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Методические рекомендации для студентов ii курса по теме Медицинское обcлуживание в Великобритании

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II курса по теме «Медицинское обcлуживание в Великобритании»

Составитель: С.Н. Гриценко

Благовещенск 2014


1. ВВЕДЕНИЕ……………………………………………………………………………...4

2. ЗАНЯТИЕ 1 ………………………………………………………………………..........5

3. ЗАНЯТИЕ 2…………………………………………………………………….…….10

4. ЛИТЕРАТУРА………………………………………………………………………..19

5. ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ………………………………………………………………………20


Тема "HealthServiceinGreatBritain" знакомит студентов с системой медицинскогообслуживания в Великобритании. На аудиторных занятиях лексико-грамматический материал щтрабатывается и закрепляется в основном на новых упражнениях и текстах, построенных на пройденном лексическом и грамматическом материале.

Активная лексика даётся прямым переводом до работы с новым текстом или её значение раскрывается в контексте. Содержание текстов соответствует теме с соблюдением принципа нарастания трудностей и повторяемости лексики.

Изучающее чтение отрабатывается на материале текста "HealthServiceinGreatBritain”. Содержание текста соответствует данному виду чтения. Материалсвязан с профессиональным интересом студентов, что развивает мотивацию ковладению иностранным языком.В процессе чтения студенты ищут английские эквиваленты, отрабатывают их, азатем передают краткое содержание, используя эти лексические единицы.

Занятия развивают навыки изучающего чтения, учат поиску необходимых сведений впрочитанном, способствуют расширению профессионального словаря. Студенты

отрабатывают навыки монологического и диалогического высказывания. Изучение темы

способствует развитию мыслительных операций, а именно анализу, синтезу и

классификации. Тексты темы являются фабульными, познавательными и имеют воспитательное значение. Они расширяет профессиональный кругозор и компетенцию; воспитываетответственное отношение к учёбе.

Health Service in Great Britain

Занятие №1

  1. Pre-text assignments

  1. What do you know about Health Service in Great Britain? Is it much different from ours?

Word Study

1. Listen and repeat after the teacher the following words.

Parliament, finance, emergency, comprehensive, practitioner, invaluable.

2. Read and remember the following word combinations. Translate sentences with them.

  1. To pass an act through Parliament- утвердитьзаконопроектвпарламенте.

The National Health Service Act was passed through Parliament in 1946.

  1. To receive the Royal Assent-получитьодобрениеКоролевы.

The National Health Service Act received the Royal Assent in 1948.

  1. TheUnitedKingdom = theU.K. Соединённое Королевство Великобритании.

The United Kingdom unites England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

  1. Listen, read and translate the following words. Define their part of speech.

  1. administer, administration, administrative;

  2. to provide, provision, provisional;

  3. to satisfy, satisfaction, satisfactory;

  4. to specialize, specialization, specialist, specialty;

  5. to consult, consultation, consultant.

  1. Define verbs the given nouns were derived from and translate them.

Service, introduction, contribution, treatment, payment, prescription, appointment,reception,consultation, discussion.

Active Words and Word Combinations

NationalHealthService, theNHS система здравоохранения в Великобритании

spectacles очки

to prefer предпочитать

GP, general practitioner врачобщейпрактики

toapplyкасаться,относиться, быть применимым

whether they want зд. хотятлиони

inconvenient неудобный, безудобств

full range ( of medical service) полныйспектр


therapeutic лечебный

drugлекарство, лекарственный препарат

dentalcareстоматологическая помощь

unifiedcomprehensivehealth единая система оказания всесторонней медицинской помощи

administrativeandmedicalrecords система управления и медицинской регистрации

tohaveaccessиметь доступ

appointmentзд. назначение, предварительная договорённость

byappointmentпо предварительной записи, договорённости

  1. Read and translate the text.

Health Service in Great Britain

A delegation of Russian doctors went to Great Britain on a return visit. They were met by the British doctors who had been the guests of the Russian Medical Workers’ Union last year. The Russian doctors visited the Health Centre in Hampshire and some hospitals in London, Liverpool and Aberdeen. Now they are having a talk with their British colleagues on the health care system in Great Britain.

Dr. Sharova, head of the Russian delegation: Dear colleagues. During our stay in Great Britain we visited many medical institutions. The doctors kindly acquainted us with their work. We were told that the National Health Service Act was passed through Parliament in 1946 and in 1948 received the Royal Assent and was brought into operation. And what about Scotland and Ireland?

Dr. McDonald: Similar services operate in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Further administrative changes were introduced by a number of other Health Service Acts.

Dr. Kelly: I’d like to say that most medical treatment in our country is free, but charges are made for drugs, spectacles and dental care. Free emergency medical treatment is given to any visitor from abroad who becomes ill when staying in our country. But those who come to England specifically for treatment must pay for it.

Dr. Nikitina:The National Health Service provides free medical care both in hospital and in the out-patient clinic. So you have no private patients in Great Britain, have you?

Dr. Sharland:Not quite so. People may use the NHS or they may go to doctors as private patients. In big cities there are some private hospitals which people may use. Many people who have enough money still prefer to be private patients because they think that they can in that way establish a closer relationship with the doctor or because they do not want to be put in a large room with other patients.

Dr. McDonald:I’d like to add that a patient in our country can choose between NHS or private treatment at any time. Moreover he can take some of his medical care through the HNS, and some privately. If a patient is dissatisfied with his HNS family doctor or dentist, he may change to another one. In fact, 97 per cent of the population use the HNS.

Dr. Kruglov: What is the role of the family doctor in the Health Service system?

Dr. Kelly: The role of a family doctor (General Practitioner) is very important. Not all patients need highly specialized attention and the GP does invaluable work by filtering off 90 per cent or so of the total medical work.

Dr. Sharova: You told us that if a patient is dissatisfied with his family doctor he may change to another one. And what about the doctors? Does this freedom of choice apply to them?

Dr. McDonald:Yes. This freedom of choice applies to doctors and dentists too. They can choose whether they want to join the HNS or not, and whether they will have NHS patients or private ones. In fact, the majority work in the NHS.

Dr. Kruglov:We visited St. Thomas’s and St. Bartholomew’s Hospitals in London and noticed that they are small hospitals with about 200 beds. They are housed in inconvenient buildings. Can such small hospitals provide a full range of medical service?

Dr. McDonald:You see, we do have modern hospitals but half of the buildings are over 100 years old. 70 per cent of our hospitals are small, with only about 200 beds. Such hospitals are not economical and cannot provide a full range of service which requires a district hospital of 800 beds o more. Now we have more than 150 health centres in the U. K. The first Scottish health centre was opened in Edinburgh in 1953.These health centres are an integral part of a unified comprehensive health service. Health centres provide all the special diagnostic and therapeutic services which family doctors may need such as electrocardiography, X-ray, physiotherapy and good administrative and medical records systems. Family doctors work in close cooperation with the hospital doctors.Healthcentres are the basis of primary care.

Dr. Nikitina:Are there consultant services in such health cenres?

Dr. Sharland:Thereare centres which provide consultant services in general medicine and surgery, ear-nose-throat diseases, obstetrics and gynaecology, ophthalmology, psychiatry and orthopaedics. All consultations in the centre are by appointment only. The patient is given a definite time at which to attend. This is recorded on a card for him. Each doctor decides for himself how many patients he can examine in one hour. We believe that the patient is the most important person in the health centre and that we should direct all our energy towards helping him as much as possible.

Dr. Sharova: Dear colleagues, thank you ever so much for the warm reception, for this interesting discussion and for the opportunity to get acquainted with the health service system in your country.

III. Post-text assignments

Comprehension Check

1. Answer the questions using the text. Start with the following word combinations:

To begin with……

In fact…..

I’d like to say….

As it has been mentioned above….

If I caught it right….

If my memory does not fail me…

I can’t help saying….

Generally speaking….

If I am not mistaken…

As far as I know…..

I believe that….

I am sure that…

  1. When was the National Health Service Act brought into operation?

  2. Are there private patients in Great Britain?

  3. Why do many people who have enough money prefer to be private patients?

  4. What is the role of the family doctor in the National health Service System?

  5. What is the role of health centres in the health service system in Great Britain?

  6. Are there consultant services in health centres?

2. Justify the following statements. Use clichés:

Yes, I agree that… Yes, as far as I know… It is true that…Just so, exactly so…You are right that…I can’t agree more here…That’s what I think about it…Certainly… .

  1. The general practitioner services include the family doctor service, the dental service, the pharmaceutical service, and the ophthalmic service.

  2. The GPs do very important work, which consists in filtering off 90 per cent of the total medical workload.

  3. Health centres are institutions where various medical services, both preventive and curative, are brought together.

  4. The patients are the most important people in the health centre and the doctors should direct all their energy towards helping them as much as possible.

IV. Grammar Revision

  1. Cложноедополнение

1.1 Find Complex Object in the following sentences:

1.I expect my sister to be operated as soon as her temperature returns to normal. 2. The physician wanted my mother to follow a bed regimen for several days. 3. The cardiologist considered the electrocardiogram waves to have changed after the heart attack. 4. The physician supposed the intensity of the shadow in the lung to decrease after the treatment.

    1. Translate sentences with COMPLEX OBJECT into Russian:

1.We know nephron to be the histological kidney unit. 2. A great deal of experimental work showed a dilute urine to be filtered by the glomeruli and the tubules to have an absorption function. 3. The experimentalists found the decrease in body temperature to increase urinary secretion. 4. Bowman in 1842 found organic constituents to be secreted by the cells of the convoluted tubules. 5. Scientists found glomerular filtration to occur in all vertebrate kidneys.

    1. Paraphrase the sentences using COMPLEX OBJECT:

1.We know that glomeruli are absent in certain fishes. 2. Most physiologists believe that the phenomenon of urinary secretion is due to filtration of the non-colloid constituents of the plasma through the glomerulus.3. Some investigators thought that the rate of flow was a paramount factor governing renal secretion. 4. The doctor supposed that the rise of blood pressure caused increased urination. 5. Scientists consider that a balanced diet is necessary for everybody.

    1. Finish the sentences using Complex Object:

1.Ihaveneverseen… а) больному снимают электрокардиограмму. 2. Iwouldlike…а)чтобы больной прошёл курс рентгенотерапии. 3. Wedidnotexpect… а) что у этого больного будет обнаружена сердечно-сосудистая недостаточность.
1.5 Open brackets,Use Complex Object. Make all necessary changes:

  1. The X-ray examination confirmed (that the patient had) organic changes in the mitral, aortic and tricuspid valves. 2. The Physician determined (that the primary focus of infection had been eliminated) due to antibiotic therapy. 3. Physicians consider (that the loss of weight is) one of the typical signs of pulmonary tuberculosis.

    1. Use Complex Object instead of the subordinate clause. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1.At the Institute of Cardiology in Moscow the researchers have found that mental overstrain is the factor causing the infarction in 35% of patients. 2. They have observed that the direct association between infarctions and the nerves occurs only in the age-group of patients over 40. 3. At the Institute of Experimental medicine the scientists have found cholesterol is produced in the body itself in the amounts sufficient to cause atherosclerosis. 4. Cardiologists have observed that children with congenital heart defects have no clinical manifestations of the disease until years after birth, when it may be too late to operate.

V. Topic Discussion

1. Find 5 common and 5 different features between Russian and British Health Service systems. Use the following word combinations:

What we have in common is… The similar aspects are… Both in Russia and in Great Britain…

The major difference is… Unlike( the British Health Care System)… In contrast to(our country)… .

HomeWork: Activevocabulary (byheart), Appendix :Формальныепризнакипридаточногобессоюзногопредложения, формальныепризнаки «Именительныйпадежсинфинитивом» (toread).

Занятие №2

  1. Vocabulary Check


To apply

To have access

To prefer



Dental care

National Health Service

Full range

Unified comprehensive health service

General practitioner



By appointment

По предварительной записи, договорённости

Назначение, предварительная договорённость

Иметь доступ

Единая система оказания всесторонней медицинской помощи


Полный спектр

Неудобный, без удобств

Касаться, относиться, быть применимым

Врач общей практики


Стоматологическая помощь

Лекарство, лекарственный препарат


Система здравоохранения Великобритании

II. GrammarRevision

  1. Asyndetic sentences

    1. Найдите и переведите бессоюзные придаточные предложения: а) attributiveclause; б) objectclause.

1.When the man smells something he likes to eat, the gastric juice is poured out in large quantities. 2. We know vitamin B1 is widely distributed in nature occurring in most foods. 3.The cells elect e amino acids they need and use them to construct new body tissue and such vital substances as antibodies, hormones, enzymes and blood cells. 4. The food we take and the air we breathe often contain poisonous substances and pathogenic microorganisms.5. Chemical studies have shown vitamin D is exceedingly stable as regards oxidation and heating. 6. The four parts the pituitary consists of perform several functions and produce several secretions.

    1.   1   2   3   4   5

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