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Все уроки Бонк. Lesson one we learn foreign languages

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I got up earlier than usual yesterday, as I had to go to the airport to meet my old friend Boris Petrov. We went to school together, then we went to the same col­lege in Moscow, but now we live in different parts of the Soviet Union. Boris lives and works in the North of our country, in Verkhoyansk, and I live by the sea in Sukhumi. I wrote to him a few months ago to invite him to my place for a holiday. Soon I got an answer. He thanked me heartily for the invitation and asked me to meet him at the airport on the 20th of April.

"I hope you won't mind if I bring my wife and my son with me," he wrote.

When I went out, it was very warm, though it was early morning. The air was fresh, the sky was blue, and the sun was shining. In Sukhumi it's usually very fine in April. It doesn't often rain and it's not very hot yet. I like Sukhumi at this time of year best of all.

I took a taxi and started for the airport. "I'm afraid I may be late," I said to the driver and asked him to go faster. We reached the airport in time: the plane was just landing. It was only half past six in the morning, but it was as warm as in the afternoon.

The passengers were getting out of the plane. I went up to the plane and saw a group of people who looked very funny in this warm weather: all of them had warm winter clothes on.

"Hallo, glad to see you," I said, when I recognized Boris in the group.

"Hallo, old man, this is my wife and my son," Boris said.

"Pleased to meet you. I hope you had a good journey," I said. "Aren't you dressed a bit too warmly? It's not so cold here as in Verkhoyansk, is it?"

"I think it's just a little warmer," Boris agreed and laughed, "but when we left home, it was snowing hard and we weren't at all hot. D'you know how cold it was there that day? You won't believe it: almost 35° below zero, let alone the biting winds."

"Ah, well, take off your coats, and let's hurry home. The taxi's waiting. It won't take us long. I'm sure you'll like it here."


Than usual

As usual

(a) part

to take part in smth.

to invite

an invitation

to mind

Would you mind (doing smth.)?


in the open air (out-of-doors)

to travel by air


the sky

to shine (shone, shone)


to rain


to start


a driver

to drive (drove, driven)

a plane

by plane

to land

an airport

(the) same

all the same

a passenger

to get out of ( = to get off)

to get on (into)

a group


to have smth. on

to put on smth.


to agree (with)

to laugh (at)


to snow

to believe


let alone

to take off

to be sure

a heart


a season

to go boating

to enjoy

Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя ак­тивную лексику урока

1. Вы поедете в аэропорт встречать Николая? — Конечно. Я так (so) рад, что он снова будет в Москве.— Вы учи­лись в одном институте?—Да, и к тому же (кроме того) мы работали на одном заводе в 1981 году. 2. Вы при­гласили профессора Иванова?—Да, он сказал, что будет в половине седьмого. 3. Вчера была довольно плохая погода, и мы не пошли в лес. 4. Вчера шел дождь за городом?—Нет.—Странно, а в Москве шел очень силь­ный дождь. 5. Сегодня очень тепло на улице. Вы не воз­ражаете, если я открою окно? 6. Теперь я встаю раньше, чем обычно, потому что мне приходится готовить завтрак для отца и братьев. 7. У вас есть свежие газеты? 8. Сегодня такая же плохая погода, как и вчера. Солнце не светит, довольно холодно и может пойти снег. 9. Если мы по­едем на вокзал на трамвае, мы опоздаем. Давайте возь­мем такси, хорошо? 10. Расскажите, пожалуйста, детям какой-нибудь смешной рассказ. Им больше всего нравятся смешные рассказы. 11. Где вы купили эти часы?—В центральном универсальном магазине.—Дорогие?—Я заплатила за них тридцать пять рублей.—Очень красивые часы. Мне они больше нравятся, чем мои. 12. Февраль здесь самый снежный и холодный месяц года. 13. Это пальто теплее, чем мое старое, и я надену его. Сегодня на улице довольно холодно. 14. Вы закончили работу?—Нет, я сде­лал только часть ее. 15. Лето жарче в Москве или в Ленин­граде?—Конечно, лето в Ленинграде не такое жаркое, как в Москве. 16. Многие студенты нашей группы упорно занимаются английским языком.

The U. K. (short for the United Kingdom of Great. Britain and Northern Ireland) is situated on two large islands called the British Isles. The larger island is Great Britain, which consists of three parts: England, Scotland and Wales, and the smaller is Ireland. Southern Ireland, now called Eire or the Irish Republic, is independent of the U. K.

The country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea and the Irish Sea, which is between Great Britain and Ireland.

If you travel to England from the Soviet Union, it will take you two days to pass through several countries on the Continent by train, and six more hours to cross the English Channel by boat. You can also fly there, and then the journey will only take you three and a half hours.

There are mountain chains in Scotland, Wales and North-West England, but they are not very high. North-West England is also famous for its beautiful lakes.

The longest river in England is the Severn, and the deepest is the Thames, on which stands the capital of Eng-land, London.

The U. K. is a highly-developed industrial country. She exports machinery, vessels, motors and other goods. One of her main industries is the textile industry and a lot of British textiles are exported. The U. K. buys more goods than she sells because she has to import food products and raw materials from many countries of the world including the Soviet Union.

an island

to call

What d'you call ...?

to consist of

to wash

an ocean


to travel (about)

to travel on business (for pleasure)

to pass through

a continent

by train

to cross

to fly (flew, flown)

to fly over

to fly across

a mountain

a mountain chain

to be famous for smth. (smb.)

a lake




Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. В Советском Союзе много больших рек: Волга, Днепр, Лена и другие. 2. Днепр уже Лены. Но это самая широкая и самая красивая река на Украине. 3. Каждый год я проводил отпуск в Крыму, но на будущий год я поеду в дом отдыха на Волге. 4. Муж моей сестры не ездит летом на Кавказ, там слишком жарко для него. Он любит отдыхать на Балтийском море. 5. На будущий год наши студенты поедут на Урал. 6. Где больше рек: В западной части Советского Союза или в восточной части? 7. На севере нашей страны лесов больше, чем на юге. 8 Когда мы путешествовали в горах в прошлом году, мы встретили там человека, которому было более (over) ста лет! 9. Это место славится прекрасными озерами и свежим горным воздухом. 10. Вы полетите туда самолетом или поедете поездом?—Я поеду поездом, хотя это и займет у меня несколько дней. Я плохо себя чувствую в самолете (когда я лечу самолетом). 11. Когда мы путешествовали по Сибири в прошлом году, мы провели в Новосибирске несколько дней. Это один из лучших городов Сибири.


Charles Dickens, one of the greatest and most popular English novelists, was born on the 7th of February, 1812, in a small English town. He was a weak child and did not like to take part in noisy and active games. The little boy was very clever and learnt to read at an early age. He read a lot of books in his childhood. When he was about six, someone took him to the theatre for the first time. He saw a play by Shakespeare and liked it so much that he decided to write a play of his own. When it was ready, he performed it with some of his friends. Everybody enjoyed the performance, and the little writer felt very happy.

When Dickens was nine years old, the family moved to London where they lived in an old house in the suburbs.

They had a very hard life. There were several younger children in the family besides Charles. The future writer could not even go to school, because at that time his father was in the Marshalsea Debtors' Prison. There was nobody in London to whom Mr Dickens could go for money, and his wife with all the children except Charles went to join him in the prison. The family lived there until Mr Dickens could pay his debts. Those were the most unhappy days of all Charles' life. The boy worked from early morning till late at night to help his family.

Charles was only able to start going to school when he was nearly twelve, and his father was out of prison. He very much wanted to study, but he did not finish his schooling. After two years of school he began working again. He had to work hard to earn his living, and tried very many trades, but he did not like any of them. His ambition was to study and become a well-educated man. At the age of fifteen he often went to the famous library of the British Museum. He spent a lot of time in the library reading-room. He read and studied there and in this way he got an education.

Later Dickens described his childhood and youth in some of his famous novels, among them "Little Dorrit" and "David Copperfield."

The great writer died more than a hundred years ago (in 1870), but everybody still enjoys reading his books.



to be popular (with)

to make a noise

a game


to be clever (good) at smth.

at an early age

at the age of

a play


to perform

a performance

to move


to go to smb. for smth.



a novelist



a debt


to earn one's living



a way

in this way

on one's way

by the way

an education

to describe

a description

a novel


to die (died, died)

Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя актив­ную лексику урока.
1. «А теперь кто-нибудь из вас расскажет нам о дет­стве великого русского писателя Горького»,—сказала учительница. 2. В саду было много детей. Они играли в какую-то шумную игру и смеялись. 3. Если здесь будет шумно, вы можете работать в моей комнате, там никого не будет. Через несколько минут я ухожу в институт. 4. В раннем детстве я жил в деревне. Позд­нее мы переехали в маленький город на Кавказе, где я прожил более десяти лет. 5. Отцу моего приятеля около семидесяти лет, но он все еще работает и говорит, что получает большое удовольствие от своей работы. 6. Кто-нибудь еще пойдет в музей? 7. Когда вы переехали в Москву?—Примерно лет десять тому назад. 8. Если вы посмотрите новую пьесу, вы получите большое удо­вольствие от нее. Все говорят, что это одна из лучших' пьес в нашем театре. 9. Вам понравился вчера фильм?— Нет. Никому из наших студентов этот фильм не понра­вился. 10. Вчера я встал позднее, чем обычно, и чуть не опоздал на урок. 11. Я не могу сейчас пойти с вами в магазин. Я сделаю покупки по пути домой. 12. В ка­ком романе Лев Толстой описал свое детство? Какой роман Толстого самый популярный? 13. Жаль, что вы не можете дать мне их адреса. Но если вы опишете мне их дом (cottage), я, наверное, смогу его найти. 14. Как только я прочитаю этот роман, я смогу дать его вам, если хотите.
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