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КЗ по англ.яз._горное дело 1 курс. Контрольные работы. Требования к выполнению контрольных работ

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IX. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на многонкциональность местоимения it:

а) личное местоимение 3-го лица ед. ч. (он, она, оно) заменяет ранее упомянутое неодушевлённое существительное;

б) указательное местоимение «это» (синоним местоимения this);

в) прямое дополнение, если itследует за сказуемым;

д) it– в составе усилительной конструкции,itisthat, who, which (обычно переводят «именно», «это как раз»).
1. Lack of valid data makes it difficult to predict further events. 2. I know it very well. 3. Nottingham is one of Britain’s typical middle size cities. It is very beautiful. 4. It was Adam Smith, a great Scotish scientist who made extraordinary (удивительный) contributions to economics. 5. It is 5 o’clock and it is very dark, because it’s winter now. 6. An important feature of such a system is that it makes updating easier. 7. Since the law made it easier to get a divorce, the number of divorces has increased.
X. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них глагол-сказуемое и определите его видо-временную форму и залог:
1. Most of the people, who have access to the Internet, use the network only for sending and receiving e-messages. 2. British geodesist, George Everest, completed the topographic survey of India, on which depended the accurate mapping of the subcontinent. 3. Computers are now an important part of everything; without them, the modern world will stop. 4. She was sitting there doing nothing. 5. The group of researchers has been analyzing the results of the experiment for a week. 6. They have set up a laboratory that designs laser systems for environmental control. 7. A lot of effort has been made to develop standards for data acquisition and processing.
XI. Задание: переведите текстEnglishastheworldlanguageустно, а подчеркнутые предложения –письменно; выполните грамматический анализ по заданиям, предложенным преподавателем.
English as a world language.

1. English is one of the major languages in the world and geographically it is the most widespread language on Earth, with 400 million speakers. In Shakespeare’s time, for example, only a few million people spoke English, and the language was not thought to be very important by the other nations of Europe, and was unknown to the rest of the world.

2. English has become a world language because of its establishment as a mother tongue outside England, in all the continents of the world. This exporting of English began in the seventeenth century, with the first settlements in North America. Above all, it is the great growth of population in the United States, assisted by massive immigration in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, that has given the English language its present standing in the world.

3. People who speak English fall into one of three groups: those who have learned it as their native language; those who have learned it as a second language in a society that is mainly bilingual; and those who are forced to use it for a practical purpose, administrative, professional or educational.

4. English is the language of business, technology, sport, and aviation. English has the largest vocabulary with approximately 500,000 words and 300,000 technical terms. One person in seven of the world’s entire population belongs to one of these three groups. Incredibly enough, 75 % of the world’s mail and 60% of the world’s telephone calls are in English.
Ex. 1. Useful English. Read, translate, learn, and use the following expressions in sentences of your own.

the most widespread; the rest of the world; a mother tongue; in all the continents of the world; growth of the population; massive immigration; the world’s entire population.
Ex. 2. Answer the following questions.

1. How many people in the world speak English? 2. Why has English become a world language? 3. What was the main reason for spreading English? 4. People who speak English fall into one of three groups, don’t they? What are these groups?

Вариант 1.2
I. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения. Определите по грамматическим признакам, какой частью речи, являются слова с окончаниемsи какую функцию это окончание выполняет, т. е. служит ли оно:

а) показателем 3-го лица ед. ч. глагола в PresentIndefinite (does);

б) признаком мн. ч. имени существительного (boys);

в)показателем притяжат. падежа имени существ. – (friends; friends’).
1. Most of my friends are students. 2. The teacher’s help is sometimes very necessary. 3. These students’ experiment was a success. 4. The British rail system was considered the world’s best and most expensive network when it was built in the last century. 5. Parliament represents the entire country. 6. Today’s organizations store and process vast amounts of data, which managers and other employees must turn into useful information. 7. Today’s sports stars can earn as much as they can on tennis court.
II. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения. Определите по грамматическим признакам, какую функцию выполняет окончание –ed, т. е. служит ли оно:

а) показателем стандартного глагола в Past Indefinite;

б) показателем Participle II от стандартного глагола в функции опредeления к существительному:

в) частью сказуемого от стандартного глагола в Passive Voice or Perfect Tense;

г) устоявшимся прилагательным.
1. The young man possessed such qualities as physical strength, youth, and determination. 2. A technology is the whole body (весь комплекс, совокупность) of methods and materials used to achieve the stated objective. 3. The first expeditions to Everest were organized jointly by the Alpine Club and the Royal Geographic Society. 4. After two terms of office wearied of politics, feeling old and tired he refused to serve a third term. 5. Besides being very involved this procedure is very costly 6. Applied research carries the findings of basic research to a point where they can be exploited to meet a specific need, while the development stage of research and development includes the steps necessary to bring a new and modified product or process into production.
Глагол ‘TO BE’


Past Indefinite

Participle II

to be

was (ед. ч.)

were (мн. ч.)


Спряжение глагола ‘to be’


























shall/will be

will be

will be

will be

shall/will be

will be

will be

III. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на многофункциональность глагола “to be”:

а) словарное значение – ‘быть кем-то’, ‘чем-то’; ‘находиться где-то’;

б) вспомогательный глагол для образования а) Passive Voice;
Continuous Tense;

в) модальное значение долженствования;

г) глагол-связка в именном составном сказуемом.

1. A standard is defined by the British Standards Institution (BSI) as ‘a published document that contains precise criteria designed to be used consistently as a rule, guide line, or definition’ 2. My friend will be a photographer. 3. The townwas destroyed by the earthquake. 4. This firmis designing a new type of TV sets. 5. The students are to be at the lecture. 6. The three weeks before mid-June, are the best for making climbing on Everest. 7. Another serious problem was the corruption among some members of the government.
Глагол ‘TO HAVE



Participle II

have (got)



1. They have (have got) five children. 2. The secretary hasn’t finished her work yet. 3. I have my TV set repaired. 4. They don’t have to devorce (разводиться). 5. They have lived in this town for 30 years. 6. I use a computer for my job, and I have to have a lot of meetings with all the other people who work with me. 7. Though the unemployed have so far been concentrated on middle and old-age groups in Japan, we now find that a growing number of youth cannot find jobs after graduation from high schools.
Глагол ‘TO DO




do (don’t)

does (doesn’t)

did (didn’t)

shall do (shan’t do)

will do (won’t do)

IV. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на многофункциональность глагола ‘to dо’:

а) словарное (смысловое) значение – «делать», «выполнять»;

б) вспомогательный глагол, формы: (do, does, did) для образования вопросительной и отрицательной форм в Present и Past Indefinite;

в) для замены смыслового глагола во избежание повторения;

г) усилительный глагол, формы: (do, does, did) перед инфинитивом смыслового глагола.

1. They didn’t have a good time. 2. I don’t like to do such exercises. 3. You do write a letter to him. 4. Did they leave for Moscow?” Yes, they did. 5. The first computers (like Colossus) did not have computer chips; they used glass tubes. 6. Because today’s computer chips are so fast, modern PCs can do amazing things.

V. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения, содержащие разные формы сравнения прилагательных; подчеркните в предложениях формы сравнения (см. Образец выполнения).
1. He often spends more money than he earns (зарабатывает). 2. The more he studies the problem, the more he likes it. 3. Your translation is better than mine. 4. Mount Everest, is the world’s highest peak. 5. This method of work is the most efficient. 6. The possibilities of this enterprise are much greater than those of this one. 7. The availability of smaller, more powerful and less expensive computing equipment made electronic data processing within the reach of small business and the home user.
VI. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на перевод личных, неопределённых и отрицательных местоимении, (см. Образец выполнения).
1. He earns some extra money teaching computer studies at a private computer school. 2. Give me something to eat, I’m very hungry. 3. Nobody will do this work better than this specialist. 4. The doctor could not consult anybody on that day. 5. No one heard anything about the expedition. 6. The book is somewhere on the shelf (полка). 7. Creative resources can now be accessed anywhere in the world.
VII. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на особенности определений, выраженных именем существительным.
1. There are many picture galleries and museums in this small town. 2. He teaches computer studies. 3. The laboratory equipment was very modern. 4. The first boat competition was organized in the 19th century. 5. The ridge (череда гор, хребет) divides the Arctic Ocean into two major basins, and it influences water circulation, and ice movement. 6. The design of an information system produces the details that state how a system will meet the requirements identified during systems analysis. 7. Data base development requires experienced personnel.
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