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  • British Book Centre

  • Alice” an interactive quest

  • English Embankment

  • The Red Telephone Box

  • Steak-House Liverpool Music-bar

  • Place Drebber’s murder or Princess Saltykova’s residence

  • Residence of Grand Duke Boris Vladimirovich of Russia

  • Методическая разработка «Экскурсия по английским местам в Санкт-Петербурге». Методическая разработка Экскурсия по английским местам в СанктПетербурге

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    Методическая разработка

    «Экскурсия по английским местам в Санкт-Петербурге»

    «Многие мечтают совершить путешествие к берегам Туманного Альбиона, но нет ни денег, ни времени, тогда я вам предлагаю отправиться на прогулку по английским местам города на Неве». Такой исследовательский проект можно предложить ученикам 5 – 8 класса на уроках английского языка во время изучения темы «Великобритания». И это оказывается весьма увлекательным заданием. Учащиеся сами подбирают материал в книгах и интернете и переводят на английский язык. Проект можно выполнять как самостоятельно, так и в паре. При подготовке проекта решаются т учебные задачи, такие как развитие навыков монологической речи, перевода, создание презентаций и воспитательные задачи: умение выступать публично, работать в коллективе, развитие интереса и любви к своему краю.
    If you dream about travelling to England, but you have no money, no time, then we offer you to visit English places in Saint-Petersburg. You can take a picture at a red telephone box, enjoy a cup of afternoon tea, meet Carroll’s Alice or buy a couple of good English books and you can do all this without leaving St. Petersburg.

    British Book Centre

    British Book Center is one of few places in St. Petersburg where you can find and loan the book, school books, periodicals, audio and movies in English. Here you can read a book in original and discuss, watch movies and listen to the record, read in a comfortable orange chair, surf the Internet and even play the piano. By the way, you can learn English here.

    Alice” an interactive quest

    "Alice" is escape room quest based on Lewis Carroll's great book. Here you can feel like Alice fell into a rabbit hole and got into a wonderland. Visitors expect spatial distortion, typical English comfort (уют), the case investigation of the Mad Hatter and other interesting things

    English Embankment

    The embankment has changed a lot of names. In the 19th century it became the English Embankment because the British merchants began to settle here, and there appeared many houses belonging to the British. Waterfront district was some kind of British colony, there was the English Church (house № 56), a popular English club, located near the English theater.

    The Red Telephone Box

    The Red telephone box which is everywhere in quiet London streets may even compete with the popularity of Big Ben, once located in the heart of St. Petersburg on Kazanskaya Street. This attraction was very popular among the residents of the city: everyday people took photos here or studied it with great interest. However, the Box has been removed from there. But there is no reason for sorrow the Box is back in city. Now it is located near the Museum of Telephone History (Shpalernaya Street, 60) and you can go there on weekdays.

    Steak-House Liverpool Music-bar

    Bar is dedicated to one of the most famous British bands the Beatles. There are pictures, records, and even a real drumstick of Ringo Starr on the walls. In the evenings there is live music, here are not only songs of the Beatles, but also songs by other artists in the style of rock, country, rockabilly. The menu also reminds us about the famous group, for example onion rings with spicy sauce «Ringo Starr's» and pickles «Back in the USSR».

    Place Drebber’s murder or Princess Saltykova’s residence

    Nowadays it is hard to recognize the residence of Princess Saltykova. The house was renovated and now it looks as new, but still a lot has changed. In 1982 right in front of the house Chyornaya Rechka metro station was opened, and the park that surrounded the territory of the garden was cut down. It is hard to imagine, but at the time this busy street was the location for filming scenes of the abandoned house where Hope killed Drebber according to the plot.

    Residence of Grand Duke Boris Vladimirovich of Russia

    Two British architects, Sherborn and Scott, designed the residence (a complex of cottages). It contains a residential house, cartwright, stable and so-called tea house for close friends that, unfortunately, has not remained to the present day. The single house of Boris Vladimirovich was entirely built out of imported bricks, rare wood, tiles and reflected the state of cottage building at the time.

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