Make War Crimes Trial Headline NewsAs the news media focus on Naomi Campbell's appearance in the witness box in a war crimes trial, attention is drawn to issues surrounding blood diamonds. The reluctant appearance of the supermodel Naomi Campbell at the war crimes trial of Charles Taylor, the former Liberian president, has brought a long-running trial to the media’s attention. Following Miss Campbell’s testimony, the actress Mia Farrow (who have appeared as a witness on 9 August 2010) provided evidence which appeared to contradict Miss Campbell’s, attracting even more interest. Naomi Campbell and Mia Farrow have been questioned not about war crimes but about whether the defendant had given Miss Campbell a gift of uncut ‘blood diamonds’. The trial itself, however, is not about diamonds but about the responsibility of Taylor for atrocities committed during the civil war which afflicted the West African state of Sierra Leone during the 1990s. Summary The title of the article under review is Blood Diamonds Make War Crimes Trial Headline News. The author of the article, its place and date of publication are not stated. The article is devoted to a war crimes trial where Naomi Campbell appeared as a witness. According to the article the supermodel was reluctant to appear in the witness box. Further it is stated that the actress Mia Farrow also appeared on a trial as a witness. It is highlighted that Miss Farrow’s evidence contradicted Miss Campbell’s. Next it is said that both women have been questioned not about war crimes but about whether Miss Campbell received a gift of uncut ‘blood diamonds’ from the defendant. In conclusion it is said that the trial is not about diamonds but about the responsibility of Taylor for atrocities committed during the civil war. To my mind this article is rather interesting and informative. |