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Lesson i wordstudy exercise 1

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partsofthe sentences.
1. Although global trade is often

in dollars , the trading itself involves the myriad of currencies.

2. Whenever a country imports or exports

and services , there is a resulting flow of funds .

3. When a country decides to protect its

period own economy by erecting artificial trade

barriers, the result is often damaging to everyone .

4. Trade and investment is a two-way street.
Exercise 1. Readandtranslatethe collocationsandexpressionsgivenbelow.
1. foreign made videocassette recorder-видеокассеты сделанные зарубежом

2. international trade and finance- международная торговля и финанс

3. global investment- глобальная инвестиция

4. countries in question-

5. exchange rate-валютный курс

6. overall economic trends-

7. fiscal policy

8. nations money supply

9. a guessing game

10. earnings and spending habits
Exercise 1. Completethe sentences.Usethe comparativeofthe wordsinbrackets+


Example:Herproblemwasmoreseriousthanwe atfirst thought.(serious)
1. Sorry I’m late. It took me longer time to get here than I can expect.

2. She looks about 20, but in fact she’s much older than she looks.

3. Your English has improved. You speak more fluently than before.

4. Health and happiness are more important than money.

5. This exhibition is more interesting than the one we visited yesterday.

6. It’s warmer today than it was yesterday.
Exercise 2. Writeinthe correctverb:say,tell, speakortalk. Wheremorethanoneis possible,indicatebyputting alternativesinbrackets:
1. If you go to bed now I’ll tell you a story.

2. He didn’t even say he was sorry.

3. She was so worried she couldn’t even speak.

4. Who told you I was going to London?

5. I wanted to speak to him but he didn’t speak English.

6. Please don’t speak so much! We’re all feeling tired.

7. You can never say what he will do.
Exercise 3. Insertsomeof,anyof, orsomewhatasrequired:
1. Choose the ones you like! You can take any of these books away with you.

2. I don’t think his English is getting somewhat better.

3. Some of the carriages were damaged in the crash.

4. Would you like some of my cigarettes?

5. Don’t you think this is somewhat difficult?

6. No, he didn’t lose any of his assets.
Exercise 4. Supplythe articleswherenecessary.
If it is warm and sunny English people say: “We are having a wonderful weather”.

If it is cold and wet they say: “The weather is terrible, isn’t it?” As the weather changes very often, it is quite important in the lives of the British people.
Exercise 5:

Now, you should remember the order of these words in a sentence: it is


Example:Our students made this experiment successfully last week.

Howeverthisorderchangesassoonaswemeet“movementverbs”.Thentheorderis: “place-manner-time”.

Example:We went to the computing laboratory quickly after classes. Try this exercise:

1. I worked at the office hard today.

2. I’m travelling to my native village by bicycle every summer.

3. He studied at university a lot last year.

4. I drive to work every morning .

5. The friend walked home through the park this afternoon.

6. The orchestra performed at the concert magnificently last night.

7. She translated the text at the lesson quickly yesterday.

8. The engineers return to France by plane every weekend .
Lesson IV

Exercise 1. Checkthe transcriptioninadictionary,readandtranslatethe wordslisted below.


Inflow - ['ɪnfləu] – приток, поступление (капитала); syn: influx

Outflow - ['autfləu] – утечка, отлив; syn: efflux

Account - [ə'kaunt] - расчеты; счет; syn: balance sheet

Loan - [ləun] - заём, ссуда; syn: lend

Tally - ['tælɪ] – итоговое число

Motorcycle - ['məutəˌsaɪkl] – мотоцикл

Deficit - ['defɪsɪt] - дефицит; нехватка; syn: shortfall, shortage


Refer - [rɪ'fɜː] - обращаться

Move - [muːv] – двигаться

Merchandize - ['mɜːʧ(ə)ndaɪz] - продавать, торговать

Include - [ɪn'kluːd] - заключать


Visible - ['vɪzəbl] – видимый

Tangible - ['tænʤəbl] - ясный; ощутимый

Obvious - ['ɔbvɪəs] - очевидный, заметный

Excessive - [ɪk'sesɪv] - чрезвычайный, чрезмерный, неумеренный
Сurrent - ['kʌr(ə)nt] – текущий
Exercise2.a)Fixyourattentiononnegativeprefixes.Translatethe words.
employment – unemployment - безработица

profitable – unprofitable - невыгодный

include – exclude - исключать

import – export - экспорт

inflow – outflow – уход, отлив

increase – decrease - уменьшаться

visible – invisible - невидимый

legal – illegal - нелегальный

regular – irregular - неправильный

rational – irrational - нерациональный

understand – misunderstand – не понимать

place – misplace – поставить не на то место

b)Makenounsfromthe followingverbsaccordingtothe modelandtranslatethem.


Pay – payment - платеж

Invest – investment - инвестиция

Develop – development - развитие

Move – movement - движение

Govern – government - государство

Improve – improvement - улучшение

Just like any business, a country has to keep track of its inflow and outflow of goods, services, and payments. At the end of any given period, each country has to look at its "bottom line" and add up its international trade and investments in one way or another.

The narrowest measure of a country's trade, the merchandise trade balance, looks only at "visible" goods such as videocassette recorders, wine, and motorcycles. Trade invisible goods is commonly referred to as the trade balance even though it includes only those tangible goods that can actually be loaded on a ship, airplane, or whatever other means of transport to move goods from one country to another.

The current account is a better measure of trade, because it includes a country's exports and imports of services, in addition to its visible trade. It may not be obvious, but many countries make a lot of money exporting "invisibles" such as banking, accounting, and tourism. A tourist abroad, for example, "buys" hotel and restaurant services in the same way as a consumer at home would buy an imported appliance. Movies and banking services have to be paid for just like rice.

The current account tells us which countries have been profitable traders, running a current account surplus with money in the bank at the end of the year, and which countries have been unprofitable traders, having imported more than they've exported, running a current account deficit, or spending more than they've earned.

Trade deficits and surpluses are balanced by payments that make up the difference. A country with a current account surplus, for example, can use the extra money to invest abroad, or it can put it in its cookie jar of foreign currency reserves. A country running a current account deficit has to look abroad for loans or investments, or be forced to dip into its own reserves to pay for its excessive imports. All of these payments and transfers of funds are added up in a country's capital account.

The widest measure of a country's trade is called its balance of payments. It includes not only payments abroad, but the goods, services, and all transfers of funds that cross international borders. The balance of payments adds up everything in a country's current account and capital account. Since all the trade in goods and services is "balanced" by the international transfers of funds, the balance of payments should add up to zero at the end of the accounting period. Every banana, every automobile, every investment and payment that crosses a country's borders gets included in this final tally of international trade and investment—the balance of payments.

Что такое торговый избыток и дефицит?
Так же, как и любой бизнес, страна должна отслеживать его приток и отток товаров, услуг и платежей. В конце любого периода, каждая страна должна посмотреть на "нижнюю линию" и добавить свою международную торговлю и инвестицию в той или другой.

Узкая мера торговли страны, сальдо торгового баланса товаров, смотрит только на "видимые" товары, такие, как видеомагнитофоны, вино и мотоциклы. Торговля невидимых товаров обычно называют торговым балансом, хотя она включает только те материальные ценности, которые на самом деле могут быть загружены на корабле, самолете, или какими бы то ни другими средствами транспорта для перемещения товаров из одной страны в другую.

Текущий счет – лучше меры торговли, потому что он включает в себя экспорт и импорт услуг стран, в дополнение к своей видимой торговли. Оно не может быть очевидным, но многие страны делают много денег, экспортируя "невидимые", такие как банковское дело, бухгалтерский учет, и туризма. Туристический за рубежом, например, "покупает" Услуги гостиниц и ресторанов таким же образом, как потребитель у себя дома будет купить импортный прибор. Фильмы и банковские услуги должны быть оплачены как мешки риса.

Текущий счет говорит нам, какие страны были прибыльными торговцами, положительное сальдо текущего счета с деньгами в банке в конце года, и какие страны были убыточные торговцами, будучи импортируя больше, чем на экспорт, работает текущий счет дефицит, или тратить больше, чем они заработали.

Торговые дефициты и излишки уравновешивается платежами, которые составляют разницу. Страна с профицитом текущего счета, например, может использовать дополнительные деньги, чтобы инвестировать за рубежом, или это может поставить его в хранилище валютных резервов. Страна испытывающая дефицит текущего счета, должна выглядеть за рубежом кредитов или инвестиций, или будут вынуждены окунуться в собственные резервы, чтобы заплатить за чрезмерный импорт. Все эти платежи и переводы средств суммируются в счете столицы страны.

Широкую торговлю страны называют его платежный баланс. Она включает в себя не только платежи за рубежом, но товары, услуги и все переводы средств, которые пересекают международные границы. Платежный баланс сводится все в текущий счет и счета капитала страны. Поскольку все торговли товарами и услугами является "сбалансированным" международными перевода средств, платежный баланс следует добавить до нуля в конце отчетного периода. Каждый банан, каждый автомобиль, каждая инвестиция и оплата, которая пересекает границы страны, получает, включены в этот окончательный подсчет международной торговли и инвестиций в платежном балансе.

Exercise 1. Completethe sentencesaccordingthe informationinthe text.
1. A country has to keep track of its inflow and outflow of goods, services, etc.

2. The current account is a better measure of trade.

3. The current account tells us which countries have been profitable traders

4. Trade deficits and surpluses are balanced by payments that make up the difference.

Exercise 2. Translateandrememberthe meaningofthe termsthatyouhavefoundin firstfivechapters.
Buyer is someone who buys something necessary or not.

Client is someone who uses the services of a professional person or organization.

Customer is a person who buys goods or services.

Goods are articles produced to be sold.

Shop is a place for the sale of goods and services inside.

Surplus is a quantity or amount left over in excess of what is required.

Trade is the process of buying and selling of goods and services.

Trademark is the name or another symbol used by a manufacturer to distinguish his or her products from those of competitors.


Покупатель, кто покупает что-то нужное или нет.

Клиент, кто пользуется услугами профессионального человека или организации.

Покупатель – человек, который покупает товары или услуги.

Товары, произведенные изделия будут проданы.

Магазин место для продажи товаров и услуг внутри.

Избыток количестве оставшихся сверх того, что требуется.

Торговля процесс покупки и продажи товаров и услуг.

Товарный знак является имя или другой символ, используемый производителем, чтобы отличить свои продукты от конкурентов.
Exercise 3. Choosethe correcttermaccordingtodefinition.
1. It may be either a partnership, association or joint stock.

a) company

2. The condition of a person who although capable of working, is yet unable to find suitable employment.

c) unemployment

3. Money which is earned by working.

c) earnings

4. An institution offering services, such as safekeeping and lending money at interest.

b) bank

5. The market consisting of the country where a company is based and no other countries.

a) domestic market

Exercise 1. PointoutEnglishequivalenttothe Russianeconomictermorcollocation.

1. inflow of money – приток денег

2. tally of goods – группа товаров

3. loan – заём

4. currency reserve – валютный резерв

5. payment – платеж

6. bank account – банковский счет

7. surplus – избыток

8. profitable trader – торговец, получивший прибыль
Exercise 1. Readandwrite the followingfiguresinfull.

a) 35 – thirty five; 700 – seven hundred; forty thousand nine hundred thirty one

b) nineteen fifty four; from nineteen fifty four till nineteen sixty

c) one fourths; three sevenths; five in degree minus ten

d) ninety percent; 1 centimeter; one hundred forty km/h
Exercise 2.Inserteitherorneitherinthe followingsentences:
1. There were a lot of trees on neither side of the road.

2. He wasn’t elected either.

3. Neither speech was very good.

4. The officer didn’t like politicians either did the businessman.

5. Neither the miner nor the engineer had a chance of winning.

6. Neither of these parties is very good.

7. He didn’t make his speech either did his friend.

Exercise 4. Chooseanduse(many,much).
1. There is much furniture in my sitting-room but there are not many things in my bedroom.

2. We sell much equipment to different countries of the world. Many foreign companies are interested in buying our machines.

3. We have received much information on the Model AB pump from the Sellers lately.

4. There are always many dishes on the menu at the Metropol restaurant.

Exercise 5. Confirmthe expressionusingTag-questions.
1. It isn’t foggy now, is it?

2. He plays very well, doesn’t he?

3. Yesterday he forgot to send a Christmas present, didn’t he?

4. They don’t come here every day, do they?

5. There are too many visitors to the exhibition today, are not they?

6. You were not ready to continue this work, were you?

Lesson V


Exercise 1. Checkthe translationinadictionary,readandtranslatethe wordslisted below.


Canada - ['kænədə]- Канада

Australia - [ɔs'treɪlɪə]- Австралия

Bohemia - [bə(u)'hiːmɪə]- Богемия

Egypt - ['iːʤɪpt]- Египет

Lebanon - ['lebənən]- Ливан

Turkey - ['tɜːkɪ] -Турция

Denmark -['denmɑːk]- Дания

Norway - ['nɔːweɪ]- Норвегия

Sweden - ['swiːd(ə)n]- Швеция

Switzerland - ['swɪts(ə)lənd]- Швейцария

Belgium - ['belʤəm]- Бельгия

Kuwait - [kuː'weɪt]- Кувейт

Indonesia- [ˌɪndəu'niːʒə ], [-'niːzɪə]- Индонезия


Currency- ['kʌr(ə)n(t)sɪ]- валюта

Pound - [paund]- фунт

Weight- [weɪt]- вес; масса

Pawn - [pɔːn]- пешка

Sterling- ['stɜːlɪŋ] фунты стерлингов

Crown- [kraun]- корона; престол;


Refer- [rɪ'fɜː]- направлять

Pledge- [pleʤ]- залог; заклад

Derive- [dɪ'raɪv]- получать,

Bore- [bɔː]- скучный человек

Consider - [kən'sɪdə]- рассматривать

Major- ['meɪʤə]- более важный

Precious- ['preʃəs]- драгоценный; большой ценности

Certain- ['sɜːt(ə)n]- точный, определённый

royal- ['rɔɪəl]- царский

ancient - ['eɪn(t)ʃ(ə)nt]- древний
Exercise 2. Makenounsfromthe followingverbsaccordingtothe modelsandtranslate them.

Meaning - ['miːnɪŋ]- значение; смысл

Determining - [dɪ'tɜːmɪnɪŋ]- определение

Deriving- [dɪ'raɪv]- получать, извлекать

Changing- [ʧeɪnʤ]- менять, изменять

Spending- [spend]- расходы

Borrowing- ['bɔrəuɪŋ]- одалживание, заимствование

Training - ['treɪnɪŋ]- Учебный

Beginning- [bɪ'gɪnɪŋ]- начало

Building - ['bɪldɪŋ]- здание, постройка


Description- [dɪ'skrɪpʃ(ə)n]- составление описания

Indication - [ˌɪndɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n]- указание

Production - [prə'dʌkʃ(ə)n]- производство

Substitution - [ˌsʌbstɪ'tjuːʃ(ə)n]- замена, замещение
Exercise 1.

Whichofthe statementsis nottrue?
In Turkey the currency is called “peso”.

b)Whichofthe followingis true?

1. The currency “franc” wasn’t used in Switzerland.

2. In Italy the currency was called “lira” based on the Latin “libra” meaning “pound”.

3. The former German mark” and the Finnish markka” derive their names from different words.
Exercise 1. MatchRussianandEnglishequivalents.
1. to mint – чеканить монеты

2. to refer- относиться (к…)

3. to replace - замещать

4. to determine - определять

5. to indicate- указывать

6. to pledge - сдавать в залог

7. to derive -извлекать, получать
Lesson VI
Exercise 1. Checkthe translationinadictionary,readandtranslatethe wordslisted below.

Copenhagen- [ˌkəup(ə)n'heɪg(ə)n]- Копенгаген

Hong Kong - [ˌhɔŋ'kɔŋ]- Гонконг

San Francisco- [ˌsænfræn'sɪskəu]- Сан-Франциско (город в США, штат Калифорния)

Buenos Aires - [ˌbwenəs'aɪ(ə)rɪz]- Буэнос-Айрес


Value- ['væljuː]- ценность

Exchange- [ɪks'ʧeɪnʤ ]- обмен; бартер (о товарах)

Percentage - [pə'sentɪʤ]-процент; процентное отношение

Law - [lɔː]- закон

Turmoil- ['tɜːmɔɪl]- шум, суматоха

Refuge - ['refjuːʤ]- убежище; прибежище


increase - ['ɪnkriːs] - рост

spread - [spred ]- распространение

supply - [sə'plaɪ] - поставка

threaten- ['θret(ə)n]- грозить

preserve - [prɪ'zɜːv]- варенье


Financial - [faɪ'nænʃ(ə)l]- финансовый

Global - ['gləub(ə)l]- всемирный

slight - [slaɪt]- неуважение

indecisive - [ˌɪndɪ'saɪsɪv] - неокончательный

particular - [pə'tɪkjələ]- редкий
Exercise 2. Makeverbsfromthe following
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